[Bps-public-commit] dbix-searchbuilder branch, master, updated. 1.65_01
Alex Vandiver
alexmv at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 8 15:36:39 EDT 2014
The branch, master has been updated
via c7a9b718589f6907e43e2095b6b76b45d9b259bc (commit)
from 82d6883342487225c25487ff7ac151fbac5569e6 (commit)
Summary of changes:
Changes | 1046 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
META.yml | 10 +-
Makefile.PL | 2 -
inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Base.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Can.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Include.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm | 2 +-
lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm | 23 +-
15 files changed, 526 insertions(+), 577 deletions(-)
mode change 100755 => 100644 Changes
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c7a9b718589f6907e43e2095b6b76b45d9b259bc
Author: Alex Vandiver <alexmv at bestpractical.com>
Date: Tue Jul 8 15:35:45 2014 -0400
Version 1.65_01 releng
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 1501e60..b582a53
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,654 +1,598 @@
Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::SearchBuilder.
-1.65 Wed Jul 3 16:40:48 PDT 2013
- Ruslan Zakirov:
- * Bug fix for DateTimeInterval extraction on Pg
-1.64 Mon Jul 1 10:20:43 PDT 2013
- No changes since 1.63_03. Simply a non-dev release of everything since 1.63.
-1.63_03 Fri Jun 14 13:11:01 PDT 2013
- Ruslan Zakirov:
- * warn when rollback and commit are mixed
- * Handle->NullsOrder
- * skip timezone tests on SQLite when tzinfo is not there
- * skip tests if mysql can not do timezones
- * DISTINCT argument in Join method
- * DISTINCT argument in Join and NewAlias
- Thomas Sibley:
- * Reset the iterator position whenever a search is run
- * Return the correct record from ->Last instead of the first record
- * Document the caveat of using GotoItem with a non-zero N
-1.63_02 Wed Apr 17 18:47:31 MSK 2013
-* _Set now can take undef as argument to mean default or NULL.
- Still may result in error if default is not defined and no_nulls
- is true for the column. If old behaviour is required set
- $record->{'no_undefs_in_set'} to true value.
-* FUNCTION argument is now allowed in Limit. Code to combine
- FUNCTION, ALIAS and FIELD was refactored and unified in one
- place - CombineFunctionWithField method. Used in Column, GroupBy
- and Limit. This change should be backwards compatible.
-* Handle->DateTimeIntervalFunction
-1.63_01 Wed Mar 27 13:02:35 PDT 2013
-* IN and NOT IN operators in ->Limit method
-* Add an AdditionalColumn method to collections
-* Add an AS parameter to Column method in collections
-* Consistent query generation by sorting hash keys/values
-1.63 Fri Sep 14 2012 01:19:38 GMT+0400 (MSK)
-* joins_are_distinct hint to indicate that distinct is not
- required for the current set of joins.
-1.62 Mon Mar 26 09:31:05 UTC 2012
-* Bind values were ignored in SimpleUpdateFromSelect
-1.61 Fri Sep 16 15:47:50 MSD 2011
-* New methods in Handle for mass changes from select statements:
- InsertFromSelect, DeleteFromSelect and SimpleUpdateFromSelect
-* New methods in Handle for generation of date time related SQL
-1.60 Thu Sep 15 01:01:15 MSD 2011
-* custom BuildDSN for Oracle
-** Database is treated as SID if SID is not provided
-** Build 'dbi:Oracle:<SID>' instead of 'dbi:Oracle:sid=<SID>'
-* changes in DBIx::SearchBuilder->Column method
-** complete documentation
-** support for empty FIELD argument
-** column naming fix when explicit ALIAS => 'main' passed
-1.59 Fri Nov 19 13:45:01 MSK 2010
-* DBIx::SearchBuilder->DistinctFieldValues method
-1.58 Wed Oct 20 02:17:37 MSD 2010
-* delete obsolete cvs metadata from a module
-1.57 Mon Sep 4 21:21:57 UTC 2010
-* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: NextPage and PrevPage were adding rows from
- the previous page. Jesse claims that when he wrote this code, he
- was 20 years old and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
-* When logging queries, include full stack trace
-* support $sb->NewAlias( 'table' => 'LEFT' );
-* allow join to depend on nothing
-* catch cases when there are more closing parens then should be
-* Oracle: Use ROW_NUMBER() to propagate row ordering from inside the DISTINCT
-* Various performance improvements through small internal refactorings
-* Implemented 'sub Fields' on Oracle
-* unify case insensitive characters to avoid using LOWER() in some
- cases
-* We now RedoSearch when RowsPerPage is changed
-* No longer RedoSearch if FirstRow is called, but is not actually changed
-* Document all paging functions and test them
-* handle LOWER() in redundant LEFT joins optimizer,
- for Oracle and may be Pg
-* Make debugging problems easier by passing errors back
- https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=55203
-* fix Record->PrimaryKeys, field names in values hash are lc'ed
- https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=18280
-* doc updates and cleanups
-1.56 Fri Jul 17 02:05:32 MSD 2009
-* Don't use LOWER/ILIKE with dates, heuristic is used, but shouldn't
- harm other things
-* Don't apply DISTINCT on queries with group by, COUNT(DISTINCT x) is
- different and covered in Column method
-1.55 Thu May 7 19:44:47 MSD 2009
-* Put test suite SQLite databases inside of tempdirs so they get
- garbage collected properly. Thanks to Andreas Koenig
- [rt.cpan.org #41322]
-* Allow ->Join to pre-existing collection object
-* Imlement and test SB::Handle::Fields
-* Pg can not guaranty order in the following queries:
- we use them to build distinct sets with ordering by columns
- in joined tables. Switched to group by instead of sub-selects.
-1.54 Wed Jul 9 09:34:25 EDT 2008
-* When aborting transactions, we need to flush our cache,
- because SQLite is reusing the primary id for later inserts and the cache
- can otherwise become inconsistent.
