[Rt-commit] r3169 - in RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange: . etc
inc inc/Module inc/Module/Install inc/Module/Install/RTx lib
lib/RT lib/RT/Action lib/RT/Extension t
kevinr at bestpractical.com
kevinr at bestpractical.com
Wed Jun 15 15:29:16 EDT 2005
Author: kevinr
Date: Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
New Revision: 3169
RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/ (props changed)
r4297 at sad-girl-in-snow: kevinr | 2005-06-15 15:28:56 -0400
* Moved RT::Extension::AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange out of customer directory
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/MANIFEST
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/MANIFEST Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/META.yml
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/META.yml Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+name: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange
+version: 0.01
+abstract: RT Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange Extension
+license: unknown
+distribution_type: module
+ directory:
+ - etc
+ - inc
+generated_by: Module::Install version 0.36
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/Makefile.PL
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/Makefile.PL Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use inc::Module::Install;
+name ('RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange');
+abstract ('On queue change, adds queue AdminCcs as ticket AdminCcs');
+author ('Kevin Riggle <kevinr at bestpractical.com>');
+version_from ('lib/RT/Extension/AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange.pm');
+license ('GPL version 2');
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/README
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/README Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This RT extension adds an "Add Queue AdminCcs as Ticket AdminCcs" action, which
+is installed by default as a global queue action set to trigger when a ticket
+is moved to a new queue. It adds the *old* queue's AdminCcs to the ticket
+(the thought being that AdminCcs on the old queue will want to be kept "in the
+loop" on action occuring in the new queue, even if they aren't directly in
+control of it).
+Note that as currently implemented the action only works on queue change
+transactions. Also, if the scrip is added to a single queue individually
+instead of all queues globally, it will only run when tickets are moved *into*
+the queue (although it will correctly add the old queue's AdminCcs to the
+To install:
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make install
+ make initdb
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/etc/initialdata
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/etc/initialdata Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# the install script will use this to add the action and scrip to RT's database
+ at Actions= (
+ {
+ Name => 'Add Queue AdminCcs to Ticket',
+ Description => "adds the queue's AdminCcs as ticket AdminCcs",
+ ExecModule => 'AddQueueAdminCcs',
+ }
+ at Scrips= (
+ {
+ Description => "On queue change, add the old queue's AdminCcs as ticket AdminCcs",
+ Queue => 0,
+ ScripCondition => 'On Queue Change',
+ ScripAction => 'Add Queue AdminCcs to Ticket',
+ Template => 'Blank',
+ }
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install.pm"
+package Module::Install;
+$VERSION = '0.36';
+die << "." unless $INC{join('/', inc => split(/::/, __PACKAGE__)).'.pm'};
+Please invoke ${\__PACKAGE__} with:
+ use inc::${\__PACKAGE__};
+ use ${\__PACKAGE__};
+use strict 'vars';
+use Cwd ();
+use File::Find ();
+use File::Path ();
+ at inc::Module::Install::ISA = 'Module::Install';
+*inc::Module::Install::VERSION = *VERSION;
+#line 129
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->new(@_);
+ if (not -f $self->{file}) {
+ require "$self->{path}/$self->{dispatch}.pm";
+ File::Path::mkpath("$self->{prefix}/$self->{author}");
+ $self->{admin} =
+ "$self->{name}::$self->{dispatch}"->new(_top => $self);
+ $self->{admin}->init;
+ @_ = ($class, _self => $self);
+ goto &{"$self->{name}::import"};
+ }
+ *{caller(0) . "::AUTOLOAD"} = $self->autoload;
+ # Unregister loader and worker packages so subdirs can use them again
+ delete $INC{"$self->{file}"};
+ delete $INC{"$self->{path}.pm"};
+#line 156
+sub autoload {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ my $sym = "$caller\::AUTOLOAD";
+ $sym->{$cwd} = sub {
+ my $pwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ if (my $code = $sym->{$pwd}) {
+ goto &$code unless $cwd eq $pwd; # delegate back to parent dirs
+ }
+ $$sym =~ /([^:]+)$/ or die "Cannot autoload $caller";
+ unshift @_, ($self, $1);
+ goto &{$self->can('call')} unless uc($1) eq $1;
+ };
+#line 181
+sub new {
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ return $args{_self} if $args{_self};
+ $args{dispatch} ||= 'Admin';
+ $args{prefix} ||= 'inc';
+ $args{author} ||= '.author';
+ $args{bundle} ||= 'inc/BUNDLES';
+ $class =~ s/^\Q$args{prefix}\E:://;
+ $args{name} ||= $class;
+ $args{version} ||= $class->VERSION;
+ unless ($args{path}) {
+ $args{path} = $args{name};
+ $args{path} =~ s!::!/!g;
+ }
+ $args{file} ||= "$args{prefix}/$args{path}.pm";
+ bless(\%args, $class);
+#line 210
+sub call {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $method = shift;
+ my $obj = $self->load($method) or return;
+ unshift @_, $obj;
+ goto &{$obj->can($method)};
+#line 225
+sub load {
+ my ($self, $method) = @_;
+ $self->load_extensions(
+ "$self->{prefix}/$self->{path}", $self
+ ) unless $self->{extensions};
+ foreach my $obj (@{$self->{extensions}}) {
+ return $obj if $obj->can($method);
+ }
+ my $admin = $self->{admin} or die << "END";
+The '$method' method does not exist in the '$self->{prefix}' path!
