[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-resetpassword annotated tag, 0.06, created. 0.06

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 10 17:20:46 EDT 2014

The annotated tag, 0.06 has been created
        at  b8858207f3bcd469928b434b2d79503ad1635a5e (tag)
   tagging  249bd0e36275bed3479a8073761a26cef64ce81a (commit)
  replaces  0.05
 tagged by  Kevin Falcone
        on  Mon Mar 10 17:20:37 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
release 0.06
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org


Christian Loos (12):
      password reset only for user with password
      update description after 45f62e0
      don't allow requests for disabled users
      update Module::Install and friends
      add template for password reset token email
      add instructions to run 'make initdb'
      use template instead of static text for email
      code cleanups, no functional change
      add strict and warnings pragma
      fix and update POD
      update MANIFEST and README
      use same wording as in other places

Kevin Falcone (7):
      Merge branch 'use-template'
      Merge branch 'update-changes'
      Update MIRTx which also updated the README
      Update with the more modern/standard install instructions
      Update Changes to reflect cloos' work
      add Changes to MANIFEST
      bump version for 0.06

Neil Bowers (2):
      Add Changes file
      Added pod abstract


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