[Bps-public-commit] RT-Extension-MandatoryOnTransition branch, must-and-must-not-be, created. 0.09_01-14-gbabe916
Jim Brandt
jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Fri Jun 17 16:25:16 EDT 2016
The branch, must-and-must-not-be has been created
at babe91626fdd3c8463117ec31bcc2e10612ea23d (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 2f48cf42006a6c6a6fdd1c4b62520531e52c8583
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 17 16:18:34 2016 -0400
Remove config check for ARRAY before adding new HASH config option
This check looks for a specific type of data in the config,
but the new feature for checking specific values needs a
hash reference. Adding hash would then make this check
restrict almost nothing, so remove it.
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
index 6222d17..5f6616c 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
@@ -165,31 +165,6 @@ If you're just using this module on your own RT instance, you should stop
reading now. You don't need to know about the implementation details unless
you're writing a patch against this extension.
-$RT::Config::META{'MandatoryOnTransition'} = {
- Type => 'HASH',
- PostLoadCheck => sub {
- # Normalize field list to always be arrayref
- my $self = shift;
- my %config = $self->Get('MandatoryOnTransition');
- for my $transitions (values %config) {
- for (keys %$transitions) {
- next if ref $transitions->{$_} eq 'ARRAY';
- if (ref $transitions->{$_}) {
- RT->Logger->error("%MandatoryOnTransition definition '$_' must be a single field name or an array ref of field names. Ignoring.");
- delete $transitions->{$_};
- next;
- }
- $transitions->{$_} = [ $transitions->{$_} ];
- }
- }
- $self->Set(MandatoryOnTransition => %config);
- },
=head2 Package variables
=over 4
commit 022d05548787501a0ae3a6175c30ce4fccd2e247
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 17 16:22:13 2016 -0400
Allow rules to require or restrict specific values on transition
Add configuration and functionality to require specific values
for transitions or restrict specific values.
diff --git a/README b/README
index f879b29..1ea76f0 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ CONFIGURATION
The fallback for queues without specific rules is specified with '*'
where the queue name would normally be.
+ Requiring Any Value
Below is an example which requires 1) time worked and filling in a
custom field named Resolution before resolving tickets in the Helpdesk
queue and 2) a Category selection before resolving tickets in every
@@ -123,6 +124,28 @@ CONFIGURATION
The transition syntax is similar to that found in RT's Lifecycles. See
perldoc /opt/rt4/etc/RT_Config.pm.
+ Requiring or Restricting Specific Values
+ Sometimes you want to restrict a transition if a field has a specific
+ value (maybe a ticket can't be resolved if System Status = down) or
+ require a specific value to to allow a transition (ticket can't be
+ resolved unless System Status = normal). To enforce specific values, you
+ can add the following:
+ Set( %MandatoryOnTransition,
+ Helpdesk => {
+ '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'CF.Some Field1', 'CF.Some Field2'],
+ 'CF.Test Field2' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_be => ['normal', 'restored'] },
+ 'CF.Test Field3' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_not_be => ['reduced', 'down']}
+ },
+ );
+ This will then enforce both that the value is set and that it either has
+ one of the required values on the configured transition or does not have
+ one of the restricted values.
+ Note that you need to specify the transition the rule applies to since a
+ given queue configuration could have multiple transition rules.
By default, this extension shows only the mandatory fields on the update
page to make it easy for users to fill them out when completing an
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
index 5f6616c..b073ffd 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition.pm
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ status C<to>.
The fallback for queues without specific rules is specified with C<'*'> where
the queue name would normally be.
+=head2 Requiring Any Value
Below is an example which requires 1) time worked and filling in a custom field
named Resolution before resolving tickets in the Helpdesk queue and 2) a
Category selection before resolving tickets in every other queue.
@@ -150,6 +152,29 @@ Category selection before resolving tickets in every other queue.
The transition syntax is similar to that found in RT's Lifecycles. See
C<perldoc /opt/rt4/etc/RT_Config.pm>.
+=head2 Requiring or Restricting Specific Values
+Sometimes you want to restrict a transition if a field has a specific
+value (maybe a ticket can't be resolved if System Status = down) or
+require a specific value to to allow a transition (ticket can't be
+resolved unless System Status = normal). To enforce specific values, you
+can add the following:
+ Set( %MandatoryOnTransition,
+ Helpdesk => {
+ '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'CF.Some Field1', 'CF.Some Field2'],
+ 'CF.Test Field2' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_be => ['normal', 'restored'] },
+ 'CF.Test Field3' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_not_be => ['reduced', 'down']}
+ },
+ );
+This will then enforce both that the value is set and that it either has
+one of the required values on the configured transition or does
+not have one of the restricted values.
+Note that you need to specify the transition the rule applies to
+since a given queue configuration could have multiple transition rules.
