[Bps-public-commit] Text-Quoted annotated tag, 2.07, created. 2.07

Thomas Sibley trs at bestpractical.com
Thu May 16 21:20:30 EDT 2013

The annotated tag, 2.07 has been created
        at  3e4bf4c0ec95d32c32af802cec87d88a75c03917 (tag)
   tagging  d6899eaebcba031f514e02ab40b3f46fa0fce782 (commit)
  replaces  2.06
 tagged by  Thomas Sibley
        on  Thu May 16 18:19:05 2013 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
version 2.07
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Thomas Sibley (7):
      Use set_quote_char() to set the defaults
      Rename to set_quote_characters(); no need to use an abbreviated word
      Move copyright and license POD to end of file so we can write inline function doc
      Document the two publicized functions: extract and set_quote_characters
      Merge branch 'set-quote-char'
      Update build toolchain
      Bump version to 2.07

sunnavy (2):
      add sub set_quote_car so we can customize quote chars
      allow to set undef to exclude all quote chars


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