[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, transaction-cfs, repushed
Jim Brandt
jbrandt at bestpractical.com
Fri Aug 16 17:20:55 EDT 2019
The branch transaction-cfs was deleted and repushed:
was f7de9be5b32583e1d13b2d969f4771cd1a9af90a
now e3b6480cc0454e0c617f7b5a7c78a1c4059a1bfc
1: 460500d = 1: 460500d Add Transaction Custom Field updates on Correspond and Comment
2: 3c29c50 = 2: 3c29c50 Move custom field updater to Utils for use elsewhere
3: 52ef66d = 3: 52ef66d Add custom fields on comment and correspond
4: 4e81bda = 4: 4e81bda No need to pass EmptyTxn to get custom field input names
5: cf8a9eb = 5: cf8a9eb Always call txn->UpdateCustomFields for txn cfs with default values
6: eb62986 = 6: eb62986 Prep 1.08 release
7: 77e3d0e < -: ------- Return custom field information for queues
8: f7de9be ! 7: 94a5403 Add custom field names in hyperlink data
@@ -37,12 +37,55 @@
+++ b/xt/queues.t
- is($links->[1]{ref}, 'customfield');
- like($links->[1]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/customfield/$single_cf_id$]);
+ $user->PrincipalObj->GrantRight( Right => 'SuperUser' );
++my $queue_obj = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => "General" );
++my $single_cf = RT::CustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
++my ($ok, $msg) = $single_cf->Create( Name => 'Single', Type => 'FreeformSingle', LookupType => RT::Queue->CustomFieldLookupType );
++ok($ok, $msg);
++($ok, $msg) = $single_cf->AddToObject($queue_obj);
++ok($ok, $msg);
++my $single_cf_id = $single_cf->Id;
+ my $queue_url;
+ # search Name = General
+ {
+ ok(exists $content->{$_}, "got $_") for @fields;
+ my $links = $content->{_hyperlinks};
+- is(scalar @$links, 3);
++ is(scalar @$links, 4);
+ is($links->[0]{ref}, 'self');
+ is($links->[0]{id}, 1);
+ is($links->[0]{type}, 'queue');
+ like($links->[0]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/queue/1$]);
+- is($links->[1]{ref}, 'history');
+- like($links->[1]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/queue/1/history$]);
++ is($links->[1]{ref}, 'customfield');
++ like($links->[1]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/customfield/$single_cf_id$]);
+ is($links->[1]{name}, 'Single');
- is($links->[2]{ref}, 'history');
- like($links->[2]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/queue/1/history$]);
+- is($links->[2]{ref}, 'create');
+- is($links->[2]{type}, 'ticket');
+- like($links->[2]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/ticket\?Queue=1$]);
++ is($links->[2]{ref}, 'history');
++ like($links->[2]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/queue/1/history$]);
++ is($links->[2]{ref}, 'history');
++ like($links->[2]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/queue/1/history$]);
++ is($links->[3]{ref}, 'create');
++ is($links->[3]{type}, 'ticket');
++ like($links->[3]{_url}, qr[$rest_base_path/ticket\?Queue=1$]);
+ my $creator = $content->{Creator};
+ is($creator->{id}, 'RT_System');
diff --git a/xt/ticket-customfields.t b/xt/ticket-customfields.t
--- a/xt/ticket-customfields.t
@@ -61,3 +104,4 @@
type => 'customfield',
_url => re(qr[$rest_base_path/customfield/$multi_cf_id$]),
-: ------- > 8: e3b6480 Provide Ticket and Transaction CFs for queue lookup
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