[Bps-public-commit] dbix-searchbuilder branch, quote-table-names, repushed

Aaron Trevena ast at bestpractical.com
Fri Sep 4 15:19:11 EDT 2020

The branch quote-table-names was deleted and repushed:
       was 3def714b3743b9435b3c2da9b2c92d13093cb9fe
       now f77f2b07393142284921ee929f758274f02a2dca

1:  c402dff ! 1:  f79ae6c Add support for automatic quoting of table names
    @@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
     Author: Aaron Trevena <aaron at aarontrevena.co.uk>
    -    Add table name quoting option for mysql
    +    Add support for automatic quoting of table names
    -    Add table name quoting option, initially for mysql
    +    MySQL 8 adds new reserved and keywords, that will cause queries with tables or
    +    columns of those names to fail with syntax errors.
    +    https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysqld-version-reference/en/keywords-8-0.html
    +    The new QuoteTableNames option will automatically quote tables in SQL created
    +    by SearchBuilder, and will enabled if MySQL version 8 is detected. New helpers
    +    simplify quoting table or column names.
     diff --git a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm b/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm
     --- a/lib/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm
    @@ -24,8 +30,8 @@
                          Host => 'hostname',
                          User => 'dbuser',
     -                    Password => 'dbpassword');
    -+                    Password => 'dbpassword',
    -+                    QuoteTableNames => 1 );
    ++                    Password => 'dbpassword' );
        # now $handle isa DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::mysql                    
      =head1 DESCRIPTION
    @@ -53,7 +59,7 @@
      the handle will be automatically "upgraded" into that subclass.
     +QuoteTableNames option will force all table names to be quoted if the driver subclass has a method
    -+for quoting implemented.
    ++for quoting implemented. The mysql subclass will detect mysql version 8 and set the flag.
    @@ -70,17 +76,27 @@
          # So we need to explicitly call it
          $self->{'DisconnectHandleOnDestroy'} = $args{'DisconnectHandleOnDestroy'};
    -+    # Enable quotes table names
    -+    $self->{'QuoteTableNames'} = $args{QuoteTableNames} if (defined $args{QuoteTableNames});
    ++    # Enable optional quoted table names
    ++    $self->{'QuoteTableNames'} = delete $args{QuoteTableNames} if (defined $args{QuoteTableNames});
          my $old_dsn = $self->DSN || '';
          my $new_dsn = $self->BuildDSN( %args );
    +     # Cache version info
    +     $self->DatabaseVersion;
    ++    # force quoted tables for mysql 8
    ++    $self->{'QuoteTableNames'} = 1 if ($self->_RequireQuotedTables);
    +     return 1;
    + }
              push @bind, shift @pairs;
    -+    $table = $self->QuoteName($table) if ($self->{'QuoteTableNames'});
    ++    $table = $self->QuoteName($table) if ($self->QuoteTableNames);
          my $QueryString = "INSERT INTO $table";
          $QueryString .= " (". join(", ", @cols) .")";
          $QueryString .= " VALUES (". join(", ", @vals). ")";
    @@ -134,6 +150,58 @@
    +             if ( $old_alias =~ /^(.*?) (\Q$args{'ALIAS2'}\E)$/ ) {
    +                 $args{'TABLE2'} = $1;
    +                 $alias = $2;
    ++                $args{'TABLE2'} =~ s/`//g;
    +             }
    +             else {
    +                 push @new_aliases, $old_alias;
    +                 if ( $old_alias =~ /^(.*?) ($args{'ALIAS2'})$/ ) {
    +                     $args{'TABLE2'} = $1;
    +                     $alias = $2;
    ++                    $args{'TABLE2'} =~ s/`//g;
    +                 }
    +                 else {
    +                     push @new_aliases, $old_alias;
    +             # XXX: this situation is really bug in the caller!!!
    +             return ( $self->_NormalJoin(%args) );
    +         }
    ++        $args{TABLE2} = $self->QuoteName($args{TABLE2}) if ($self->QuoteTableNames);
    +         $args{'SearchBuilder'}->{'aliases'} = \@new_aliases;
    +     } elsif ( $args{'COLLECTION2'} ) {
    +         # We're joining to a pre-limited collection.  We need to take
    +         # alias, apply them locally, then proceed as usual.
