[orm] Explicit ASTs (also sent to the DBIC list)

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sat Sep 2 16:47:12 EDT 2006

I think the basic concept we want is to have a two-stage generator - so
something like

   DWIM AST -> explicit AST -> SQL

The way Object::Relation does this stuff is quite nice, but it only really
handles WHERE condition type stuff, so we can take it as inspiration but
it's EINSUFFICIENT. So here's a rough cut at a "full" AST (I'm going to present
the AST and the SQL, the SQL::Abstract style syntax is left as an exercise for
the reader :)

I reckon the basic query structure can be a hashref since we have
@lots_of_clauses (and since we're bound to miss something first time round)
but each clause should probably be in arrayref form, so we have something like

   foo = 'yay' AND bar LIKE 'wooho%'


   [ -op, 'AND',
     [ -op, '=', [ -name, 'foo' ], [ -bind, 'yay' ] ],
     [ -op, 'LIKE', [ -name, 'bar' ], [ -bind, 'wooho%' ] ],

and a function call like

   COUNT( * )

would become

   [ -func, 'COUNT', '*' ]

the basic principle here is that an op generally takes a specific number of
arguments, whereas a function is a containing clause that can take a
potentially arbitrary number. So a complete statement might be something like

   SELECT my.a, my.b FROM my_table my WHERE spork = 1

and that would become

     select => [ [ -name, 'my', 'a' ], [ -name, 'my', 'b' ] ],
     from => [ [ -alias, 'my_table', 'my' ] ],
     where => [ [ -op, '=', [ -name, 'spork' ], [ -bind, 1 ] ] ],

which is ... spectacularly ugly, but I -think- explicit enough. Fun will be
handling specific things like

   MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('database')

but I guess that's just

   [ -func, 'MATCH',
     [ [ -name, 'title' ], [ -name, 'body' ] ],
     [ [ -bind, 'database' ] ]

and have something like "func_specific_$func" and "func_generic" methods on
the emitter, so MATCH gets handled by func_specific_MATCH whereas something
"normal" like COUNT can go through func_generic (we'd enumerate the specific
methods at instantiation time for performance, I think).

      Matt S Trout       Offering custom development, consultancy and support
   Technical Director    contracts for Catalyst, DBIx::Class and BAST. Contact
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  mst (at) shadowcatsystems.co.uk for more information

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