[Bps-public-commit] RT-BugTracker annotated tag, 5.0, created. 5.0

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Fri Dec 12 16:05:57 EST 2014

The annotated tag, 5.0 has been created
        at  7e75aecade0a4ba824347453f650b08dd9fd6954 (tag)
   tagging  dfe6b18cc0e2ceb958ba9ed6df9552be6ed66bff (commit)
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Fri Dec 12 16:05:35 2014 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 5.0
Version: GnuPG v1


Alex Vandiver (1):
      Version 5.0 releng

Ian Norton (2):
      Show distribution notes on ticket display and modify [rt.cpan.org #79499]
      Display alternate bug tracker info for a distribution, if available [rt.cpan.org #79499]

Kevin Falcone (3):
      update the MANIFEST for rt4
      ignore mymeta
      bump version to 0.06_01

Ruslan Zakirov (51):
      import 0.02 version from private repo
      bump version for release to the CPAN
      don't use abort as it hides footer and breaks validity of html
      use ActiveStatus from the config
      update M::I
      add ShowMaintainers
      use new component
      sync RT-BugTracker's Dist/Display.html with RT-BugTracker-Public's
      move component into correct place
      more on generalization of Dist/Display.html
      add /Dist/Elements/ShowBugs
      fix minor issues of refactoring
      use new comp
      add Dist/Elements/ShowNotes
      use new cool notes
      update manifest
      add 'Manage' tab
      add html/Dist/Elements/ErrorDisabled
      update ShowNotes and add EditNotes widget
      add EditNotifyAddresses widget
      add first implementation of Manage.html
      add NotifyAdditionalAddresses action
      use ErrorDisabled in custom Ticket/Create.html
      add a scrip to notify additional addresses
      update M::I as we have new 'make initdb' step
      fix typo
      don't report error when there is no real one
      generalize atttributes based fields
      switch over new API for attributes based fields
      fix Edit* elements, no change - no message
      ShowMaintainers links to show Dists by maintainer
      update M::I
      bump version, 0.04
      update META with version change
      load module in autohandler's callback
      subject tag editor
      wrap a few functions to implement subject tags
      show subject tag editor on Manage page
      bump version, 0.05
      hide redefine warning
      turn Create.html into callbacks
      update manifest
      escape name of the current user before putting it into a URL
      borrow new BeginsWith implementation out of BT-Public
      switch over to /Dist/Browse.html
      update M::I::RTx
      bump version, 0.06
      don't warn about redefining subject tag
      add loc calls around strings
      M::I update, README from POD...

Shawn Moore (8):
      Display distribution notes in Ticket/Create.html
      Update Module::Install
      ShowQueue is fine to leave as an overriding template
      Bring Ticket/Create a little closer to 3.6-RELEASE for easier diffing
      Move the disabled check to the earliest callback we have
      Handle a queue object in Dist/Elements/Tabs
      Don't load a queue from the database when we already have a queue object

Thomas Sibley (27):
      prep for copy from private repo
      copy RT-BugTracker from private repo to public repo
      Logic bug; Create or Correspond is OK
      Revert "Logic bug; Create or Correspond is OK"
      Update M::I
      Restore highlighting of distribution page menu items
      Only try to load a distribution (queue) for the display/manage pages
      Link the top-level "Distributions" item to "My Distributions"
      Mark distribution search inputs for autocomplete
      Update ShowQueue from RT 4
      Use /Elements/Header, not a non-existent /Dist/Elements/Header
      Requires RT 4
      Add the Distributions menu after search (and before tools)
      Merge branch 'alternate-bugtracker' into rt4
      Describe external bug trackers as "preferred" rather than "alternative"
      Accurately log our refusal (not failure) to set non-HTTP/HTTPs bugtracker URIs
      Merge branch 'rt4'
      Better, more accurate, "queue disabled" message
      Show the "Fixed in" CF on the ticket update page
      Update M::I
      Less haphazard layout for the dist manage page
      Reimplement distribution subject tags that work on 4.0
      Clean up some POD, add authors, bump version to match RT major version
      Generated file updates from previous POD tweaks
      Tone down the zealousness of the simple search behaviour changes
      s/::/-/g when loading queue names from request args in menus
      Add a callback to dist notes for site-specific customizations

sunnavy (2):
      Port menus to RT 4 framework
      Name has higher precedence than Queue


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