[Bps-public-commit] RT-Authen-Bitcard branch, rt4, created. deployed-8-gcc1604b

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Fri Mar 8 20:36:54 EST 2013

The branch, rt4 has been created
        at  cc1604bb67437676408c1e40379a288e0528277f (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 6632b3e7aa13e8640b99f81e676f71ebab355b79
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 8 14:15:39 2013 -0800

    Update build toolchain

diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index b05eb76..be2a03c 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-abstract: 'Allows RT to do authentication via a service which supports the Bitcard API'
+abstract: 'allows RT to do authentication via a service which supports the Bitcard API'
   - 'Kevin Riggle <kevinr at bestpractical.com>'
-  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.59
-  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.42
+  ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.59
 distribution_type: module
-generated_by: 'Module::Install version 0.91'
-license: GPL2
+dynamic_config: 1
+generated_by: 'Module::Install version 1.06'
+license: gpl2
   url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
   version: 1.4
@@ -22,5 +23,5 @@ requires:
   Encode: 0
   perl: 5.8.3
-  license: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php
-version: 0.04
+  license: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php
+version: 0.04_01
diff --git a/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm b/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
index dfb8ef7..aa7aa92 100644
--- a/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ package Module::AutoInstall;
 use strict;
 use Cwd                 ();
+use File::Spec          ();
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION};
-	$VERSION = '1.03';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 # special map on pre-defined feature sets
@@ -17,11 +18,14 @@ my %FeatureMap = (
 # various lexical flags
-my ( @Missing, @Existing,  %DisabledTests, $UnderCPAN,     $HasCPANPLUS );
+my ( @Missing, @Existing,  %DisabledTests, $UnderCPAN, $InstallDepsTarget, $HasCPANPLUS );
 my (
-    $Config, $CheckOnly, $SkipInstall, $AcceptDefault, $TestOnly, $AllDeps
+    $Config, $CheckOnly, $SkipInstall, $AcceptDefault, $TestOnly, $AllDeps,
+    $UpgradeDeps
-my ( $PostambleActions, $PostambleUsed );
+my ( $PostambleActions, $PostambleActionsNoTest, $PostambleActionsUpgradeDeps,
+    $PostambleActionsUpgradeDepsNoTest, $PostambleActionsListDeps,
+    $PostambleActionsListAllDeps, $PostambleUsed, $NoTest);
 # See if it's a testing or non-interactive session
 _accept_default( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} or ! -t STDIN ); 
@@ -31,6 +35,10 @@ sub _accept_default {
     $AcceptDefault = shift;
+sub _installdeps_target {
+    $InstallDepsTarget = shift;
 sub missing_modules {
     return @Missing;
@@ -63,6 +71,11 @@ sub _init {
             __PACKAGE__->install( $Config, @Missing = split( /,/, $1 ) );
             exit 0;
+	elsif ( $arg =~ /^--upgradedeps=(.*)$/ ) {
+	    $UpgradeDeps = 1;
+	    __PACKAGE__->install( $Config, @Missing = split( /,/, $1 ) );
+	    exit 0;
+	}
         elsif ( $arg =~ /^--default(?:deps)?$/ ) {
             $AcceptDefault = 1;
@@ -125,7 +138,7 @@ sub import {
     # check entirely since we don't want to have to load (and configure)
     # an old CPAN just for a cosmetic message
-    $UnderCPAN = _check_lock(1) unless $SkipInstall;
+    $UnderCPAN = _check_lock(1) unless $SkipInstall || $InstallDepsTarget;
     while ( my ( $feature, $modules ) = splice( @args, 0, 2 ) ) {
         my ( @required, @tests, @skiptests );
@@ -175,7 +188,7 @@ sub import {
             # XXX: check for conflicts and uninstalls(!) them.
-            my $cur = _load($mod);
+            my $cur = _version_of($mod);
             if (_version_cmp ($cur, $arg) >= 0)
                 print "loaded. ($cur" . ( $arg ? " >= $arg" : '' ) . ")\n";
@@ -207,6 +220,7 @@ sub import {
                 or ($mandatory and $UnderCPAN)
                 or $AllDeps
+                or $InstallDepsTarget
                 or _prompt(
                     qq{==> Auto-install the }
                       . ( @required / 2 )
@@ -237,10 +251,17 @@ sub import {
-    if ( @Missing and not( $CheckOnly or $UnderCPAN ) ) {
+    if ( @Missing and not( $CheckOnly or $UnderCPAN) ) {
         require Config;
-        print
-"*** Dependencies will be installed the next time you type '$Config::Config{make}'.\n";
+        my $make = $Config::Config{make};
+        if ($InstallDepsTarget) {
+            print
+"*** To install dependencies type '$make installdeps' or '$make installdeps_notest'.\n";
+        }
+        else {
+            print
+"*** Dependencies will be installed the next time you type '$make'.\n";
+        }
         # make an educated guess of whether we'll need root permission.
         print "    (You may need to do that as the 'root' user.)\n"
@@ -253,6 +274,8 @@ sub import {
     # import to main::
     no strict 'refs';
     *{'main::WriteMakefile'} = \&Write if caller(0) eq 'main';
+    return (@Existing, @Missing);
 sub _running_under {
@@ -269,6 +292,10 @@ END_MESSAGE
 sub _check_lock {
     return unless @Missing or @_;
+        return _running_under('cpanminus');
+    }
     my $cpan_env = $ENV{PERL5_CPAN_IS_RUNNING};
@@ -322,7 +349,7 @@ sub install {
     while ( my ( $pkg, $ver ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 ) ) {
         # grep out those already installed
-        if ( _version_cmp( _load($pkg), $ver ) >= 0 ) {
+        if ( _version_cmp( _version_of($pkg), $ver ) >= 0 ) {
             push @installed, $pkg;
         else {
@@ -330,6 +357,11 @@ sub install {
+    if ($UpgradeDeps) {
+        push @modules, @installed;
+        @installed = ();
+    }
     return @installed unless @modules;  # nothing to do
     return @installed if _check_lock(); # defer to the CPAN shell
@@ -361,7 +393,7 @@ sub install {
     # see if we have successfully installed them
     while ( my ( $pkg, $ver ) = splice( @modules, 0, 2 ) ) {
-        if ( _version_cmp( _load($pkg), $ver ) >= 0 ) {
+        if ( _version_cmp( _version_of($pkg), $ver ) >= 0 ) {
             push @installed, $pkg;
         elsif ( $args{do_once} and open( FAILED, '>> .#autoinstall.failed' ) ) {
@@ -461,6 +493,11 @@ sub _cpanplus_config {
 			} else {
 				die "*** Cannot convert option $key = '$value' to CPANPLUS version.\n";
+			push @config, 'prereqs', $value;
+		} elsif ( $key eq 'force' ) {
+		    push @config, $key, $value;
+		} elsif ( $key eq 'notest' ) {
+		    push @config, 'skiptest', $value;
 		} else {
 			die "*** Cannot convert option $key to CPANPLUS version.\n";
@@ -495,10 +532,14 @@ sub _install_cpan {
     # set additional options
     while ( my ( $opt, $arg ) = splice( @config, 0, 2 ) ) {
         ( $args{$opt} = $arg, next )
-          if $opt =~ /^force$/;    # pseudo-option
+          if $opt =~ /^(?:force|notest)$/;    # pseudo-option
         $CPAN::Config->{$opt} = $arg;
+    if ($args{notest} && (not CPAN::Shell->can('notest'))) {
+	die "Your version of CPAN is too old to support the 'notest' pragma";
+    }
     local $CPAN::Config->{prerequisites_policy} = 'follow';
     while ( my ( $pkg, $ver ) = splice( @modules, 0, 2 ) ) {
@@ -517,8 +558,16 @@ sub _install_cpan {
                 delete $INC{$inc};
-            my $rv = $args{force} ? CPAN::Shell->force( install => $pkg )
-                                  : CPAN::Shell->install($pkg);
+            my $rv = do {
+		if ($args{force}) {
+		    CPAN::Shell->force( install => $pkg )
+		} elsif ($args{notest}) {
+		    CPAN::Shell->notest( install => $pkg )
+		} else {
+		    CPAN::Shell->install($pkg)
+		}
+	    };
             $rv ||= eval {
                 $CPAN::META->instance( 'CPAN::Distribution', $obj->cpan_file, )
@@ -573,7 +622,7 @@ sub _update_to {
     my $ver   = shift;
-      if _version_cmp( _load($class), $ver ) >= 0;  # no need to upgrade
+      if _version_cmp( _version_of($class), $ver ) >= 0;  # no need to upgrade
     if (
         _prompt( "==> A newer version of $class ($ver) is required. Install?",
@@ -658,21 +707,48 @@ sub _can_write {
 # load a module and return the version it reports
 sub _load {
-    my $mod  = pop;    # class/instance doesn't matter
+    my $mod  = pop; # method/function doesn't matter
