[Rt-commit] r2781 - rtfm/branches/2.1-TESTING/t
tla at bestpractical.com
tla at bestpractical.com
Tue Apr 19 01:11:00 EDT 2005
Author: tla
Date: Tue Apr 19 01:11:00 2005
New Revision: 2781
The beginnings of interface tests, concentrating on recent changes.
Added: rtfm/branches/2.1-TESTING/t/04interface.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rtfm/branches/2.1-TESTING/t/04interface.t Tue Apr 19 01:11:00 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use lib "/opt/rt3/lib";
+use RT;
+use RT::CustomField;
+use RT::EmailParser;
+use RT::Queue;
+use RT::Ticket;
+use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
+# Variables to test return values
+my ($ret, $msg);
+# Create a test class
+my $class = RT::FM::Class->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($ret, $msg) = $class->Create('Name' => 'tlaTestClass-'.$$,
+ 'Description' => 'A general-purpose test class');
+ok($ret, "Test class created");
+# Create a hierarchy of test topics
+my $topic1 = RT::FM::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $topic11 = RT::FM::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $topic12 = RT::FM::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $topic2 = RT::FM::Topic->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($ret, $msg) = $topic1->Create('Parent' => 0,
+ 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1-'.$$,
+ 'ObjectType' => 'RT::FM::Class',
+ 'ObjectId' => $class->Id);
+ok($ret, "Topic 1 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $topic11->Create('Parent' => $topic1->Id,
+ 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1.1-'.$$,
+ 'ObjectType' => 'RT::FM::Class',
+ 'ObjectId' => $class->Id);
+ok($ret, "Topic 1.1 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $topic12->Create('Parent' => $topic1->Id,
+ 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic1.2-'.$$,
+ 'ObjectType' => 'RT::FM::Class',
+ 'ObjectId' => $class->Id);
+ok($ret, "Topic 1.2 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $topic2->Create('Parent' => 0,
+ 'Name' => 'tlaTestTopic2-'.$$,
+ 'ObjectType' => 'RT::FM::Class',
+ 'ObjectId' => $class->Id);
+ok($ret, "Topic 2 created");
+# Create some article custom fields
+my $questionCF = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $answerCF = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($ret, $msg) = $questionCF->Create('Name' => 'Question-'.$$,
+ 'Type' => 'Text',
+ 'MaxValues' => 1,
+ 'LookupType' => 'RT::FM::Class-RT::FM::Article',
+ 'Description' => 'The question to be answered',
+ 'Disabled' => 0);
+ok($ret, "Question CF created: $msg");
+($ret, $msg) = $answerCF->Create('Name' => 'Answer-'.$$,
+ 'Type' => 'Text',
+ 'MaxValues' => 1,
+ 'LookupType' => 'RT::FM::Class-RT::FM::Article',
+ 'Description' => 'The answer to the question',
+ 'Disabled' => 0);
+ok($ret, "Answer CF created: $msg");
+# Attach the custom fields to our class
+($ret, $msg) = $questionCF->AddToObject($class);
+ok($ret, "Question CF added to class: $msg");
+($ret, $msg) = $answerCF->AddToObject($class);
+ok($ret, "Answer CF added to class: $msg");
+my ($qid, $aid) = ($questionCF->Id, $answerCF->Id);
+my %cvals = ('article1q' => 'Some question about swallows',
+ 'article1a' => 'Some answer about Europe and Africa',
+ 'article2q' => 'Another question about Monty Python',
+ 'article2a' => 'Romani ite domum',
+ 'article3q' => 'Why should I eat my supper?',
+ 'article3a' => 'There are starving children in Africa',
+ 'article4q' => 'What did Brian originally write?',
+ 'article4a' => 'Romanes eunt domus');
+# Create an article or two with our custom field values.
+my $article1 = RT::FM::Article->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $article2 = RT::FM::Article->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $article3 = RT::FM::Article->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $article4 = RT::FM::Article->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($ret, $msg) = $article1->Create(Name => 'First article '.$$,
+ Summary => 'blah blah 1',
+ Class => $class->Id,
+ Topics => [$topic1->Id],
+ "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article1q'},
+ "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article1a'},
+ );
+ok($ret, "article 1 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $article2->Create(Name => 'Second article '.$$,
+ Summary => 'foo bar 2',
+ Class => $class->Id,
+ Topics => [$topic11->Id],
+ "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article2q'},
+ "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article2a'},
+ );
+ok($ret, "article 2 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $article3->Create(Name => 'Third article '.$$,
+ Summary => 'ping pong 3',
+ Class => $class->Id,
+ Topics => [$topic12->Id],
+ "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article3q'},
+ "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article3a'},
+ );
+ok($ret, "article 3 created");
+($ret, $msg) = $article4->Create(Name => 'Fourth article '.$$,
+ Summary => 'hoi polloi 4',
+ Class => $class->Id,
+ Topics => [$topic2->Id],
+ "CustomField-$qid" => $cvals{'article4q'},
+ "CustomField-$aid" => $cvals{'article4a'},
+ );
+ok($ret, "article 4 created");
+# Create a ticket.
+my $parser = RT::EmailParser->new();
+$parser->ParseMIMEEntityFromScalar('From: root at localhost
+To: rt at example.com
+Subject: test ticket for articles
+This is some form of new request.
+May as well say something about Africa.');
+my $queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $obj;
+($ret, $obj, $msg) = $ticket->Create(Queue => 'General',
+ Subject => 'test ticket for articles '.$$,
+ MIMEObj => $parser->Entity);
+ok($ret, "Test ticket for articles created: $msg");
+#### Right. That's our data. Now begin the real testing.
+my $url = "http://localhost".$RT::WebPath."/";
+my $m = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new;
+isa_ok($m, 'Test::WWW::Mechanize');
+ok(1, "Connecting to ".$url);
+$m->get( $url."?user=root;pass=password" );
+$m->content_like(qr/Logout/, 'we did log in');
+$m->follow_link(text => 'RTFM');
+$m->follow_link(text => $article3->Name);
+$m->title_is("Article #" . $article3->Id . ": " . $article3->Name);
+$m->follow_link(text => 'Modify');
+$m->content_like(qr/Refers to/, "found links edit box");
+my $turi = 't:'.$ticket->Id;
+my $a1uri = 'a:'.$article1->Id;
+$m->submit_form(form_name => 'EditArticle',
+ fields => { $article3->Id.'-RefersTo' => $turi,
+ 'RefersTo-'.$article3->Id => $a1uri }
+ );
+$m->content_like(qr/Link created.*$turi/, "Ticket linkto was created");
+$m->content_like(qr/Link created.*$a1uri/, "Article linkfrom was created");
+# Now try to extract an article from a link.
+ "Loaded ticket display");
+$m->content_like(qr/Extract Article/, "Article extraction link shows up");
+$m->follow_link(text => 'Extract Article');
+$m->follow_link(text => $class->Name);
+$m->set_visible([option => $answerCF->Name]);
+$m->title_like(qr/Create a new article/, "got edit page from extraction");
+$m->submit_form(form_name => 'EditArticle');
+$m->title_like(qr/Modify article/);
+$m->follow_link(text => 'Display');
+$m->content_like(qr/Africa/, "Article content exist");
+ "Article references originating ticket");
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