-1.53 Tue Apr 2 03:06:56 UTC 2008
-* Fix mysql version check in DistinctQuery function
-* Fix order by outer column on Oracle
-* Improve tests
-1.52 Tue Apr 1 00:48:56 UTC 2008
-* Fix order by outer column on SQLite, mysql, adjust Pg. Add test that
- cover this.
-1.51 Tue Jan 15 22:53:56 UTC 2008
-* Fix CountAll method when paging is enabled and data is in memory already
-1.50 Fri Nov 23 23:24:00 UTC 2007
-* Oracle: Don't DISTINCT query when there is a group by clause
-* Fix a problem when we have more then two collections in a union
- and some of them are empty
-1.49 Sat Jul 7 18:45:41 EDT 2007
-* Fix a CPAN signature issue
-1.48 Sun Mar 11 05:24:40 UTC 2007
-* Fix a problem when left joins optimizer fails to calculate a boolean
- expression because of lower case aggregators.
-1.47 Sun Mar 4 03:30:00 UTC 2007
-* Do the search in unions only when we must do them, not on every
- call to the Next method
-* Don't index ex/ dir to avoid complains by the indexer of PAUSE/CPAN
-1.46 Sun Feb 25 19:04:00 UTC 2007
-* when doing a union, we need to actually search, rather than just
- doing a count
-* add support for testing with Oracle backend
-* Use CROSS JOIN instead of ',' as SQL parsers in Pg and some mysql
- are buggy and cannot parse "FROM X, Y JOIN Z ON Z.f = X.f"
-* deprecate DEBUG method, it's still there but produce warning
-* fix CleanSlate method that was missing several keys
-* fix a long standing bug we had, we didn't write depends_on data about
- a join, so we could build queries with incorrect parens around join
- conditions
-* fix default values for ALIAS1 argument in the Join method, istead of
- defaulting FIELD1 to 'main' value
-* fix a TODO test
-* internal refactoring of a storage for query's conditions,
- instead of building query strings right after the limit
- or join, we now build a perl structure
-* don't clone attributes that don't exists in the Clone method
-* we use Encode module without perl version check for a long time, so
- we can get rid of all checks for the version and load the module
- at compile time everywhere we need it
-* implement MayBeNull method in the handler that checks if applied
- conditions allow NULLs in the result set
-* implement cascaded LEFT JOINs optimization
-* additional tests for CleanSlate and Clone methods, ENTRY_AGGREGATOR
- argument, different types of joins and LEFT JOIN optimizer
-1.45 Tue Sep 26 11:08:20 EDT 2006
-* Postgres fixes:
-** fix "$rec->Create();"
-** fix "$rec->Create( IntegerColumn => '' );"
-** fix "$rec->SetIntegerColumn( '' );"
-** add test
-* Cache changes
-** cleanup ::Record::Cachable
-** use cache in:
- $a->LoadByCols(...);
- $b->LoadById( $a->id );
-** add cache tests
-* DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::DatabaseVersion enhancements
-1.43 Wed Apr 12 13:59:58 EDT 2006
-* Fix to the sequence compatibility fixes. For backwards compatibility.
-1.42 Mon Apr 10 11:27:39 EDT 2006
-* Signatures fixed
-1.41 Mon Apr 10 11:26:19 EDT 2006
-* PG 8.1 sequence compatibility fixes from Daniel Tabuenca
-1.40 not released yet
-1.39 Thu Feb 16 16:27:42 PST 2006
-* Allow ORs on left joins
-1.38 Thu Dec 29 03:17:54 EST 2005
-* Released 1.37 dev series
-1.37_01 Thu Dec 8 15:56:50 EST 2005
-* Switched Postgres sequence lookups to use CURRVAL, rather than OIDs
-1.36 Fri Dec 2 18:04:21 EST 2005
-* Change to how we resolve virtual columns to deal with a
- "no such attribute" bug in RT
-1.35 Wed Nov 2 22:36:02 EST 2005
-* Doc fixes and OrderBy cleanup from ruslan
-1.34 Wed Nov 2 22:26:15 EST 2005
-* Clone support from Ruslan
-1.33 Thu Sep 22 14:27:46 EDT 2005
-* Better SQL statement logging from alex
-1.32 Thu Sep 1 06:52:42 EDT 2005
-* DBD::SQLite is necessary for the test suite to run correctl
-1.31 Fri Jul 29 12:47:25 EDT 2005
-* Updated MANIFEST to fix a build issue -
- Thanks to Andy Lester and David Glasser
-1.30 Thu Jul 28 10:17:27 EDT 2005
-* Removed {{{ and }}} fold markers. Patch from Ruslan
-1.30_03 Thu Jun 9 01:35:49 EDT 2005
-* Significant new tests from Ruslan Zakirov and Dave Glasser
-* You no longer need to explicitly bless a DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle subclass
-* Start of a major overhaul of the subclass API for DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record objects.
- A new "schema" method will define the data in _ClassAccessible and also generate database
- schema using DBIx::DBSchema.
-Fixes from Ruslan:
- * for numeric types, make the empty check be "null or 0", not "null or ''"
- * New search tests from ruslan
- * added an init_data method to t/utils.pl
- * CleanSlate doesnt init show_rows
- * CleanSlate doesnt clean _{open|close}_parens
- * get rid of stupid ifs in CleanSlate
- * get rid of evals in _DoSearch and _DoCount, use Handle methods to control DBI error handling
- * rewrite LoadByPrimaryKeys args handling to consistent with other Load* methods
- * report error when PK filed is missing in LoadByPrimaryKeys
- * fix warning in __Set methods when newvalue is undef
- * small code cleanups
- * test coverage grows from 75.2% to 84.7% for Record.pm
-1.30_02 Sun May 22 15:21:19 EDT 2005
- - Lots of patches from Ruslan:
- First and main change is using of `goto &$AUTOLOAD` syntax, that helps
- avoid code duplication and hides AUTOLOAD sub from stack trace. I think
- this also would help implement CompileAllAutoSubs method easier.