     my $file = $mod;
     $file =~ s|::|/|g;
     $file .= '.pm';
     local $@;
     return eval { require $file; $mod->VERSION } || ( $@ ? undef: 0 );
+# report version without loading a module
+sub _version_of {
+    my $mod = pop; # method/function doesn't matter
+    my $file = $mod;
+    $file =~ s|::|/|g;
+    $file .= '.pm';
+    foreach my $dir ( @INC ) {
+        next if ref $dir;
+        my $path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file);
+        next unless -e $path;
+        require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+        return ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version($path);
+    }
+    return undef;
 # Load CPAN.pm and it's configuration
 sub _load_cpan {
     return if $CPAN::VERSION and $CPAN::Config and not @_;
     require CPAN;
-    if ( $CPAN::HandleConfig::VERSION ) {
+    # CPAN-1.82+ adds CPAN::Config::AUTOLOAD to redirect to
+    #    CPAN::HandleConfig->load. CPAN reports that the redirection
+    #    is deprecated in a warning printed at the user.
+    # CPAN-1.81 expects CPAN::HandleConfig->load, does not have
+    #   $CPAN::HandleConfig::VERSION but cannot handle
+    #   CPAN::Config->load
+    # Which "versions expect CPAN::Config->load?
+    if ( $CPAN::HandleConfig::VERSION
+        || CPAN::HandleConfig->can('load')
+    ) {
         # Newer versions of CPAN have a HandleConfig module
     } else {
@@ -748,6 +824,35 @@ sub _make_args {
         : "\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)"
+    my $deps_list = join( ',', @Missing, @Existing );
+    $PostambleActionsUpgradeDeps =
+        "\$(PERL) $0 --config=$config --upgradedeps=$deps_list";
+    my $config_notest =
+      join( ',', (UNIVERSAL::isa( $Config, 'HASH' ) ? %{$Config} : @{$Config}),
+	  'notest', 1 )
+      if $Config;
+    $PostambleActionsNoTest = (
+        ($missing and not $UnderCPAN)
+        ? "\$(PERL) $0 --config=$config_notest --installdeps=$missing"
+        : "\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)"
+    );
+    $PostambleActionsUpgradeDepsNoTest =
+        "\$(PERL) $0 --config=$config_notest --upgradedeps=$deps_list";
+    $PostambleActionsListDeps =
+        '@$(PERL) -le "print for @ARGV" '
+            . join(' ', map $Missing[$_], grep $_ % 2 == 0, 0..$#Missing);
+    my @all = (@Missing, @Existing);
+    $PostambleActionsListAllDeps =
+        '@$(PERL) -le "print for @ARGV" '
+            . join(' ', map $all[$_], grep $_ % 2 == 0, 0..$#all);
     return %args;
@@ -782,11 +887,15 @@ sub Write {
 sub postamble {
     $PostambleUsed = 1;
+    my $fragment;
-    return <<"END_MAKE";
+    $fragment .= <<"AUTO_INSTALL" if !$InstallDepsTarget;
 config :: installdeps
 \t\$(NOECHO) \$(NOOP)
+    $fragment .= <<"END_MAKE";
 checkdeps ::
 \t\$(PERL) $0 --checkdeps
@@ -794,12 +903,28 @@ checkdeps ::
 installdeps ::
+installdeps_notest ::
+upgradedeps ::
+upgradedeps_notest ::
+listdeps ::
+listalldeps ::
+    return $fragment;
-#line 1056
+#line 1193
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install.pm b/inc/Module/Install.pm
index 51eda5d..4ecf46b 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install.pm
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ package Module::Install;
 use 5.005;
 use strict 'vars';
+use Cwd        ();
+use File::Find ();
+use File::Path ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION $MAIN};
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ BEGIN {
 	# This is not enforced yet, but will be some time in the next few
 	# releases once we can make sure it won't clash with custom
 	# Module::Install extensions.
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	# Storage for the pseudo-singleton
 	$MAIN    = undef;
@@ -38,18 +41,25 @@ BEGIN {
+sub import {
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self  = $class->new(@_);
+	my $who   = $self->_caller;
-# Whether or not inc::Module::Install is actually loaded, the
-# $INC{inc/Module/Install.pm} is what will still get set as long as
-# the caller loaded module this in the documented manner.
-# If not set, the caller may NOT have loaded the bundled version, and thus
-# they may not have a MI version that works with the Makefile.PL. This would
-# result in false errors or unexpected behaviour. And we don't want that.
-my $file = join( '/', 'inc', split /::/, __PACKAGE__ ) . '.pm';
-unless ( $INC{$file} ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
+	#-------------------------------------------------------------
+	# all of the following checks should be included in import(),
+	# to allow "eval 'require Module::Install; 1' to test
+	# installation of Module::Install. (RT #51267)
+	#-------------------------------------------------------------
+	# Whether or not inc::Module::Install is actually loaded, the
+	# $INC{inc/Module/Install.pm} is what will still get set as long as
+	# the caller loaded module this in the documented manner.
+	# If not set, the caller may NOT have loaded the bundled version, and thus
+	# they may not have a MI version that works with the Makefile.PL. This would
+	# result in false errors or unexpected behaviour. And we don't want that.
+	my $file = join( '/', 'inc', split /::/, __PACKAGE__ ) . '.pm';
+	unless ( $INC{$file} ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
 Please invoke ${\__PACKAGE__} with:
@@ -61,26 +71,28 @@ not:
-# If the script that is loading Module::Install is from the future,
-# then make will detect this and cause it to re-run over and over
-# again. This is bad. Rather than taking action to touch it (which
-# is unreliable on some platforms and requires write permissions)
-# for now we should catch this and refuse to run.
-if ( -f $0 ) {
-	my $s = (stat($0))[9];
-	# If the modification time is only slightly in the future,
-	# sleep briefly to remove the problem.
-	my $a = $s - time;
-	if ( $a > 0 and $a < 5 ) { sleep 5 }
-	# Too far in the future, throw an error.
-	my $t = time;
-	if ( $s > $t ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
+	# This reportedly fixes a rare Win32 UTC file time issue, but
+	# as this is a non-cross-platform XS module not in the core,
+	# we shouldn't really depend on it. See RT #24194 for detail.
+	# (Also, this module only supports Perl 5.6 and above).
+	eval "use Win32::UTCFileTime" if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $] >= 5.006;
+	# If the script that is loading Module::Install is from the future,
+	# then make will detect this and cause it to re-run over and over
+	# again. This is bad. Rather than taking action to touch it (which
+	# is unreliable on some platforms and requires write permissions)
+	# for now we should catch this and refuse to run.
+	if ( -f $0 ) {
+		my $s = (stat($0))[9];
+		# If the modification time is only slightly in the future,
+		# sleep briefly to remove the problem.
+		my $a = $s - time;
+		if ( $a > 0 and $a < 5 ) { sleep 5 }
+		# Too far in the future, throw an error.
+		my $t = time;
+		if ( $s > $t ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
 Your installer $0 has a modification time in the future ($s > $t).
@@ -89,15 +101,12 @@ This is known to create infinite loops in make.
 Please correct this, then run $0 again.
+	}
-# Build.PL was formerly supported, but no longer is due to excessive
-# difficulty in implementing every single feature twice.
-if ( $0 =~ /Build.PL$/i ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
+	# Build.PL was formerly supported, but no longer is due to excessive
+	# difficulty in implementing every single feature twice.
+	if ( $0 =~ /Build.PL$/i ) { die <<"END_DIE" }
 Module::Install no longer supports Build.PL.
@@ -107,23 +116,42 @@ Please remove all Build.PL files and only use the Makefile.PL installer.
+	#-------------------------------------------------------------
+	# To save some more typing in Module::Install installers, every...
+	# use inc::Module::Install
+	# ...also acts as an implicit use strict.
+	$^H |= strict::bits(qw(refs subs vars));
+	#-------------------------------------------------------------
+	unless ( -f $self->{file} ) {
+		foreach my $key (keys %INC) {
+			delete $INC{$key} if $key =~ /Module\/Install/;
+		}
-# To save some more typing in Module::Install installers, every...
-# use inc::Module::Install
-# ...also acts as an implicit use strict.
-$^H |= strict::bits(qw(refs subs vars));
