[Bps-public-commit] UNNAMED PROJECT branch buster created. bca40cb1c6fa4f8bc818dff7bc3335f48608bbcc
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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit bca40cb1c6fa4f8bc818dff7bc3335f48608bbcc
Author: Brett Smith <brett at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Oct 22 14:54:33 2021 -0400
Revamp Dockerfile for more modern deployment
This commit makes several updates to the Dockerfile meant to align it
more closely with the way we typically deploy RT today. Goals are:
* Upgrade to Debian 10.
* Build our own Perl from source to test with.
* Install RT's dependencies from CPAN rather than Debian.
* Make it easy to retrieve that list of modules, and their versions,
for further testing, development, and deployment.
* Make it easier to update this Docker image and keep it modern.
Steps are:
* Parameterize the main parts of the build that vary, like Perl version
and RT's cpanfile, with build arguments. This lets you test new things
with `docker build --build-arg` rather than updating the Dockerfile.
* Add steps to download and build Perl from source, including
workarounds for known test oddities (documented in comments).
* Install RT's dependencies by running `cpm` against RT's `cpanfile`.
This lets the Docker image stay up-to-date with changes in RT's
dependencies automatically, and as a bonus makes the build faster.
* Provide a CMD that prints out a CPAN autobundle. After you build the
image, you can `docker run` it to save this information for use
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 5ab8119..dfeef32 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -1,159 +1,78 @@
-FROM debian:stretch-slim
+FROM debian:buster-slim
LABEL maintainer="Best Practical Solutions <contact at bestpractical.com>"
+ARG CPANFILE=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bestpractical/rt/stable/etc/cpanfile
+ARG CPM=https://git.io/cpm
RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
- apache2 \
- cpanminus \
+ # Packages required for building Perl and modules
+ build-essential \
+ autoconf \
+ # curl needs CA certificates to verify the authenticity of downloads.
+ ca-certificates \
curl \
- gcc \
- gnupg \
- vim \
- git \
+ # The Perl getaddrinfo tests rely on /etc/services, provided by netbase.
+ netbase \
# RT core dependencies
- libapache2-mod-fcgid \
- libapache-session-perl \
- libbusiness-hours-perl \
- libc-dev \
- libcgi-emulate-psgi-perl \
- libcgi-psgi-perl \
- libconvert-color-perl \
- libcrypt-eksblowfish-perl \
- libcrypt-ssleay-perl \
- libcrypt-x509-perl \
- libcss-minifier-xs-perl \
- libcss-squish-perl \
- libdata-guid-perl \
- libdata-ical-perl \
- libdata-page-pageset-perl \
- libdata-page-perl \
- libdate-extract-perl \
- libdate-manip-perl \
- libdatetime-format-natural-perl \
- libdbd-sqlite3-perl \
- libdevel-globaldestruction-perl \
- libemail-address-list-perl \
- libemail-address-perl \
- libencode-perl \
- libfcgi-perl \
- libfcgi-procmanager-perl \
- libfile-sharedir-install-perl \
- libfile-sharedir-perl \
- libgd-graph-perl \
- libgraphviz-perl \
- libhtml-formattext-withlinks-andtables-perl \
- libhtml-formattext-withlinks-perl \
- libhtml-mason-perl \
- libhtml-mason-psgihandler-perl \
- libhtml-quoted-perl \
- libhtml-rewriteattributes-perl \
- libhtml-scrubber-perl \
- libipc-run3-perl \
- libipc-signal-perl \
- libjavascript-minifier-xs-perl \
- libjson-perl \
- liblocale-maketext-fuzzy-perl \
- liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl \
- liblog-dispatch-perl \
- libmailtools-perl \
- libmime-tools-perl \
- libmime-types-perl \
- libmodule-refresh-perl \
- libmodule-signature-perl \
- libmodule-versions-report-perl \
- libnet-cidr-perl \
- libnet-ip-perl \
- libparallel-forkmanager-perl \
- libplack-perl \
- libregexp-common-net-cidr-perl \
- libregexp-common-perl \
- libregexp-ipv6-perl \
- librole-basic-perl \
- libscope-upper-perl \
- libserver-starter-perl \
- libsymbol-global-name-perl \
- libterm-readkey-perl \
- libtext-password-pronounceable-perl \
- libtext-quoted-perl \
- libtext-template-perl \
- libtext-wikiformat-perl \
- libtext-wrapper-perl \
- libtime-modules-perl \
- libtree-simple-perl \
- libuniversal-require-perl \
- libxml-rss-perl \
- make \
- perl-doc \
- starlet \
- w3m \
- # RT developer dependencies
