[Rt-commit] r3046 - in rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE: . html/Search
lib/RT/Interface/Web lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder
glasser at bestpractical.com
glasser at bestpractical.com
Wed Jun 1 18:35:54 EDT 2005
Author: glasser
Date: Wed Jun 1 18:35:53 2005
New Revision: 3046
rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/ (props changed)
r33107 at tin-foil: glasser | 2005-05-26 01:56:25 -0400
More Query Builder tree refactoring.
Modified: rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/html/Search/Build.html
--- rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/html/Search/Build.html (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/html/Search/Build.html Wed Jun 1 18:35:53 2005
@@ -457,10 +457,9 @@
# {{{ Rebuild $Query based on the additions / movements
$Query = "";
-my($optionlist_arrayref, $queues);
+my $optionlist_arrayref;
-($optionlist_arrayref, $Query, $queues) =
- RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::TreeToQueryAndOptionListAndQueues( $tree, \@current_values );
+($Query, $optionlist_arrayref) = $tree->GetQueryAndOptionList(\@current_values);
my $optionlist = join "\n", map { qq(<option value="$_->{INDEX}" $_->{SELECTED}>)
. (" " x (5 * $_->{DEPTH}))
@@ -684,6 +683,8 @@
# }}}
+my $queues = $tree->GetReferencedQueues;
# {{{ Deal with format changes
my ( $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat );
( $Format, $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat ) = $m->comp(
Modified: rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder.pm
--- rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder.pm Wed Jun 1 18:35:53 2005
@@ -48,85 +48,6 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-sub TreeToQueryAndOptionListAndQueues {
- my $tree = shift;
- my $selected_nodes = shift;
- my $Query = '';
- my $queues = {};
- my $optionlist = [];
- my $i = 0;
- $tree->traverse_pre_post(
- sub { # This is called before recursing to the node's children.
- my $node = shift;
- return if $node->isRoot or $node->getParent->isRoot;
- my $clause = $node->getNodeValue();
- my $str = ' ';
- my $aggregator_context = $node->getParent()->getNodeValue();
- $str = $aggregator_context . " " if $node->getIndex() > 0;
- if ( ref($clause) ) { # ie, it's a leaf
- $str .=
- $clause->{Key} . " " . $clause->{Op} . " " . $clause->{Value};
- if ( $clause->{Key} eq "Queue" ) {
- $queues->{ $clause->{Value} } = 1;
- }
- }
- my $selected = '';
- if ( grep { $_ == $node } @$selected_nodes ) {
- $selected = "SELECTED";
- }
- unless ($node->getParent->getParent->isRoot) {
- # used to check !ref( $parent->getNodeValue() ) )
- if ( $node->getIndex() == 0 ) {
- $str = '( ' . $str;
- }
- }
- $Query .= " " . $str . " ";
- push @$optionlist, {
- TEXT => $str,
- INDEX => $i,
- SELECTED => $selected,
- DEPTH => $node->getDepth() - 1,
- };
- $i++;
- }, sub {
- # This is called after recursing to the node's children.
- my $node = shift;
- return if $node->isRoot or $node->getParent->isRoot or $node->getParent->getParent->isRoot;
- # Only do this for the rightmost child.
- return unless $node->getIndex == $node->getParent->getChildCount - 1;
- $Query .= ' )';
- $optionlist->[-1]{TEXT} .= ' )';
- }
- );
- my $should_be_query = join ' ', map { $_->{TEXT} } @$optionlist;
-# So, $should_be_query *ought* to be the same as $Query but calculated in a much
-# simpler way, but this has not been tested enough to make sure, so I won't commit it.
-# my $sbq_tmp = $should_be_query;
-# my $q_tmp = $Query;
-# $sbq_tmp =~ tr/ //d; $q_tmp =~ tr/ //d;
-# $RT::Logger->crit("query check: " . ($q_tmp eq $sbq_tmp ? 'yay' : 'nay') );
- return $optionlist, $Query, $queues;
eval "require RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder_Vendor";
die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder_Vendor.pm});
eval "require RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder_Local";
Modified: rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm
--- rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.4-RELEASE/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm Wed Jun 1 18:35:53 2005
@@ -50,26 +50,114 @@
use base qw/Tree::Simple/;
-=head2 traverse_pre_post PREFUNC POSTFUNC
+=head2 TraversePrePost PREFUNC POSTFUNC
Traverses the tree depth-first. Before processing the node's children,
calls PREFUNC with the node as its argument; after processing all of the
children, calls POSTFUNC with the node as its argument.
+(Note that unlike Tree::Simple's C<traverse>, it actually calls its functions
+on the root node passed to it.)
-sub traverse_pre_post {
+sub TraversePrePost {
my ($self, $prefunc, $postfunc) = @_;
foreach my $child ($self->getAllChildren()) {
- $child->traverse_pre_post($prefunc, $postfunc);
+ $child->TraversePrePost($prefunc, $postfunc);
+=head2 GetReferencedQueues
+Returns a hash reference with keys each queue name referenced in a clause in
+the key (even if it's "Queue != 'Foo'"), and values all 1.
+sub GetReferencedQueues {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $queues = {};
+ $self->traverse(
+ sub {
+ my $node = shift;
+ return if $node->isRoot;
+ my $clause = $node->getNodeValue();
+ if ( ref($clause) and $clause->{Key} eq 'Queue' ) {
+ $queues->{ $clause->{Value} } = 1;
+ };
+ }
+ );
+ return $queues;
+sub GetQueryAndOptionList {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $selected_nodes = shift;
+ my $optionlist = [];
+ my $i = 0;
+ $self->TraversePrePost(
+ sub { # This is called before recursing to the node's children.
+ my $node = shift;
+ return if $node->isRoot or $node->getParent->isRoot;
+ my $clause = $node->getNodeValue();
+ my $str = ' ';
+ my $aggregator_context = $node->getParent()->getNodeValue();
+ $str = $aggregator_context . " " if $node->getIndex() > 0;
+ if ( ref($clause) ) { # ie, it's a leaf
+ $str .=
+ $clause->{Key} . " " . $clause->{Op} . " " . $clause->{Value};
+ }
+ unless ($node->getParent->getParent->isRoot) {
+ # used to check !ref( $parent->getNodeValue() ) )
+ if ( $node->getIndex() == 0 ) {
+ $str = '( ' . $str;
+ }
+ }
+ push @$optionlist, {
+ TEXT => $str,
+ INDEX => $i,
+ SELECTED => (grep { $_ == $node } @$selected_nodes) ? 'SELECTED' : '',
+ DEPTH => $node->getDepth() - 1,
+ };
+ $i++;
+ }, sub {
+ # This is called after recursing to the node's children.
+ my $node = shift;
+ return if $node->isRoot or $node->getParent->isRoot or $node->getParent->getParent->isRoot;
+ # Only do this for the rightmost child.
+ return unless $node->getIndex == $node->getParent->getChildCount - 1;
+ $optionlist->[-1]{TEXT} .= ' )';
+ }
+ );
+ return (join ' ', map { $_->{TEXT} } @$optionlist), $optionlist;
eval "require RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree_Vendor";
die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree_Vendor.pm});
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