    +         my $collection = delete $args{'COLLECTION2'};
    +         $alias = $args{ALIAS2} = $args{'SearchBuilder'}->_GetAlias( $collection->Table );
    +-        $args{TABLE2} = $collection->Table;
    ++        my $table2 = $collection->Table;
    ++        $table2 = $self->QuoteName($table2) if ($self->QuoteTableNames);
    ++        $args{TABLE2} = $table2;
    +         eval {$collection->_ProcessRestrictions}; # RT hate
    +         $args{SearchBuilder}{restrictions}{$_} = $restrictions->{$_} for keys %{$restrictions};
    +     } else {
    +         $alias = $args{'SearchBuilder'}->_GetAlias( $args{'TABLE2'} );
    ++        $args{TABLE2} = $self->QuoteName($args{TABLE2}) if ($self->QuoteTableNames);
    +     }
    +     my $meta = $args{'SearchBuilder'}->{'left_joins'}{"$alias"} ||= {};
    +     if ( $args{'TYPE'} =~ /LEFT/i ) {
    +         my $alias = $sb->_GetAlias( $args{'TABLE2'} );
    +         my $meta = $sb->{'left_joins'}{"$alias"} ||= {};
    ++        $args{TABLE2} = $self->QuoteName($args{TABLE2}) if ($self->QuoteTableNames);
    +         $meta->{'alias_string'} = " LEFT JOIN $args{'TABLE2'} $alias ";
    +         $meta->{'depends_on'}   = $args{'ALIAS1'};
    +         $meta->{'type'}         = 'LEFT';
          my $sb   = shift;
          $self->OptimizeJoins( SearchBuilder => $sb );
    @@ -145,6 +213,26 @@
          $processed{'main'} = 1;
    + sub Fields {
    +     my $self  = shift;
    +-    my $table = lc shift;
    ++    my $tablename = shift;
    ++    my $table = lc $tablename;
    +     unless ( $FIELDS_IN_TABLE{$table} ) {
    +         $FIELDS_IN_TABLE{ $table } = [];
    +-        my $sth = $self->dbh->column_info( undef, '', $table, '%' )
    +-            or return ();
    ++        my $sth = $self->dbh->column_info( undef, '', $tablename, '%' );
    ++        unless ($sth) {
    ++            warn "couldn't get column info for $tablename / $table " . $sth->errstr;
    ++            return ();
    ++        }
    +         my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
    +         foreach my $e ( @$info ) {
    +             push @{ $FIELDS_IN_TABLE{ $table } }, $e->{'COLUMN_NAME'};
    @@ -158,10 +246,16 @@
     +# over-ride in subclass
     +sub QuoteName {
    -+    my $self = shift;
    -+    return shift;
    ++    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    ++    # use dbi built in quoting if we have a connection,
    ++    if ($self->dbh) {
    ++        return $self->dbh->quote_identifier($name);
    ++    }
    ++    warn "QuoteName called without a db handle";
    ++    return $name;
    ++sub _RequireQuotedTables { return 0 };
      =head2 DESTROY
    @@ -208,9 +302,22 @@
     +# over-rides inherited method
     +sub QuoteName {
     +    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    ++    # use dbi built in quoting if we have a connection,
    ++    if ($self->dbh) {
    ++        return $self->dbh->quote_identifier($name);
    ++    }
     +    return sprintf('`%s`', $name);
    ++sub _RequireQuotedTables {
    ++    my $self = shift;
    ++    if ( substr($self->DatabaseVersion, 0, 1) == 8 ) {
    ++        return 1;
    ++    }
    ++    return 0;
    @@ -263,16 +370,20 @@
     +=head2 QuotedTableName
    -+Returns the name of current Table, including any quoting
    ++Returns the name of current Table, or the table provided as an argument, including any quoting
    ++ based on yje Handle's QuoteTableNames flag and driver method.
     +sub QuotedTableName {
    -+    my $self = shift;
    -+    return $self->{'_quoted_table'} if (defined $self->{'_quoted_table'});
    -+    $self->{'_quoted_table'} = ( $self->_Handle->QuoteTableNames ) ?
    -+        $self->_Handle->QuoteName($self->Table) : $self->Table ;
    -+    return $self->{'_quoted_table'}
    ++    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    ++    unless ($name) {
    ++        return $self->{'_quoted_table'} if (defined $self->{'_quoted_table'});
    ++        $self->{'_quoted_table'} = ( $self->_Handle->QuoteTableNames ) ?
    ++            $self->_Handle->QuoteName($self->Table) : $self->Table ;
    ++        return $self->{'_quoted_table'}
    ++    }
    ++    return ( $self->_Handle->QuoteTableNames ) ? $self->_Handle->QuoteName($name) : $name ;
      =head2 _Handle
2:  89c850a ! 2:  a5ea8fe Update tests for mysql 8 and table quoting option
    @@ -1,9 +1,90 @@
     Author: Aaron Trevena <ast at bestpractical.com>
    -    Add tests for tablename quoting in mysql
    +    Update tests for mysql 8 and table quoting option
    -    Add tests for with/without tablename quoting flag set
    +    Update tests to work with mysql 8 reserved words.