+		local $^W;
+		require "$self->{path}/$self->{dispatch}.pm";
+		File::Path::mkpath("$self->{prefix}/$self->{author}");
+		$self->{admin} = "$self->{name}::$self->{dispatch}"->new( _top => $self );
+		$self->{admin}->init;
+		@_ = ($class, _self => $self);
+		goto &{"$self->{name}::import"};
+	}
+	local $^W;
+	*{"${who}::AUTOLOAD"} = $self->autoload;
+	$self->preload;
+	# Unregister loader and worker packages so subdirs can use them again
+	delete $INC{'inc/Module/Install.pm'};
+	delete $INC{'Module/Install.pm'};
+	# Save to the singleton
+	$MAIN = $self;
-use Cwd        ();
-use File::Find ();
-use File::Path ();
-use FindBin;
+	return 1;
 sub autoload {
 	my $self = shift;
@@ -136,7 +164,21 @@ sub autoload {
 			# Delegate back to parent dirs
 			goto &$code unless $cwd eq $pwd;
-		$$sym =~ /([^:]+)$/ or die "Cannot autoload $who - $sym";
+		unless ($$sym =~ s/([^:]+)$//) {
+			# XXX: it looks like we can't retrieve the missing function
+			# via $$sym (usually $main::AUTOLOAD) in this case.
+			# I'm still wondering if we should slurp Makefile.PL to
+			# get some context or not ...
+			my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
+			die <<"EOT";
+Unknown function is found at $file line $line.
+Execution of $file aborted due to runtime errors.
+If you're a contributor to a project, you may need to install
+some Module::Install extensions from CPAN (or other repository).
+If you're a user of a module, please contact the author.
+		}
 		my $method = $1;
 		if ( uc($method) eq $method ) {
 			# Do nothing
@@ -152,33 +194,6 @@ sub autoload {
-sub import {
-	my $class = shift;
-	my $self  = $class->new(@_);
-	my $who   = $self->_caller;
-	unless ( -f $self->{file} ) {
-		require "$self->{path}/$self->{dispatch}.pm";
-		File::Path::mkpath("$self->{prefix}/$self->{author}");
-		$self->{admin} = "$self->{name}::$self->{dispatch}"->new( _top => $self );
-		$self->{admin}->init;
-		@_ = ($class, _self => $self);
-		goto &{"$self->{name}::import"};
-	}
-	*{"${who}::AUTOLOAD"} = $self->autoload;
-	$self->preload;
-	# Unregister loader and worker packages so subdirs can use them again
-	delete $INC{"$self->{file}"};
-	delete $INC{"$self->{path}.pm"};
-	# Save to the singleton
-	$MAIN = $self;
-	return 1;
 sub preload {
 	my $self = shift;
 	unless ( $self->{extensions} ) {
@@ -204,6 +219,7 @@ sub preload {
 	my $who = $self->_caller;
 	foreach my $name ( sort keys %seen ) {
+		local $^W;
 		*{"${who}::$name"} = sub {
 			${"${who}::AUTOLOAD"} = "${who}::$name";
 			goto &{"${who}::AUTOLOAD"};
@@ -214,12 +230,18 @@ sub preload {
 sub new {
 	my ($class, %args) = @_;
+	delete $INC{'FindBin.pm'};
+	{
+		# to suppress the redefine warning
+		local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+		require FindBin;
+	}
 	# ignore the prefix on extension modules built from top level.
 	my $base_path = Cwd::abs_path($FindBin::Bin);
 	unless ( Cwd::abs_path(Cwd::cwd()) eq $base_path ) {
 		delete $args{prefix};
 	return $args{_self} if $args{_self};
 	$args{dispatch} ||= 'Admin';
@@ -272,8 +294,10 @@ END_DIE
 sub load_extensions {
 	my ($self, $path, $top) = @_;
+	my $should_reload = 0;
 	unless ( grep { ! ref $_ and lc $_ eq lc $self->{prefix} } @INC ) {
 		unshift @INC, $self->{prefix};
+		$should_reload = 1;
 	foreach my $rv ( $self->find_extensions($path) ) {
@@ -281,12 +305,13 @@ sub load_extensions {
 		next if $self->{pathnames}{$pkg};
 		local $@;
-		my $new = eval { require $file; $pkg->can('new') };
+		my $new = eval { local $^W; require $file; $pkg->can('new') };
 		unless ( $new ) {
 			warn $@ if $@;
-		$self->{pathnames}{$pkg} = delete $INC{$file};
+		$self->{pathnames}{$pkg} =
+			$should_reload ? delete $INC{$file} : $INC{$file};
 		push @{$self->{extensions}}, &{$new}($pkg, _top => $top );
@@ -348,17 +373,24 @@ sub _caller {
 	return $call;
+# Done in evals to avoid confusing Perl::MinimumVersion
+eval( $] >= 5.006 ? <<'END_NEW' : <<'END_OLD' ); die $@ if $@;
 sub _read {
 	local *FH;
-	if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-		open( FH, '<', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
-	} else {
-		open( FH, "< $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
-	}
+	open( FH, '<', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
+	my $string = do { local $/; <FH> };
+	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
+	return $string;
+sub _read {
+	local *FH;
+	open( FH, "< $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
 	my $string = do { local $/; <FH> };
 	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
 	return $string;
 sub _readperl {
 	my $string = Module::Install::_read($_[0]);
@@ -379,18 +411,26 @@ sub _readpod {
 	return $string;
+# Done in evals to avoid confusing Perl::MinimumVersion
+eval( $] >= 5.006 ? <<'END_NEW' : <<'END_OLD' ); die $@ if $@;
 sub _write {
 	local *FH;
-	if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-		open( FH, '>', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
-	} else {
-		open( FH, "> $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
+	open( FH, '>', $_[0] ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
+	foreach ( 1 .. $#_ ) {
+		print FH $_[$_] or die "print($_[0]): $!";
+	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
+sub _write {
+	local *FH;
+	open( FH, "> $_[0]"  ) or die "open($_[0]): $!";
 	foreach ( 1 .. $#_ ) {
 		print FH $_[$_] or die "print($_[0]): $!";
 	close FH or die "close($_[0]): $!";
 # _version is for processing module versions (eg, 1.03_05) not
 # Perl versions (eg, 5.8.1).
@@ -411,7 +451,7 @@ sub _version ($) {
 sub _cmp ($$) {
-	_version($_[0]) <=> _version($_[1]);
+	_version($_[1]) <=> _version($_[2]);
 # Cloned from Params::Util::_CLASS
@@ -427,4 +467,4 @@ sub _CLASS ($) {
-# Copyright 2008 - 2009 Adam Kennedy.
+# Copyright 2008 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm b/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
index 58dd026..6efe4fe 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
@@ -37,12 +37,33 @@ sub auto_install {
     require Module::AutoInstall;
-    Module::AutoInstall->import(
+    my @features_require = Module::AutoInstall->import(
         (@config ? (-config => \@config) : ()),
         (@core   ? (-core   => \@core)   : ()),
+    my %seen;
+    my @requires = map @$_, map @$_, grep ref, $self->requires;
+    while (my ($mod, $ver) = splice(@requires, 0, 2)) {
+        $seen{$mod}{$ver}++;
+    }
+    my @build_requires = map @$_, map @$_, grep ref, $self->build_requires;
+    while (my ($mod, $ver) = splice(@build_requires, 0, 2)) {
+        $seen{$mod}{$ver}++;
+    }
+    my @configure_requires = map @$_, map @$_, grep ref, $self->configure_requires;
+    while (my ($mod, $ver) = splice(@configure_requires, 0, 2)) {
+        $seen{$mod}{$ver}++;
+    }
+    my @deduped;
+    while (my ($mod, $ver) = splice(@features_require, 0, 2)) {
+        push @deduped, $mod => $ver unless $seen{$mod}{$ver}++;
+    }
+    $self->requires(@deduped);
     $self->makemaker_args( Module::AutoInstall::_make_args() );
     my $class = ref($self);
@@ -52,6 +73,17 @@ sub auto_install {
+sub installdeps_target {
+    my ($self, @args) = @_;
+    $self->include('Module::AutoInstall');
+    require Module::AutoInstall;
+    Module::AutoInstall::_installdeps_target(1);
+    $self->auto_install(@args);
 sub auto_install_now {
     my $self = shift;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
index 60a74d2..802844a 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package Module::Install::Base;
 use strict 'vars';
 use vars qw{$VERSION};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 # Suspend handler for "redefined" warnings
@@ -51,13 +51,18 @@ sub admin {
 #line 106
 sub is_admin {
-	$_[0]->admin->VERSION;
+	! $_[0]->admin->isa('Module::Install::Base::FakeAdmin');
 sub DESTROY {}
 package Module::Install::Base::FakeAdmin;
+use vars qw{$VERSION};
+	$VERSION = $Module::Install::Base::VERSION;
 my $fake;
 sub new {
@@ -75,4 +80,4 @@ BEGIN {
-#line 154
+#line 159
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
index e65e4f6..22167b8 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ package Module::Install::Can;
 use strict;
 use Config                ();
-use File::Spec            ();
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker   ();
 use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ sub can_use {