+Please remove the '$self->{prefix}' directory and run $0 again to load it.
+ my $obj = $admin->load($method, 1);
+ push @{$self->{extensions}}, $obj;
+ $obj;
+#line 255
+sub load_extensions {
+ my ($self, $path, $top_obj) = @_;
+ unshift @INC, $self->{prefix}
+ unless grep { $_ eq $self->{prefix} } @INC;
+ local @INC = ($path, @INC);
+ foreach my $rv ($self->find_extensions($path)) {
+ my ($file, $pkg) = @{$rv};
+ next if $self->{pathnames}{$pkg};
+ eval { require $file; 1 } or (warn($@), next);
+ $self->{pathnames}{$pkg} = delete $INC{$file};
+ push @{$self->{extensions}}, $pkg->new( _top => $top_obj );
+ }
+#line 279
+sub find_extensions {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ my @found;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ my $file = $File::Find::name;
+ return unless $file =~ m!^\Q$path\E/(.+)\.pm\Z!is;
+ return if $1 eq $self->{dispatch};
+ $file = "$self->{path}/$1.pm";
+ my $pkg = "$self->{name}::$1"; $pkg =~ s!/!::!g;
+ push @found, [$file, $pkg];
+ }, $path) if -d $path;
+ @found;
+#line 617
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Base.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Base.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Base.pm"
+package Module::Install::Base;
+#line 28
+sub new {
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
+ foreach my $method (qw(call load)) {
+ *{"$class\::$method"} = sub {
+ +shift->_top->$method(@_);
+ } unless defined &{"$class\::$method"};
+ }
+ bless(\%args, $class);
+#line 46
+ my $self = shift;
+ goto &{$self->_top->autoload};
+#line 57
+sub _top { $_[0]->{_top} }
+#line 68
+sub admin {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_top->{admin} or Module::Install::Base::FakeAdmin->new;
+sub is_admin {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->admin->VERSION;
+sub DESTROY {}
+package Module::Install::Base::FakeAdmin;
+my $Fake;
+sub new { $Fake ||= bless(\@_, $_[0]) }
+sub AUTOLOAD {}
+sub DESTROY {}
+#line 112
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Can.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Can.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Can.pm"
+package Module::Install::Can;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+use strict;
+use Config ();
+use File::Spec ();
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ();
+# check if we can run some command
+sub can_run {
+ my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
+ my $_cmd = $cmd;
+ return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd));
+ for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
+ my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[1]);
+ return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs));
+ }
+ return;
+sub can_cc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @chunks = split(/ /, $Config::Config{cc}) or return;
+ # $Config{cc} may contain args; try to find out the program part
+ while (@chunks) {
+ return $self->can_run("@chunks") || (pop(@chunks), next);
+ }
+ return;
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Fetch.pm"
+package Module::Install::Fetch;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+sub get_file {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my ($scheme, $host, $path, $file) =
+ $args{url} =~ m|^(\w+)://([^/]+)(.+)/(.+)| or return;
+ if ($scheme eq 'http' and !eval { require LWP::Simple; 1 }) {
+ $args{url} = $args{ftp_url}
+ or (warn("LWP support unavailable!\n"), return);
+ ($scheme, $host, $path, $file) =
+ $args{url} =~ m|^(\w+)://([^/]+)(.+)/(.+)| or return;
+ }
+ $|++;
+ print "Fetching '$file' from $host... ";
+ unless (eval { require Socket; Socket::inet_aton($host) }) {
+ warn "'$host' resolve failed!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ return unless $scheme eq 'ftp' or $scheme eq 'http';
