[Rt-commit] r2567 - in rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL: .
html/Search/Elements lib/RT lib/t/regression
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 EDT 2005
Author: jesse
Date: Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 2005
New Revision: 2567
rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/ (props changed)
r11663 at hualien: jesse | 2005-04-03 17:11:09 +0800
* Added support for sort by requestor/watcher
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 2005
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
my %fields = %{$tickets->FIELDS};
map { $fields{$_}->[0] =~ /^(?:ENUM|INT|DATE|STRING)$/ || delete $fields{$_} } keys %fields;
delete $fields{'EffectiveId'};
+$fields{ $_ . '.EmailAddress' } = 1 foreach( qw(Requestor Cc AdminCc) );
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 2005
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
no warnings qw(redefine);
use vars qw(@SORTFIELDS);
use RT::CustomFields;
+use DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique;
# Configuration Tables:
@@ -775,41 +776,7 @@
my $meta = $FIELDS{$fieldname};
my $type = ( defined $meta->[1] ? $meta->[1] : undef );
-# We only want _one_ clause for all of requestors, cc, admincc
-# It's less flexible than what we used to do, but now it sort of actually works. (no huge cartesian products that hose the db)
- my $groups = $self->{ 'watcherlimit_' . ('global') . "_groups" } ||=
- $self->NewAlias('Groups');
- my $groupmembers =
- $self->{ 'watcherlimit_' . ('global') . "_groupmembers" } ||=
- $self->NewAlias('CachedGroupMembers');
- my $users = $self->{ 'watcherlimit_' . ('global') . "_users" } ||=
- $self->NewAlias('Users');
-# Use regular joins instead of SQL joins since we don't want the joins inside ticketsql or we get a huge cartesian product
- $self->SUPER::Limit(
- ALIAS => $groups,
- FIELD => 'Domain',
- VALUE => 'RT::Ticket-Role',
- );
- $self->Join(
- ALIAS1 => $groups,
- FIELD1 => 'Instance',
- ALIAS2 => 'main',
- FIELD2 => 'id'
- );
- $self->Join(
- ALIAS1 => $groups,
- FIELD1 => 'id',
- ALIAS2 => $groupmembers,
- FIELD2 => 'GroupId'
- );
- $self->Join(
- ALIAS1 => $groupmembers,
- FIELD1 => 'MemberId',
- ALIAS2 => $users,
- FIELD2 => 'id'
- );
+ my $users = $self->_WatcherJoin($type);
# If we're looking for multiple watchers of a given type,
# TicketSQL will be handing it to us as an array of clauses in
@@ -840,15 +807,60 @@
- $self->_SQLLimit(
+ $self->_CloseParen;
+=head2 _WatcherJoin
+Helper function which provides joins to a watchers table both for limits
+and for ordering.
+sub _WatcherJoin {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $key = shift || "limit";
+ my $groups = $self->{ 'alias_' . $key . "_groups" } ||=
+ $self->NewAlias('Groups');
+ my $groupmembers =
+ $self->{ 'alias_' . $key . "_groupmembers" } ||=
+ $self->NewAlias('CachedGroupMembers');
+ my $users = $self->{ 'alias_' . $key . "_users" } ||=
+ $self->NewAlias('Users');
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(
+ ALIAS => $groups,
+ FIELD => 'Domain',
+ VALUE => 'RT::Ticket-Role',
+ );
+ $self->Join(
+ ALIAS1 => $groups,
+ FIELD1 => 'Instance',
+ ALIAS2 => 'main',
+ FIELD2 => 'id'
+ );
+ $self->Join(
+ ALIAS1 => $groups,
+ FIELD1 => 'id',
+ ALIAS2 => $groupmembers,
+ FIELD2 => 'GroupId'
+ );
+ $self->Join(
+ ALIAS1 => $groupmembers,
+ FIELD1 => 'MemberId',
+ ALIAS2 => $users,
+ FIELD2 => 'id'
+ );
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(
ALIAS => $groups,
FIELD => 'Type',
VALUE => $type,
if ($type);
- $self->_CloseParen;
+ return $users;
=head2 _WatcherMembershipLimit
@@ -1190,6 +1202,41 @@
# End of SQL Stuff -------------------------------------------------
+# {{{ Allow sorting on watchers
+=head2 OrderByCols ARRAY
+A modified version of the OrderBy method which automatically joins where
+C<ALIAS> is set to the name of a watcher type.