 	eval { require $mod; $pkg->VERSION($ver || 0); 1 };
-# check if we can run some command
+# Check if we can run some command
 sub can_run {
 	my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
@@ -38,14 +37,88 @@ sub can_run {
 	for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
 		next if $dir eq '';
-		my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[1]);
+		require File::Spec;
+		my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $cmd);
 		return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs));
-# can we locate a (the) C compiler
+# Can our C compiler environment build XS files
+sub can_xs {
+	my $self = shift;
+	# Ensure we have the CBuilder module
+	$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => 0.27 );
+	# Do we have the configure_requires checker?
+	local $@;
+	eval "require ExtUtils::CBuilder;";
+	if ( $@ ) {
+		# They don't obey configure_requires, so it is
+		# someone old and delicate. Try to avoid hurting
+		# them by falling back to an older simpler test.
+		return $self->can_cc();
+	}
+	# Do we have a working C compiler
+	my $builder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(
+		quiet => 1,
+	);
+	unless ( $builder->have_compiler ) {
+		# No working C compiler
+		return 0;
+	}
+	# Write a C file representative of what XS becomes
+	require File::Temp;
+	my ( $FH, $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile(
+		"compilexs-XXXXX",
+		SUFFIX => '.c',
+	);
+	binmode $FH;
+	print $FH <<'END_C';
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+    return 0;
+int boot_sanexs() {
+    return 1;
+	close $FH;
+	# Can the C compiler access the same headers XS does
+	my @libs   = ();
+	my $object = undef;
+	eval {
+		local $^W = 0;
+		$object = $builder->compile(
+			source => $tmpfile,
+		);
+		@libs = $builder->link(
+			objects     => $object,
+			module_name => 'sanexs',
+		);
+	};
+	my $result = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+	# Clean up all the build files
+	foreach ( $tmpfile, $object, @libs ) {
+		next unless defined $_;
+		1 while unlink;
+	}
+	return $result;
+# Can we locate a (the) C compiler
 sub can_cc {
 	my $self   = shift;
 	my @chunks = split(/ /, $Config::Config{cc}) or return;
@@ -78,4 +151,4 @@ if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' ) {
-#line 156
+#line 236
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
index 05f2079..bee0c4f 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
index 7e792e0..8310e4c 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
index 98779db..7052f36 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ package Module::Install::Makefile;
 use strict 'vars';
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker   ();
 use Module::Install::Base ();
+use Fcntl qw/:flock :seek/;
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
@@ -25,8 +26,8 @@ sub prompt {
 		die "Caught an potential prompt infinite loop ($c[1]|$c[2]|$_[0])";
-	# In automated testing, always use defaults
+	# In automated testing or non-interactive session, always use defaults
 		local $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} = 1;
 		goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt;
 	} else {
@@ -34,21 +35,112 @@ sub prompt {
+# Store a cleaned up version of the MakeMaker version,
+# since we need to behave differently in a variety of
+# ways based on the MM version.
+my $makemaker = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
+# If we are passed a param, do a "newer than" comparison.
+# Otherwise, just return the MakeMaker version.
+sub makemaker {
+	( @_ < 2 or $makemaker >= eval($_[1]) ) ? $makemaker : 0
+# Ripped from ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.56, and slightly modified
+# as we only need to know here whether the attribute is an array
+# or a hash or something else (which may or may not be appendable).
+my %makemaker_argtype = (
+ C                  => 'ARRAY',
+ CONFIG             => 'ARRAY',
+# CONFIGURE          => 'CODE', # ignore
+ DIR                => 'ARRAY',
+ DL_FUNCS           => 'HASH',
+ DL_VARS            => 'ARRAY',
+ EXCLUDE_EXT        => 'ARRAY',
+ EXE_FILES          => 'ARRAY',
+ FUNCLIST           => 'ARRAY',
+ H                  => 'ARRAY',
+ IMPORTS            => 'HASH',
+ INCLUDE_EXT        => 'ARRAY',
+ LIBS               => 'ARRAY', # ignore ''
+ MAN1PODS           => 'HASH',
+ MAN3PODS           => 'HASH',
+ META_ADD           => 'HASH',
+ META_MERGE         => 'HASH',
+ PL_FILES           => 'HASH',
+ PM                 => 'HASH',
+ PMLIBDIRS          => 'ARRAY',
+ PREREQ_PM          => 'HASH',
+ SKIP               => 'ARRAY',
+ TYPEMAPS           => 'ARRAY',
+ XS                 => 'HASH',
+# VERSION            => ['version',''],  # ignore
+# _KEEP_AFTER_FLUSH  => '',
+ clean      => 'HASH',
+ depend     => 'HASH',
+ dist       => 'HASH',
+ dynamic_lib=> 'HASH',
+ linkext    => 'HASH',
+ macro      => 'HASH',
+ postamble  => 'HASH',
+ realclean  => 'HASH',
+ test       => 'HASH',
+ tool_autosplit => 'HASH',
+ # special cases where you can use makemaker_append
+ INC       => 'APPENDABLE',
 sub makemaker_args {
-	my $self = shift;
+	my ($self, %new_args) = @_;
 	my $args = ( $self->{makemaker_args} ||= {} );
-	%$args = ( %$args, @_ );
+	foreach my $key (keys %new_args) {
+		if ($makemaker_argtype{$key}) {
+			if ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
+				$args->{$key} = [] unless defined $args->{$key};
+				unless (ref $args->{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
+					$args->{$key} = [$args->{$key}]
+				}
+				push @{$args->{$key}},
+					ref $new_args{$key} eq 'ARRAY'
+						? @{$new_args{$key}}
+						: $new_args{$key};
+			}
+			elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'HASH') {
+				$args->{$key} = {} unless defined $args->{$key};
+				foreach my $skey (keys %{ $new_args{$key} }) {
+					$args->{$key}{$skey} = $new_args{$key}{$skey};
+				}
+			}
+			elsif ($makemaker_argtype{$key} eq 'APPENDABLE') {
+				$self->makemaker_append($key => $new_args{$key});
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			if (defined $args->{$key}) {
+				warn qq{MakeMaker attribute "$key" is overriden; use "makemaker_append" to append values\n};
+			}
+			$args->{$key} = $new_args{$key};
+		}
+	}
 	return $args;
 # For mm args that take multiple space-seperated args,
 # append an argument to the current list.
 sub makemaker_append {
-	my $self = sShift;
+	my $self = shift;
 	my $name = shift;
 	my $args = $self->makemaker_args;
-	$args->{name} = defined $args->{$name}
-		? join( ' ', $args->{name}, @_ )
+	$args->{$name} = defined $args->{$name}
+		? join( ' ', $args->{$name}, @_ )
 		: join( ' ', @_ );
@@ -89,25 +181,22 @@ sub inc {
 	$self->makemaker_args( INC => shift );
-my %test_dir = ();
 sub _wanted_t {
-	/\.t$/ and -f $_ and $test_dir{$File::Find::dir} = 1;
 sub tests_recursive {
 	my $self = shift;
-	if ( $self->tests ) {
-		die "tests_recursive will not work if tests are already defined";
-	}
 	my $dir = shift || 't';
 	unless ( -d $dir ) {
 		die "tests_recursive dir '$dir' does not exist";
-	%test_dir = ();
+	my %tests = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, ($self->tests || '');
 	require File::Find;
-	File::Find::find( \&_wanted_t, $dir );
-	$self->tests( join ' ', map { "$_/*.t" } sort keys %test_dir );
+	File::Find::find(
+        sub { /\.t$/ and -f $_ and $tests{"$File::Find::dir/*.t"} = 1 },
+        $dir
+    );
+	$self->tests( join ' ', sort keys %tests );
 sub write {
@@ -126,76 +215,136 @@ sub write {
 	require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
 	if ( $perl_version and $self->_cmp($perl_version, '5.006') >= 0 ) {
-		# MakeMaker can complain about module versions that include
-		# an underscore, even though its own version may contain one!
-		# Hence the funny regexp to get rid of it.  See RT #35800
-		# for details.
-		$self->build_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/ );
-		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/ );
+		# This previous attempted to inherit the version of
+		# ExtUtils::MakeMaker in use by the module author, but this
+		# was found to be untenable as some authors build releases
+		# using future dev versions of EU:MM that nobody else has.
+		# Instead, #toolchain suggests we use 6.59 which is the most
+		# stable version on CPAN at time of writing and is, to quote