+ require Cwd;
+ my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
+ chdir $args{local_dir} or return if exists $args{local_dir};
+ if (eval { require LWP::Simple; 1 }) {
+ LWP::Simple::mirror($args{url}, $file);
+ }
+ elsif (eval { require Net::FTP; 1 }) { eval {
+ # use Net::FTP to get past firewall
+ my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Passive => 1, Timeout => 600);
+ $ftp->login("anonymous", 'anonymous at example.com');
+ $ftp->cwd($path);
+ $ftp->binary;
+ $ftp->get($file) or (warn("$!\n"), return);
+ $ftp->quit;
+ } }
+ elsif (my $ftp = $self->can_run('ftp')) { eval {
+ # no Net::FTP, fallback to ftp.exe
+ require FileHandle;
+ my $fh = FileHandle->new;
+ local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
+ unless ($fh->open("|$ftp -n")) {
+ warn "Couldn't open ftp: $!\n";
+ chdir $dir; return;
+ }
+ my @dialog = split(/\n/, << ".");
+open $host
+user anonymous anonymous\@example.com
+cd $path
+get $file $file
+ foreach (@dialog) { $fh->print("$_\n") }
+ $fh->close;
+ } }
+ else {
+ warn "No working 'ftp' program available!\n";
+ chdir $dir; return;
+ }
+ unless (-f $file) {
+ warn "Fetching failed: $@\n";
+ chdir $dir; return;
+ }
+ return if exists $args{size} and -s $file != $args{size};
+ system($args{run}) if exists $args{run};
+ unlink($file) if $args{remove};
+ print(((!exists $args{check_for} or -e $args{check_for})
+ ? "done!" : "failed! ($!)"), "\n");
+ chdir $dir; return !$?;
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Makefile.pm"
+package Module::Install::Makefile;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+use strict 'vars';
+use vars '$VERSION';
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ();
+sub Makefile { $_[0] }
+sub prompt {
+ shift;
+ goto &ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt;
+sub makemaker_args {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = ($self->{makemaker_args} ||= {});
+ %$args = ( %$args, @_ ) if @_;
+ $args;
+sub clean_files {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clean = $self->makemaker_args->{clean} ||= {};
+ %$clean = (
+ %$clean,
+ FILES => join(" ", grep length, $clean->{FILES}, @_),
+ );
+sub libs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $libs = ref $_[0] ? shift : [shift];
+ $self->makemaker_args( LIBS => $libs );
+sub inc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->makemaker_args( INC => shift );
+sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die "&Makefile->write() takes no arguments\n" if @_;
+ my $args = $self->makemaker_args;
+ $args->{DISTNAME} = $self->name;
+ $args->{NAME} = $self->module_name || $self->name || $self->determine_NAME($args);
+ $args->{VERSION} = $self->version || $self->determine_VERSION($args);
+ $args->{NAME} =~ s/-/::/g;
+ if ($] >= 5.005) {
+ $args->{ABSTRACT} = $self->abstract;
+ $args->{AUTHOR} = $self->author;
+ }
+ if ( eval($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION) >= 6.10 ) {
+ $args->{NO_META} = 1;
+ }
+ if ( eval($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION) > 6.17 ) {
+ $args->{SIGN} = 1 if $self->sign;
+ }
+ delete $args->{SIGN} unless $self->is_admin;
+ # merge both kinds of requires into prereq_pm
+ my $prereq = ($args->{PREREQ_PM} ||= {});
+ %$prereq = ( %$prereq, map { @$_ } map { @$_ } grep $_,
+ ($self->build_requires, $self->requires) );
+ # merge both kinds of requires into prereq_pm
+ my $dir = ($args->{DIR} ||= []);
+ if ($self->bundles) {
+ push @$dir, map "$_->[1]", @{$self->bundles};
+ delete $prereq->{$_->[0]} for @{$self->bundles};
+ }
+ if (my $perl_version = $self->perl_version) {
+ eval "use $perl_version; 1"
+ or die "ERROR: perl: Version $] is installed, ".
