[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-rest2 branch, rest2_api_attachment_handling, repushed
Aaron Trevena
ast at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 6 08:31:39 EDT 2020
The branch rest2_api_attachment_handling was deleted and repushed:
was c400fc681f8fbf4beb047eb93ae162c129acea4e
now 606e5256bcd32f098109b396b088a3d36082b520
1: 551f3c8 = 1: 551f3c8 Allow attachments as JSON Array with Base64 encoded content
2: d119220 = 2: d119220 Add test for attachments as JSON Array with Base64 encoded content
3: e63a2f5 ! 3: 377be7d Allow attachments with multipart/form-data
@@ -9,6 +9,84 @@
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2.pm
+ =head3 Replying/Commenting Tickets
+-You can reply to or comment a ticket by C<POST>ing to C<_url> from the C<correspond> or C<comment> hyperlinks that were returned when fetching the ticket.
++You can reply to or comment a ticket by C<POST>ing to C<_url> from the
++C<correspond> or C<comment> hyperlinks that were returned when fetching the
+ curl -X POST
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json"
+ -H 'Authorization: token XX_TOKEN_XX'
+ 'XX_TICKET_URL_XX'/correspond
+-Replying or commenting a ticket is quite similar to a ticket creation: you send a C<POST> request, with data encoded in C<JSON>. The difference lies in the properties of the JSON data object you can pass:
++Replying or commenting a ticket is quite similar to a ticket creation: you send
++a C<POST> request, with data encoded in C<JSON>. The difference lies in the
++properties of the JSON data object you can pass:
+ =over 4
+ =item C<Content>
+-The content of your response/comment, mandatory unless there is a non empty C<AttachmentsContent> property to add at least one attachment to the ticket (see L<Add Attachments> section below).
++The content of your response/comment, mandatory unless there is a non empty
++C<AttachmentsContent> property to add at least one attachment to the ticket (see
++L<Add Attachments> section below).
+ =item C<ContentType>
+-The MIME content type of your response/comment, typically C<text/plain> or C</text/html>, mandatory unless there is a non empty C<AttachmentsContent> property to add at least one attachment to the ticket (see L<Add Attachments> section below).
++The MIME content type of your response/comment, typically C<text/plain> or
++C</text/html>, mandatory unless there is a non empty C<AttachmentsContent>
++property to add at least one attachment to the ticket (see L<Add Attachments>
++section below).
+ =item C<TimeTaken>
+ =head3 Add Attachments
+-You can attach any binary or text file to your response or comment by specifying in the JSON object sent a C<AttachementsContents> property, which should be a JSON array where each item represents a file you want to attach. Each item is a JSON object with the following properties:
++You can attach any binary or text file to your response or comment by specifying
++in the JSON object sent a C<AttachementsContents> property, which should be a
++JSON array where each item represents a file you want to attach. Each item is
++a JSON object with the following properties:
+ =over 4
+ =item C<FileContent>
+-The content, I<encoded in C<MIME Base64>> of the file to attach to your response/comment, mandatory.
++The content, I<encoded in C<MIME Base64>> of the file to attach to your
++response/comment, mandatory.
+ =back
+-The reason why you should encode the content of any file to C<MIME Base64> is that a JSON string value should be a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. C<MIME Base64> is a binary-to-text encoding scheme widely used (for eg. by web browser) to send binary data when text data is required. Most popular language have C<MIME Base64> libraries that you can use to encode the content of your attached files (see L<MIME::Base64> for C<Perl>). Note that even text files should be C<MIME Base64> encoded to be passed in the C<FileContent> property.
++The reason why you should encode the content of any file to C<MIME Base64> is
++that a JSON string value should be a sequence of zero or more Unicode
++characters. C<MIME Base64> is a binary-to-text encoding scheme widely used (for
++eg. by web browser) to send binary data when text data is required. Most popular
++language have C<MIME Base64> libraries that you can use to encode the content of
++your attached files (see L<MIME::Base64> for C<Perl>). Note that even text files
++should be C<MIME Base64> encoded to be passed in the C<FileContent> property.
+-Here's a Perl example to send an image and a plain text file attached to a comment:
++Here's a Perl example to send an image and a plain text file attached to a
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use strict;
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
@@ -22,7 +100,18 @@
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print Dumper($json->decode($res->content)) . "\n";
-+Encoding the content of attachments file in C<MIME Base64> has the drawback of adding some processing overhead and to increase the sent data size by around 33%. RT's REST2 API provides another way to attach any binary or text file to your response or comment by C<POST>ing, instead of a JSON request, a C<multipart/form-data> request. This kind of request is similar to what the browser sends when you add attachments in RT's reply or comment form. As its name suggests, a C<multipart/form-data> request message contains a series of parts, each representing a form field. To reply to or comment a ticket, the request has to include a field named C<Json>, which, as previously, is a JSON object with C<Subject>, C<Content>, C<ContentType>, C<TimeTaken> properties. Files can then be attached by specifying a field named C<Attachment> for each of them, with the content of the file as value and the appropriate MIME type.
++Encoding the content of attachments file in C<MIME Base64> has the drawback
++of adding some processing overhead and to increase the sent data size by around
++33%. RT's REST2 API provides another way to attach any binary or text file to your
++response or comment by C<POST>ing, instead of a JSON request, a
++C<multipart/form-data> request. This kind of request is similar to what the browser
++sends when you add attachments in RT's reply or comment form. As its name suggests,
++a C<multipart/form-data> request message contains a series of parts, each representing
++a form field. To reply to or comment a ticket, the request has to include a field
++named C<Json>, which, as previously, is a JSON object with C<Subject>, C<Content>,
++C<ContentType>, C<TimeTaken> properties. Files can then be attached by specifying
++a field named C<Attachment> for each of them, with the content of the file as value
++and the appropriate MIME type.
+The curl invocation is quite straith forward:
@@ -30,20 +119,31 @@
+ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"
+ -F 'Json={
+ "Subject" : "Attachments in multipart/form-data",
-+ "Content" : "<p>I want <b>two</b> <em>attachments</em></p>"
++ "Content" : "<p>I want <b>two</b> <em>attachments</em></p>",
+ "ContentType": "text/html",
+ "TimeTaken" : "1"
+ };type=application/json'
-+ -F 'Attachment=@/tmp/my_image.png;type=image/png'
-+ -F 'Attachment=@~/.bashrc;type=text/plain'
++ -F 'Attachment_1=@/tmp/my_image.png;type=image/png'
++ -F 'Attachment_2=@~/.bashrc;type=text/plain'
+ -H 'Authorization: token XX_TOKEN_XX'
+ 'XX_TICKET_URL_XX'/comment
-+As a sidenote, fields for attached files can also be named C<attachment_1>, C<attachment_2>, etc. since such names were used in RT's REST 1.0 API.
++As a sidenote, fields for attached files can also be named C<attachment_1>,
++C<attachment_2>, etc. since such names were used in RT's REST 1.0 API.
=head3 Summary
RT's REST2 API provides the tools you need to build robust and dynamic
+ # Create an Asset
+ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u 'root:password'
+- -d '{"Name" : "Asset From Rest", "Catalog" : "General assets", "Content" : "Some content"}'
++ -d '{"Name" : "Asset From Rest",
++ "Catalog" : "General assets", "Content" : "Some content"}'
+ 'https://myrt.com/REST/2.0/asset'
+ # Search Assets
diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Message.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Message.pm
--- a/lib/RT/Extension/REST2/Resource/Message.pm
4: c400fc6 = 4: 606e525 Add test for attachments with multipart/form-data
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