+1.65 2013-07-03
+ - Bug fix for DateTimeInterval extraction on Pg
+1.64 2013-07-01
+ - No changes since 1.63_03. Simply a non-dev release of everything since
+ 1.63.
+1.63_03 2013-06-14
+ - warn when rollback and commit are mixed
+ - Handle->NullsOrder
+ - skip timezone tests on SQLite when tzinfo is not there
+ - skip tests if mysql can not do timezones
+ - DISTINCT argument in Join method
+ - DISTINCT argument in Join and NewAlias
+ - Reset the iterator position whenever a search is run
+ - Return the correct record from ->Last instead of the first record
+ - Document the caveat of using GotoItem with a non-zero N
+1.63_02 2013-04-17
+ - _Set now can take undef as argument to mean default or NULL. Still may
+ result in error if default is not defined and no_nulls is true for the
+ column. If old behaviour is required set $record->{'no_undefs_in_set'}
+ to true value.
+ - FUNCTION argument is now allowed in Limit. Code to combine FUNCTION,
+ ALIAS and FIELD was refactored and unified in one place -
+ CombineFunctionWithField method. Used in Column, GroupBy and Limit. This
+ change should be backwards compatible.
+ - Handle->DateTimeIntervalFunction
+1.63_01 2013-03-27
+ - IN and NOT IN operators in ->Limit method
+ - Add an AdditionalColumn method to collections
+ - Add an AS parameter to Column method in collections
+ - Consistent query generation by sorting hash keys/values
+1.63 2012-09-14
+ - joins_are_distinct hint to indicate that distinct is not required for
+ the current set of joins.
+1.62 2012-03-26
+ - Bind values were ignored in SimpleUpdateFromSelect
+1.61 2011-09-16
+ - New methods in Handle for mass changes from select statements:
+ InsertFromSelect, DeleteFromSelect and SimpleUpdateFromSelect
+ - New methods in Handle for generation of date time related SQL
+1.60 2011-09-15
+ - custom BuildDSN for Oracle
+ - Database is treated as SID if SID is not provided
+ - Build 'dbi:Oracle:<SID>' instead of 'dbi:Oracle:sid=<SID>'
+ - changes in DBIx::SearchBuilder->Column method
+ - complete documentation
+ - support for empty FIELD argument
+ - column naming fix when explicit ALIAS => 'main' passed
+1.59 2010-11-19
+ - DBIx::SearchBuilder->DistinctFieldValues method
+1.58 2010-10-20
+ - delete obsolete cvs metadata from a module
+1.57 2010-09-04
+ - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: NextPage and PrevPage were adding rows from the
+ previous page. Jesse claims that when he wrote this code, he was 20
+ years old and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
+ - When logging queries, include full stack trace
+ - support $sb->NewAlias( 'table' => 'LEFT' );
+ - allow join to depend on nothing
+ - catch cases when there are more closing parens then should be
+ - Oracle: Use ROW_NUMBER() to propagate row ordering from inside the
+ - Various performance improvements through small internal refactorings
+ - Implemented 'sub Fields' on Oracle
+ - unify case insensitive characters to avoid using LOWER() in some cases
+ - We now RedoSearch when RowsPerPage is changed
+ - No longer RedoSearch if FirstRow is called, but is not actually changed
+ - Document all paging functions and test them
+ - handle LOWER() in redundant LEFT joins optimizer, for Oracle and may be
+ Pg
+ - Make debugging problems easier by passing errors back
+ https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=55203
+ - fix Record->PrimaryKeys, field names in values hash are lc'ed
+ https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=18280
+ - doc updates and cleanups
+1.56 2009-07-17
+ - Don't use LOWER/ILIKE with dates, heuristic is used, but shouldn't harm
+ other things
+ - Don't apply DISTINCT on queries with group by, COUNT(DISTINCT x) is
+ different and covered in Column method
+1.55 2009-05-07
+ - Put test suite SQLite databases inside of tempdirs so they get garbage
+ collected properly. Thanks to Andreas Koenig [rt.cpan.org #41322]
+ - Allow ->Join to pre-existing collection object
+ - Imlement and test SB::Handle::Fields
+ - Pg can not guaranty order in the following queries: SELECT ... FROM
+ (SELECT... ORDER BY ...) we use them to build distinct sets with
+ ordering by columns in joined tables. Switched to group by instead of
+ sub-selects.
+1.54 2008-07-09
+ - When aborting transactions, we need to flush our cache, because SQLite
+ is reusing the primary id for later inserts and the cache can otherwise
+ become inconsistent.
+1.53 2008-04-02
+ - Fix mysql version check in DistinctQuery function
+ - Fix order by outer column on Oracle
+ - Improve tests
+1.52 2008-04-01
+ - Fix order by outer column on SQLite, mysql, adjust Pg. Add test that
+ cover this.
+1.51 2008-01-15
+ - Fix CountAll method when paging is enabled and data is in memory already
+1.50 2007-11-23
+ - Oracle: Don't DISTINCT query when there is a group by clause
+ - Fix a problem when we have more then two collections in a union and some
+ of them are empty
+1.49 2007-07-07
+ - Fix a CPAN signature issue
+1.48 2007-03-11
+ - Fix a problem when left joins optimizer fails to calculate a boolean
+ expression because of lower case aggregators.
