[rt-commit] [svn] r597 - in rt/branches: . rt-3.3/html/Developer
autrijus at fsck.com
autrijus at fsck.com
Wed Mar 17 13:12:26 EST 2004
Author: autrijus
Date: Wed Mar 17 13:12:25 2004
New Revision: 597
rt/branches/ (props changed)
* Developer tools.
Added: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/Log.html
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/Log.html Wed Mar 17 13:12:25 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%# You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend too much time reading
+%# this sort of trash.
+$RT::LogToFile or $m->abort;
+my $filename = eval { $RT::Logger->output('rtlog')->{filename} } or $m->abort;
+open my($fh), $filename or die $!;
+print <$fh>;
+close $fh;
Added: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/Perldoc.html
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/Perldoc.html Wed Mar 17 13:12:25 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+% if ($method) {
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" >
+% } else {
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
+<html lang="en">
+% }
+<title><% $n || 'RT' %> - RT Pod Online</title>
+<style type="text/css"><!--
+a { text-decoration: none }
+a:hover { text-decoration: underline }
+a:focus { background: #99ff99; border: 1px black dotted }
+% if (!$method) {
+<FRAMESET COLS="*, 250">
+ <FRAME src="Perldoc.html?method=Body" name="podBody">
+ <FRAME src="Perldoc.html?method=TOC" name="podTOC">
+ <a style="display: none" href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
+<& SELF:Body, Target => '' &>
+ <h1><a id="toc">Table of Contents</a></h1>
+<& SELF:TOC, Target => '' &>
+% return;
+% }
+% if ($method eq 'TOC') {
+<body style="background: #dddddd">
+<& SELF:TOC &>
+% } else {
+<& SELF:Body &>
+% }
+<%METHOD Body>
+my $n = $m->request_args->{n} || '';
+my $dirname = File::Basename::dirname($INC{'RT.pm'});
+$n =~ s/::/\//g;
+$n = 'RT' unless -r "$dirname/$n.pm";
+my $show = "$dirname/$n";
+if (-r "$show.pm") {
+ local $/;
+ my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+ close $fh;
+ my ($src_fh, $src_file) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+ my $got_name = 0;
+ foreach my $postfix ('', '_Overlay', '_Vendor', '_Local') {
+ next unless -r "$show$postfix.pm";
+ open $fh, "$show$postfix.pm" or next;
+ my $body = <$fh>;
+ if ($body =~ s/.*Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the
+database:([^=]+)//s) {
+ # okay, reduce it...
+ $body = "=head1 SCHEMA\n\n$1\n=head1 ACCESSORS\n\n\n=cut\n$body";
+ $body =~ s/=item/=head2/g;
+ }
+ elsif ($body =~ /^=item NewItem$/m and $n =~ /s$/) {
+ my $pkg = $n;
+ $pkg =~ s{/}{::}g;
+ chop $pkg;
+ $body = "=head1 NAME\n\n${pkg}s - Collection of $pkg
+ $got_name++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $body =~ s/^=head1 NAME[^=]+//m if $got_name;
+ }
+ $body =~ s/^=head1\b(?! ACCESSORS).*\s*(?==(head1|cut))//mg;
+ $body =~ s/^=head1 (?:AUTHOR|SEE ALSO|SYNOPSIS)\s*[^=]+//mg;
+ $body =~ s/^=/\n=/mg;
+ $body =~ s/^=begin testing\n/=begin testing\n\n/mg;
+ # print FOO $body;
+ print $src_fh $body;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ close $src_fh;
+ Pod::Html::pod2html(
+ "--infile=$src_file",
+ "--outfile=$filename",
+ "--cachedir=" . File::Spec->tmpdir,
+ );
+ open $fh, $filename;
+ my $body = <$fh>;
+ $body =~ s{.*?<body [^>]+>}{}s;
+ $body =~ s{</body>\s*</html>\s*$}{};
+ $n =~ s{/}{::}g;
+ $m->print("<h1>$n</h1>");
+ $body =~ s/(?<!\$)\b(RT::[a-zA-Z0-9:]+)\b/<a
+ $body =~ s{(?<![\$:])(?<!RT::)\b((?!RT::)\w+::\w+)\b}{<a
+ $body =~ s!</li>\n\t<ul>!<ul>!;
+ $body =~ s!</ul>!</ul></li>!;
+ $body =~ s!<p></p>!!;
+ $body =~ s!<a name=!<a id=!g;
+ $body =~ s!__index__!index!g;
+ $m->print($body);
+$Target => '&method=Body'
+my $dirname = File::Basename::dirname($INC{'RT.pm'});
+my @found;
+ { wanted => sub {
+ return unless /(\w+)\.pm$/;
+ return if $1 =~ /_/;
+ my $name = $File::Find::name;
+ $name =~ s/.*lib\b.//;
+ $name =~ s!\.pm!!i;
+ $name =~ s!\W!::!g;
+ push @found, $name;
+ }, follow => ($^O ne 'MSWin32') },
+ $dirname,
+my ($prev, $indent);
+foreach my $file (sort @found) {
+ my ($parent, $name) = ($1, $2) if $file =~ /(?:(.*)::)?(\w+)$/;
+ if ($file =~ /^$prev\::(.*)/) {
+ my $foo = $1;
+ while ($foo =~ s/(\w+):://) {
+ $indent++;
+ $m->print((' ' x $indent));
+ $m->print("$1<br />");
+ }
+ $indent++;
+ } elsif ($prev !~ /^$parent\::/) {
+ while ($parent =~ s/(\w+)//) {
+ next if $prev =~ s/\b$1:://;
+ while ($prev =~ s/:://) {
+ $indent--;
+ }
+ $m->print((' ' x $indent));
+ $m->print("$1<br />");
+ $indent++;
+ }
+ } elsif ($prev =~ /^$parent\::(.*::)/) {
+ my $foo = $1;
+ while ($foo =~ s/:://) {
+ $indent--;
+ }
+ }
+ $m->print((' ' x $indent));
+ $m->print('<a target="podBody"');
+ $m->print("href='Perldoc.html?n=$file$Target'>$name</a><br />");
+ $prev = $file;
+$Target => '&method=Body'
+require File::Basename;
+require File::Find;
+require File::Temp;
+require File::Spec;
+require Pod::Html;
+$n => ''
+$method => ''
Added: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/autohandler
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/Developer/autohandler Wed Mar 17 13:12:25 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+%# All theoretical chemistry is really physics;
+%# and all theoretical chemists know it.
+%# -- Richard P. Feynman
+$m->call_next(%ARGS) if $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->HasRight(
+ Right => 'SuperUser',
+ Object => $RT::System,
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