+		# ribasushi, "not terminally fucked, > and tested enough".
+		# TODO: We will now need to maintain this over time to push
+		# the version up as new versions are released.
+		$self->build_requires(     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 );
+		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.59 );
 	} else {
 		# Allow legacy-compatibility with 5.005 by depending on the
 		# most recent EU:MM that supported 5.005.
-		$self->build_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.42 );
-		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.42 );
+		$self->build_requires(     'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 );
+		$self->configure_requires( 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 6.36 );
 	# Generate the MakeMaker params
 	my $args = $self->makemaker_args;
 	$args->{DISTNAME} = $self->name;
 	$args->{NAME}     = $self->module_name || $self->name;
-	$args->{VERSION}  = $self->version;
 	$args->{NAME}     =~ s/-/::/g;
+	$args->{VERSION}  = $self->version or die <<'EOT';
+ERROR: Can't determine distribution version. Please specify it
+explicitly via 'version' in Makefile.PL, or set a valid $VERSION
+in a module, and provide its file path via 'version_from' (or
+'all_from' if you prefer) in Makefile.PL.
 	if ( $self->tests ) {
-		$args->{test} = { TESTS => $self->tests };
+		my @tests = split ' ', $self->tests;
+		my %seen;
+		$args->{test} = {
+			TESTS => (join ' ', grep {!$seen{$_}++} @tests),
+		};
+    } elsif ( $Module::Install::ExtraTests::use_extratests ) {
+        # Module::Install::ExtraTests doesn't set $self->tests and does its own tests via harness.
+        # So, just ignore our xt tests here.
+	} elsif ( -d 'xt' and ($Module::Install::AUTHOR or $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}) ) {
+		$args->{test} = {
+			TESTS => join( ' ', map { "$_/*.t" } grep { -d $_ } qw{ t xt } ),
+		};
 	if ( $] >= 5.005 ) {
 		$args->{ABSTRACT} = $self->abstract;
-		$args->{AUTHOR}   = $self->author;
+		$args->{AUTHOR}   = join ', ', @{$self->author || []};
-	if ( eval($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION) >= 6.10 ) {
-		$args->{NO_META} = 1;
+	if ( $self->makemaker(6.10) ) {
+		$args->{NO_META}   = 1;
+		#$args->{NO_MYMETA} = 1;
-	if ( eval($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION) > 6.17 and $self->sign ) {
+	if ( $self->makemaker(6.17) and $self->sign ) {
 		$args->{SIGN} = 1;
 	unless ( $self->is_admin ) {
 		delete $args->{SIGN};
+	if ( $self->makemaker(6.31) and $self->license ) {
+		$args->{LICENSE} = $self->license;
+	}
-	# Merge both kinds of requires into prereq_pm
 	my $prereq = ($args->{PREREQ_PM} ||= {});
 	%$prereq = ( %$prereq,
-		map { @$_ }
+		map { @$_ } # flatten [module => version]
 		map { @$_ }
 		grep $_,
-		($self->configure_requires, $self->build_requires, $self->requires)
+		($self->requires)
 	# Remove any reference to perl, PREREQ_PM doesn't support it
 	delete $args->{PREREQ_PM}->{perl};
-	# merge both kinds of requires into prereq_pm
-	my $subdirs = ($args->{DIR} ||= []);
+	# Merge both kinds of requires into BUILD_REQUIRES
+	my $build_prereq = ($args->{BUILD_REQUIRES} ||= {});
+	%$build_prereq = ( %$build_prereq,
+		map { @$_ } # flatten [module => version]
+		map { @$_ }
+		grep $_,
+		($self->configure_requires, $self->build_requires)
+	);
+	# Remove any reference to perl, BUILD_REQUIRES doesn't support it
+	delete $args->{BUILD_REQUIRES}->{perl};
+	# Delete bundled dists from prereq_pm, add it to Makefile DIR
+	my $subdirs = ($args->{DIR} || []);
 	if ($self->bundles) {
+		my %processed;
 		foreach my $bundle (@{ $self->bundles }) {
-			my ($file, $dir) = @$bundle;
-			push @$subdirs, $dir if -d $dir;
-			delete $prereq->{$file};
+			my ($mod_name, $dist_dir) = @$bundle;
+			delete $prereq->{$mod_name};
+			$dist_dir = File::Basename::basename($dist_dir); # dir for building this module
+			if (not exists $processed{$dist_dir}) {
+				if (-d $dist_dir) {
+					# List as sub-directory to be processed by make
+					push @$subdirs, $dist_dir;
+				}
+				# Else do nothing: the module is already present on the system
+				$processed{$dist_dir} = undef;
+			}
+	unless ( $self->makemaker('6.55_03') ) {
+		%$prereq = (%$prereq,%$build_prereq);
+		delete $args->{BUILD_REQUIRES};
+	}
 	if ( my $perl_version = $self->perl_version ) {
 		eval "use $perl_version; 1"
 			or die "ERROR: perl: Version $] is installed, "
 			. "but we need version >= $perl_version";
+		if ( $self->makemaker(6.48) ) {
+			$args->{MIN_PERL_VERSION} = $perl_version;
+		}
-	$args->{INSTALLDIRS} = $self->installdirs;
+	if ($self->installdirs) {
+		warn qq{old INSTALLDIRS (probably set by makemaker_args) is overriden by installdirs\n} if $args->{INSTALLDIRS};
+		$args->{INSTALLDIRS} = $self->installdirs;
+	}
-	my %args = map { ( $_ => $args->{$_} ) } grep {defined($args->{$_})} keys %$args;
+	my %args = map {
+		( $_ => $args->{$_} ) } grep {defined($args->{$_} )
+	} keys %$args;
 	my $user_preop = delete $args{dist}->{PREOP};
-	if (my $preop = $self->admin->preop($user_preop)) {
+	if ( my $preop = $self->admin->preop($user_preop) ) {
 		foreach my $key ( keys %$preop ) {
 			$args{dist}->{$key} = $preop->{$key};
@@ -219,9 +368,9 @@ sub fix_up_makefile {
 		. ($self->postamble || '');
 	local *MAKEFILE;
-	open MAKEFILE, "< $makefile_name" or die "fix_up_makefile: Couldn't open $makefile_name: $!";
+	open MAKEFILE, "+< $makefile_name" or die "fix_up_makefile: Couldn't open $makefile_name: $!";
+	eval { flock MAKEFILE, LOCK_EX };
 	my $makefile = do { local $/; <MAKEFILE> };
-	close MAKEFILE or die $!;
 	$makefile =~ s/\b(test_harness\(\$\(TEST_VERBOSE\), )/$1'inc', /;
 	$makefile =~ s/( -I\$\(INST_ARCHLIB\))/ -Iinc$1/g;
@@ -241,7 +390,8 @@ sub fix_up_makefile {
 	# XXX - This is currently unused; not sure if it breaks other MM-users
 	# $makefile =~ s/^pm_to_blib\s+:\s+/pm_to_blib :: /mg;
-	open  MAKEFILE, "> $makefile_name" or die "fix_up_makefile: Couldn't open $makefile_name: $!";
+	truncate MAKEFILE, 0;
 	print MAKEFILE  "$preamble$makefile$postamble" or die $!;
 	close MAKEFILE  or die $!;
@@ -265,4 +415,4 @@ sub postamble {
-#line 394
+#line 544
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
index 653193d..58430f3 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ my @scalar_keys = qw{
-	author
@@ -43,8 +42,11 @@ my @resource_keys = qw{
 my @array_keys = qw{
+	author
+*authors = \&author;
 sub Meta              { shift          }
 sub Meta_BooleanKeys  { @boolean_keys  }
 sub Meta_ScalarKeys   { @scalar_keys   }
@@ -149,15 +151,21 @@ sub install_as_site   { $_[0]->installdirs('site')   }
 sub install_as_vendor { $_[0]->installdirs('vendor') }
 sub dynamic_config {
-	my $self = shift;
-	unless ( @_ ) {
-		warn "You MUST provide an explicit true/false value to dynamic_config\n";
-		return $self;
+	my $self  = shift;
+	my $value = @_ ? shift : 1;
+	if ( $self->{values}->{dynamic_config} ) {
+		# Once dynamic we never change to static, for safety
+		return 0;
-	$self->{values}->{dynamic_config} = $_[0] ? 1 : 0;
+	$self->{values}->{dynamic_config} = $value ? 1 : 0;
 	return 1;
+# Convenience command
+sub static_config {
+	shift->dynamic_config(0);
 sub perl_version {
 	my $self = shift;
 	return $self->{values}->{perl_version} unless @_;
@@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ sub perl_version {
 	# Normalize the version
 	$version = $self->_perl_version($version);
-	# We don't support the reall old versions
+	# We don't support the really old versions
 	unless ( $version >= 5.005 ) {
 		die "Module::Install only supports 5.005 or newer (use ExtUtils::MakeMaker)\n";
@@ -176,43 +184,6 @@ sub perl_version {
 	$self->{values}->{perl_version} = $version;
-#Stolen from M::B
-my %license_urls = (
-    perl         => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
-    apache       => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0',
-    artistic     => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php',
-    artistic_2   => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php',
-    lgpl         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php',
-    lgpl2        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php',
-    lgpl3        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html',
-    bsd          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
-    gpl          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
