[Rt-commit] r3625 - in DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk: . t
glasser at bestpractical.com
glasser at bestpractical.com
Tue Aug 9 17:37:42 EDT 2005
Author: glasser
Date: Tue Aug 9 17:37:41 2005
New Revision: 3625
DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/ (props changed)
r39287 at tin-foil: glasser | 2005-08-09 17:37:05 -0400
Because SearchBuilder has the unfortunate historical feature of adding
% around LIKE values in Limits, add a MATCHES operators that... doesn't do that.
(For Jifty::DBI, we will make LIKE do what MATCHES does here, and CONTAINS do
what LIKE does here.)
Modified: DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm
--- DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm (original)
+++ DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/SearchBuilder.pm Tue Aug 9 17:37:41 2005
@@ -645,6 +645,11 @@
ENDSWITH is like LIKE, except it prepends a % to the beginning of the string
+=item "MATCHES"
+MATCHES is equivalent to the database's LIKE -- that is, it's actually LIKE, but
+doesn't surround the string in % signs as LIKE does.
@@ -694,7 +699,9 @@
elsif ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /ENDSWITH/i ) {
$args{'VALUE'} = "%" . $args{'VALUE'};
$args{'OPERATOR'} = "LIKE";
- }
+ }
+ $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ s/MATCHES/LIKE/i; # MATCHES becomes LIKE, with no % stuff
#if we're explicitly told not to to quote the value or
# we're doing an IS or IS NOT (null), don't quote the operator.
Modified: DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/t/01searches.t
--- DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/t/01searches.t (original)
+++ DBIx-SearchBuilder/trunk/t/01searches.t Tue Aug 9 17:37:41 2005
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
BEGIN { require "t/utils.pl" }
our (@AvailableDrivers);
-use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 59;
+use constant TESTS_PER_DRIVER => 69;
my $total = scalar(@AvailableDrivers) * TESTS_PER_DRIVER;
plan tests => $total;
@@ -113,6 +113,30 @@
isa_ok( $first_rec, 'DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record', 'First returns record object' );
is( $first_rec->Login, 'glasser', 'login is correct' );
+ $users_obj->CleanSlate;
+ is_deeply( $users_obj, $clean_obj, 'after CleanSlate looks like new object');
+ $users_obj->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', OPERATOR => 'MATCHES', VALUE => 'lass' );
+ is( $users_obj->Count, 0, "found no user matching 'lass' in the name" );
+ $users_obj->CleanSlate;
+ is_deeply( $users_obj, $clean_obj, 'after CleanSlate looks like new object');
+ $users_obj->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', OPERATOR => 'MATCHES', VALUE => '%lass' );
+ is( $users_obj->Count, 0, "found no user matching '%lass' in the name" );
+ $users_obj->CleanSlate;
+ is_deeply( $users_obj, $clean_obj, 'after CleanSlate looks like new object');
+ $users_obj->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', OPERATOR => 'MATCHES', VALUE => 'lass%' );
+ is( $users_obj->Count, 0, "found no user matching 'lass%' in the name" );
+ $users_obj->CleanSlate;
+ is_deeply( $users_obj, $clean_obj, 'after CleanSlate looks like new object');
+ $users_obj->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', OPERATOR => 'MATCHES', VALUE => '%lass%' );
+ is( $users_obj->Count, 1, "found one user matching '%lass%' in the name" );
+ $first_rec = $users_obj->First;
+ isa_ok( $first_rec, 'DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record', 'First returns record object' );
+ is( $first_rec->Login, 'glasser', 'login is correct' );
is_deeply( $users_obj, $clean_obj, 'after CleanSlate looks like new object');
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