[Bps-public-commit] postgresql_auto_backup_s3 branch update-for-hostedrt-backups updated. 4d50bd2a2c9355c6fd1dccc7f043b2169379d87c

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Tue Mar 15 23:40:07 UTC 2022

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The branch, update-for-hostedrt-backups has been updated
       via  4d50bd2a2c9355c6fd1dccc7f043b2169379d87c (commit)
      from  e729a3720b8ee34ae5c33f08190d1b653a19f431 (commit)

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- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4d50bd2a2c9355c6fd1dccc7f043b2169379d87c
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 15 18:39:59 2022 -0500

    Update README.md with usage, config, and setup

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b6c2182..4b758e8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,107 @@
+# postgresql_auto_backup_s3
 Configurable backup scripts to automate postgresql backups and push to s3 via stdin, plus rotation logic.
-Contributors welcome!
-Original code from https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Linux.
+Usage: pg_backup_rotated.sh [-c <config_file>] [-q] [-h]
-Will be adapted to work with s3cmd stdin pushing, therefore needs s3cmd >= s3cmd 1.5.0-alpha1 , also see http://s3tools.org/news
+    -c, --config <config_file>    load a specified config file
+    -q, --quiet                   silence output
+    -h, --help                    display this help and exit
+`postgresql_auto_backup_s3` provides the following scripts to create postgresql backups:
+- `pg_backup.sh`
+This script will create postgresql backups to a local disk directory, without backup rotation.
+- `pg_backup_rotated.sh`
+This script will create postgresql backups to an s3 bucket, with weekly and monthly backup rotation.
+Configuration is done through through the `pg_backup.config` file, and contains the following variables:
+Optional system user to run backups as.  If the user the script is running as doesn't match this the script terminates.  Leave blank to skip check.
+Optional hostname to adhere to pg_hba policies.  Will default to `localhost` if none specified.
+Optional username to connect to database as.  Will default to `postgres` if none specified.
+If running `pg_backup.sh`, `BACKUP_DIR` specifies the directory to write backups to, and will be created if it doesn't exist.  This must be writable by the user the script is running as.
+If running `pg_backup_rotated.sh`, `BACKUP_DIR` specifies the s3 bucket to write backups to.
+List of database names to backup, separated by space or comma.
+Which day to take the weekly backup from (1-7 = Monday-Sunday).
+Number of days to keep daily backups.
+How many weeks to keep weekly backups.
+`pg_backup_rotated.sh` requires the external program, `aws-cli` to upload backups to s3.  Please see the [aws-cli installation and setup instructions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html) for more detail.
+### create local backups for two databases using a specified config file
+$ cp -a pg_backup.config pg_backup.config.local
+$ vi cp -a pg_backup.config.local
+BACKUP_DB_LIST="rt4 rt5"
+$ bash pg_backup.sh --config pg_backup.config.local
+creating backup directory - /home/bps/backups/database/postgresql/2022-03-15/
+creating backup - /home/bps/backups/database/postgresql/2022-03-15/rt4.sql.gz
+creating backup - /home/bps/backups/database/postgresql/2022-03-15/rt5.sql.gz
+### create backups and upload to s3 for two databases using a specified config file
+$ cp -a pg_backup.config pg_backup.config.s3
+$ vi cp -a pg_backup.config.s3
+BACKUP_DB_LIST="rt4 rt5"
+$ bash pg_backup.sh --config pg_backup.config.s3
+creating daily backup - s3://s3backup-test-backup/pg_backups/20220315-daily-rt4.sql.gz
+creating daily backup - s3://s3backup-test-backup/pg_backups/20220315-daily-rt5.sql.gz
+The backup scripts in `postgresql_auto_backup_s3` have been specifically modified to backup RT databases as outlined in the [RT 5.0.2 database administration documentation](https://docs.bestpractical.com/rt/5.0.2/system_administration/database.html#PostgreSQL).
+Backing up non-RT databases will warn about not finding the `sessions` table.
+pg_dump: no matching tables were found

Summary of changes:
 README.md | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 102 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)


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