[Bps-public-commit] rtx-calendar branch multiple-days-events-pod-update updated. 1.05-29-g56025f0

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Mon Nov 27 19:40:10 UTC 2023

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the project "rtx-calendar".

The branch, multiple-days-events-pod-update has been updated
       via  56025f0787059539981847e4c89ea9dcc08cdeee (commit)
      from  f2ad7f45ad5e7f34fddfb9a5e5d63e8925754e16 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 56025f0787059539981847e4c89ea9dcc08cdeee
Author: Jim Brandt <jbrandt at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 27 14:39:19 2023 -0500

    Additional POD updates

diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index fe5224e..06c8e4e 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-abstract: 'Calendar for RT due dates'
+abstract: 'Calendar view for RT ticket dates and custom fields'
   - 'Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>'
diff --git a/README b/README
index 3e23eb1..323206c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
-    RTx::Calendar - Calendar for RT due dates
+    RTx::Calendar - Calendar view for RT ticket dates and custom fields
-    This RT extension provides a calendar view for your tickets and your
-    reminders so you see when is your next due ticket. You can find it in
-    ticket search sub navigation menu.
-    Date fields in the search results are displayed/used in the calendar,
-    for example if you have a ticket with a due date, it won't be displayed
-    on that date unless the Due field is included in the search result
-    format.
-    There's a portlet to put on your home page (see Prefs/MyRT.html), see
-    the CONFIGURATION section below for details on adding it.
+    RTx::Calendar provides a calendar view to display tickets and reminders
+    based on selected dates. Once the extension is installed, if you perform
+    a ticket search using the Query Builder, you will see a new Calendar
+    entry in the page menu. You can click that menu to see the calendar view
+    of your search. A portlet is also available to add to any dashboard,
+    including on the RT home page.
     Works with RT 5.
-    If you need to install this for RT 4.4.x, install version 1.05:
-        cpanm RTx::Calendar at 1.05
+    For older versions of RT, see the CHANGES file for compatible earlier
+    versions.
     perl Makefile.PL
@@ -37,32 +31,89 @@ INSTALLATION
     Restart your webserver
+    To view a Calendar, first perform a ticket search in the ticket Query
+    Builder and load the search results. Then click the Calendar item in the
+    page menu to see the calendar view based on the results from that
+    search.
+    By default, RTx::Calendar will display the Starts and Due date fields of
+    each ticket from your search results as events on the Calendar.
+    Other date fields are added to the Format of a ticket search are
+    displayed on the Calendar as events. You can also display events based
+    on Date or DateTime custom fields by adding them to the Format of a
+    ticket search as well.
+    Hover over events in the calendar to see additional details for that
+    event. You can click on entries to go to the ticket.
+  Displaying Other Date Fields
+    You can show other date fields as events on the Calendar by adding them
+    to the Format section at the Advanced tab of your query. You can add and
+    remove dates from search results using the Display Columns section at
+    the bottom of the Query Builder.
+    Changes made using the Display Columns settings automatically update the
+    search Format. You can also edit the Format directly on the Advanced
+    page.
+  Calendar Portlet Saved Searches
+    As described above, you can see a calendar for any ticket search using
+    the calendar link in the search results.
+    You can also create a saved search for the calendar to be used in
+    calendar portlets on dashboards. See "CONFIGURATION" for details on
+    adding the calendar portlets.
+    By default, the calendar looks for a saved search with the name
+    "calendar" and will use that search for calendar portlets. Saved
+    searches can be saved with different privacy settings, so your system
+    can have multiple saved "calendar" searches. For a given user, the
+    calendar first checks for a user-level saved search (personal to that
+    user), then for a group-level saved search for groups the user is in,
+    and finally, for a system-level saved search.
+  Displaying Reminders
+    Reminders are displayed on the Calendar only if you explicitly add the
+    following clause to your query:
+        AND ( Type = 'ticket' OR Type = 'reminder' )
-  Use the calendar on Dashboard
-    The calendar comes with 3 different portlets that can be added to your
+  Use the Calendar on Dashboard
+    The Calendar comes with 3 different portlets that can be added to your
     RT dashboards:
-    MyCalendar, a summary of the events for the current week.
-    Calendar, a full month of the calendar view, without sidebar.
-    CalendarWithSidebar, a full month of the calendar view, with sidebar
-    which includes an extra status filter and legends of the calendars.
+    MyCalendar
+        A summary of the events for the current week.
