[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-TicketLocking annotated tag, 0.12, created. 0.12

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 20 17:28:42 EST 2014

The annotated tag, 0.12 has been created
        at  6f6b5734b0f4907bfa4a7924b77d2ced6fb543f1 (tag)
   tagging  17b999c205011f587970b13ba59c70d6c2d45eb7 (commit)
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Thu Feb 20 17:24:55 2014 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.12
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


Christian Loos (4):
      add class to table
      style update for better integration
      use /Elements/ShowUser component
      correct header format

Kevin Falcone (2):
      Upgrade Module::Install::RTx
      Update documentation to reflect modern standards for RT extensions

Ruslan Zakirov (50):
      * remove blib and pm_to_blib from repo
      * rm Makefile from the repo
      * update MANIFEST
      * add TODO
      * let's add a callback to autohandler, we shouldn't force pure users
      * we shouln't be lazy on typing or later we'll be forced to type more
      * let's make test_suite.pl file a little bit independant
      * user need rights to work with RT
      * tests should run to the end even if they fail
      * ARGSref -> ARGSRef
      * add a test file to check that all callbacks we have are in RT
      * fix test
      * cleanup items from TODO
      * PODify docs/locking
      * incorporate docs in one place
      * update manifest
      * make test less strict to text
      * use PassArguments instead of ARGSRef
      * remove locks on logout
      * update manifest
      * bump version
      * define our own package as PAUSE's indexer is confused
      * bump version 0.03
      * load RT's modules we add methods to
      * Default callback in the main autohandler doesn't applies to NoAuth path
      * remove if CurrentUser in the session hash has no id or
      * get rid of uninit warning
      * bump version
      * move css out of RTIR into the extension
      * bump version
      * add LockPriority method
      * get rid of uninit warnings
      * bump version
      * minor
      * check ACLs on hard locking
      * don't show lock/inlock/break links if user has no rights
      * doc updates
      * indent
      * bump version
      * remove empty TODO
      * update M::I
      * lib files tagged with bps's tag so license is GPL2
      * update MANIFEST, META and bump version for uploading to the CPAN
      * bump version and update distro's meta
      * update M::I::RTx
      upgrade M::I
      bump version, 0.11
      tabs that work in RT 4.0+
      bump version, 0.12

Turner Hayes (15):
      * Added TicketLocking extension directory
      * Added TicketLocking extension
      * Added an Unlock All link to the My Locks portlet
      * Changed callbacks to use more general names
      * Changed Unlock All from a form to a simple link
      * Combined callbacks for efficiency
      * Fixed bug
      * Added Id parameter, so that the displayed incident will show "Ticket #XX has been locked for YY sec. It is now unlocked." instead of "This ticket has been..."
      * Updated README
      * Added hack to get around the redirect in /Ticket/Display.html nuking all variables except id
      * Added some testing facilities
      * Fixed bug (for some reason, a decimal number would sometimes be found)
      * Added tests to make sure lock is shown on all core RT pages for a given ticket
      * Updated documentation
      * Removed a couple of diagnotic lines I forgot I left in there


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