+ "but we need version >= $perl_version";
+ }
+ my %args = map {($_ => $args->{$_})} grep {defined($args->{$_})} keys %$args;
+ if ($self->admin->preop) {
+ $args{dist} = $self->admin->preop;
+ }
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%args);
+ $self->fix_up_makefile();
+sub fix_up_makefile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $top_class = ref($self->_top) || '';
+ my $top_version = $self->_top->VERSION || '';
+ my $preamble = $self->preamble
+ ? "# Preamble by $top_class $top_version\n" . $self->preamble
+ : '';
+ my $postamble = "# Postamble by $top_class $top_version\n" .
+ ($self->postamble || '');
+ open MAKEFILE, '< Makefile' or die $!;
+ my $makefile = do { local $/; <MAKEFILE> };
+ close MAKEFILE;
+ $makefile =~ s/\b(test_harness\(\$\(TEST_VERBOSE\), )/$1'inc', /;
+ $makefile =~ s/( -I\$\(INST_ARCHLIB\))/ -Iinc$1/g;
+ $makefile =~ s/( "-I\$\(INST_LIB\)")/ "-Iinc"$1/g;
+ $makefile =~ s/^(FULLPERL = .*)/$1 -Iinc/m;
+ $makefile =~ s/^(PERL = .*)/$1 -Iinc/m;
+ open MAKEFILE, '> Makefile' or die $!;
+ print MAKEFILE "$preamble$makefile$postamble";
+ close MAKEFILE;
+sub preamble {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ $self->{preamble} = $text . $self->{preamble} if defined $text;
+ $self->{preamble};
+sub postamble {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ $self->{postamble} ||= $self->admin->postamble;
+ $self->{postamble} .= $text if defined $text;
+ $self->{postamble}
+#line 273
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Metadata.pm"
+package Module::Install::Metadata;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$VERSION = '0.04';
+use strict 'vars';
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+sub Meta { shift }
+my @scalar_keys = qw(
+ name module_name version abstract author license
+ distribution_type sign perl_version
+my @tuple_keys = qw(build_requires requires recommends bundles);
+foreach my $key (@scalar_keys) {
+ *$key = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'values'}{$key} unless @_;
+ $self->{'values'}{$key} = shift;
+ return $self;
+ };
+foreach my $key (@tuple_keys) {
+ *$key = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'values'}{$key} unless @_;
+ my @rv;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $module = shift or last;
+ my $version = shift || 0;
+ if ($module eq 'perl') {
+ $version =~ s{^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)}
+ {$1 + $2/1_000 + $3/1_000_000}e;
+ $self->perl_version($version);
+ next;
+ }
+ my $rv = [$module, $version];
+ push @{$self->{'values'}{$key}}, $rv;
+ push @rv, $rv;
+ }
+ return @rv;
+ };
+sub features {
+ my $self = shift;
+ while (my ($name, $mods) = splice(@_, 0, 2)) {
+ my $count = 0;
+ push @{$self->{'values'}{'features'}}, ($name => [
+ map { (++$count % 2 and ref($_) and ($count += $#$_)) ? @$_ : $_ } @$mods
+ ] );
+ }
+ return @{$self->{'values'}{'features'}};
+sub no_index {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ push @{$self->{'values'}{'no_index'}{$type}}, @_ if $type;
+ return $self->{'values'}{'no_index'};
+sub _dump {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $package = ref($self->_top);
+ my $version = $self->_top->VERSION;
+ my %values = %{$self->{'values'}};
+ delete $values{sign};
+ if (my $perl_version = delete $values{perl_version}) {
+ # Always canonical to three-dot version
+ $perl_version =~ s{^(\d+)\.(\d\d\d)(\d*)}{join('.', $1, int($2), int($3))}e
+ if $perl_version >= 5.006;
+ $values{requires} = [
+ [perl => $perl_version],
+ @{$values{requires}||[]},
+ ];
+ }
+ warn "No license specified, setting license = 'unknown'\n"
+ unless $values{license};
+ $values{license} ||= 'unknown';