-    gpl2         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php',
-    gpl3         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html',
-    mit          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php',
-    mozilla      => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php',
-    open_source  => undef,
-    unrestricted => undef,
-    restrictive  => undef,
-    unknown      => undef,
-sub license {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return $self->{values}->{license} unless @_;
-	my $license = shift or die(
-		'Did not provide a value to license()'
-	);
-	$self->{values}->{license} = $license;
-	# Automatically fill in license URLs
-	if ( $license_urls{$license} ) {
-		$self->resources( license => $license_urls{$license} );
-	}
-	return 1;
 sub all_from {
 	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
@@ -230,6 +201,8 @@ sub all_from {
 		die("The path '$file' does not exist, or is not a file");
+	$self->{values}{all_from} = $file;
 	# Some methods pull from POD instead of code.
 	# If there is a matching .pod, use that instead
 	my $pod = $file;
@@ -240,7 +213,7 @@ sub all_from {
 	$self->name_from($file)         unless $self->name;
 	$self->version_from($file)      unless $self->version;
 	$self->perl_version_from($file) unless $self->perl_version;
-	$self->author_from($pod)        unless $self->author;
+	$self->author_from($pod)        unless @{$self->author || []};
 	$self->license_from($pod)       unless $self->license;
 	$self->abstract_from($pod)      unless $self->abstract;
@@ -350,6 +323,9 @@ sub version_from {
 	require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
 	my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
 	$self->version( ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version($file) );
+	# for version integrity check
+	$self->makemaker_args( VERSION_FROM => $file );
 sub abstract_from {
@@ -360,7 +336,7 @@ sub abstract_from {
 			{ DISTNAME => $self->name },
-	 );
+	);
 # Add both distribution and module name
@@ -385,11 +361,10 @@ sub name_from {
-sub perl_version_from {
-	my $self = shift;
+sub _extract_perl_version {
 	if (
-		Module::Install::_read($_[0]) =~ m/
-		^
+		$_[0] =~ m/
+		^\s*
 		(?:use|require) \s*
@@ -398,6 +373,16 @@ sub perl_version_from {
 	) {
 		my $perl_version = $1;
 		$perl_version =~ s{_}{}g;
+		return $perl_version;
+	} else {
+		return;
+	}
+sub perl_version_from {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $perl_version=_extract_perl_version(Module::Install::_read($_[0]));
+	if ($perl_version) {
 	} else {
 		warn "Cannot determine perl version info from $_[0]\n";
@@ -417,59 +402,165 @@ sub author_from {
 	/ixms) {
 		my $author = $1 || $2;
-		$author =~ s{E<lt>}{<}g;
-		$author =~ s{E<gt>}{>}g;
+		# XXX: ugly but should work anyway...
+		if (eval "require Pod::Escapes; 1") {
+			# Pod::Escapes has a mapping table.
+			# It's in core of perl >= 5.9.3, and should be installed
+			# as one of the Pod::Simple's prereqs, which is a prereq
+			# of Pod::Text 3.x (see also below).
+			$author =~ s{ E<( (\d+) | ([A-Za-z]+) )> }
+			{
+				defined $2
+				? chr($2)
+				: defined $Pod::Escapes::Name2character_number{$1}
+				? chr($Pod::Escapes::Name2character_number{$1})
+				: do {
+					warn "Unknown escape: E<$1>";
+					"E<$1>";
+				};
+			}gex;
+		}
+		elsif (eval "require Pod::Text; 1" && $Pod::Text::VERSION < 3) {
+			# Pod::Text < 3.0 has yet another mapping table,
+			# though the table name of 2.x and 1.x are different.
+			# (1.x is in core of Perl < 5.6, 2.x is in core of
+			# Perl < 5.9.3)
+			my $mapping = ($Pod::Text::VERSION < 2)
+				? \%Pod::Text::HTML_Escapes
+				: \%Pod::Text::ESCAPES;
+			$author =~ s{ E<( (\d+) | ([A-Za-z]+) )> }
+			{
+				defined $2
+				? chr($2)
+				: defined $mapping->{$1}
+				? $mapping->{$1}
+				: do {
+					warn "Unknown escape: E<$1>";
+					"E<$1>";
+				};
+			}gex;
+		}
+		else {
+			$author =~ s{E<lt>}{<}g;
+			$author =~ s{E<gt>}{>}g;
+		}
 	} else {
 		warn "Cannot determine author info from $_[0]\n";
-sub license_from {
+#Stolen from M::B
+my %license_urls = (
+    perl         => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
+    apache       => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0',
+    apache_1_1   => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-1.1',
+    artistic     => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php',
+    artistic_2   => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php',
+    lgpl         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php',
+    lgpl2        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php',
+    lgpl3        => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html',
+    bsd          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
+    gpl          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
+    gpl2         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php',
+    gpl3         => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html',
+    mit          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php',
+    mozilla      => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php',
+    open_source  => undef,
+    unrestricted => undef,
+    restrictive  => undef,
+    unknown      => undef,
+sub license {
 	my $self = shift;
-	if (
-		Module::Install::_read($_[0]) =~ m/
-		(
-			=head \d \s+
-			(?:licen[cs]e|licensing|copyright|legal)\b
-			.*?
-		)
-		(=head\\d.*|=cut.*|)
-		\z
-	/ixms ) {
-		my $license_text = $1;
-		my @phrases      = (
-			'under the same (?:terms|license) as (?:perl|the perl programming language) itself' => 'perl', 1,
-			'GNU general public license'         => 'gpl',         1,
-			'GNU public license'                 => 'gpl',         1,
-			'GNU lesser general public license'  => 'lgpl',        1,
-			'GNU lesser public license'          => 'lgpl',        1,
-			'GNU library general public license' => 'lgpl',        1,
-			'GNU library public license'         => 'lgpl',        1,
-			'BSD license'                        => 'bsd',         1,
-			'Artistic license'                   => 'artistic',    1,
-			'GPL'                                => 'gpl',         1,
-			'LGPL'                               => 'lgpl',        1,
-			'BSD'                                => 'bsd',         1,
-			'Artistic'                           => 'artistic',    1,
-			'MIT'                                => 'mit',         1,
-			'proprietary'                        => 'proprietary', 0,
-		);
-		while ( my ($pattern, $license, $osi) = splice(@phrases, 0, 3) ) {
-			$pattern =~ s{\s+}{\\s+}g;
-			if ( $license_text =~ /\b$pattern\b/i ) {
-				$self->license($license);
-				return 1;
-			}
+	return $self->{values}->{license} unless @_;
+	my $license = shift or die(
+		'Did not provide a value to license()'
+	);
+	$license = __extract_license($license) || lc $license;
+	$self->{values}->{license} = $license;
+	# Automatically fill in license URLs
+	if ( $license_urls{$license} ) {
+		$self->resources( license => $license_urls{$license} );
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub _extract_license {
+	my $pod = shift;
+	my $matched;
+	return __extract_license(
+		($matched) = $pod =~ m/
+			(=head \d \s+ L(?i:ICEN[CS]E|ICENSING)\b.*?)
+			(=head \d.*|=cut.*|)\z
+		/xms
+	) || __extract_license(
+		($matched) = $pod =~ m/
+			(=head \d \s+ (?:C(?i:OPYRIGHTS?)|L(?i:EGAL))\b.*?)
+			(=head \d.*|=cut.*|)\z
+		/xms
+	);
+sub __extract_license {
+	my $license_text = shift or return;
+	my @phrases      = (
+		'(?:under )?the same (?:terms|license) as (?:perl|the perl (?:\d )?programming language)' => 'perl', 1,
+		'(?:under )?the terms of (?:perl|the perl programming language) itself' => 'perl', 1,
+		'Artistic and GPL'                   => 'perl',         1,
+		'GNU general public license'         => 'gpl',          1,
+		'GNU public license'                 => 'gpl',          1,
+		'GNU lesser general public license'  => 'lgpl',         1,
+		'GNU lesser public license'          => 'lgpl',         1,
+		'GNU library general public license' => 'lgpl',         1,
+		'GNU library public license'         => 'lgpl',         1,
+		'GNU Free Documentation license'     => 'unrestricted', 1,
+		'GNU Affero General Public License'  => 'open_source',  1,
