[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, master, updated. b5222f00615ff4618f4e141bc92b779cef7f5a18
Shawn Moore
shawn at bestpractical.com
Fri Jun 16 18:42:26 EDT 2017
The branch, master has been updated
via b5222f00615ff4618f4e141bc92b779cef7f5a18 (commit)
via bcdadd27ca9744032865ce37d987ffd186b673ca (commit)
via a1e31e02f8dd75a319636d3cc3581499b6e3c5e0 (commit)
from f840702d2d80e4e0c8557968fc6ba2a1986e0a5d (commit)
Summary of changes:
lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Record/Writable.pm | 38 ++++
t/ticket-customfields.t | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++
t/tickets.t | 17 ++
3 files changed, 299 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 t/ticket-customfields.t
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a1e31e02f8dd75a319636d3cc3581499b6e3c5e0
Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 16 19:56:37 2017 +0000
Basic ticket CF tests
diff --git a/t/ticket-customfields.t b/t/ticket-customfields.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60a349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/ticket-customfields.t
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use RT::Extension::REST2::Test tests => undef;
+my $mech = RT::Extension::REST2::Test->mech;
+my $auth = RT::Extension::REST2::Test->authorization_header;
+my $rest_base_path = '/REST/2.0';
+my $user = RT::Extension::REST2::Test->user;
+my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => "General" );
+my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
+$cf->Create( Name => 'Freeform', Type => 'FreeformSingle', Queue => $queue->Id );
+# Ticket Creation with no ModifyCustomField
+my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
+ my $payload = {
+ Subject => 'Ticket creation using REST',
+ From => 'test at bestpractical.com',
+ To => 'rt at localhost',
+ Queue => 'General',
+ Content => 'Testing ticket creation using REST API.',
+ 'CustomField-' . $cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
+ };
+ # Rights Test - No CreateTicket
+ my $res = $mech->post_json("$rest_base_path/ticket",
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "this should return 403";
+ is($res->code, 403);
+ }
+ my @warnings;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ push @warnings, @_;
+ };
+ # Rights Test - With CreateTicket
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'CreateTicket' );
+ $res = $mech->post_json("$rest_base_path/ticket",
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 201);
+ ok($ticket_url = $res->header('location'));
+ ok(($ticket_id) = $ticket_url =~ qr[/ticket/(\d+)]);
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "this warns due to specifying a CF with no permission to see";
+ is(@warnings, 0, "no warnings");
+ }
+# Ticket Display
+ # Rights Test - No ShowTicket
+ my $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 403);
+# Rights Test - With ShowTicket but no SeeCustomField
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ShowTicket' );
+ my $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ my $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{id}, $ticket_id);
+ is($content->{Type}, 'ticket');
+ is($content->{Status}, 'new');
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'Ticket creation using REST');
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, undef, 'Ticket custom field not present');
+# Rights Test - With ShowTicket and SeeCustomField
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'SeeCustomField', Object => $cf);
+ my $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ my $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{id}, $ticket_id);
+ is($content->{Type}, 'ticket');
+ is($content->{Status}, 'new');
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'Ticket creation using REST');
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, [], 'Ticket custom field');
+# Ticket Creation with ModifyCustomField
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ModifyCustomField', Object => $cf);
+ my $payload = {
+ Subject => 'Ticket creation using REST',
+ From => 'test at bestpractical.com',
+ To => 'rt at localhost',
+ Queue => 'General',
+ Content => 'Testing ticket creation using REST API.',
+ 'CustomField-' . $cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
+ };
+ my $res = $mech->post_json("$rest_base_path/ticket",
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 201);
+ ok($ticket_url = $res->header('location'));
+ ok(($ticket_id) = $ticket_url =~ qr[/ticket/(\d+)]);
+# Rights Test - With ShowTicket and SeeCustomField
+ my $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ my $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{id}, $ticket_id);
+ is($content->{Type}, 'ticket');
+ is($content->{Status}, 'new');
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'Ticket creation using REST');
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, ['Hello world!'], 'Ticket custom field');
commit bcdadd27ca9744032865ce37d987ffd186b673ca
Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 16 21:35:09 2017 +0000
Single-value CF updates
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Record/Writable.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Record/Writable.pm
index 3c14152..1edb800 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Record/Writable.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Record/Writable.pm
@@ -44,12 +44,50 @@ sub update_record {
ARGSRef => $data,
AttributesRef => [ $self->record->WritableAttributes ],
+ push @results, $self->_update_custom_fields($data);
