[Rt-commit] [svn] r884 - in RT-Client: . lib/RT t
autrijus at pallas.eruditorum.org
autrijus at pallas.eruditorum.org
Wed May 12 22:21:53 EDT 2004
Author: autrijus
Date: Wed May 12 22:21:52 2004
New Revision: 884
RT-Client/ (props changed)
r4830 at not: autrijus | 2004-05-13T02:19:48.973281Z
* rename spec.t to 2-oo.t (currnetly disabled).
r4831 at not: autrijus | 2004-05-13T02:21:23.295880Z
* Remove stale code.
Modified: RT-Client/MANIFEST
--- RT-Client/MANIFEST (original)
+++ RT-Client/MANIFEST Wed May 12 22:21:52 2004
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
Modified: RT-Client/lib/RT/Client.pm
--- RT-Client/lib/RT/Client.pm (original)
+++ RT-Client/lib/RT/Client.pm Wed May 12 22:21:52 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4
package RT::Client;
use 5.006;
@@ -222,56 +220,4 @@
- no strict 'refs';
- my @delegate_map = qw(
- add createEntry
- remove deleteEntry
- search getFeed
- update createUpdate
- get getEntry
- set updateEntry
- describe getDescription
- );
- while (my ($key, $value) = splice(@delegate_map, 0, 2)) {
- *{"_$key"} = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my %args = (@_ > 1) ? @_ : (URI => $_[0]);
- return $self->can($value)->(
- $self,
- $self->server_uri($args{URI}),
- %args,
- );
- };
- }
-sub get {
- $self->_get(@_);
-sub munge_response {
- my $res = shift;
- $self->current_user($res->header( 'X-RT-CurrentUser' ));
- return $self->SUPER::munge_response($res);
-sub top {
- RT::Client::Container->new( client => $self, uri => '/' );
- $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*:://;
- my $links = $self->{links} ||= {};
- $self->munge_links($links) unless $links->{$AUTOLOAD};
- return $links->{$AUTOLOAD};
-sub munge_links {
- my $links = shift;
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4
Added: RT-Client/t/2-oo.t
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Client/t/2-oo.t Wed May 12 22:21:52 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { use Carp; Carp::cluck(@_) };
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { use Carp; Carp::confess(@_) };
+my $rt = RT::Client->new('http://root:password@localhost')->top;
+isa_ok($rt, 'RT::Client::Container', 'Toplevel');
+# some way to RaiseError!
+# Requirements:
+# 1. Ticket Creation and Modification via an External Interface
+my $tickets = $rt->Tickets;
+isa_ok($tickets, 'RT::Client::Container', 'Tickets');
+can_ok($tickets, 'search');
+can_ok($tickets, 'add');
+my $results = $tickets->search;
+isa_ok($results, 'RT::Client::ResultSet');
+can_ok($results, 'remove');
+can_ok($results, 'update');
+is($tickets->_errstr, undef, 'Nothing bad had happened yet');
+is($tickets->add, undef, 'Adding an empty ticket shall fail');
+isnt($tickets->_errstr, undef, 'Error message is in ->_errstr');
+is($rt->errstr, $tickets->_errstr, 'Error message is global');
+my $ticket = $tickets->add( Queue => 1, Subject => 'Testing' );
+isa_ok($ticket, 'RT::Client::Object');
+can_ok($ticket, 'remove');
+can_ok($ticket, 'update');
+can_ok($ticket, 'comment');
+can_ok($ticket, 'correspond');
+is($ticket->Subject, 'Testing');
+is($ticket->Queue, 1);
+# exercise different update syntaxes
+is($ticket->setSubject('Set0'), 'Set0');
+is($ticket->update( Subject => 'Set1' ), 'Set1');
+is($ticket->update( Subject => [ 'Fnord', 'Set2' ] ), 'Set2');
+is($ticket->update( Subject => { set => 'Set3' } ), 'Set3');
+is($ticket->update( Subject => { set => [ 'Fnord', 'Set4' ] } ), 'Set4');
+# equivalent to $ticket->_top->Queues($ticket->Queue)
+my $queue = $ticket->QueueObj;
+isa_ok($queue, 'RT::Client::Object');
+can_ok($queue, 'remove');
+can_ok($queue, 'update');
+ok(!$queue->can('comment'), 'Cannot comment on a Queue');
+ok(!$queue->can('correspond'), 'Cannot correspond on a Queue');
+# 1.1 Independent of CLI login credentials, need ability to specify
+# "requestor" field so that replies are sent to the requestor.
+my $email = 'rand-' . rand() . '@example.com';
+is($ticket->Requestor->search->count, 1);
+is($ticket->Requestor->search->count, 2);
+# 1.2 Ability to post a ticket to a specific queue.
+$ticket = $queue->Tickets->add( Subject => 'Testing' );
+isa_ok($ticket, 'RT::Client::Object');
+is($ticket->Subject, 'Testing');
+# 1.3 Ability to specify message body. May contain utf8 OR localized
+# charset.
+is($ticket->_encoding, $rt->encoding, '->_encoding is global');
+is(length($ticket->Subject), 4);
+# 1.4 Ability to set values in n existing custom fields.
+my $cf = $queue->CustomFields->add(
+ Name => 'CFTest',
+ Type => 'SelectSingle',
+$cf->addValues( Name => 'foo', Description => 'Foo Option' );
+# 1.5 Ability to set values in "Select One Value" and "Enter One Value"
+# -type custom fields
+# RT-Tickets/5/CustomFieldValues/9/1.Content
+# RT-Tickets/5/CustomFieldValues/9/1.Content
+$ticket->CustomFieldValues($cf)->set( Content => 'foo');
+is($ticket->CustomFieldsValues($cf)->count, 1);
+is($ticket->CustomFieldsValues($cf)->first->Content, 'foo');
+# 1.6 For modifications, need to identify ticket number. We'd prefer to
+# identify modifying user as well if possible.
+my $id = $ticket->Id;
+is($ticket->_current_user, $rt->current_user, '->_current_user is global');
+$rt->Tickets($id)->comment( Content => "Hello!" );
+# 2. Ability to Close a Ticket via an External Interface
+# 2.1 Ability to close a ticket based on ticket number. We'd prefer to
+# identify closing user as well if possible.
+$ticket->comment( Content => 'reopen!' );
+is($ticket->Status, 'open');
+# 3. General CLI Requirements
+# 3.1 Error Responses: CLI must return status and error responses
+# instead of end-user help text.
+is($rt->_status, 200);
+is($ticket->_status, 200);
+$ticket->setOwner('no_such_user' . rand());
+is($rt->_status, 200);
+is($ticket->_status, 400);
+isnt($ticket->_errstr, undef);
+# 3.2 Environment: Support perl 5.6.1.
+cmp_ok($], '>=', 5.006001);
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