+ $values{distribution_type} ||= 'module';
+ $values{name} ||= do {
+ my $name = $values{module_name};
+ $name =~ s/::/-/g;
+ $name;
+ } if $values{module_name};
+ if ($values{name} =~ /::/) {
+ my $name = $values{name};
+ $name =~ s/::/-/g;
+ die "Error in name(): '$values{name}' should be '$name'!\n";
+ }
+ my $dump = '';
+ foreach my $key (@scalar_keys) {
+ $dump .= "$key: $values{$key}\n" if exists $values{$key};
+ }
+ foreach my $key (@tuple_keys) {
+ next unless exists $values{$key};
+ $dump .= "$key:\n";
+ foreach (@{$values{$key}}) {
+ $dump .= " $_->[0]: $_->[1]\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (my $no_index = $values{no_index}) {
+ push @{$no_index->{'directory'}}, 'inc';
+ require YAML;
+ local $YAML::UseHeader = 0;
+ $dump .= YAML::Dump({ no_index => $no_index});
+ }
+ else {
+ $dump .= << "META";
+ directory:
+ - inc
+ }
+ $dump .= "generated_by: $package version $version\n";
+ return $dump;
+sub read {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->include_deps( 'YAML', 0 );
+ require YAML;
+ my $data = YAML::LoadFile( 'META.yml' );
+ # Call methods explicitly in case user has already set some values.
+ while ( my ($key, $value) = each %$data ) {
+ next unless $self->can( $key );
+ if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
+ while (my ($module, $version) = each %$value) {
+ $self->$key( $module => $version );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->$key( $value );
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub write {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self unless $self->is_admin;
+ local *FH;
+ if (open FH, "META.yml") {
+ while (<FH>) {
+ last META_NOT_OURS if /^generated_by: Module::Install\b/;
+ }
+ return $self if -s FH;
+ }
+ }
+ warn "Writing META.yml\n";
+ open META, "> META.yml" or warn "Cannot write to META.yml: $!";
+ print META $self->_dump;
+ close META;
+ return $self;
+sub version_from {
+ my ($self, $version_from) = @_;
+ require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+ $self->version(ExtUtils::MM_Unix->parse_version($version_from));
+sub abstract_from {
+ my ($self, $abstract_from) = @_;
+ require ExtUtils::MM_Unix;
+ $self->abstract(
+ bless( { DISTNAME => $self->name }, 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix')
+ ->parse_abstract($abstract_from)
+ );
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/RTx.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/RTx.pm"
+package Module::Install::RTx;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$Module::Install::RTx::VERSION = '0.10';
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use File::Glob ();
+use File::Basename ();
+sub RTx {
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $RTx = 'RTx';
+ $RTx = $1 if $name =~ s/^(\w+)-//;
+ my $fname = $name;
+ $fname =~ s!-!/!g;
+ $self->name("$RTx-$name")
+ unless $self->name;
+ $self->abstract("RT $name Extension")
+ unless $self->abstract;
+ $self->version_from (-e "$name.pm" ? "$name.pm" : "lib/$RTx/$fname.pm")
+ unless $self->version;
+ my @prefixes = (qw(/opt /usr/local /home /usr /sw ));
+ my $prefix = $ENV{PREFIX};
+ @ARGV = grep { /PREFIX=(.*)/ ? (($prefix = $1), 0) : 1 } @ARGV;
+ if ($prefix) {
+ $RT::LocalPath = $prefix;
+ $INC{'RT.pm'} = "$RT::LocalPath/lib/RT.pm";
+ }
+ else {
+ local @INC = (
+ @INC,
+ $ENV{RTHOME} ? ($ENV{RTHOME}, "$ENV{RTHOME}/lib") : (),
+ map {( "$_/rt3/lib", "$_/lib/rt3", "$_/lib" )} grep $_, @prefixes
+ );
+ until ( eval { require RT; $RT::LocalPath } ) {
+ warn "Cannot find the location of RT.pm that defines \$RT::LocalPath in: @INC\n";
+ $_ = $self->prompt("Path to your RT.pm:") or exit;
+ push @INC, $_, "$_/rt3/lib", "$_/lib/rt3";
