[Bps-public-commit] rt-extension-resetpassword branch, new-user-create-password, repushed

Craig Kaiser craig at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 26 10:46:33 EST 2020

The branch new-user-create-password was deleted and repushed:
       was 6d93e79c53c310d49a1bd67bbc71ebeba64e1043
       now 40c25a0e3d5e3ccb8751cc34a7af194d97b46414

 1:  65b32fc =  1:  65b32fc Move token generation and password reset to lib method
 2:  c5262cf < --:  ------- Add documentation for config options for allowing a new user to create an account and password
 3:  a35354e =  2:  095f7cc Check that valid user object is passed to CreateTokenAndResetPassword
 4:  ee8b84d < --:  ------- Allow new users to create new user accounts and set password
 5:  e2e772f !  3:  8e54d3e Allow new users to create new user accounts and set password
    @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
     Author: Craig Kaiser <craig at bestpractical.com>
    -    Allow for an admin to send a password reset email
    -    Had to overlay html/Elements/EditPassword to place the send reset
    -    password email in a logical place on the page.
    +    Allow new users to create new user accounts and set password
     diff --git a/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Admin/Users/Modify.html/BeforeCreate b/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Admin/Users/Modify.html/BeforeCreate
     new file mode 100644
    @@ -41,6 +38,19 @@
    +diff --git a/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Elements/Login/Default b/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Elements/Login/Default
    +--- a/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Elements/Login/Default
    ++++ b/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Elements/Login/Default
    + <br/><div id="lostpassword" style="align:left;clear:both;">
    +-<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html"><&|/l&>Forgot your password?</&></a></div>
    ++<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html?Title=<&|/l&>Reset your password</&>"><&|/l&>Forgot your password</&></a></div>
    ++% if ( RT::Config->Get('CreateNewUserAndSetPassword') ) {
    ++  <div id="firstpassword" style="align:left;clear:both;">
    ++  <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html?Title=<&|/l&>Create your password</&>"><&|/l&>New account</&></a></div>
    ++% }
     diff --git a/html/Elements/EditPassword b/html/Elements/EditPassword
     new file mode 100644
     --- /dev/null
    @@ -131,3 +141,85 @@
    +diff --git a/html/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html b/html/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html
    +--- a/html/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html
    ++++ b/html/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html
    + if ($ARGS{'Email'}) {
    +     my $u = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
    +     $u->LoadByCols(EmailAddress => $ARGS{'Email'});
    +-    if ($u->id and $u->HasPassword and not $u->Disabled) {
    ++    if ($u->id and $u->HasPassword and $u->Privileged and !$u->Disabled) {
    +         my ($status, $msg) = RT::Extension::ResetPassword::CreateTokenAndResetPassword($u);
    +         if ($status) {
    +             push @actions, loc("RT has sent you an email message with instructions about how to reset your password");
    +             RT->Logger->info("Password reset token send to " . $u->EmailAddress);
    +-        } else {
    ++        }
    ++        else {
    +             push @actions, loc("Failed to send password reset token, please contact your RT administrator.");
    +             RT->Logger->error("Failed to send password reset token to " . $u->EmailAddress . ": $msg");
    +         }
    +-    } elsif ($u->id and $u->Disabled) {
    ++    }
    ++    elsif ($u->id and $u->Disabled) {
    +         push @actions, loc("You can't reset your password because your user is disabled.");
    +         RT->Logger->warning("Disabled user " . $u->Name . " attempted to reset password");
    +-    } elsif ($u->id) {
    +-        push @actions, loc("You can't reset your password as you don't already have one.");
    +-        RT->Logger->warning("User " . $u->Name . " with no password attempted a password reset")
    +-    } else {
    +-        push @actions, loc("RT couldn't find a user with that email address. Give it another try?");
    +-        RT->Logger->warning("Password reset attempted for non-existent user " . $ARGS{'Email'});
    +     }
    ++    elsif ($u->id) {
    ++        if ( RT::Config->Get('AllowUsersWithoutPassword') ) {
    ++            my ($status, $msg) = RT::Extension::ResetPassword::CreateTokenAndResetPassword($u);
    ++            if ($status) {
    ++                push @actions, loc("RT has sent you an email message with instructions about how to reset your password");
    ++                RT->Logger->info("Password reset token send to " . $u->EmailAddress);
    ++                $m->notes->{RefreshURL} = RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/";
    ++                $refresh = 1;
    ++            } else {
    ++                push @actions, loc("Failed to send password reset token, please contact your RT administrator.");
    ++                RT->Logger->error("Failed to send password reset token to " . $u->EmailAddress . ": $msg");
    ++            }
    ++        }
    ++        else {
    ++            push @actions, loc("You can't reset your password as you aren't privileged.");
    ++            RT->Logger->warning("User " . $u->Name . " is not privileged and attempted a password reset");
    ++        }
    ++    }
    ++    else {
    ++        if ( RT::Config->Get('CreateNewUserAndSetPassword') ) {
    ++            my ($status, $msg) = $u->Create(
    ++                Privileged   => RT::Config->Get('CreateNewUserAsPrivileged') || 0,
    ++                EmailAddress => $ARGS{'Email'},
    ++            );
    ++            RT::Logger->error($msg) unless $status;
    ++            ($status, $msg) = RT::Extension::ResetPassword::CreateTokenAndResetPassword($u);
    ++            if ($status) {
    ++                push @actions, loc("RT has sent you an email message with instructions about how to reset your password");
