[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-timetracking annotated tag, 0.02, created. 0.02

Jim Brandt jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Thu Aug 17 11:10:19 EDT 2017

The annotated tag, 0.02 has been created
        at  87201d1372f27bd7f22ca643a4e2062eeeb8f0f4 (tag)
   tagging  71409864e887fec6924ef2d6bd62f98815305757 (commit)
 tagged by  Jim Brandt
        on  Fri Mar 7 11:14:46 2014 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Releasing 0.02
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (Darwin)


Jim Brandt (12):
      Update Add Time display to squeeze it to one line in Basics
      Apply style and table formatting to user and date options
      Change Add to Update since you can subtract time
      Update MANIFEST
      Apply limit to the activity txns
      Update MANIFEST
      Add and update Module::Install files
      Add testing framework
      Create new WeekStartDate function to calculate first weekday
      Pass Timezone to get the proper default date for time entry
      Prep for 0.02 release
      Add RT version information to docs

sunnavy (21):
      initial import
      RT patch to make 'Worked Date' txn cf actually work
      autocomplete ticket and tweak "total" label for each week day
      "Return to My Week" page menu
      to reduce width
      show activities happened in the week
      full date range support for txn cf "Worked Date"
      loc table headers
      add "Add" column make the "Add Time" more handy
      actor cf to record who _actually_ made the change
      show activity for each week day instead
      limit activity to _real_ ones(e.g. create/comment/correspond)
      ignore time part for "Worked Date" cf since it's just a _date_
      timezone fix
      merge activity into tickets with time
      show total time worked by all users in Basics
      in case timetaken is negative
      "End" callback for MyWeek page
      new option $TimeTrackingFirstDayOfWeek
      hide txn cf actor on ticket updates
      add %week_worked to callback


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