=head2 C<$ShowAllCustomFieldsOnMandatoryUpdate>
By default, this extension shows only the mandatory fields on the update page
@@ -272,7 +297,25 @@ sub RequiredFields {
my @cfs = map { /^CF\.(.+)$/i; $1; }
grep { /^CF\./i } @$required;
- return (\@core, \@cfs);
+ # Pull out an must be or must not be rules
+ my %cf_must_values = ();
+ foreach my $cf (@cfs){
+ if ( $config{"CF.$cf"} ){
+ my $transition = $config{"CF.$cf"}->{'transition'};
+ unless ( $transition ){
+ RT->Logger->error("No transition defined in must be or must not be rules for $cf");
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $transition eq "$from -> $to"
+ || $transition eq "* -> $to"
+ || $transition eq "$from -> *" ) {
+ $cf_must_values{$cf} = $config{"CF.$cf"};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@core, \@cfs, \%cf_must_values);
=head3 CheckMandatoryFields
@@ -325,7 +368,7 @@ sub CheckMandatoryFields {
return \@errors;
- my ($core, $cfs) = $self->RequiredFields(
+ my ($core, $cfs, $must_values) = $self->RequiredFields(
Ticket => $args{'Ticket'},
Queue => $args{'Queue'} ? $args{'Queue'}->Name : undef,
From => $args{'From'},
@@ -401,6 +444,39 @@ sub CheckMandatoryFields {
$value = ($ARGSRef->{"${arg}s-Magic"} and exists $ARGSRef->{"${arg}s"}) ? $ARGSRef->{$arg . "s"} : $ARGSRef->{$arg};
+ # Check for specific values
+ if ( exists $must_values->{$cf->Name} ){
+ my $cf_value = $value;
+ # Fetch the current value if we didn't receive a new one
+ $cf_value = $args{'Ticket'}->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf->Name)
+ unless defined $cf_value;
+ if ( exists $must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_be'} ){
+ # OK if it's defined and is one of the specified values
+ next if defined $cf_value and grep { $cf_value eq $_ } @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_be'}};
+ my $valid_values = join ", ", @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_be'}};
+ my $one_of = '';
+ $one_of = " one of:" if @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_be'}} > 1;
+ push @errors,
+ $CurrentUser->loc("[_1] must be$one_of [_3] when changing Status to [_2]",
+ $cf->Name, $CurrentUser->loc($ARGSRef->{Status}), $valid_values);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( exists $must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_not_be'} ){
+ # OK if it's defined and _not_ in the list
+ next if defined $cf_value and !grep { $cf_value eq $_ } @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_not_be'}};
+ my $valid_values = join ", ", @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_not_be'}};
+ my $one_of = '';
+ $one_of = " one of:" if @{$must_values->{$cf->Name}{'must_not_be'}} > 1;
+ push @errors,
+ $CurrentUser->loc("[_1] must not be$one_of [_3] when changing Status to [_2]",
+ $cf->Name, $CurrentUser->loc($ARGSRef->{Status}), $valid_values);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for any value
next if defined $value and length $value;
# Is there a current value? (Particularly important for Date/Datetime CFs
commit babe91626fdd3c8463117ec31bcc2e10612ea23d
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 17 16:23:50 2016 -0400
Add tests for new must_be and must_not_be features
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition/Test.pm.in b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition/Test.pm.in
index 41ae190..1757bb1 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition/Test.pm.in
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/MandatoryOnTransition/Test.pm.in
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ Set( %MandatoryOnTransition,
'open -> resolved' => [qw(TimeWorked TimeTaken)]
'General' => {
- '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'TimeTaken', 'CF.Test Field']
- },
+ '* -> resolved' => ['TimeWorked', 'TimeTaken', 'CF.Test Field', 'CF.Test Field3', 'CF.Test Field4'],
+ 'CF.Test Field3' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_be => ['normal', 'restored'] },
+ 'CF.Test Field4' => { transition => '* -> resolved', must_not_be => ['down', 'reduced'] } },
diff --git a/xt/basic.t b/xt/basic.t
index 285eda6..3823fe6 100644
--- a/xt/basic.t
+++ b/xt/basic.t
@@ -42,6 +42,38 @@ ok( $id2, $msg );
$cf2->AddValue( Name => 'blue' );
$cf2->AddValue( Name => 'green' );
+my $cf3 = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $id3;
+diag "Create custom field for must have values";
+( $id3, $msg ) = $cf3->Create(
+ Name => 'Test Field3',
+ Type => 'Select',
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
+ MaxValues => '1',
+ Queue => 'General',
+ok( $id3, $msg );
+$cf3->AddValue( Name => 'normal' );
+$cf3->AddValue( Name => 'restored' );
+$cf3->AddValue( Name => 'other' );
+my $cf4 = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $id4;
+diag "Create custom field for must not have values";
+( $id4, $msg ) = $cf4->Create(
+ Name => 'Test Field4',
+ Type => 'Select',
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
+ MaxValues => '1',
+ Queue => 'General',
+ok( $id4, $msg );
+$cf4->AddValue( Name => 'normal' );
+$cf4->AddValue( Name => 'down' );
+$cf4->AddValue( Name => 'reduced' );
diag "Try a resolve without TimeWorked";
my $t = RT::Test->create_ticket(
@@ -62,13 +94,30 @@ diag "Try a resolve without TimeWorked";
'Submit resolve with no Time Worked');
