[Pushmi-users] Mobile Repository Setup

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 29 11:25:09 EDT 2007

On Aug 29, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Manuel Klimek wrote:

> The problem with svk is, that AFAIK
> - I can't write to it from a second computer (I have a small LAN
>   where I want to be able to develop on two computers concurrently)
> - I can't use tortoisesvn to diff, log, etc..

Actually, you can serve out .svk/local via svn, svn+ssh or http. The  
trick is not committing directly to a 'mirrored' branch and using svk  
to do the push/pull.


> So I'm probably going to just svnsync the whole repository for
> read access and do an rsync between the two computers on
> a "normal" svn checkout...
> Thanks for taking the time to answer,
> Manuel
> On 8/29/07, Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 29, 2007, at 3:05 AM, Manuel Klimek wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I managed to get Pushmi up-and-running to replicate my repository.
>>> Unfortunately in the pre-commit hook pushmi tries to access the
>>> master repository. My main "incentive" to use pushmi is to use the
>>> slave repository for offline access when I don't have Internet  
>>> access
>>> for two weeks.
>> That sounds a lot like you'd be better off with svk (http://
>> bestpractical.com/svk)
>> -jesse
>>> I tried to simply switch off the pre- and post-commit hooks, but I
>>> was not able to use "pushmi runhook" manually, because I can't
>>> find out the transaction name once the transaction is finished.
>>> Is this scenario possible at all? Or should I just copy the master
>>> repository and then create patches from the repository when
>>> I'm back again?
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>> Manuel
>>> --
>>> http://klimek.box4.net
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> http://klimek.box4.net
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