[Rt-commit] [svn] r808 - in rt: . branches/rt-3.3/docs/design_docs
branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0 branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Add
branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Remove branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT
autrijus at pallas.eruditorum.org
autrijus at pallas.eruditorum.org
Sun May 2 20:21:30 EDT 2004
Author: autrijus
Date: Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
New Revision: 808
rt/ (props changed)
r4385 at not: autrijus | 2004-05-02T21:16:04.349680Z
* Correct POD for W3CDTF
r4388 at not: autrijus | 2004-05-03T00:17:22.934822Z
* massive redesign based on discussion with obra.
r4389 at not: autrijus | 2004-05-03T00:21:25.960300Z
* Rename "Create" to "Add"; "Delete" to "Remove".
Modified: rt/branches/rt-3.3/docs/design_docs/atom-api.txt
--- rt/branches/rt-3.3/docs/design_docs/atom-api.txt (original)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/docs/design_docs/atom-api.txt Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+RT/Atom 0.3 API
This implementation is based on Atom 0.3.
@@ -11,57 +11,121 @@
Request methods and response status codes are specified here:
-Some example URIs are:
+Some example canonical URIs are:
+ /Atom/0.3 # FeedURI
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets # FeedURI
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets!add # PostURI (Container)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15 # EditURI (Object)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15.Subject # EditURI (Property)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15!update # PostURI (Object)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15!comment # PostURI (Object)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15!correspond # PostURI (Object)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15,16,17!update # PostURI (ResultSet)
+ /Atom/0.3/RT-Tickets/15/Transactions # FeedURI
+An example exchange: Create an 'autrijus' user, then add it to all groups
+that has 'root' as member.
+First, the RT::Client code:
+ my $user = $rt->Users->add(
+ Name => 'autrijus',
+ EmailAddress => 'autrijus at example.com',
+ );
+ $rt->Groups->search("HasMember='root'")->update(
+ Members => { add => $user },
+ );
+And now the actual interactions (OPTIONS can also be replaced by GET):
+ OPTIONS /Atom/0.3/Users!add
+ 200 OK
+ ...schema data...
+ POST /Atom/0.3/Users!add
+ ...<Name>autrijus</Name>...
+ ...<EmailAddress>autrijus at example.com</EmailAddress>...
+ 303 See Other
+ Location: /Atom/0.3/RT-Users/20
+ GET /Atom/0.3/RT-Users/20
+ 200 OK
+ ...<atom:id>rt-fsck.com://some-id</atom:id>...
+ HEAD /Atom/0.3/Groups?query=HasMember%3D'root'&rows=all
+ 200 OK
+ Location: /Atom/0.3/RT-Groups/(1,2,3,5,8,13)
+ OPTIONS /Atom/0.3/RT-Groups/(1,2,3,5,8,13)!update
+ 200 OK
+ ...schema data...
+ POST /Atom/0.3/RT-Groups/(1,2,3,5,8,13)!update
+ ...<Members><add href="rt-fsck.com://some-id"/></Members>...
+ 207 Multiple Status
+ ...<status><code>200</code><description>Member Added</description>...
+Here is a list of all verbs supported by this API:
+ [Search] - GET FeedURI
+ Search for objects within an container.
+ Possible query parameters: rows, page, query.
+ 200: Success. Body is the result serialized as an AtomFeed.
+ It entries are found, the 'Location:' header is set to a ResultSet.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
+ [Get] - GET EditURI
+ Retrieve a representation of an object or property.
+ Possible query parameters: expand
+ 200: Success. Body is the serialized item.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
+ [Put] - PUT EditURI
+ Modifies an object or property with the serialization in the request body.
+ 200: Success. Body is the serialized item again.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
+ [Remove] - DELETE EditURI
+ Remove the specified object.
+ 200: Successfully deleted. Body is success message in text/plain.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
+ [Describe] - OPTIONS PostURI | GET PostURI
+ On a container, returns the schema of objects acceptable by this container.
+ On an object, returns the schema acceptable by the specified 'adverb'.
+ 200: Success. Body is schema in a format determined by content negotiation.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
+ [Add] - POST PostURI (Container)
+ Create a new object from the AtomEntry in the request's body.
+ 303: Created. The 'Location:' header is set to the new object's EditURI
+ (for subsequent Get/Update). Body is success message in text/plain.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
+ [Update] - POST PostURI (Object)
+ Updates an object, using an 'adverb' acceptable to that object's class.