$m->content_contains('Time Worked is required when changing Status to resolved');
$m->content_contains('Test Field is required when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field3 must be one of: normal, restored when changing Status to resolved');
$m->submit_form_ok( { form_name => 'TicketUpdate',
fields => { UpdateTimeWorked => 10,
- 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo'},
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id3-Values" => 'other',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id4-Values" => 'down',},
button => 'SubmitTicket',
}, 'Submit resolve with Time Worked and Test Field');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field3 must be one of: normal, restored when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field4 must not be one of: down, reduced when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->submit_form_ok( { form_name => 'TicketUpdate',
+ fields => { UpdateTimeWorked => 10,
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id3-Values" => 'normal',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $t->id . "-CustomField-$id4-Values" => 'normal',},
+ button => 'SubmitTicket',
+ }, 'Submit resolve with Time Worked and Test Field');
if ( $RT::VERSION =~ /^4\.0\.\d+/ ){
$m->content_contains("TimeWorked changed from (no value) to '10'");
@@ -106,10 +155,26 @@ diag "Try a resolve without TimeWorked in mobile interface";
$m->content_contains('Time Worked is required when changing Status to resolved');
$m->content_contains('Test Field is required when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field3 must be one of: normal, restored when changing Status to resolved');
$m->submit_form_ok( { form_number => 1,
fields => { UpdateTimeWorked => 10,
- 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo'},
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id3-Values" => 'other',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id4-Values" => 'down',},
+ button => 'SubmitTicket',
+ }, 'Submit resolve with Time Worked and Test Field');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field3 must be one of: normal, restored when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->content_contains('Test Field4 must not be one of: down, reduced when changing Status to resolved');
+ $m->submit_form_ok( { form_number => 1,
+ fields => { UpdateTimeWorked => 10,
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id-Values" => 'foo',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id3-Values" => 'normal',
+ 'Object-RT::Ticket-' . $ticket_id . "-CustomField-$id4-Values" => 'normal',},
button => 'SubmitTicket',
}, 'Submit resolve with Time Worked and Test Field');
diff --git a/xt/required_fields.t b/xt/required_fields.t
index d5d7f63..3c7a91d 100644
--- a/xt/required_fields.t
+++ b/xt/required_fields.t
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition::Test tests => 13;
+use RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition::Test tests => undef;
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ diag "Test RequiredFields without a ticket";
is( $core->[0], 'TimeWorked', 'Got TimeWorked for required core');
- ($core, $cf) = RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition->RequiredFields(
+ my $must_values;
+ ($core, $cf, $must_values) = RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition->RequiredFields(
From => "''",
To => 'resolved',
Queue => 'General',
@@ -21,6 +22,12 @@ diag "Test RequiredFields without a ticket";
is( $core->[0], 'TimeWorked', 'Got TimeWorked for required core');
is( $cf->[0], 'Test Field', 'Got Test Field for required custom field');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}), 'HASH', 'Got a hash for Test Field2 must values');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_be'}), 'ARRAY', 'Got an array for must be values');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_not_be'}), 'ARRAY', 'Got an array for must not be values');
+ is( $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_be'}->[0], 'normal', "First must be value is 'normal'");
+ is( $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_not_be'}->[0], 'down', "First must not be value is 'down'");
diag "Test RequiredFields with a ticket";
@@ -33,11 +40,19 @@ diag "Test RequiredFields with a ticket";
ok( $t->id, 'Created test ticket: ' . $t->id);
- my ($core, $cf) = RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition->RequiredFields(
+ my ($core, $cf, $must_values) = RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition->RequiredFields(
Ticket => $t,
To => 'resolved',
is( $core->[0], 'TimeWorked', 'Got TimeWorked for required core');
is( $cf->[0], 'Test Field', 'Got Test Field for required custom field');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}), 'HASH', 'Got a hash for Test Field2 must values');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_be'}), 'ARRAY', 'Got an array for must be values');
+ is( (ref $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_not_be'}), 'ARRAY', 'Got an array for must not be values');
+ is( $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_be'}->[0], 'normal', "First must be value is 'normal'");
+ is( $must_values->{'Test Field2'}{'must_not_be'}->[0], 'down', "First must not be value is 'down'");
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