[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-assets annotated tag, 1.01rc1, created. 1.01rc1

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Thu May 8 13:29:04 EDT 2014

The annotated tag, 1.01rc1 has been created
        at  23d791dcc12eba93c459df303d0fdabdb5a27a9b (tag)
   tagging  18c1c2db41ebb39c71982fe52cd1cdc6648eee79 (commit)
  replaces  1.0
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Thu May 8 13:28:36 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.01rc1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Vandiver (17):
      Add additional callbacks on Modify pages
      Add TSV export, based on /Elements/TSVExport (4.2.4 and higher) or our own copy
      Merge branch '1.1/asset-ticket-create-selfservice-image'
      Merge branch '1.0-releng'
      Squelch warnings for configs set in RT_SiteConfig.pm
      Pass the correct class to ColumnMap
      Include the id in the format
      Add a format to modify TSV downloads
      Ensure that catalog-specific styles can be applied during search, as well
      More concise user display in assets
      With the previous commit, "User Summary" now has enough space to not need this
      Add a callback between asset info and their tickets
      Merge branch '1.1/restore-ticket-wrapping'
      Merge branch '1.1/csv'
      Merge branch '1.1/config-defaults'
      Merge branch '1.1/people-display'
      Releng for 1.01rc1

Jim Brandt (1):
      Add correct image for selfservice ticket create

Kevin Falcone (1):
      Stop forcing nowrap onto ticket searches


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