[orm] 40,000 feet outline idea

Hildo Biersma Hildo.Biersma at morganstanley.com
Mon Aug 14 16:23:36 EDT 2006

David Wheeler wrote:
> On Aug 14, 2006, at 12:21, Matt S Trout wrote:
>> Before I start: The below outline is DBIC-centric *only* because  
>> that's what I'm most familiar with (well, and also because it was  
>> always meant to be a meta-ORM and most of the specific API stuff is  
>> contrib :), and where I'm sure others are ahead I've tried to note  
>> it, but I'm sure you guys can shed more light.
> Thanks for getting us started, Matt. I've been meaning to do it  myself 
> for a few weeks. :-)
> The folks I know of on the list so far are:
> Jesse Vincent  (obra):       Jifty::DBI
> Matt S Trout   (mst):        DBIx::Class
> Ben Trott      (IRC nick?):  Data::ObjectDriver
> David Wheeler  (Theory):     Object::Relation
> Jess Robinson  (castaway):   SQL::Translator
> Brandon Black  (blblack):    DBIx::Class::Loader
> Anyone else?

Hildo Biersma - I have ORM module on CPAN, but have done extensive ORM 
work here at Morgan Stanley.  Jesse was kind enough to add me to the list.

I'm Sybase and DB2 person - comes with working at a large firm.  In 
fact, among other things I'm a DB2 DBA, so I am rather more familiar 
with various partitioning options and object-relational support of 
"enterprise" databases than I would like to be.

I've done a lot of SQL and DDL generation for Sybase, and if anyone 
needs testing (or simple porting) support of their ORM driver for Sybase 
or DB2 let me know.

/back to listening mode

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