[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, master, updated. 1.06-12-gb342063

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu May 16 16:57:15 EDT 2019

The branch, master has been updated
       via  b342063525fa25bf3d479680651d7833cf91901f (commit)
       via  7d7c40a85358d1e7dce115cdbd21d6340255f95a (commit)
       via  5b6e2f52969ffd1bfe648f89343779a319d3b22a (commit)
       via  88961dad2411441e283783516379c575169ebdeb (commit)
       via  0d82523d0fbc59952fa2dc8768e4fa568d4f17f1 (commit)
       via  cef3bbe796ce344633afb319a958e69ca4570723 (commit)
       via  90e60ddcaa52f84361b94e6f9ff90aca0b968072 (commit)
      from  8445c7408693852ff4baa9f69f640c8495d04034 (commit)

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                   |  2 +-
 MANIFEST                                     | 40 ++++++++++++++--------------
 META.yml                                     |  2 +-
 Makefile.PL                                  |  2 +-
 {t/lib => lib}/RT/Extension/REST2/Test.pm.in | 20 +++++++++++---
 {t => xt}/asset-customfields.t               |  1 -
 {t => xt}/assets.t                           |  1 -
 {t => xt}/catalogs.t                         |  1 -
 {t => xt}/conflict.t                         |  1 -
 {t => xt}/group-members.t                    |  1 -
 {t => xt}/not_found.t                        |  1 -
 {t => xt}/organization.t                     |  1 -
 {t => xt}/queues.t                           |  1 -
 {t => xt}/root.t                             |  1 -
 {t => xt}/search-json.t                      |  1 -
 {t => xt}/ticket-customfields.t              |  1 -
 {t => xt}/ticket-customroles.t               |  1 -
 {t => xt}/ticket-links.t                     |  1 -
 {t => xt}/ticket-watchers.t                  |  1 -
 {t => xt}/tickets-bulk.t                     |  1 -
 {t => xt}/tickets.t                          |  1 -
 {t => xt}/transactions.t                     |  1 -
 {t => xt}/user-customfields.t                |  1 -
 {t => xt}/user-memberships.t                 |  1 -
 24 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 rename {t/lib => lib}/RT/Extension/REST2/Test.pm.in (87%)
 rename {t => xt}/asset-customfields.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/assets.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/catalogs.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/conflict.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/group-members.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/not_found.t (97%)
 rename {t => xt}/organization.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/queues.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/root.t (98%)
 rename {t => xt}/search-json.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/ticket-customfields.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/ticket-customroles.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/ticket-links.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/ticket-watchers.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/tickets-bulk.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/tickets.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/transactions.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/user-customfields.t (99%)
 rename {t => xt}/user-memberships.t (99%)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b342063525fa25bf3d479680651d7833cf91901f
Merge: 8445c74 7d7c40a
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Wed May 15 03:35:54 2019 +0800

    Merge branch 'move-test-files'


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