[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 annotated tag, 1.07, created. 1.07

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Fri May 24 17:22:57 EDT 2019

The annotated tag, 1.07 has been created
        at  57d9f8a51974985110a2eed84dbb6ba52bb7a14b (tag)
   tagging  06e180d722fbe19a2725e4a3fdac20b49ba90a90 (commit)
  replaces  1.06
 tagged by  sunnavy
        on  Sat May 25 05:22:23 2019 +0800

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 1.07


Andrew Ruthven (3):
      Allow specifying additional fields to return in search results
      Improve specifying fields for collection results
      Allow JSON API syntax to specify fields from child blocks to be included.

Jim Brandt (8):
      Correct create ticket example to use Requestor, Cc
      Remove unimplemented From and To from tests
      Move Test.pm.in file to standard location
      Add boilerplate import to require local lib during tests
      Move test files from t to xt
      Update MANIFEST
      Merge branch 'request-fields'
      Prep for 1.07

sunnavy (11):
      Thank gibus in changelog for 1.05/1.06
      Support to create ticket with content
      Merge branch 'create-ticket-with-content'
      Clean up tests as t/lib is gone
      Don't "use" record classes in Test.pm
      Merge branch 'move-test-files'
      Add tests for the additional fields support in search results
      Move expand_field to parent class so we can call it in other resources.
      Show plain column value if the corresponding ...Obj is not an RT::Record
      Support additional fields for single object URI
      Test additional fields support for /ticket/:id


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