-    $HomepageComponents in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+    Calendar
+        A full-month view of the Calendar.
-      Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch
-         MyCalendar Calendar CalendarWithSidebar
-         MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);
+    CalendarWithSidebar
+        A full-month view of the Calendar, with a sidebar that includes an
+        extra status filter and legends of the Calendar events.
-  Display configuration
-   Displaying the owner
-    You can show the owner in each day box by adding this line to your
-    etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+    To make these portlets available in RT, add them to the
+    $HomepageComponents configuration in your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+        Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch
+            MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage
+            MyCalendar Calendar CalendarWithSidebar)]);
+    Users can then select them when building dashboards.
+  Display Configuration
+   Display Owner
+    You can show the owner of the ticket in each event box by adding this
+    line to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
         Set($CalendarDisplayOwner, 1);
-   Choosing the fields to be displayed in the popup
-    You can change which fields show up in the popup display when you mouse
-    over a date in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+   Event Popup Fields
+    You can change which fields appear in the popup display when you mouse
+    over an event in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
@@ -70,61 +121,109 @@ CONFIGURATION
              'CustomField.{Maintenance Estimated Start Date/Time - ET}'));
-   Event colors
-    It's also possible to change the color of the events in the calendar by
-    adding the $CalendarStatusColorMap setting to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+   Event Colors
+    The Calendar shows events in different colors based on the ticket
+    status. Use $CalendarStatusColorMap to set alternate colors or add
+    custom statuses. The following is the default configuration:
         Set(%CalendarStatusColorMap, (
-            'new'                                   => 'blue',
-            'open'                                  => 'blue',
-            'approved'                              => 'green',
-            'rejected'                              => 'red',
-            'resolved'                              => '#aaa',
+            '_default_'                             => '#5555f8',
+            'new'                                   => '#87873c',
+            'open'                                  => '#5555f8',
+            'rejected'                              => '#FF0000',
+            'resolved'                              => '#72b872',
+            'stalled'                               => '#FF0000',
     You can use any color declaration that CSS supports, including hex
     codes, color names, and RGB values.
-   Event filtering by status
-    You can change the statuses available for filtering on the calendar by
-    adding the @CalendarFilterStatuses setting to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+    The _default_ key is used for events that don't have a status in the
+    $CalendarStatusColorMap hash. The default color is a dark tone of blue.
+   Filter on Status
+    The Calendar has a Filter on Status section that allows you to filter
+    events by status without having to change the original query. The
+    @CalendarFilterStatuses setting controls which statuses are available
+    for filtering. The following is the default:
         Set(@CalendarFilterStatuses, qw(new open stalled rejected resolved));
-   Default selected status on Filtering on Status field
-    You can change the default selected statuses by adding them to the
-    @CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses setting to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+    You can change the default selected statuses of the Filter On Status
+    section by defining @CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses. The following is the
+    default:
         Set(@CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses, qw(new open));
-   Custom icons
-    Custom Icons can be defined for the events in the calendar by adding the
-    $CalendarIcons setting to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+   Custom Icons
+    The calendar shows different icons for events based on the date fields
+    used to display the event on that day. The %CalendarIcons setting
+    controls which icons are used for each date field. The following is the
+    default using provided icons:
         Set(%CalendarIcons, (
-            'CF.{Maintenance Estimated Start Date/Time - ET}'
-                => 'maint.png',
+            'Reminder'     => 'reminder.png',
+            'Resolved'     => 'resolved.png',
+            'Starts, Due'  => 'starts_due.png',
+            'Created, Due' => 'created_due.png',
+            'Created'      => 'created.png',
+            'Due'          => 'due.png',
+            'Starts'       => 'starts.png',
+            'Started'      => 'started.png',
+            'LastUpdated'  => 'updated.png',
-    The images should be placed on local/static/images.
+    You can also define icons for custom fields by using the following
+    format:
+            'CF.{Maintenance Start}' => 'maintstart.png',
+            'CF.{Maintenance Stop}'  => 'maintstop.png',
-   Multiple days events
-    You can define multiple days events by adding the
-    %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents setting to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm:
+    To add custom images, create a directory local/static/images in your
+    installed RT directory (usually /opt/rt5) and copy images files there.
+    You can use any image format that your browser supports, but PNGs and
+    GIFs with transparent backgrounds are recommended because they will
+    display better to the background color of the events. The recommended
+    size is 10 pixels wide and 7 pixels in high.