+ }
+ }
+ my $lib_path = File::Basename::dirname($INC{'RT.pm'});
+ print "Using RT configurations from $INC{'RT.pm'}:\n";
+ $RT::LocalVarPath ||= $RT::VarPath;
+ $RT::LocalPoPath ||= $RT::LocalLexiconPath;
+ $RT::LocalHtmlPath ||= $RT::MasonComponentRoot;
+ my %path;
+ my $with_subdirs = $ENV{WITH_SUBDIRS};
+ @ARGV = grep { /WITH_SUBDIRS=(.*)/ ? (($with_subdirs = $1), 0) : 1 } @ARGV;
+ my %subdirs = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s*,\s*/, $with_subdirs);
+ foreach (qw(bin etc html po sbin var)) {
+ next unless -d "$FindBin::Bin/$_";
+ next if %subdirs and !$subdirs{$_};
+ $self->no_index( directory => $_ );
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $varname = "RT::Local" . ucfirst($_) . "Path";
+ $path{$_} = ${$varname} || "$RT::LocalPath/$_";
+ }
+ $path{$_} .= "/$name" for grep $path{$_}, qw(etc po var);
+ my $args = join(', ', map "q($_)", %path);
+ $path{lib} = "$RT::LocalPath/lib" unless %subdirs and !$subdirs{'lib'};
+ print "./$_\t=> $path{$_}\n" for sort keys %path;
+ if (my @dirs = map { (-D => $_) } grep $path{$_}, qw(bin html sbin)) {
+ my @po = map { (-o => $_) } grep -f, File::Glob::bsd_glob("po/*.po");
+ $self->postamble(<< ".") if @po;
+lexicons ::
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -MLocale::Maketext::Extract::Run=xgettext -e \"xgettext(qw(@dirs @po))\"
+ }
+ my $postamble = << ".";
+install ::
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -MExtUtils::Install -e \"install({$args})\"
+ if ($path{var} and -d $RT::MasonDataDir) {
+ my ($uid, $gid) = (stat($RT::MasonDataDir))[4, 5];
+ $postamble .= << ".";
+\t\$(NOECHO) chown -R $uid:$gid $path{var}
+ }
+ my %has_etc;
+ if (File::Glob::bsd_glob("$FindBin::Bin/etc/schema.*")) {
+ # got schema, load factory module
+ $has_etc{schema}++;
+ $self->load('RTxFactory');
+ $self->postamble(<< ".");
+factory ::
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxFactory(qw($RTx $name))"
+dropdb ::
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxFactory(qw($RTx $name drop))"
+ }
+ if (File::Glob::bsd_glob("$FindBin::Bin/etc/acl.*")) {
+ $has_etc{acl}++;
+ }
+ if (-e 'etc/initialdata') {
+ $has_etc{initialdata}++;
+ }
+ $self->postamble("$postamble\n");
+ if (%subdirs and !$subdirs{'lib'}) {
+ $self->makemaker_args(
+ PM => { "" => "" },
+ )
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->makemaker_args( INSTALLSITELIB => "$RT::LocalPath/lib" );
+ }
+ if (%has_etc) {
+ $self->load('RTxInitDB');
+ print "For first-time installation, type 'make initdb'.\n";
+ my $initdb = '';
+ $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{schema};
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(schema))"
+ $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{acl};
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(acl))"
+ $initdb .= <<"." if $has_etc{initialdata};
+\t\$(NOECHO) \$(PERL) -Ilib -I"$lib_path" -Minc::Module::Install -e"RTxInitDB(qw(insert))"
+ $self->postamble("initdb ::\n$initdb\n");
+ $self->postamble("initialize-database ::\n$initdb\n");
+ }
+sub RTxInit {
+ unshift @INC, substr(delete($INC{'RT.pm'}), 0, -5) if $INC{'RT.pm'};
+ require RT;
+ RT::LoadConfig();
+ RT::ConnectToDatabase();
+ die "Cannot load RT" unless $RT::Handle and $RT::DatabaseType;
+#line 221
+#line 242
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/RTx/Factory.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/RTx/Factory.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/RTx/Factory.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/RTx/Factory.pm"
+package Module::Install::RTx::Factory;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+use strict;
+use File::Basename ();
+sub RTxInitDB {
