[Rt-commit] r2551 - experiments/Bamboo/doc
autrijus at bestpractical.com
autrijus at bestpractical.com
Fri Apr 1 03:53:24 EST 2005
Author: autrijus
Date: Fri Apr 1 03:53:23 2005
New Revision: 2551
* some notes
Added: experiments/Bamboo/doc/notes
--- (empty file)
+++ experiments/Bamboo/doc/notes Fri Apr 1 03:53:23 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+- Web Counter
+ - On each request, we:
+ - retrieve value
+ - add it with 1
+ - ...write it back -- done implicitly to disk
+ - display the counter
+ - "Counter" class (inside facade)
+ - request -> counter.html
+ - unpack the acl part (not really used)
+ - unpack the operations part (not really used, for now)
+ - add action-specific operations before and after user code
+ - trigger the renderer
+ - in Mason
+ - or TT2
+ - View-Facade
+ - all hash access are interpreted as read-only attribute
+ - all methods are actually view helper methods that acts on the invocant
+ Current count: <% $c{counter}{value} %>
+ Current count: <% $c{counter}->as_list %>
+ $v $c
+ $m $r
+- If we want to do RTML based on the:
+ - draw OPs
+ - action OPs
+- then we hook it as its own View Facade and have the
+ correct action emitters defined in RTML that can express
+ the rich object-based OP language we have.
+- Facade buys you
+ - encapsuation
+ - only registered methods can be called
+ - only registered parameters can be used
+ - introspection
+ - list of methods
+ - and their parameters
+ - not type, but validator-as-type
+ - validation
+ - arbitary code callbacks
+ - yields true or false?
+ - no transformers/canonicalizers at that level
+ - transformers --- XXX TBD
+- Controller intuitions
+ - Orthogonal to the Facade Model
+ - HTTP FORM POST controls everything
+ - We may use GET just to note a particularly nondestructive
+ sequence of events, but that is not tied to the URI at all --
+ in this regard we are fundamentally SOAPish and RPCish.
+ - what you can pass in is not only method calls
+ - but also factory objects
+ 0-PetStore::Product-SomeMoniker-new = 1
+ 1-PetStore::Product-SomeMoniker-Load-__1 = 26
+ GET /Pets?=23
+ $foo = new Bar;
+ $foo = new Bar; $foo->Load(26);
+ - an imperative, sequential, assembly language complete
+ with LINE NUMBERS and GOTOs!
+ - assuming the line number is generated by the form compiler
+ in a sequential unique fashion:
+ # $object may be a class or a previously obtained moniker
+ "Class::Name-ObjectId"
+ "Class::Name-FooObj-new"
+ "Class::Name-FooObj-currentVal--_1" = 6
+ $FooObj = Class::Name->new()
+ $FooObj->currentVal( _1 => 6 )
+ $moniker = $object -> method ( %params )
+ - "new" is special; it is the only method that returns an object; in
+ other words, any other methods just return the invoker.
+ # arguments may be objects, but never classes
+ my $obj = Class.new(...);
+ my $rv = $obj.method(...);
+ $obj.some_attr = 3;
+ my $x = $obj.some_attr;
+ push $obj.some_attr, "hello";
+ delete $obj.some_attr{"blah"};
+ class Counter {
+ method doSomething {
+ $.val = rand();
+ }
+ }
+ # $counter is loaded first
+ <input type="button"
+ onclick="sub { $counter.val = rand() }">
+ onclick="<% serialize_call($counter, "doSomething", ()) %>">
+ thaw {
+ frozen objects
+ - Class
+ - Attributes
+ - mandatory ones
+ - non-mandatory that we nevertheless care about
+ - HMAC_SHA'ed with a server secret
+ }
+ sub { ... }
+ sub { ... }
+- View intuitions
+ - Controller-driving form
+ <form name="embed">
+ <script runAt="server">
+ $obj = Class->new(...)
+ $obj->method( ___ )
+ </script>
+ </form>
+ - Model-presentation form
+ -- draws objects
+ -- arranges show/hide/whatever relations
+ -- sets and maintains the "current topic" in the stash
+ -- skinnable and themable and whatever
+ -- "widget kit"
+- Your form contains a continuation in the flow chain
+ - Alternatively, since template developers are end-users,
+ your form contains a bunch of GOTO statements with conditionals
+<input type="hidden" name="0-Bamboo::-0-Meta-OnSuccessNextPage" value="product_list.html">
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