+   Multiple Days Events
+    By default, calendars display individual events on each day based on the
+    dates in the query.
+    To display events that span multiple days, such as the full expected
+    duration of a change blackout period, define the fields using the
+    %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents configuration. This option accepts named
+    keys that each define the field to reference for the start (Starts) and
+    end (Ends) of multi-day events. For example:
         Set( %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents, (
-                'Maintenance' => {
-                    'Starts' => 'Starts',
-                    'Ends'   => 'Due',
-                },
-            )
-        );
+            'Project Task' => {
+                'Starts' => 'Starts',
+                'Ends'   => 'Due',
+            },
+        ));
-    Note that the Starts and Ends fields must be included in the search
-    result Format in order the event to be displayed on the calendar.
+    The keys, like Project Task, are arbitrary labels to group each set, so
+    you can use a name that helps you identify the entry.
-    A small help section is available in /Search/Calendar.html
+    You can also define multiple day events for custom fields by using the
+    following format:
+        Set( %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents, (
+            'Maintenance' => {
+                "Starts" => "CF.{Maintenance Start}",
+                "Ends"   => "CF.{Maintenance Stop}",
+            },
+            'Project Task' => {
+                'Starts' => 'Starts',
+                'Ends'   => 'Due',
+            },
+        ));
+    As with all calendar entries, the date fields referenced in the
+    configuration must be included in the search result Format to display
+    the event on the Calendar.
     Best Practical Solutions, LLC <modules at bestpractical.com>
diff --git a/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm b/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
index 5b28717..0889798 100644
--- a/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
+++ b/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
@@ -317,25 +317,16 @@ __END__
 =head1 NAME
-RTx::Calendar - Calendar for RT Ticket Dates and Custom Fields
+RTx::Calendar - Calendar view for RT ticket dates and custom fields
-This RT extension provides a calendar view that allows you to see important
-events of your tickets and reminders. You can find it in the ticket search
-actions menu or in one of the available Calendar portlets.
-Date fields that are added to the Format of a ticket search are displayed
-on the Calendar as events.
-You can also display events based on Date or DateTime custom fields on the
-Calendar by adding them to the Format of a ticket search as well.
-It can also show multiple-day events, such as a maintenance window that
-starts on one day and ends on another.
-Finally, you can see event details by hovering over the event in the
+C<RTx::Calendar> provides a calendar view to display tickets and
+reminders based on selected dates. Once the extension is installed,
+if you perform a ticket search using the Query Builder, you will see
+a new Calendar entry in the page menu. You can click that menu to see
+the calendar view of your search. A portlet is also available to add
+to any dashboard, including on the RT home page.
 =begin HTML
@@ -343,75 +334,11 @@ Calendar.
 =end HTML
-=head1 USAGE
-In order to use the Calendar, you need to create a search in the Query
-Builder and click on the Calendar link in the actions menu of the search.
-By default, RTx::Calendar will display the Starts and Due date fields of
-each ticket from your search results as events on the Calendar.
-=head2 Displaying other date fields
-You can show other date fields as events on the Calendar by adding them
-to the Format section at the Advanced tab of your query.
-The following format will display the two default date fields (Starts and Due)
-and, additionally, the field LastUpdated and a custom field called
-Maintenance Date:
-    '__Due__',
-    '__Starts__',
-    '__LastUpdated__',
-    '__CustomField.{Maintenance Date}__'
-If you want to display only one custom field, you can use the following
-    '__CustomField.{Maintenance Date}__'
-=head2 Creating a default query for the Calendar
-As described above, you can see the Calendar by creating a search in the
-Query Builder and clicking on the Calendar link.
-However, it is also possible to create a default query for the Calendar that
-will be used to display events if no search is selected, as well as on the
-Calendar portlets (see the CONFIGURATION section below for details on adding
-the Calendar portlets to your RT).
-You can change the default query used by Calendar.html and Calendar portlets
-by saving a query with the name C<calendar> in the Query Builder.
-Note that first, the calendar will check for a user-level saved search, then
-for a group-level saved search, and finally, for a system-level saved search.
-In other words, if your RT has a system-level saved search called C<calendar>,
-the Calendar will use it to display events on the Calendar portlets. Still, if
-the user belongs to a group and this group has a group-level saved search
-called C<calendar>, the Calendar will use it instead of the system-level
-one. Finally, if the user has a user-level saved search called C<calendar>,
-the Calendar will use it instead of the group-level or system-level saved
-search to display events on the Calendar portlets.