+ my ($self, $action) = @_;
+ unshift @INC, substr(delete($INC{'RT.pm'}), 0, -5) if $INC{'RT.pm'};
+ require RT;
+ $RT::SbinPath ||= $RT::LocalPath;
+ $RT::SbinPath =~ s/local$/sbin/;
+ foreach my $file ($RT::CORE_CONFIG_FILE, $RT::SITE_CONFIG_FILE) {
+ next if !-e $file or -r $file;
+ die "No permission to read $file\n-- please re-run $0 with suitable privileges.\n";
+ }
+ RT::LoadConfig();
+ my $lib_path = File::Basename::dirname($INC{'RT.pm'});
+ my @args = (
+ "-Ilib", "-I$lib_path",
+ "$RT::SbinPath/rt-setup-database",
+ "--action" => $action,
+ "--datadir" => "etc",
+ "--datafile" => "etc/initialdata",
+ "--dba" => $RT::DatabaseUser,
+ "--prompt-for-dba-password" => ''
+ );
+ print "$^X @args\n";
+ (system($^X, @args) == 0) or die "...returned with error: $?\n";
+sub RTxFactory {
+ my ($self, $RTx, $name, $drop) = @_;
+ my $namespace = "$RTx\::$name";
+ $self->RTxInit;
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ # get all tables out of database
+ my @tables = $dbh->tables;
+ my ( %tablemap, %typemap, %modulemap );
+ my $driver = $RT::DatabaseType;
+ my $CollectionBaseclass = 'RT::SearchBuilder';
+ my $RecordBaseclass = 'RT::Record';
+ my $LicenseBlock = << '.';
+ my $Attribution = << '.';
+# Autogenerated by Module::Intall::RTx::Factory
+use strict;
+ my $RecordInit = '';
+ @tables = map { do { {
+ my $table = $_;
+ $table =~ s/.*\.//g;
+ $table =~ s/\W//g;
+ $table =~ s/^\Q$name\E_//i or next;
+ $table ne 'sessions' or next;
+ $table = ucfirst(lc($table));
+ $table =~ s/$_/\u$_/ for qw(field group custom member value);
+ $table =~ s/(?<=Scrip)$_/\u$_/ for qw(action condition);
+ $table =~ s/$_/\U$_/ for qw(Acl);
+ $table = $name . '_' . $table;
+ $tablemap{$table} = $table;
+ $modulemap{$table} = $table;
+ if ( $table =~ /^(.*)s$/ ) {
+ $tablemap{$1} = $table;
+ $modulemap{$1} = $1;
+ }
+ $table;
+ } } } @tables;
+ $tablemap{'CreatedBy'} = 'User';
+ $tablemap{'UpdatedBy'} = 'User';
+ $typemap{'id'} = 'ro';
+ $typemap{'Creator'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{'Created'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{'Updated'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{'UpdatedBy'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{'LastUpdated'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{'LastUpdatedBy'} = 'auto';
+ $typemap{lc($_)} = $typemap{$_} for keys %typemap;
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ if ($drop) {
+ $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
+ $dbh->do("DROP sequence ${table}_id_seq") if $driver eq 'Pg';
+ $dbh->do("DROP sequence ${table}_seq") if $driver eq 'Oracle';
+ next;
+ }
+ my $tablesingle = $table;
+ $tablesingle =~ s/^\Q$name\E_//i;
+ $tablesingle =~ s/s$//;
+ my $tableplural = $tablesingle . "s";
+ if ( $tablesingle eq 'ACL' ) {
+ $tablesingle = "ACE";
+ $tableplural = "ACL";
+ }
+ my %requirements;
+ my $CollectionClassName = $namespace . "::" . $tableplural;
+ my $RecordClassName = $namespace . "::" . $tablesingle;
+ my $path = $namespace;
+ $path =~ s/::/\//g;
+ my $RecordClassPath = $path . "/" . $tablesingle . ".pm";
+ my $CollectionClassPath = $path . "/" . $tableplural . ".pm";
+ #create a collection class
+ my $CreateInParams;
+ my $CreateOutParams;
+ my $ClassAccessible = "";
+ my $FieldsPod = "";
+ my $CreatePod = "";
+ my $CreateSub = "";
+ my %fields;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DESCRIBE $table");
+ if ( $driver eq 'Pg' ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<".");
+ SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
+ a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, a.attnum
+ FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