+1.47 2007-03-04
+ - Do the search in unions only when we must do them, not on every call to
+ the Next method
+ - Don't index ex/ dir to avoid complains by the indexer of PAUSE/CPAN
+1.46 2007-02-25
+ - when doing a union, we need to actually search, rather than just doing a
+ count
+ - add support for testing with Oracle backend
+ - Use CROSS JOIN instead of ',' as SQL parsers in Pg and some mysql are
+ buggy and cannot parse "FROM X, Y JOIN Z ON Z.f = X.f"
+ - deprecate DEBUG method, it's still there but produce warning
+ - fix CleanSlate method that was missing several keys
+ - fix a long standing bug we had, we didn't write depends_on data about a
+ join, so we could build queries with incorrect parens around join
+ conditions
+ - fix default values for ALIAS1 argument in the Join method, istead of
+ defaulting FIELD1 to 'main' value
+ - fix a TODO test
+ - internal refactoring of a storage for query's conditions, instead of
+ building query strings right after the limit or join, we now build a
+ perl structure
+ - don't clone attributes that don't exists in the Clone method
+ - we use Encode module without perl version check for a long time, so we
+ can get rid of all checks for the version and load the module at compile
+ time everywhere we need it
+ - implement MayBeNull method in the handler that checks if applied
+ conditions allow NULLs in the result set
+ - implement cascaded LEFT JOINs optimization
+ - additional tests for CleanSlate and Clone methods, ENTRY_AGGREGATOR
+ argument, different types of joins and LEFT JOIN optimizer
+1.45 2006-09-26
+ - Postgres: fix "$rec->Create();"
+ - Postgres: fix "$rec->Create( IntegerColumn => '' );"
+ - Postgres: fix "$rec->SetIntegerColumn( '' );"
+ - Postgres: add test
+ - cleanup ::Record::Cachable
+ - use cache in: $a->LoadByCols(...); $b->LoadById( $a->id );
+ - add cache tests
+1.44 2006-05-27
+ - DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::DatabaseVersion enhancements
+1.43 2006-04-12
+ - Fix to the sequence compatibility fixes. For backwards compatibility.
+1.42 2006-04-10
+ - Signatures fixed
+1.41 2006-04-10
+ - PG 8.1 sequence compatibility fixes from Daniel Tabuenca
+1.40 2006-03-10
+1.39 2006-02-16
+ - Allow ORs on left joins
+1.38 2005-12-29
+ - Released 1.37 dev series
+1.37_01 2005-12-08
+ - Switched Postgres sequence lookups to use CURRVAL, rather than OIDs
+1.36 2005-12-02
+ - Change to how we resolve virtual columns to deal with a "no such
+ attribute" bug in RT
+1.35 2005-11-02
+ - Doc fixes and OrderBy cleanup from ruslan
+1.34 2005-11-02
+ - Clone support from Ruslan
+1.33 2005-09-22
+ - Better SQL statement logging from alex
+1.32 2005-09-01
+ - DBD::SQLite is necessary for the test suite to run correctl
+1.31 2005-07-29
+ - Updated MANIFEST to fix a build issue - Thanks to Andy Lester and David
+ Glasser
+1.30_03 2005-06-09
+ - Significant new tests from Ruslan Zakirov and Dave Glasser
+ - You no longer need to explicitly bless a DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle
+ subclass
+ - Start of a major overhaul of the subclass API for
+ DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record objects. A new "schema" method will define
+ the data in _ClassAccessible and also generate database schema using
+ DBIx::DBSchema.
+ - for numeric types, make the empty check be "null or 0", not "null or ''"
+ - New search tests from ruslan
+ - added an init_data method to t/utils.pl
+ - CleanSlate doesnt init show_rows
+ - CleanSlate doesnt clean _{open|close}_parens
+ - get rid of stupid ifs in CleanSlate
+ - get rid of evals in _DoSearch and _DoCount, use Handle methods to
+ control DBI error handling
+ - rewrite LoadByPrimaryKeys args handling to consistent with other Load*
+ methods
+ - report error when PK filed is missing in LoadByPrimaryKeys
+ - fix warning in __Set methods when newvalue is undef
+ - small code cleanups
+ - test coverage grows from 75.2% to 84.7% for Record.pm
+1.30_02 2005-05-22
+ - Lots of patches from Ruslan: First and main change is using of `goto
+ &$AUTOLOAD` syntax, that helps avoid code duplication and hides AUTOLOAD
+ sub from stack trace. I think this also would help implement
+ CompileAllAutoSubs method easier.
- It's also one of the steps to better tests coverage.
- Test coverage for Record.pm grows from 66% to 75.2%.
- - _LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.
- - fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can
+ - _LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.
+ - fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can
control this from Handle obj so we should die according to
- $Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
+ $Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
- When RaiseErrors is "false" then fetchrow_hashref returns undef and we
- should check $sth->err(see `perldoc DBI`). Fixed.
- - After call to fetchrow we should clean "fetched" internal hash and fill
+ should check $sth->err(see `perldoc DBI`). Fixed.
+ - After call to fetchrow we should clean "fetched" internal hash and fill
it only when we return successful result. Fixed.
- If SimpleQuery fails, _LoadFromSQL method doesn't return any error
message. Fixed.
-1.30_01 Mon May 16 21:37:03 BST 2005
- - Patches from Ruslan to switch to using 'capitalization.pm' for our regular_case subroutine aliases
+1.30_01 2005-05-16
+ - Patches from Ruslan to switch to using 'capitalization.pm' for our
+ regular_case subroutine aliases
-1.27 Sun May 8 22:49:30 EDT 2005
+1.30 2005-07-28
+ - Removed {{{ and }}} fold markers. Patch from Ruslan
- - Added supoprt for functions containing "?" to represent the parameter
- in ->Column()
- - Added better support for functional columns in search listings and
- group by clauses
+1.27 2005-05-08
+ - Added supoprt for functions containing "?" to represent the parameter in
+ ->Column()
+ - Added better support for functional columns in search listings and group
+ by clauses
-1.26 Sun Apr 17 19:22:23 EDT 2005
- - Added support for expression based left joins
+1.26 2005-04-17
+ - Added support for expression based left joins
+1.25 2005-04-09
+ - Backed out a change introduced in 1.23 that caused table and column
+ names to be quoted, causing Postgres to flip out.
-1.25 Sat Apr 9 12:33:30 EDT 2005
- - Backed out a change introduced in 1.23 that caused table and column names
- to be quoted, causing Postgres to flip out.