-=head2 Displaying reminders
-Reminders are displayed on the Calendar only if you explicitly add the
-following clause to your query:
-    AND ( Type = 'ticket' OR Type = 'reminder' )
 =head1 RT VERSION
 Works with RT 5.
-If you need to install this for RT 4.4.x, install version 1.05:
-    cpanm RTx::Calendar at 1.05
+For older versions of RT, see the CHANGES file for compatible earlier versions.
@@ -439,6 +366,56 @@ Add this line:
+=head1 USAGE
+To view a Calendar, first perform a ticket search in the ticket Query
+Builder and load the search results. Then click the Calendar item in the
+page menu to see the calendar view based on the results from that search.
+By default, RTx::Calendar will display the Starts and Due date fields of
+each ticket from your search results as events on the Calendar.
+Other date fields are added to the Format of a ticket search are displayed
+on the Calendar as events. You can also display events based on Date or 
+DateTime custom fields by adding them to the Format of a ticket search as well.
+Hover over events in the calendar to see additional details for that event.
+You can click on entries to go to the ticket.
+=head2 Displaying Other Date Fields
+You can show other date fields as events on the Calendar by adding them
+to the Format section at the Advanced tab of your query. You can add and
+remove dates from search results using the Display Columns section at
+the bottom of the Query Builder.
+Changes made using the Display Columns settings automatically update the
+search Format. You can also edit the Format directly on the Advanced page.
+=head2 Calendar Portlet Saved Searches
+As described above, you can see a calendar for any ticket search using
+the calendar link in the search results.
+You can  also create a  saved search for  the calendar to  be used in
+calendar portlets on dashboards. See L</"CONFIGURATION"> for details on
+adding the calendar portlets.
+By default, the calendar looks for a saved search with the name "calendar"
+and will use that search for calendar portlets. Saved searches can be
+saved with different privacy settings, so your system can have multiple
+saved "calendar" searches. For a given user, the calendar first checks
+for a user-level saved search (personal to that user), then for a group-level
+saved search for groups the user is in, and finally, for a system-level saved
+=head2 Displaying Reminders
+Reminders are displayed on the Calendar only if you explicitly add the
+following clause to your query:
+    AND ( Type = 'ticket' OR Type = 'reminder' )
 =head2 Use the Calendar on Dashboard
@@ -463,23 +440,25 @@ status filter and legends of the Calendar events.
-In order to use those portlets, you need to add them to the
-C<$HomepageComponents> config in your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
+To make these portlets available in RT, add them to the
+C<$HomepageComponents> configuration in your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
+    Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch
+        MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage
+        MyCalendar Calendar CalendarWithSidebar)]);
-  Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch
-     MyCalendar Calendar CalendarWithSidebar
-     MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);
+Users can then select them when building dashboards.
-=head2 Display configuration
+=head2 Display Configuration
-=head3 Displaying the owner
+=head3 Display Owner
 You can show the owner of the ticket in each event box by adding this line
 to your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
     Set($CalendarDisplayOwner, 1);
-=head3 Choosing the fields to be displayed in the popup
+=head3 Event Popup Fields
 You can change which fields appear in the popup display when you
 mouse over an event in F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
@@ -490,13 +469,11 @@ mouse over an event in F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
          'CustomField.{Maintenance Estimated Start Date/Time - ET}'));
-=head3 Event colors
-The Calendar shows events in different colors based on the status of their
+=head3 Event Colors
-The C<$CalendarStatusColorMap> setting allows you to change the colors of
-the events in the Calendar. The following is the default:
+The Calendar shows events in different colors based on the ticket status.
+Use C<$CalendarStatusColorMap> to set alternate colors or add custom statuses.
+The following is the default configuration:
     Set(%CalendarStatusColorMap, (
         '_default_'                             => '#5555f8',
@@ -507,47 +484,33 @@ the events in the Calendar. The following is the default:
         'stalled'                               => '#FF0000',
-You can change the colors by copying the above configuration to your
-F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm> and adding or changing new statuses or color values.
 You can use any color declaration that CSS supports, including hex codes,
 color names, and RGB values.
-Note that the C<_default_> key is used for events that don't have a status
+The C<_default_> key is used for events that don't have a status
 in the C<$CalendarStatusColorMap> hash. The default color is a dark tone of
 =head3 Filter on Status
-The Sidebar of the Calendar has a Filter on Status section that allows
-you to filter the events by status without having to change the original
+The Calendar has a Filter on Status section that allows you to filter
+events by status without having to change the original query.