+sub OrderByCols {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $clause;
+ my @res = ();
+ my $order = 0;
+ foreach my $row( @args ) {
+ if( $row->{ALIAS} || $row->{FIELD} !~ /\./ ) {
+ push @res, $row;
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($field, $subkey) = split /\./, $row->{FIELD};
+ my $meta = $self->FIELDS->{ $field };
+ if( $meta->[0] eq 'WATCHERFIELD' ) {
+ my $users = $self->_WatcherJoin( $meta->[1], "order".$order++ );
+ push @res, { %$row, ALIAS => $users, FIELD => $subkey };
+ } else {
+ push @res, $row;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::OrderByCols( @res );
+# }}}
# {{{ Limit the result set based on content
# {{{ sub Limit
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay_SQL.pm
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay_SQL.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay_SQL.pm Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 2005
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
push @expectedids, $tick->Id;
ok (eq_array(\@ids, \@expectedids), "returned expected tickets");
$query = ("id = $ids[0] OR MemberOf = $ids[0]");
my ($id, $msg) = $tix->FromSQL($query);
@@ -452,12 +452,15 @@
is ($tix->Count, scalar @ids, "number of returned tickets same as entered");
+my ($id, $msg) = $tix->FromSQL($query);
@expectedids = ();
while (my $tick = $tix->Next) {
push @expectedids, $tick->Id;
-ok (eq_array(\@ids, \@expectedids), "returned expected tickets");
+ok (eq_array(\@ids, \@expectedids), "returned expected tickets". join(",", at ids) . "==".join(",", at expectedids));
=end testing
Added: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/t/regression/20-sort-by-requestor.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/t/regression/20-sort-by-requestor.t Sun Apr 3 05:13:26 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict; use warnings;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+use RT::Ticket;
+my $q = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $queue = 'SearchTests-'.rand(200);
+$q->Create(Name => $queue);
+my @requestors = ( ('bravo at example.com') x 5, ('alpha at example.com') x 5,
+ ('delta at example.com') x 5, ('charlie at example.com') x 5);
+my @subjects = ("first test", "second test", "third test", "fourth test") x 5;
+while (@requestors) {
+ my $t = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ my ( $id, undef $msg ) = $t->Create(
+ Queue => $q->id,
+ Subject => shift @subjects,
+ Requestor => [ shift @requestors ]
+ );
+ ok( $id, $msg );
+ my $tix = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $tix->FromSQL("Queue = '$queue'");
+ is($tix->Count, 20, "found twenty tickets");
+ my $tix = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $tix->FromSQL("Queue = '$queue' AND requestor = 'alpha\@example.com'");
+ $tix->OrderByCols({ FIELD => "Subject" });
+ my @subjects;
+ while (my $t = $tix->Next) { push @subjects, $t->Subject; }
+ is(@subjects, 5, "found five tickets");
+ is_deeply( \@subjects, [ sort @subjects ], "Subjects are sorted");
+ my $tix = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $tix->FromSQL("Queue = '$queue' AND subject = 'first test' AND Requestor.EmailAddress LIKE 'example.com'");
+ $tix->OrderByCols({ FIELD => "Requestor.EmailAddress" });
+ my @mails;
+ while (my $t = $tix->Next) { push @mails, $t->RequestorAddresses; }
+ is(@mails, 5, "found five tickets");
+ is_deeply( \@mails, [ sort @mails ], "Addresses are sorted");
+ my $tix = RT::Tickets->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $tix->FromSQL("Queue = '$queue' AND subject = 'first test'");
+ $tix->OrderByCols({ FIELD => "Requestor.EmailAddress" });
+ my @mails;
+ while (my $t = $tix->Next) { push @mails, $t->RequestorAddresses; }
+ is(@mails, 5, "found five tickets");
+ is_deeply( \@mails, [ sort @mails ], "Addresses are sorted");
+# vim:ft=perl:
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