-1.24 Wed Apr 6 22:54:37 EDT 2005
- - Added a new "SearchBuilder::Unique" module for uniquifying search results
+1.24 2005-04-06
+ - Added a new "SearchBuilder::Unique" module for uniquifying search
+ results
- - Now use DBI->quote_identifier to quote column and table names (Ruslan)
- - Test suite updates (Ruslan)
-1.22 Mon Jan 24 07:42:46 EST 2005
- - Require encode since we require encode.
- - Oracle LOB handling caused us to corrupt item values on update.
- - Just before inserting things into the database, turn off their utf8 flag.
- The flag didn't have any positve impact _and_ it can take down
- recent DBD::Oracle releases. (This is a new failure in DBD::Oracle 1.16)
+ - Now use DBI->quote_identifier to quote column and table names (Ruslan)
+ - Test suite updates (Ruslan)
+1.22 2005-01-24
+ - Require encode since we require encode.
-1.20 Tue Jan 18 08:24:15 EST 2005
- - Minor test suite fixes from Ruslan.
+1.21 2005-01-22
+ - Oracle LOB handling caused us to corrupt item values on update.
+ - Just before inserting things into the database, turn off their utf8
+ flag. The flag didn't have any positve impact _and_ it can take down
+ recent DBD::Oracle releases. (This is a new failure in DBD::Oracle 1.16)
-1.19 Sat Jan 8 18:22:59 EST 2005
+1.20 2005-01-18
+ - Minor test suite fixes from Ruslan.
- - Performing a search multiple times could result in multiple copies of
- records in a collection. Uncovered thanks to Kevin Chen and Alex Vandiver.
+1.19 2005-01-08
+ - Performing a search multiple times could result in multiple copies of
+ records in a collection. Uncovered thanks to Kevin Chen and Alex
+ Vandiver.
- - Release the changes from 1.17
+ - Release the changes from 1.17
- - Properly mark BLOB columns in UPDATE calls. (DBD::Oracle 1.16 broke without this)
+ - Properly mark BLOB columns in UPDATE calls. (DBD::Oracle 1.16 broke
+ without this)
- - Better handling of empty values for SB::Record::_Accessible. ( --Ruslan)
+ - Better handling of empty values for SB::Record::_Accessible. ( --Ruslan)
- - More record tests from Ruz
-1.16 Thu Dec 9 23:49:39 EST 2004
- - Fixed a bug in D::SB::R::Cachable that could cause it to load the wrong row from the cache if you were loading
- by alternate keys and had since changed one of the attributes of a previous row. This was unmasked by a
- bug that Ruslan Zakirov found in RT 3.3's custom field handling
+ - More record tests from Ruz
-1.15 Sat Nov 27 13:09:56 EST 2004
- - Fix a testsuite bug when DBD::SQLite isn't there
+1.16 2004-12-09
+ - Fixed a bug in D::SB::R::Cachable that could cause it to load the wrong
+ row from the cache if you were loading by alternate keys and had since
+ changed one of the attributes of a previous row. This was unmasked by a
+ bug that Ruslan Zakirov found in RT 3.3's custom field handling
+1.15 2004-11-27
+ - Fix a testsuite bug when DBD::SQLite isn't there
- - Silenced warnings about uninitialized warnings when inserting null cols
- into the database.
- - Started adding lowercase method name aliases
- - Minor refactoring of 'id' method for a stupid, tiny perf improvement
- - Refactoring of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable for performance
- improvement
- - Added a FlushCache method to DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable.
- - Started to flesh out a...test suite
- - SearchBuilder now truncates strings before inserting them into character
- types in the database as mysql generally does. Additionally, it truncates
- things at utf8 character boundaries...as mysql does not.
- - Fix for an undefined record cache warning on load from Autrijus Tang
- - Major documentation cleanups --Simon Cavalletto
- - A few tweaks to the ::Record class to eliminate the
- hard-coding of the name of the id column --Simon Cavalletto
+ - Silenced warnings about uninitialized warnings when inserting null cols
+ into the database.
+ - Started adding lowercase method name aliases
+ - Minor refactoring of 'id' method for a stupid, tiny perf improvement
+ - Refactoring of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable for performance
+ improvement
+ - Added a FlushCache method to DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable.
+ - Started to flesh out a...test suite
+ - SearchBuilder now truncates strings before inserting them into character
+ types in the database as mysql generally does. Additionally, it
+ truncates things at utf8 character boundaries...as mysql does not.
+ - Fix for an undefined record cache warning on load from Autrijus Tang
+ - Major documentation cleanups --Simon Cavalletto
+ - A few tweaks to the ::Record class to eliminate the hard-coding of the
+ name of the id column --Simon Cavalletto
- - Better error handling for some query build failure cases
- - Corrected query builder for SQLite
- - More refactoring.
+ - Better error handling for some query build failure cases
+ - Corrected query builder for SQLite
+ - More refactoring.
- - When loading an object whose "id" has been altered, as in the case of RT's
- "Merge" functionality, the wrong object was returned by the caching layer.
- Special casing for the "id" method was removed.
- - Identical to 1.10_05
+ - When loading an object whose "id" has been altered, as in the case of
+ RT's "Merge" functionality, the wrong object was returned by the caching
+ layer. Special casing for the "id" method was removed.
+ - Reworked the _Accessible mechanism in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record to
+ remove a horribly crufty old caching mechanism that created a copy of
+ the accessible hash for each and every object instantiated, sometimes
+ quite slowly.
- - Reworked the _Accessible mechanism in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record to
- remove a horribly crufty old caching mechanism that created a copy
- of the accessible hash for each and every object instantiated,
- sometimes quite slowly.
+1.10_04 2004-08-30
+ - A query builder fix for an issue that bit RT2: Unsatisfied dependency
+ chain in Joins Users_2 at
+ /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 965, line
+ 69.
