[HTTP-Recorder] Using http-recorder with a proxy in my company
tom at cumbriankitchen.co.uk
Wed Jul 14 07:21:53 EDT 2004
Thanks Richard - script is pretty similar to my old one. file was a
method of the agent in a previous version, and that's where I was all wrong!
Lippmann, Richard wrote:
>I thought it's a good idea to use HTTP::Recorder with my company's proxy.
>But it was not so easy to set it up. So I wrote this script which could help
>you, too, to do your next job faster.
>my $version = "0.01";
>print "This is $0 V$version\n";
># Take the newest version from
>use HTTP::Recorder "0.03_01";
>use HTTP::Proxy;
># Set everything to undef if you have no proxy-servers
># in your organisation
>my %whoami = (
> # listen to every network interface on this machine:
> # host => undef,
> # host => "",
> # listen only to network interface
> host => "",
> # which is the port I shall listen
> port => "3128",
># this is for forwarding all requests to my proxy in the company
>my %proxy = (
> host => "http://proxy.zdf:3128",
> user => undef,
> pass => undef,
># set HTTP::Recorder as the agent
>my $agent = HTTP::Recorder->new(
> # Log to a file
> # file => "/tmp/tmpfile",
> file => "proxy.log",
> showwindow => 1);
># Set my own proxy to forward requests
>$agent->proxy( "http", $proxy{host} )
> if $proxy{host};
>$request->proxy_authorization_basic( @proxy{ qw/user pass/ } )
> if $proxy{user};
>my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new;
>$proxy->agent( $agent );
>$proxy->port( $whoami{port} )
> if $whoami{port};
># Set how I get soon from my users
>if ( $whoami{host} ) {
> # My interface to be reached
> $proxy->host( $whoami{host} );
># My port to be reached
>$proxy->port( $whoami{port} );
># you may need to set the host
>print "Your proxy-server in your web-browser shall be:\n";
>printf "\t%s:%s\n",
> $whoami{host} ? $whoami{host} : "the_host_i_run",
> $whoami{port} ? $whoami{port} : 8080;
>print "Navigate to http://http-recorder/ to download the script\n";
>print "\twhich has been generated\n";
># Endless loop
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