[Bps-public-commit] rtx-calendar branch multiple-days-events created. 1.05-19-ge1a9336

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Thu Sep 7 21:26:21 UTC 2023

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
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The branch, multiple-days-events has been created
        at  e1a9336a2add434a1297daa36f1a0efb483588b8 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e1a9336a2add434a1297daa36f1a0efb483588b8
Author: Ronaldo Richieri <ronaldo at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 7 18:26:10 2023 -0300

    Add Multiple Days Events to Calendar
    Add Multiple Days Events to Calendar where an event can span multiple
    based on customizable start and end time fields.

diff --git a/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm b/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
index 8120ece..4371ab6 100644
--- a/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
+++ b/lib/RTx/Calendar.pm
@@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ sub DatesClauses {
 sub FindTickets {
     my ( $CurrentUser, $Query, $Dates, $begin, $end ) = @_;
+    my $multiple_days_events = RT->Config->Get('CalendarMultipleDaysEvents');
+    my @multiple_days_fields;
+    for my $event ( keys %$multiple_days_events ) {
+        for my $type ( keys %{ $multiple_days_events->{$event} } ) {
+            push @multiple_days_fields,
+                $multiple_days_events->{$event}{$type};
+        }
+    }
     $Query .= DatesClauses( $Dates, $begin, $end )
         if $begin and $end;
@@ -68,38 +77,14 @@ sub FindTickets {
     my %AlreadySeen;
     while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next() ) {
         # How to find the LastContacted date ?
+        # Find single day events fields
         for my $Date (@$Dates) {
+            next if grep { $Date eq $_ } @multiple_days_fields;
             # $dateindex is the date to use as key in the Tickets Hash
             # in the YYYY-MM-DD format
             # Tickets are then groupd by date in the %Tickets hash
-            my $dateindex;
-            if ($Date =~ /^CF\./){
-                my $cf = $Date;
-                $cf =~ s/^CF\.\{(.*)\}/$1/;
-                my $CFDateValue = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf);
-                next unless $CFDateValue;
-                my $CustomFieldObj = RT::CustomField->new($CurrentUser);
-                $CustomFieldObj->LoadByName( Name => $cf );
-                my $CustomFieldObjType = $CustomFieldObj->Type;
-                my $DateObj            = RT::Date->new($CurrentUser);
-                if ( $CustomFieldObjType eq 'Date' ) {
-                    $DateObj->Set(
-                        Format   => 'unknown',
-                        Value    => $CFDateValue,
-                        Timezone => 'utc'
-                    );
-                } else {
-                    $DateObj->Set( Format => 'ISO', Value => $CFDateValue );
-                }
-                $dateindex = LocalDate( $DateObj->Unix );
-            } else {
-                my $DateObj = $Date . "Obj";
-                $dateindex = LocalDate( $Ticket->$DateObj->Unix );
-            }
+            my $dateindex = _GetDate( $Date, $Ticket, $CurrentUser );
             push @{ $Tickets{$dateindex } },
@@ -110,10 +95,51 @@ sub FindTickets {
                 or $AlreadySeen{ $dateindex }
+        # Find multiple days events fields
+        for my $event (sort keys %$multiple_days_events) {
+            my $starts_field = $multiple_days_events->{$event}{'Starts'};
+            my $ends_field   = $multiple_days_events->{$event}{'Ends'};
+            my $starts_date  = _GetDate( $starts_field, $Ticket, $CurrentUser );
+            my $ends_date    = _GetDate( $ends_field,   $Ticket, $CurrentUser );
+            print STDERR "Starts: $starts_date, Ends: $ends_date\n";
+        }
     return %Tickets;
+sub _GetDate {
+    my $date_field = shift;
+    my $Ticket = shift;
+    my $CurrentUser = shift;
+    if ($date_field =~ /^CF\./){
+        my $cf = $date_field;
+        $cf =~ s/^CF\.\{(.*)\}/$1/;
+        my $CFDateValue = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf);
+        next unless $CFDateValue;
+        my $CustomFieldObj = RT::CustomField->new($CurrentUser);
+        $CustomFieldObj->LoadByName( Name => $cf );
+        my $CustomFieldObjType = $CustomFieldObj->Type;
+        my $DateObj            = RT::Date->new($CurrentUser);
+        if ( $CustomFieldObjType eq 'Date' ) {
+            $DateObj->Set(
+                Format   => 'unknown',
+                Value    => $CFDateValue,
+                Timezone => 'utc'
+            );
+        } else {
+            $DateObj->Set( Format => 'ISO', Value => $CFDateValue );
+        }
+        return LocalDate( $DateObj->Unix );
+    } else {
+        my $DateObj = $date_field . "Obj";
+        return LocalDate( $Ticket->$DateObj->Unix );
+    }
 # Take a user object and return the search with Description "calendar" if it exists
@@ -355,6 +381,19 @@ C<$CalendarIcons> setting to your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
 The images should be placed on F<local/static/images>.
+=head3 Multiple days events
+You can define multiple days events by adding the C<%CalendarMultipleDaysEvents>
+setting to your F<etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm>:
+    Set( %CalendarMultipleDaysEvents, (
+            'Maintenance' => {
+                'Starts' => 'Starts',
+                'Ends'   => 'Due',
+            },
+        )
+    );
 =head1 USAGE
 A small help section is available in /Search/Calendar.html



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