+1.10_03 2004-08-30
+ - Cache Sanity fixes from Autrijus Tang <autrijus at autrijus.org>
-1.10_04 Mon Aug 30 17:33:18 EDT 2004
+1.10_02 2004-08-26
+1.10_01 2004-08-26
+ - Reimplemented DBIx::SearchBuilder:::Record::Cachable to use
+ Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry. This should make it faster and more memory
+ efficient.
-A query builder fix for an issue that bit RT2:
- Unsatisfied dependency chain in Joins Users_2 at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 965, line 69.
- [/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm:965]
- [/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm:326]
- [/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm:119]
- [/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm:410]
-1.10_03 Mon Aug 30 14:31:10 EDT 2004
- - Cache Sanity fixes from Autrijus Tang <autrijus at autrijus.org>
-1.10_02 Thu Aug 26 13:31:13 EDT 2004
-1.10_01 Thu Aug 26 00:08:31 EDT 2004
- - Reimplemented DBIx::SearchBuilder:::Record::Cachable
- to use Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry. This should make it faster and more
- memory efficient.
-1.02_03 Thu Jul 22 13:29:17 EDT 2004
- - Additional bullet proofing for joins.
- Now we default to ALIAS1 being "main" (cubic at acronis.ru)
-1.02_02 Tue Jul 20 13:06:06 EDT 2004
- - Fixed a join bug that mostly manifests as a 'Dependency chain'
- error on RT2.
+ - Identical to 1.10_05
-1.02_01 Wed Jul 7 12:28:08 EDT 2004
- - magic _Object instantiation from cubic at acronis.ru
- - make SB::_Handle settable directly (cubic at acronis.ru)
- - document the above
+1.02_03 2004-07-22
+ - Additional bullet proofing for joins. Now we default to ALIAS1 being
+ "main" (cubic at acronis.ru)
+1.02_02 2004-07-20
+ - Fixed a join bug that mostly manifests as a 'Dependency chain' error on
+ RT2.
-1.01 Sun Jun 27 23:35:46 EDT 2004
+1.02_01 2004-07-07
+ - magic _Object instantiation from cubic at acronis.ru
+ - make SB::_Handle settable directly (cubic at acronis.ru)
+ - document the above
- - Releasing 1.00_06 as stable
+1.01 2004-06-27
+ - Releasing 1.00_06 as stable
-1.00_06 - Pg/Oracle: Don't attempt to do case insensitive comparisons on
- integer values.
+ - Pg/Oracle: Don't attempt to do case insensitive comparisons on integer
+ values.
-1.00_05 - Force utf8 flag on when doing searches for utf8 data; this
- is a workaround for DBDs that don't do it themselves.
+ - Force utf8 flag on when doing searches for utf8 data; this is a
+ workaround for DBDs that don't do it themselves.
-1.00_04 - Move Postgres specific join behaviour to the superclass so
- everyone gets the benefit.
+ - Move Postgres specific join behaviour to the superclass so everyone gets
+ the benefit.
-1.00_03 - Remove "AS" from table name aliases on joins, since Oracle
- doesn't like em.
+ - Remove "AS" from table name aliases on joins, since Oracle doesn't like
+ em.
-1.00_02 - Slightly cleaner code in SearchBuilder->GotoPage
+ - Slightly cleaner code in SearchBuilder->GotoPage
-1.00_01 - Better handling of case insensitive comparisons on Postgres
- - Proper support for query paging on SQLite
-0.99 - Bundled changes from 0.98* and released production version
- Removed duplicate code in cache expiry routines
- Experimental SearchBuilder::Union collection object.
+ - Better handling of case insensitive comparisons on Postgres
+ - Proper support for query paging on SQLite
- Released at the YAPC::Taipei::22004 Release Party
+ - Bundled changes from 0.98* and released production version
+ - Removed duplicate code in cache expiry routines Experimental
+ SearchBuilder::Union collection object.
+ - Released at the YAPC::Taipei::22004 Release Party
-0.98_04 - New mysql/oracle "Join" code that allows more complex bundling of
- joins from Linda and Robert
+ - New mysql/oracle "Join" code that allows more complex bundling of joins
+ from Linda and Robert
-0.98_03 - New test infrastructure from Andy Lester
+ - New test infrastructure from Andy Lester
-0.98_02 - Better handling of != clauses on Postgres
+ - Better handling of != clauses on Postgres
-0.97_02 - Support for "Group By" clauses.
- Support for delayed load of certain columns from Autrijus Tang.
+ - Support for "Group By" clauses.
+ - Support for delayed load of certain columns from Autrijus Tang.
-0.97_01 - Oracle doesn't support binary-safe clobs in a reasonable manner.
+ - Oracle doesn't support binary-safe clobs in a reasonable manner.
-0.96 - Releasing 0.96_01 as usable
+ - Fix a couple of spurious warnings in Record::Cachable
+ - Records loaded from multiple-record searches were never cached
+ - correctly
-0.96_01 - Fix a couple of spurious warnings in Record::Cachable
- Records loaded from multiple-record searches were never cached
- correctly
+ - Releasing 0.96_01 as usable
-0.95_03 - Allow case-insensitive loading by columns in SearchBuilder::Record
- - Record::LoadByCols now lets you specify operator and values
+ - Allow case-insensitive loading by columns in SearchBuilder::Record
+ - Record::LoadByCols now lets you specify operator and values
- - Removed historical escaping for non-ascii searche queries
+ - Removed historical escaping for non-ascii searche queries
-0.94- - Fix for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang
+ - Fix for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang
- - Added ODBC database driver from Autrijus Tang
- - Added the ability to sort on functions of columns from Autrijus Tang
- - Improved case-insensitve searching behavior for PostgreSQL
- - Added support for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang (#4167)
- - Added initial Informix database driver from Oliver Tappe
-0.92 Sept 4, 2003
- - Fixed a bug that caused certain types of pre-canned table aliases to fail to work on join
-0.90 Aug 8, 2003
- - Disable Class::ReturnValue's stack trace feature as it interacted poorly with a stack containing lots of data
-0.89_02 July 19, 2003
- - Patch from Grant DeGraw to allow ordering by multiple columns.