+ 207: Updated. Body is the status code and messages for each updated item.
+ 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+ 404: The specific object does not exist, or does not support this adverb.
- /REST/2.0/ # FeedURI
- /REST/2.0/tickets # FeedURI
- /REST/2.0/tickets-new # PostURI (Container)
- /REST/2.0/tickets/15 # EditURI
- /REST/2.0/tickets/15-comment # PostURI (Object)
- /REST/2.0/tickets/15-correspond # PostURI (Object)
- /REST/2.0/tickets/15/transactions # FeedURI
-[GET FeedURI]
-Search for objects within an container.
-Possible query parameters: rows, page, query.
-200: Success. Body is the result, serialized as an AtomFeed.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
-[GET EditURI]
-Get a representation of an object.
-200: Success. Body is the object, serialized as an AtomEntry.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
-[PUT EditURI]
-Modifies an object with the AtomEntry in the request body.
-200: Success. Body is the object, serialized as an AtomEntry.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
-Delete an object.
-200: Successfully deleted. Body is success message in text/plain.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
-On a container, returns the schema of objects acceptable by this container.
-On an object, returns the schema acceptable by the specified 'adverb'.
-200: Success. Body is schema in a format determined by content negotiation.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
-[POST PostURI] (Container)
-Create a new object from the AtomEntry in the request's body.
-303: Created. The 'Location:' header is set to the new object's EditURI
- (for subsequent Get/Update). Body is success message in text/plain.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
-[POST PostURI] (Object)
-Updates an object, using an 'adverb' acceptable to that object's class.
-200: Success. Body is the object, serialized as an AtomEntry.
-400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
-404: The specific object does not exist, or does not support this adverb.
Added: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Add/index
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Add/index Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+%# [POST PostURI] (Container)
+%# Create a new object from the AtomEntry in the request's body.
+%# 303: Created. The 'Location:' header is set to the new object's EditURI
+%# (for subsequent Get/Update). Body is success message in text/plain.
+%# 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+%# 404: There is no container matching the specified URI.
Added: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Remove/index
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/Remove/index Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%# [DELETE EditURI]
+%# Delete an object.
+%# 200: Successfully deleted. Body is success message in text/plain.
+%# 400: Request failed. Body is error message in text/plain.
+%# 404: There is no object matching the specified URI.
Modified: rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/dhandler
--- rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/dhandler (original)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/html/REST/2.0/dhandler Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -136,12 +136,15 @@
my $verb = {
GET => 'Get',
HEAD => 'Get',
- POST => 'Create',
+ POST => 'Add',
PUT => 'Put',
- DELETE => 'Delete',
+ DELETE => 'Remove',
OPTIONS => 'Describe',
}->{$r->method} or return $m->comp('Elements/Error', Status => 405);
+require YAML;
+die YAML::Dump(\%ENV);
my $path = $m->dhandler_arg;
my ($type, @parts) = grep length, split('/', $path);
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@
$adverb = $1;
$verb = 'Describe' if $verb eq 'Get';
$m->comp('Elements/Error', Status => 405)
- unless $verb =~ /Create|Describe/;
+ unless $verb =~ /Add|Describe/;
if ((@parts % 2) == 0) {
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@
elsif ($adverb) {
# PostURI on object
- $verb = 'Update' if $verb eq 'Create';
+ $verb = 'Update' if $verb eq 'Add';
my $map = $m->comp('Elements/Introspect', Want => 'CollectionToClass');
Modified: rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm
--- rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -425,6 +425,7 @@
sub Authenticate {
my ($self, $password, $created, $nonce, $realm) = @_;
+ require Digest::MD5;
require Digest::SHA1;
require MIME::Base64;
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@
my $auth_digest = MIME::Base64::encode_base64(Digest::SHA1::sha1(
$nonce .
$created .
- Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex("$username:$realm:$server_pass")
+ Digest::MD5::md5_hex("$username:$realm:$server_pass")
Modified: rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/Date.pm
--- rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/Date.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/rt-3.3/lib/RT/Date.pm Sun May 2 20:21:29 2004
@@ -529,9 +529,9 @@
# }}}
-# {{{ sub ISO
+# {{{ sub W3CDTF
-=head2 ISO
+=head2 W3CDTF
Takes nothing
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