 The C<@CalendarFilterStatuses> setting controls which statuses are available
 for filtering. The following is the default:
     Set(@CalendarFilterStatuses, qw(new open stalled rejected resolved));
-If you want to change the available statuses, you can copy the above
-configuration to your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm> and add or remove statuses.
-=head3 Default selected statuses on Filter on Status section
 You can change the default selected statuses of the Filter On Status section
-by adding the C<@CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses> setting to your
-F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>. The following is the default:
+by defining C<@CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses>. The following is the default:
     Set(@CalendarFilterDefaultStatuses, qw(new open));
-=head3 Custom icons
-The Calendar shows different icons for events based on the date fields
-that originated them.
+=head3 Custom Icons
-The C<%CalendarIcons> setting controls which icons are used for each date
-field. The following is the default:
+The calendar shows different icons for events based on the date fields
+used to display the event on that day. The C<%CalendarIcons> setting
+controls which icons are used for each date field. The following is the
+default using provided icons:
     Set(%CalendarIcons, (
         'Reminder'     => 'reminder.png',
@@ -561,37 +524,23 @@ field. The following is the default:
         'LastUpdated'  => 'updated.png',
-You can customize the icons by copying the above configuration to your
-F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm> and adding or changing new date fields or icons.
 You can also define icons for custom fields by using the following format:
-    Set(%CalendarIcons, (
-        'Reminder'     => 'reminder.png',
-        'Resolved'     => 'resolved.png',
-        'Starts, Due'  => 'starts_due.png',
-        'Created, Due' => 'created_due.png',
-        'Created'      => 'created.png',
-        'Due'          => 'due.png',
-        'Starts'       => 'starts.png',
-        'Started'      => 'started.png',
-        'LastUpdated'  => 'updated.png',
         'CF.{Maintenance Start}' => 'maintstart.png',
         'CF.{Maintenance Stop}'  => 'maintstop.png',
-    ));
-The images should be placed in the F<local/static/images> folder of your RT.
+To add custom images, create a directory F<local/static/images> in your installed
+RT directory (usually F</opt/rt5>) and copy images files there.
 You can use any image format that your browser supports, but PNGs and GIFs
-with transparent backgrounds are recommended because they will adapt better
-to the background color of the events.
-The recommended size is 10 pixels in width and 7 pixels in height.
+with transparent backgrounds are recommended because they will display better
+to the background color of the events. The recommended size is 10 pixels wide
+and 7 pixels in high.
-=head3 Multiple days events
+=head3 Multiple Days Events
-By default, the Calendar will only display individual day events without
-any connection between them.
+By default, calendars display individual events on each day based on
+the dates in the query.
 =begin HTML
@@ -599,16 +548,11 @@ any connection between them.
 =end HTML
-This can be useful if you want only to display the Due date of a ticket
-or only a single-day information of the ticket.
-However, if you want to display multiple-day events, such as the full expected
-duration of a ticket or a maintenance window, you can do so by connecting
-the Starts and Ends fields of the event.
-In order to achieve that, you need to add the C<%CalendarMultipleDaysEvents>
-setting to your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>, and the Calendar will automatically
-show the full duration of the event.
+To display events that span multiple days, such as the full expected
+duration of a change blackout period, define the fields using the
+C<%CalendarMultipleDaysEvents> configuration. This option accepts
+named keys that each define the field to reference for the start (Starts)
+and end (Ends) of multi-day events. For example:
     Set( %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents, (
         'Project Task' => {
@@ -623,10 +567,10 @@ show the full duration of the event.
 =end HTML
-Note that C<Project Task> is the name of the multiday event, and for now,
-it is only used to connect the Starts and Ends fields.
+The keys, like C<Project Task>, are arbitrary labels to group each
+set, so you can use a name that helps you identify the entry.
-You can also define multiple days events for custom fields by using the
+You can also define multiple day events for custom fields by using the
 following format:
     Set( %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents, (
@@ -640,8 +584,9 @@ following format:
-Note that the Starts and Ends fields must be included in the search result
-Format in order to display the event on the Calendar.
+As with all calendar entries, the date fields referenced in the
+configuration must be included in the search result Format to
+display the event on the Calendar.
 =head1 AUTHOR


Summary of changes:
 META.yml            |   2 +-
 README              | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 lib/RTx/Calendar.pm | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 3 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)


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