+ - Added ODBC database driver from Autrijus Tang
+ - Added the ability to sort on functions of columns from Autrijus Tang
+ - Improved case-insensitve searching behavior for PostgreSQL
+ - Added support for multiple handles in one app from Autrijus Tang (#4167)
+ - Added initial Informix database driver from Oliver Tappe
-0.89_01 July 18 2003
- - Patch from Brook for:
- - better oracle support
- - remove "SELECT DISTINCT" when it's not necessary
+0.92 2003-09-04
+ - Fixed a bug that caused certain types of pre-canned table aliases to
+ fail to work on join
-0.88 June 23 2003
- - More correct generation of "Distinct" keyword on counts for queries with left joins
+0.90 2003-08-08
+ - Disable Class::ReturnValue's stack trace feature as it interacted poorly
+ with a stack containing lots of data
-0.87 June 16 2003
- - Changed DBIx::SB::Record::Cachable to expire cached object when a "deeper" method call changes their values
+0.89_02 2003-07-19
+ - Patch from Grant DeGraw to allow ordering by multiple columns.
-0.86 June 7 2003
- - Doing conditional connections was failing on postgres, because the handle was defined, but not connected
+0.89_01 2003-07-18
+ - Patch from Brook for:
+ - better oracle support
+ - remove "SELECT DISTINCT" when it's not necessary
-0.85 June 7 2003
- - Stan's destroy fix was actually badly breaking RT
- - It's now an optional parameter.
+0.88 2003-06-23
+ - More correct generation of "Distinct" keyword on counts for queries with
+ left joins
-0.84 June 4 2003
- - Bumped the version for release
+0.87 2003-06-16
+ - Changed DBIx::SB::Record::Cachable to expire cached object when a
+ "deeper" method call changes their values
-0.83_05 June 2 2003
- - Provide support for blowing away nested transactions that aren't yet committed.
+0.86 2003-06-07
+ - Doing conditional connections was failing on postgres, because the
+ handle was defined, but not connected
-0.83_04 June 2 2003
- - Fixed how values of returned hashes are downcased.
- - Should be a minor perf improvement
+0.85 2003-06-07
+ - Stan's destroy fix was actually badly breaking RT
+ - It's now an optional parameter.
-0.83_03 May 30 2003
- - Moved Stan's destryo fix to the right file
+0.84 2003-06-04
+ - Bumped the version for release
-0.83_02 May 27 2003
- - Better oracle support for unique ids on indexes from Brook
+0.83_05 2003-06-02
+ - Provide support for blowing away nested transactions that aren't yet
+ committed.
-0.83_01 May 27 2003
- - Stan's DESTROY fix
- - Mathieu Arnold's patch to make function naming for
- autoloaded functions a bit more flexible
+0.83_04 2003-06-02
+ - Fixed how values of returned hashes are downcased.
+ - Should be a minor perf improvement
-0.82 May 19 2003
- - Query builder changes to improve some join performance
- - Fixes to a tight loop for cache expiry
+0.83_03 2003-05-30
+ - Moved Stan's destryo fix to the right file
-0.81_04 April 14 2003
- - Fixed a bug in "Distinct" logic introduced in 0.81_01
+0.83_02 2003-05-27
+ - Better oracle support for unique ids on indexes from Brook
-0.81_03 April 13 2003
- - Patches for Oracle BLOB support from Brook Schofield
+0.83_01 2003-05-27
+ - Stan's DESTROY fix
+ - Mathieu Arnold's patch to make function naming for autoloaded functions
+ a bit more flexible
-0.81_02 April 13 2003
- - Rebuilt Postgres query generator.
+0.82 2003-05-19
+ - Query builder changes to improve some join performance
+ - Fixes to a tight loop for cache expiry
-0.81_01 Mar 27 2003
- - Select Distinct altered to support oracle
+0.81_04 2003-04-14
+ - Fixed a bug in "Distinct" logic introduced in 0.81_01
-0.80 Mar 08 2003
- - Count method enhanced to ignore "LIMIT"s
- - LIMIT behaviour changed to be handle specific
+0.81_03 2003-04-13
+ - Patches for Oracle BLOB support from Brook Schofield
+0.81_02 2003-04-13
+ - Rebuilt Postgres query generator.
-0.79 Jan 19 2003
- - ReadableAttributes and WritableAttributes added as methods to Record.pm
+0.81_01 2003-03-27
+ - Select Distinct altered to support oracle
-0.78 Jan 16 2003
- - SB->Count should return no results unless the search is limited
- - Eliminate a warning on empty searches
+0.80 2003-03-08
+ - Count method enhanced to ignore "LIMIT"s
+ - LIMIT behaviour changed to be handle specific
-0.77 Jan 15 2003
+0.79 2003-01-19
+ - ReadableAttributes and WritableAttributes added as methods to Record.pm
- - No longer attempt to cache (and fail) objects that haven't been database-loaded
+0.78 2003-01-16
+ - SB->Count should return no results unless the search is limited
+ - Eliminate a warning on empty searches
-0.76 Dec 30 2002
- - Extra checking for cache misses in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable
- - The start of support for checking database version, so that we can do
- version-specific SQL
- - A patch from Autrijus Tang that allows utf-8 safe searching
+0.77 2003-01-15
+ - No longer attempt to cache (and fail) objects that haven't been
+ database-loaded
-0.75 Dec 06 2002
- - Applying a patch from Rob Spier <rspier at pobox.com> which enables
- arbitrarily complex grouping clauses. It's a hack, but we love it
- anyway....at least until SB gets redone with proper arbitrarily
- complex query generation.
