[HTTP-Recorder] problem -- possibly SSL certificate issues...

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joehall at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 19:08:13 EDT 2005

Hi, I'm attempting to use HTTP::Recorder and have had some mixed
success... this looks like it will help us mechanize a lot of our
testing, but I'd like to test SSL too.

Here's what I do:

1. Start the Proxy.

2. Load the proxy (localhost:3128) into my browser

3. enter "https://dev.voteprotect.org/dev/joehall/eirs/html/eir/" into
the "Goto page:" field of the HTTP-Recorder control panel.

4. Hit return (or click "Go).

5. Another window opens with the url "http://http-recorder/" in the
location bar.  This is the destination URL without any CSS or images
(which I understand from reading the list archives).

6. However, if I login (enter a "username", a "password" and click
"Sign in", it seems as if it has just reloaded the same site.  In the
http-recorder window, it shows the  following (I've obfuscated the
login info. by hand):

$agent->field('password', 'blahpasswd');
$agent->field('username', 'blah');

$agent->field('password', 'blahpasswd');
$agent->field('username', 'blah');

$agent->field('password', 'blahpasswd');
$agent->field('username', 'blah');

$agent->field('password', 'blahpasswd');
$agent->field('username', 'blah');

$agent->field('password', 'blahpasswd');
$agent->field('username', 'blah');

If I hit "Sign in" yet again, it pastes up two more of the sequence
(form to click) above into the http-recorder control panel.

This is likely a problem with the SSL certificate of the site which
belongs to "test.voteprotect.org" and not "dev.voteprotect.org"...
(which pops up a warning on first load if you enter it in the
browser's (Firefox's) location bar). Thoughts?

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
UC Berkeley, SIMS PhD Student
blog: <http://josephhall.org/nqb2/>

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