+		'(?:Free)?BSD license'               => 'bsd',          1,
+		'Artistic license 2\.0'              => 'artistic_2',   1,
+		'Artistic license'                   => 'artistic',     1,
+		'Apache (?:Software )?license'       => 'apache',       1,
+		'GPL'                                => 'gpl',          1,
+		'LGPL'                               => 'lgpl',         1,
+		'BSD'                                => 'bsd',          1,
+		'Artistic'                           => 'artistic',     1,
+		'MIT'                                => 'mit',          1,
+		'Mozilla Public License'             => 'mozilla',      1,
+		'Q Public License'                   => 'open_source',  1,
+		'OpenSSL License'                    => 'unrestricted', 1,
+		'SSLeay License'                     => 'unrestricted', 1,
+		'zlib License'                       => 'open_source',  1,
+		'proprietary'                        => 'proprietary',  0,
+	);
+	while ( my ($pattern, $license, $osi) = splice(@phrases, 0, 3) ) {
+		$pattern =~ s#\s+#\\s+#gs;
+		if ( $license_text =~ /\b$pattern\b/i ) {
+			return $license;
+	return '';
-	warn "Cannot determine license info from $_[0]\n";
-	return 'unknown';
+sub license_from {
+	my $self = shift;
+	if (my $license=_extract_license(Module::Install::_read($_[0]))) {
+		$self->license($license);
+	} else {
+		warn "Cannot determine license info from $_[0]\n";
+		return 'unknown';
+	}
 sub _extract_bugtracker {
-	my @links   = $_[0] =~ m#L<(\Qhttp://rt.cpan.org/\E[^>]+)>#g;
+	my @links   = $_[0] =~ m#L<(
+	 https?\Q://rt.cpan.org/\E[^>]+|
+	 https?\Q://github.com/\E[\w_]+/[\w_]+/issues|
+	 https?\Q://code.google.com/p/\E[\w_\-]+/issues/list
+	 )>#gx;
 	my %links;
 	@links=keys %links;
@@ -485,7 +576,7 @@ sub bugtracker_from {
 		return 0;
 	if ( @links > 1 ) {
-		warn "Found more than on rt.cpan.org link in $_[0]\n";
+		warn "Found more than one bugtracker link in $_[0]\n";
 		return 0;
@@ -497,7 +588,7 @@ sub bugtracker_from {
 sub requires_from {
 	my $self     = shift;
 	my $content  = Module::Install::_readperl($_[0]);
-	my @requires = $content =~ m/^use\s+([^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*)\s+([\d\.]+)/mg;
+	my @requires = $content =~ m/^use\s+([^\W\d]\w*(?:::\w+)*)\s+(v?[\d\.]+)/mg;
 	while ( @requires ) {
 		my $module  = shift @requires;
 		my $version = shift @requires;
@@ -532,8 +623,15 @@ sub _perl_version {
 	return $v;
+sub add_metadata {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %hash = @_;
+    for my $key (keys %hash) {
+        warn "add_metadata: $key is not prefixed with 'x_'.\n" .
+             "Use appopriate function to add non-private metadata.\n" unless $key =~ /^x_/;
+        $self->{values}->{$key} = $hash{$key};
+    }
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm b/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm
index 5480124..abf6aea 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ no warnings 'once';
 use Module::Install::Base;
 use base 'Module::Install::Base';
-our $VERSION = '0.25';
+our $VERSION = '0.30';
 use FindBin;
 use File::Glob     ();
 use File::Basename ();
-my @DIRS = qw(etc lib html bin sbin po var);
+my @DIRS = qw(etc lib html static bin sbin po var);
 my @INDEX_DIRS = qw(lib bin sbin);
 sub RTx {
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ sub RTx {
         $INC{'RT.pm'} = "$RT::LocalPath/lib/RT.pm";
     } else {
         local @INC = (
-            @INC,
             $ENV{RTHOME} ? ( $ENV{RTHOME}, "$ENV{RTHOME}/lib" ) : (),
-            map { ( "$_/rt3/lib", "$_/lib/rt3", "$_/lib" ) } grep $_,
-            @prefixes
+            @INC,
+            map { ( "$_/rt4/lib", "$_/lib/rt4", "$_/rt3/lib", "$_/lib/rt3", "$_/lib" )
+                } grep $_, @prefixes
         until ( eval { require RT; $RT::LocalPath } ) {
@@ -60,11 +60,13 @@ sub RTx {
     my $local_lib_path = "$RT::LocalPath/lib";
     print "Using RT configuration from $INC{'RT.pm'}:\n";
     unshift @INC, "$RT::LocalPath/lib" if $RT::LocalPath;
+    unshift @INC, $lib_path;
-    $RT::LocalVarPath  ||= $RT::VarPath;
-    $RT::LocalPoPath   ||= $RT::LocalLexiconPath;
-    $RT::LocalHtmlPath ||= $RT::MasonComponentRoot;
-    $RT::LocalLibPath  ||= "$RT::LocalPath/lib";
+    $RT::LocalVarPath    ||= $RT::VarPath;
+    $RT::LocalPoPath     ||= $RT::LocalLexiconPath;
+    $RT::LocalHtmlPath   ||= $RT::MasonComponentRoot;
+    $RT::LocalStaticPath ||= $RT::StaticPath;
+    $RT::LocalLibPath    ||= "$RT::LocalPath/lib";
     my $with_subdirs = $ENV{WITH_SUBDIRS};
     @ARGV = grep { /WITH_SUBDIRS=(.*)/ ? ( ( $with_subdirs = $1 ), 0 ) : 1 }
@@ -128,18 +130,7 @@ install ::
     my %has_etc;
     if ( File::Glob::bsd_glob("$FindBin::Bin/etc/schema.*") ) {
-        # got schema, load factory module
-        $self->load('RTxFactory');
-        $self->postamble(<< ".");
-factory ::
-\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxFactory(qw($RTx $name))"
-dropdb ::
-\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxFactory(qw($RTx $name drop))"
     if ( File::Glob::bsd_glob("$FindBin::Bin/etc/acl.*") ) {
@@ -163,30 +154,59 @@ dropdb ::
         print "For first-time installation, type 'make initdb'.\n";
         my $initdb = '';
         $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{schema};
-\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(schema))"
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(schema \$(NAME) \$(VERSION)))"
         $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{acl};
-\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(acl))"
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(acl \$(NAME) \$(VERSION)))"
         $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{initialdata};
-\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(insert))"
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$local_lib_path" -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(insert \$(NAME) \$(VERSION)))"
         $self->postamble("initdb ::\n$initdb\n");
         $self->postamble("initialize-database ::\n$initdb\n");
-sub RTxInit {
-    unshift @INC, substr( delete( $INC{'RT.pm'} ), 0, -5 ) if $INC{'RT.pm'};
-    require RT;
-    RT::LoadConfig();
-    RT::ConnectToDatabase();
+# stolen from RT::Handle so we work on 3.6 (cmp_versions came in with 3.8)
+{ my %word = (
+    a     => -4,
+    alpha => -4,
+    b     => -3,
+    beta  => -3,
+    pre   => -2,
+    rc    => -1,
+    head  => 9999,
+sub cmp_version($$) {
+    my ($a, $b) = (@_);
+    my @a = grep defined, map { /^[0-9]+$/? $_ : /^[a-zA-Z]+$/? $word{$_}|| -10 : undef }
+        split /([^0-9]+)/, $a;
+    my @b = grep defined, map { /^[0-9]+$/? $_ : /^[a-zA-Z]+$/? $word{$_}|| -10 : undef }
+        split /([^0-9]+)/, $b;
+    @a > @b
+        ? push @b, (0) x (@a- at b)
+        : push @a, (0) x (@b- at a);
+    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++ ) {
+        return $a[$i] <=> $b[$i] if $a[$i] <=> $b[$i];
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub requires_rt {
+    my ($self,$version) = @_;
+    # if we're exactly the same version as what we want, silently return
+    return if ($version eq $RT::VERSION);
-    die "Cannot load RT" unless $RT::Handle and $RT::DatabaseType;
+    my @sorted = sort cmp_version $version,$RT::VERSION;
+    if ($sorted[-1] eq $version) {
+        # should we die?
+        warn "\nWarning: prerequisite RT $version not found. Your installed version of RT ($RT::VERSION) is too old.\n\n";
+    }
-#line 303
+#line 329
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
index f2f99df..eeaa3fe 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = 'Module::Install::Base';
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm b/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
index 12471e5..85d8018 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
 use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
-	$VERSION = '0.91';;
+	$VERSION = '1.06';
 	@ISA     = qw{Module::Install::Base};
 	$ISCORE  = 1;
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ sub WriteAll {
 	$self->check_nmake if $args{check_nmake};
 	unless ( $self->makemaker_args->{PL_FILES} ) {
-		$self->makemaker_args( PL_FILES => {} );
+		# XXX: This still may be a bit over-defensive...
+		unless ($self->makemaker(6.25)) {
+			$self->makemaker_args( PL_FILES => {} ) if -f 'Build.PL';
+		}
 	# Until ExtUtils::MakeMaker support MYMETA.yml, make sure

