[Rt-commit] r3122 - in RT-Action-ExtractSubjectTag: . t
kevinr at bestpractical.com
kevinr at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 9 02:18:32 EDT 2005
Author: kevinr
Date: Thu Jun 9 02:18:32 2005
New Revision: 3122
RT-Action-ExtractSubjectTag/t/02custom_tags.t (contents, props changed)
RT-Action-ExtractSubjectTag/ (props changed)
r4106 at SAD-GIRL-IN-SNOW: kevinr | 2005-06-08 23:27:45 -0400
* started a new test file to test the effect of customizations on the scrip
Added: RT-Action-ExtractSubjectTag/t/02custom_tags.t
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Action-ExtractSubjectTag/t/02custom_tags.t Thu Jun 9 02:18:32 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+#use Test::More tests => 3;
+use RT;
+use RT::EmailParser;
+use RT::Tickets;
+use RT::Action::SendEmail;
+my @_outgoing_messages;
+my @scrips_fired;
+# much of the top of this file is blatantly stolen from '04send_email.t' in
+# the main RT regression suite.
+# no idea if this test is useful in this context or not, but it's a nice one
+# to start with since it succeeds :)
+is (__PACKAGE__, 'main', "We're operating in the main package");
+my ($id, $message);
+### set up the action and the scrip ###
+# add the action to the database
+my $action = RT::ScripAction->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message) = $action->Create( Name => 'ExtractSubjectTag',
+ Description => '',
+ ExecModule => 'ExtractSubjectTag',
+ );
+ok ($id, "create action? " . $message);
+# add the scrip to the database
+my $scrip = RT::Scrip->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message)
+ = $scrip->Create(
+ Description => 'OnTransactionExtractSubjectTag',
+ Queue => 0,
+ ScripCondition => 'On Transaction',
+ ScripAction => 'ExtractSubjectTag',
+ Template => 'Blank',
+ Stage => 'TransactionCreate',
+ );
+#ok ($scrip->Description eq 'OnTransactionExtractSubjectTag', 'can create scrip');
+ok ($id, "create scrip? " . $message);
+### test default action (extract other RT instances' tags) ###
+# parse a test e-mail
+my $email =
+('Subject: [foo.example #12] ExtractSubjectTag test
+From: root at example.com
+To: rt at example.com
+Foo Bar,
+Blah blah blah.
+my $parser = RT::EmailParser->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message) = $parser->SmartParseMIMEEntityFromScalar( Message => $email,
+ Decode => 1 );
+ok($parser->Entity, "Parser returned a MIME entity");
+ok($parser->Entity->head, "Entity had a header");
+# create a new ticket
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+my $transaction_obj;
+($id, $transaction_obj, $message)
+ = $ticket->Create( Requestor => ['root at example.com'],
+ Queue => 'general',
+ Subject => 'ExtractSubjectTag test',
+ );
+ok ($id, "create new ticket? $message");
+# add the tag on correspond
+($id, $message, $transaction_obj) = $ticket->Correspond(MIMEObj=>$parser->Entity);
+ok($id, "conduct transaction? $message");
+ok($ticket->Subject =~ /\Q[foo.example #12]\E/, "Tag was added to ticket's subject");
+# check to make sure it doesn't add the tag a second time
+($id, $message, $transaction_obj) = $ticket->Correspond(MIMEObj=>$parser->Entity);
+ok($id, "conduct transaction 2? $message");
+#it feels like a kludge but it works
+my $match_count = 0;
+my $subject = $ticket->Subject;
+while ($subject =~ /\Q[foo.example #12]\E/g) { $match_count++; }
+ok($match_count eq 1, "The same tag was not added a second time");
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