- libemail-abstract-perl \
- libfile-which-perl \
- liblocale-po-perl \
- liblog-dispatch-perl-perl \
- libmojolicious-perl \
- libperlio-eol-perl \
- libplack-middleware-test-stashwarnings-perl \
- libset-tiny-perl \
- libstring-shellquote-perl \
- libtest-deep-perl \
- libtest-email-perl \
- libtest-expect-perl \
- libtest-longstring-perl \
- libtest-mocktime-perl \
- libtest-nowarnings-perl \
- libtest-pod-perl \
- libtest-warn-perl \
- libtest-www-mechanize-perl \
- libtest-www-mechanize-psgi-perl \
- libwww-mechanize-perl \
- libxml-simple-perl \
- autoconf \
- libnet-ldap-server-test-perl \
- libencode-hanextra-perl \
libgumbo1 \
- build-essential \
- libhtml-formatexternal-perl \
- libtext-worddiff-perl \
- libdbd-mysql-perl \
+ libmariadb-dev \
+ libmariadb-dev-compat \
libpq-dev \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install from backports to get newer gpg
-RUN echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
-RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -t stretch-backports install -y --no-install-recommends \
+ # RT optional dependencies
+ apache2 \
+ libapache2-mod-fcgid \
gnupg \
+ graphviz \
+ w3m \
+ libexpat-dev \
+ libgd-dev \
+ libssl-dev \
+ libz-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-RUN gpg --version
+RUN cd /usr/local/src \
+ && curl --fail --location "https://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-$PERL_VERSION.tar.gz" \
+ | tar -xz \
+ && cd "perl-$PERL_VERSION" \
+ # termios.t tests that tcdrain, tcflow, tcflush, and tcsendbreak all return
+ # ENOTTY on a regular file.
+ # The underlying ioctls are not implemented on podman
+ # (probably runc/libcontainer) and return ENOSYS instead.
+ # This sed simply deletes those tests as a hacky workaround for now,
+ # since returning ENOSYS is legitimate.
+ && sed -i '/^is(tc/ , /^$/ d' ext/POSIX/t/termios.t \
+ && ./Configure -Dprefix="$PERL_PREFIX" $PERL_CONFIGURE \
+ # The Net::Ping tests assume they can construct arbitrary packets when $< is 0.
+ # This assumption is false when tests are running in a user namespace
+ # (e.g., podman) or otherwise without the CAP_NET_RAW capability.
+ # Run tests as nobody to force $< to be nonzero.
+ && chown -R nobody: . \
+ # The command: su -s /bin/sh -c "…" nobody
+ # is just the sudo-less version of: sudo -u nobody …
+ && su -s /bin/sh -c "make test" nobody \
+ && make install \
+ && cd /opt \
+ && ln -s "$PERL_PREFIX" perl \
+ && rm -rf "/usr/local/src/perl-$PERL_VERSION"
+ENV PATH="/opt/perl/bin:$PATH"
+RUN curl --fail --location --compressed -o /opt/perl/bin/cpm "$CPM" \
+ && chmod a+rx /opt/perl/bin/cpm
-RUN cpanm \
- # RT dependencies
- # Install Module::Install first because after perl 5.26 "." fails to find
- # it in inc for older modules.
- Module::Install \
- Email::Address \
- Email::Address::List \
- Mozilla::CA \
- Encode::Detect::Detector \
- HTML::Gumbo \
- GnuPG::Interface \
- Module::Path \
- Moose \
- MooseX::NonMoose \
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized \
- Path::Dispatcher \
- Web::Machine \
- capitalization \
- DBIx::SearchBuilder \
- Parallel::ForkManager \
- # DBD::Pg version 3.15 fails tests when run as root. There is a merged fix
- # in github, but it is not yet released. Assuming it is released in 3.16,
- # it shouldn't be an issue after that. Until then, this can be installed
- # by passing --notest to cpanm for DBD::Pg.
- DBD::Pg \
- # RT extension development dependencies
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker \
-&& rm -rf /root/.cpanm
+RUN cd /tmp \
+ && curl --fail --location --compressed -o cpanfile "$CPANFILE" \
+ # 1. Find all the features named in RT's cpanfile.
+ # 2. Filter out the ones named in the regexp test against $2.
+ # 3. Print corresponding `--feature=name` options for cpm.
+ # 4. Run cpm with those options, along with a baseline set,
+ # to test and install all dependencies needed to run RT's tests.
+ && awk '($1 == "feature" && $2 !~ /(modperl1|oracle)/) { print "--feature=" substr($2, 2, length($2) - 2) }' cpanfile \
+ | xargs -d\\n --exit --verbose cpm install --global --no-prebuilt --test --with-all \
+ && rm -rf cpanfile ~/.perl-cpm
-CMD tail -f /dev/null
+CMD cpan -a </dev/null >/dev/null && cat ~/.cpan/Bundle/Snapshot_*.pm
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