         Add host/port ENV var options for testing database
    +diff --git a/t/02searches_function.t b/t/02searches_function.t
    +--- a/t/02searches_function.t
    ++++ b/t/02searches_function.t
    +     GroupId integer
    + ) },
    + q{
    +     id integer primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
    +     Name varchar(36)
    + ) },
    +diff --git a/t/02searches_joins.t b/t/02searches_joins.t
    +--- a/t/02searches_joins.t
    ++++ b/t/02searches_joins.t
    +     unless( should_test( $d ) ) {
    +         skip "ENV is not defined for driver '$d'", TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
    +     }
    +     my $handle = get_handle( $d );
    +     connect_handle( $handle );
    +     isa_ok($handle->dbh, 'DBI::db');
    +     cleanup_schema( 'TestApp', $handle );
    + }} # SKIP, foreach blocks
    + 1;
    +     GroupId integer
    + ) },
    + q{
    +     id integer primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
    +     Name varchar(36)
    + ) },
    +diff --git a/t/03cud_from_select.t b/t/03cud_from_select.t
    +--- a/t/03cud_from_select.t
    ++++ b/t/03cud_from_select.t
    +         skip "ENV is not defined for driver '$d'", TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
    +     }
    ++    my $groups_table = ($d eq 'mysql') ? '`Groups`' : 'Groups';
    +     my $handle = get_handle( $d );
    +     connect_handle( $handle );
    +     isa_ok($handle->dbh, 'DBI::db');
    + {
    +     my $res = $handle->InsertFromSelect(
    +         'UsersToGroups' => ['UserId', 'GroupId'],
    +-        'SELECT u.id as col1, g.id as col2 FROM Users u, Groups g WHERE u.Login LIKE ? AND g.Name = ?',
    ++        "SELECT u.id as col1, g.id as col2 FROM Users u, $groups_table g WHERE u.Login LIKE ? AND g.Name = ?",
    +         '%a%', 'Support'
    +     );
    +     is( $res, 2 );
    +         local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
    +         $handle->InsertFromSelect(
    +             'UsersToGroups' => ['UserId', 'GroupId'],
    +-            'SELECT u.id, g.id FROM Users u, Groups g WHERE u.Login LIKE ? AND g.Name = ?',
    ++            "SELECT u.id, g.id FROM Users u, $groups_table g WHERE u.Login LIKE ? AND g.Name = ?",
    +             '%a%', 'Support'
    +         );
    +     };
    +     GroupId integer
    + ) },
    + q{
    +     id integer primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
    +     Name varchar(36)
    + ) },
     diff --git a/t/11schema_records.t b/t/11schema_records.t
     --- a/t/11schema_records.t
    @@ -13,53 +94,25 @@
      our (@AvailableDrivers);
     -use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 63;
    -+use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 66 * 4;
    ++use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 66;
      my $total = scalar(@AvailableDrivers) * TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
      plan tests => $total;
    -+foreach my $quote_tablenames (0,1) {
    - foreach my $d ( @AvailableDrivers ) {
    - SKIP: {
    - 	unless( has_schema( 'TestApp', $d ) ) {
    - 		skip "ENV is not defined for driver '$d'", TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
    - 	}
    --	my $handle = get_handle( $d );
    -+	my $handle = get_handle( $d, QuoteTableNames => $quote_tablenames );
    - 	connect_handle( $handle );
    - 	isa_ok($handle->dbh, 'DBI::db', "Got handle for $d");
      	    is($phone_collection->Next, undef);
     +	ok($phone3->Delete, "Deleted phone $p3_id");
    -+        # check mysql version
    -+        my $version = $handle->DatabaseVersion(Short=>1);
    -+        if ($quote_tablenames == 0 and lc($d) eq 'mysql' and $version =~ m/^8\./) {
    -+            ok(1, 'skipping quoted reserved word tests for mysql 8');
    -+            ok(1, 'skipping quoted reserved word tests for mysql 8');
    -+        }
    -+        else {
    -+            my $group = TestApp::Group->new($handle);
    -+            my $g_id = $group->Create( Name => 'Employees' );
    -+            ok($g_id, "Got an id for the new group: $g_id");
    -+            $group->Load($g_id);
    -+            is($group->id, $g_id, "loaded group ok");
    -+        }
    ++        my $group = TestApp::Group->new($handle);
    ++        my $g_id = $group->Create( Name => 'Employees' );
    ++        ok($g_id, "Got an id for the new group: $g_id");
    ++        $group->Load($g_id);
    ++        is($group->id, $g_id, "loaded group ok");
      	cleanup_schema( 'TestApp', $handle );
      }} # SKIP, foreach blocks
    - 1;
      	id integer primary key,
      	Employee integer NOT NULL,
3:  c282044 ! 3:  f77f2b0 Update Changes with quoted table names update
    @@ -13,4 +13,3 @@
      1.68 2020-07-06
       - Avoid segmentation faults on disconnect on MariaDB 10.2+
4:  b293d7d < -:  ------- Update join/alias logic to use optional table name quoting
5:  3def714 < -:  ------- Update join/alias tests to use optional table name quoting

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