    ++                RT->Logger->info("Password reset token send to " . $u->EmailAddress);
    ++            }
    ++            else {
    ++                push @actions, loc("Failed to send password reset token, please contact your RT administrator.");
    ++                RT->Logger->error("Failed to send password reset token to " . $u->EmailAddress . ": $msg");
    ++            }
    ++            $m->notes->{RefreshURL} = RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/";
    ++            $refresh = 1;
    ++        }
    ++        else {
    ++            push @actions, loc("RT couldn't find a user with that email address. Give it another try?");
    ++            RT->Logger->warning("Password reset attempted for non-existent user " . $ARGS{'Email'});
    ++        }
    ++    }
    +     if(RT->Config->Get("HidePasswordResetErrors")) {
    +         pop @actions;
    +         push @actions, loc("RT has sent you an email message with instructions about how to reset your password");
 6:  255c7bd < --:  ------- Add AllowUsersWithoutPassword config option
 7:  6364a79 !  4:  58edb7a Keep the behavior between finding a user and not the same
    @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
     +            push @actions, loc("Unable to send new password email, contact your RT administrator for more assistance");
     +            RT->Logger->warning("User " . $u->Name . " attempted to reset their password without having an existing password");
    -     } else {
    -         if ( RT::Config->Get('CreateNewUserAndSetPassword') ) {
    +     }
    +     else {
                      RT->Logger->info("Password reset token send to " . $u->EmailAddress);
 8:  ff0430b !  5:  291ad0a Center the password links on login page
    @@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
     -<br/><div id="lostpassword" style="align:left;clear:both;">
     -<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html?Title=<&|/l&>Reset your password</&>"><&|/l&>Forgot your password</&></a></div>
    ++% unless ( RT::Config->Get('DisableResetPasswordOnLogin') ) {
     +<div id="lostpassword" class="input-row" style="text-align:right;clear:both;">
     +  <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html?Title=<&|/l&>Reset your password</&>"><&|/l&>Forgot your password</&></a>
    ++% }
      % if ( RT::Config->Get('CreateNewUserAndSetPassword') ) {
     -  <div id="firstpassword" style="align:left;clear:both;">
     -  <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/NoAuth/ResetPassword/Request.html?Title=<&|/l&>Create your password</&>"><&|/l&>New account</&></a></div>
 9:  06e213c < --:  ------- Fix curly brackets to not be inline
10:  6d93e79 !  6:  40c25a0 Update docs for new features
    @@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
     Author: Craig Kaiser <craig at bestpractical.com>
    -    Update README with example scenarios for config options
    +    Update docs for new features
    +    $AllowUsersWithoutPassword
    +    $CreateNewUserAsPrivileged
    +    $CreateNewUserAndSetPassword
    +    $DisableResetPasswordOnLogin
     diff --git a/README b/README
     --- a/README
    @@ -38,9 +43,31 @@
     +    restricted by a company firewall so that only users on the company
     +    network can access the UI and create new user records.
    -     $AllowUsersWithoutPassword
    -         Setting this config option to true will allow existing users who do
    -         not have a password value to send themselves a reset password email
    ++    $AllowUsersWithoutPassword
    ++        Setting this config option to true will allow existing users who do
    ++        not have a password value to send themselves a reset password email
    ++        and set a password.
    ++    $CreateNewUserAsPrivileged
    ++        Set this config value to true if users creating a new account should
    ++        default to privileged users. WARNING Setting this to true can be
    ++        dangerous as it allows anyone to create a new priviledged user,
    ++        usually privlidged users are given rights to edit and see
    ++        information not desired to be public.
    ++    $CreateNewUserAndSetPassword
    ++        This configuration option determines if a nonexistant user can
    ++        create an new user record. WARNING see the note about the danger of
    ++        setting this to true and setting $CreateNewUserAsPrivileged to true
    ++        as well.
    ++    $DisableResetPasswordOnLogin
    ++        Set this config value to true if you do not want the "forgot
    ++        password" option to display on the login page.
    + AUTHOR
    +     Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>
     diff --git a/lib/RT/Extension/ResetPassword.pm b/lib/RT/Extension/ResetPassword.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/Extension/ResetPassword.pm
    @@ -76,6 +103,34 @@
     +access to the web UI is restricted by a company firewall so that only users on the company
     +network can access the UI and create new user records.
    - =over 4
    ++=over 4
    ++=item C<$AllowUsersWithoutPassword>
    ++Setting this config option to true will allow existing users who do not have a password
    ++value to send themselves a reset password email and set a password.
    ++=item C<$CreateNewUserAsPrivileged>
    ++Set this config value to true if users creating a new account should default to privileged users.
    ++WARNING Setting this to true can be dangerous as it allows anyone to create a new priviledged user,
    ++usually privlidged users are given rights to edit and see information not desired to be public.
    ++=item C<$CreateNewUserAndSetPassword>
    ++This configuration option determines if a nonexistant user can create an new user record.
    ++WARNING see the note about the danger of setting this to true and setting C<$CreateNewUserAsPrivileged>
    ++to true as well.
    ++=item C<$DisableResetPasswordOnLogin>
    ++Set this config value to true if you do not want the "forgot password" option to display on the login
    + =head1 AUTHOR
    - =item C<$AllowUsersWithoutPassword>
    + Best Practical Solutions, LLC E<lt>modules at bestpractical.comE<gt>

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