# XXX TODO: Figure out how to return success/failure? Core RT::Record's
# ->Update will need to be replaced or improved.
$self->response->body( JSON::encode_json(\@results) );
+sub _update_custom_fields {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $data = shift;
+ my $record = $self->record;
+ my @results;
+ foreach my $arg ( keys %$data ) {
+ next unless $arg =~ /^CustomField-(\d+)$/i;
+ my $cfid = $1;
+ my $cf = $record->LoadCustomFieldByIdentifier($cfid);
+ next unless $cf->ObjectTypeFromLookupType($cf->__Value('LookupType'))->isa(ref $record);
+ if ($cf->SingleValue) {
+ my $val = $data->{$arg};
+ if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $val = $val->[0];
+ }
+ elsif (ref($val)) {
+ die "Invalid value type for $arg";
+ }
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $record->AddCustomFieldValue(
+ Field => $cf,
+ Value => $val,
+ );
+ push @results, $msg;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ return @results;
sub update_resource {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
diff --git a/t/ticket-customfields.t b/t/ticket-customfields.t
index a60a349..89a432f 100644
--- a/t/ticket-customfields.t
+++ b/t/ticket-customfields.t
@@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ my $user = RT::Extension::REST2::Test->user;
my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => "General" );
-my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
-$cf->Create( Name => 'Freeform', Type => 'FreeformSingle', Queue => $queue->Id );
+my $single_cf = RT::CustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
+my ($ok, $msg) = $single_cf->Create( Name => 'Freeform', Type => 'FreeformSingle', Queue => $queue->Id );
+ok($ok, $msg);
+my $multi_cf = RT::CustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
+($ok, $msg) = $multi_cf->Create( Name => 'Multi', Type => 'FreeformMultiple', Queue => $queue->Id );
+ok($ok, $msg);
# Ticket Creation with no ModifyCustomField
my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
@@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
To => 'rt at localhost',
Queue => 'General',
Content => 'Testing ticket creation using REST API.',
- 'CustomField-' . $cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
+ 'CustomField-' . $single_cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
# Rights Test - No CreateTicket
@@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
# Rights Test - With ShowTicket and SeeCustomField
- $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'SeeCustomField', Object => $cf);
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'SeeCustomField', Object => $single_cf);
my $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
'Authorization' => $auth,
@@ -100,17 +105,115 @@ my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, [], 'Ticket custom field');
-# Ticket Creation with ModifyCustomField
+# Ticket Update without ModifyCustomField
- $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ModifyCustomField', Object => $cf);
+ my $payload = {
+ Subject => 'Ticket update using REST',
+ Priority => 42,
+ 'CustomField-'.$single_cf->Id => 'Modified CF',
+ };
+ # Rights Test - No ModifyTicket
+ my $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "RT ->Update isn't introspectable";
+ is($res->code, 403);
+ };
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, ['Ticket 1: Permission Denied', 'Ticket 1: Permission Denied', 'Could not add new custom field value: Permission Denied']);
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ModifyTicket' );
+ $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, ["Ticket 1: Priority changed from (no value) to '42'", "Ticket 1: Subject changed from 'Ticket creation using REST' to 'Ticket update using REST'", 'Could not add new custom field value: Permission Denied']);
+ $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ my $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'Ticket update using REST');
+ is($content->{Priority}, 42);
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, [], 'No update to CF');
+# Ticket Update with ModifyCustomField
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'ModifyCustomField', Object => $single_cf);
+ my $payload = {
+ Subject => 'More updates using REST',
+ Priority => 43,
+ 'CustomField-'.$single_cf->Id => 'Modified CF',
+ };
+ my $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, ["Ticket 1: Priority changed from '42' to '43'", "Ticket 1: Subject changed from 'Ticket update using REST' to 'More updates using REST'", 'Freeform Modified CF added']);
+ $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ my $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'More updates using REST');
+ is($content->{Priority}, 43);
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, ['Modified CF'], 'New CF value');
+ # make sure changing the CF doesn't add a second OCFV
+ $payload->{'CustomField-'.$single_cf->Id} = 'Modified Again';
+ $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, ['Freeform Modified CF changed to Modified Again']);
+ $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, ['Modified Again'], 'New CF value');
+ # stop changing the CF, change something else, make sure CF sticks around
+ delete $payload->{'CustomField-'.$single_cf->Id};
+ $payload->{Subject} = 'No CF change';
+ $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, ["Ticket 1: Subject changed from 'More updates using REST' to 'No CF change'"]);
+ $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is_deeply($content->{'CF.Freeform'}, ['Modified Again'], 'Same CF value');
+# Ticket Creation with ModifyCustomField
my $payload = {
Subject => 'Ticket creation using REST',
From => 'test at bestpractical.com',
To => 'rt at localhost',
Queue => 'General',
Content => 'Testing ticket creation using REST API.',
- 'CustomField-' . $cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
+ 'CustomField-' . $single_cf->Id => 'Hello world!',
my $res = $mech->post_json("$rest_base_path/ticket",
commit b5222f00615ff4618f4e141bc92b779cef7f5a18
Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 16 21:40:01 2017 +0000
Make sure posting the same update doesn't result in changes
diff --git a/t/tickets.t b/t/tickets.t
index db19564..b0d3a28 100644
--- a/t/tickets.t
+++ b/t/tickets.t
@@ -210,6 +210,23 @@ my ($ticket_url, $ticket_id);
is($links->[4]{update}, 'Respond');
is($links->[4]{from}, 'new');
is($links->[4]{to}, 'rejected');
+ # update again with no changes
+ $res = $mech->put_json($ticket_url,
+ $payload,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ is_deeply($mech->json_response, []);
+ $res = $mech->get($ticket_url,
+ 'Authorization' => $auth,
+ );
+ is($res->code, 200);
+ $content = $mech->json_response;
+ is($content->{Subject}, 'Ticket update using REST');
+ is($content->{Priority}, 42);
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