commit d624a4f55d5d1876c7033ce790f26e028289c186
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 8 15:20:03 2013 -0800

    Add a standard .gitignore

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f371d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

commit dfe88d37affcc1872a601e1be71e6a99cf32dee8
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 8 15:02:47 2013 -0800

    Simplify the redirect to Bitcard's logout endpoint
    This shows the RT logout page briefly, before refreshing to Bitcard and
    eventually returning to RT.

diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/AfterSessionDelete b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/AfterSessionDelete
deleted file mode 100644
index b7523d6..0000000
--- a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/AfterSessionDelete
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-return unless $m->notes('isBitcardUser');
-use RT::Authen::Bitcard;
-my $bc = RT::Authen::Bitcard->Handler;
-my $return_url = $RT::WebURL . 'index.html';
-$m->redirect( $bc->logout_url( r => $return_url ) );
diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/BeforeSessionDelete b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/BeforeSessionDelete
deleted file mode 100644
index 8857c38..0000000
--- a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/BeforeSessionDelete
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-if ($session{'BitcardUser'}) {
-    delete $session{'BitcardUser'};
-    $m->notes(isBitcardUser => 1);
diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/Default b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/Default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f347b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/NoAuth/Logout.html/Default
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$URL => undef
+# There are two Default callbacks, unfortunately. We want the one with $URL.
+return unless $URL;
+return unless $session{'BitcardUser'};
+delete $session{'BitcardUser'};
+require RT::Authen::Bitcard;
+$$URL = RT::Authen::Bitcard->Handler->logout_url( r => RT->Config->Get("WebURL") );

commit aaa325d82a89ba50929f012ac6741f33899eb0f8
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 8 15:10:44 2013 -0800

    Use RT 4 menuing for the "Manage Bitcard account" link

diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Header/Default b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Header/Default
deleted file mode 100644
index 255ee6d..0000000
--- a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Header/Default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-return unless $session{'BitcardUser'};
-use RT::Authen::Bitcard;
-my $bc = RT::Authen::Bitcard->Handler;
-my $account_url = $bc->account_url( r => $RT::WebURL . 'index.html' );
-| <a href="<% $account_url %>"><&|/l&>Manage Bitcard account</&></a>
diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Tabs/Privileged b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Tabs/Privileged
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c3fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/Elements/Tabs/Privileged
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+return unless $session{'BitcardUser'};
+require RT::Authen::Bitcard;
+my $account_url = RT::Authen::Bitcard->Handler->account_url( r => RT->Config->Get("WebURL") );
+if (my $logout = Menu->child("preferences")->child("logout")) {
+    $logout->add_before(
+        "manage_bitcard",
+        title   => loc("Manage Bitcard account"),
+        path    => $account_url,
+    );

commit cc1604bb67437676408c1e40379a288e0528277f
Author: Thomas Sibley <trs at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 8 15:11:26 2013 -0800

    Start with a fresh session when successfully logging in a user

diff --git a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/autohandler/Auth b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/autohandler/Auth
index ca0f7eb..274b5b6 100644
--- a/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/autohandler/Auth
+++ b/html/Callbacks/Bitcard/autohandler/Auth
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
   $cu->LoadByEmail( $user->{'email'} );
   if ( $cu->id ) {
       # set a global user so we know elsewhere we're using Bitcard for auth
+      RT::Interface::Web::InstantiateNewSession();
       $session{'BitcardUser'} = $user;
       $session{'CurrentUser'} = $cu;
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@
   $cu->Load( $user_obj->id );
   # set a global user so we know elsewhere we're using Bitcard for auth
+  RT::Interface::Web::InstantiateNewSession();
   $session{'BitcardUser'} = $user;
   $session{'CurrentUser'} = $cu;


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