[HTTP-Recorder] Fw: Problem:Can't locate objectmethod "query_param" via package

Ivan Pechorin ivan at pechorin.com
Thu Dec 1 11:09:41 EST 2005

Hello, people!

Michael Peters wrote:

>> also is
>> there any way to make HTTP recorder work/handle Java Scripts.

> There sure is. Write a JavaScript interpreter in Perl that can also parse
HTML (and CSS) and create a Document Object Model. But make sure it's
configurable so that it can behave like either IE, or Mozilla (or Safari or
Opera, etc).
> So it can be done, but it's a monumental task. It basically means that you
need to write an entire browser in Perl with no visual components.

Another way is to use Mozilla's C implementation of Javascript:
I suppose that this is much easier task.

Best regards,
Ivan Pechorin.

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