+0.76 2002-12-30
+ - Extra checking for cache misses in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable
+ - The start of support for checking database version, so that we can do
+ version-specific SQL
+ - A patch from Autrijus Tang that allows utf-8 safe searching
-0.74 Oct 11 2002
- - Adding support for mysqlPP
+0.75 2002-12-06
+ - Applying a patch from Rob Spier <rspier at pobox.com> which enables
+ arbitrarily complex grouping clauses. It's a hack, but we love it
+ anyway....at least until SB gets redone with proper arbitrarily complex
+ query generation.
-0.73 Sep 10 2002
- - More class-returnvalue ification
- - Fixed a caching bug that caused multiple copies of an object in memory to not
- be kept in sync
+0.74 2002-10-11
+ - Adding support for mysqlPP
-0.72 Aug 28 2002
- - Fixed bug in setting a column to the value of an SQL statement.
+0.73 2002-09-10
+ - More class-returnvalue ification
+ - Fixed a caching bug that caused multiple copies of an object in memory
+ to not be kept in sync
-0.70 Aug 27 2002
- - Better support for Postgres 7.2 and transactions.
+0.72 2002-08-28
+ - Fixed bug in setting a column to the value of an SQL statement.
-0.62 Jul 5 2002
- - Support for Class::ReturnValue to channel errors up when expected
- - Dependency on Class::ReturnValue
- - Minor cleanups and refactorings to allow percolation of errors on create
+0.70 2002-08-27
+ - Better support for Postgres 7.2 and transactions.
-0.34 May 23 2001
- - SearchBuilder.pm - refactored to allow LEFT joins.
+0.62 2002-07-05
+ - Support for Class::ReturnValue to channel errors up when expected
+ - Dependency on Class::ReturnValue
+ - Minor cleanups and refactorings to allow percolation of errors on create
-0.31 Say May 12 14:45:00 EDT 2001
- - SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable now constructs cache keys in a way
- that doesn't lose when records in different tables have the same keys.
+0.34 2001-05-23
+ - SearchBuilder.pm - refactored to allow LEFT joins.
+0.31 2001-05-12
+ - SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable now constructs cache keys in a way that
+ doesn't lose when records in different tables have the same keys.
-0.30 Fri May 11 14:59:17 EDT 2001
- - Added DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable from <mhat at netlag.com>
- - Changed SearchBuilder->Count to do the right thing if no
- query has been performed
- - No longer specify a sort order if no sort order was specified ;)
+0.30 2001-05-11
+ - Added DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable from <mhat at netlag.com>
+ - Changed SearchBuilder->Count to do the right thing if no query has been
+ performed
+ - No longer specify a sort order if no sort order was specified ;)
-0.01 Tue Aug 29 16:08:54 2000
- - original version; created by h2xs 1.19
+0.01 2000-08-29
+ - original version; created by h2xs 1.19
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 40de490..555f116 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
abstract: 'Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects'
- - 'Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>'
+ - 'Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>'
DBD::SQLite: 0
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.36
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ configure_requires:
ExtUtils::MakeMaker: 6.36
distribution_type: module
dynamic_config: 1
-generated_by: 'Module::Install version 1.06'
+generated_by: 'Module::Install version 1.08'
license: perl
url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ no_index:
- inc
- t
- Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry: 0.21
+ Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry: '0.21'
Class::Accessor: 0
Class::ReturnValue: 0.4
Clone: 0
DBI: 0
DBIx::DBSchema: 0
- Encode: 1.99
+ Encode: '1.99'
Scalar::Util: 0
Want: 0
license: http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
-version: 1.65
+version: 1.65_01
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index af765ff..49ec3f0 100755
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
use inc::Module::Install;
name ('DBIx-SearchBuilder');
-license ('perl');
-author ('Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com>');
diff --git a/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm b/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
index aa7aa92..f115790 100644
--- a/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ();
use vars qw{$VERSION};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
# special map on pre-defined feature sets
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install.pm b/inc/Module/Install.pm
index 4ecf46b..7680c84 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install.pm
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ BEGIN {
# This is not enforced yet, but will be some time in the next few
# releases once we can make sure it won't clash with custom
# Module::Install extensions.
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
# Storage for the pseudo-singleton
$MAIN = undef;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm b/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
index 6efe4fe..9d55c20 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
index 802844a..3e63345 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package Module::Install::Base;
use strict 'vars';
use vars qw{$VERSION};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
# Suspend handler for "redefined" warnings
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
index 22167b8..93f248d 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
index bee0c4f..ecc0d53 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
index 8310e4c..fc86e23 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
index 7052f36..c0978a4 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use Fcntl qw/:flock :seek/;
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
index 58430f3..e4112f8 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm b/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
index eeaa3fe..e529382 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = 'Module::Install::Base';
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm b/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
index 85d8018..2c74308 100644
--- a/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
+++ b/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use Module::Install::Base ();
use vars qw{$VERSION @ISA $ISCORE};
- $VERSION = '1.06';
+ $VERSION = '1.08';
@ISA = qw{Module::Install::Base};
$ISCORE = 1;
diff --git a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm b/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm
index c565957..ad9db1b 100755
--- a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm
+++ b/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package DBIx::SearchBuilder;
use strict;
use warnings;
-our $VERSION = "1.65";
+our $VERSION = "1.65_01";
use Clone qw();
use Encode qw();
@@ -1896,20 +1896,27 @@ is installed, using a temporary file as the database. For example:
=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jesse Vincent, jesse at bestpractical.com.
+Best Practical Solutions, LLC E<lt>modules at bestpractical.comE<gt>
-All rights reserved.
+=head1 BUGS
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+All bugs should be reported via email to
+ L<bug-DBIx-SearchBuilder at rt.cpan.org|mailto:bug-DBIx-SearchBuilder at rt.cpan.org>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
+or via the web at
-DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle, DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record.
+ L<rt.cpan.org|http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=DBIx-SearchBuilder>.
+Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Best Practical Solutions LLC.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle, DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record.
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