[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-TicketLocking annotated tag, 1.00, created. 1.00

Alex Vandiver alexmv at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 19 20:29:49 EST 2015

The annotated tag, 1.00 has been created
        at  e59b63c186861bbb01f561e09734db7cd3975086 (tag)
   tagging  f17bf1886bb8decc8c92c6036ff22490e8fde967 (commit)
  replaces  0.12
 tagged by  Alex Vandiver
        on  Mon Jan 19 20:27:41 2015 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.00
Version: GnuPG v1


Alex Vandiver (4):
      Use l_unsafe (after escaping other parameters) to fix user link escaping
      Packaging updates
      Make rt.t tests pass
      Version 1.00 releng

Kevin Falcone (9):
      Delete this test, it's quite broken.
      Turn these into author tests
      Stop doing things manually
      remove unused code
      Switch to modern RT::Test framwork
      Sleep otherwise when the autolock is cleared, it'll look like Duration is 0
      Match the newer message we get
      This gets tested by RT::Test
      Ignore tmp files from author tests


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