+ WHERE c.relname ILIKE '$table'
+ AND a.attnum > 0
+ AND a.attrelid = c.oid
+ORDER BY a.attnum
+ }
+ elsif ( $driver eq 'mysql' ) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("DESCRIBE $table");
+ }
+ else {
+ die "$driver is currently unsupported";
+ }
+ $sth->execute;
+ while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
+ my ( $field, $type, $default );
+ if ( $driver eq 'Pg' ) {
+ $field = $row->{'attname'};
+ $type = $row->{'format_type'};
+ $default = $row->{'atthasdef'};
+ if ( $default != 0 ) {
+ my $tth = $dbh->prepare(<<".");
+SELECT substring(d.adsrc for 128)
+ FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c
+ WHERE c.relname = 'acct'
+ AND c.oid = d.adrelid
+ AND d.adnum = $row->{'attnum'}
+ $tth->execute();
+ my @default = $tth->fetchrow_array;
+ $default = $default[0];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( $driver eq 'mysql' ) {
+ $field = $row->{'Field'};
+ $type = $row->{'Type'};
+ $default = $row->{'Default'};
+ }
+ $fields{$field} = 1;
+ #generate the 'accessible' datastructure
+ if ( $typemap{$field} eq 'auto' ) {
+ $ClassAccessible .= " $field =>
+ {read => 1, auto => 1,";
+ }
+ elsif ( $typemap{$field} eq 'ro' ) {
+ $ClassAccessible .= " $field =>
+ {read => 1,";
+ }
+ else {
+ $ClassAccessible .= " $field =>
+ {read => 1, write => 1,";
+ }
+ $ClassAccessible .= " type => '$type', default => '$default'},\n";
+ #generate pod for the accessible fields
+ $FieldsPod .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+^head2 $field
+Returns the current value of $field.
+(In the database, $field is stored as $type.)
+ unless ( $typemap{$field} eq 'auto' || $typemap{$field} eq 'ro' ) {
+ $FieldsPod .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+^head2 Set$field VALUE
+Set $field to VALUE.
+Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure.
+(In the database, $field will be stored as a $type.)
+ }
+ $FieldsPod .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+ if ( $modulemap{$field} ) {
+ $FieldsPod .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+^head2 ${field}Obj
+Returns the $modulemap{$field} Object which has the id returned by $field
+sub ${field}Obj {
+ my \$self = shift;
+ my \$$field = ${namespace}::$modulemap{$field}->new(\$self->CurrentUser);
+ \$$field->Load(\$self->__Value('$field'));
+ return(\$$field);
+ $requirements{ $tablemap{$field} } =
+ "use ${namespace}::$modulemap{$field};";
+ }
+ unless ( $typemap{$field} eq 'auto' || $field eq 'id' ) {
+ #generate create statement
+ $CreateInParams .= " $field => '$default',\n";
+ $CreateOutParams .=
+ " $field => \$args{'$field'},\n";
+ #gerenate pod for the create statement
+ $CreatePod .= " $type '$field'";
+ $CreatePod .= " defaults to '$default'" if ($default);
+ $CreatePod .= ".\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $CreateSub = <<".";
+sub Create {
+ my \$self = shift;
+ my \%args = (
+ \@_);
+ \$self->SUPER::Create(
+ $CreatePod .= "\n=cut\n\n";
+ my $CollectionClass = $LicenseBlock . $Attribution . $self->_pod(<<".") . $self->_magic_import($CollectionClassName);
+^head1 NAME
+$CollectionClassName -- Class Description
+^head1 SYNOPSIS
+use $CollectionClassName
+^head1 METHODS
+package $CollectionClassName;
+use $CollectionBaseclass;
+use $RecordClassName;
+use vars qw( \@ISA );
+\@ISA= qw($CollectionBaseclass);
+sub _Init {
+ my \$self = shift;
+ \$self->{'table'} = '$table';
+ \$self->{'primary_key'} = 'id';
+ if ( $fields{'SortOrder'} ) {
+ $CollectionClass .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+# By default, order by name
+\$self->OrderBy( ALIAS => 'main',
+ FIELD => 'SortOrder',
+ ORDER => 'ASC');
+ }
+ $CollectionClass .= $self->_pod(<<".");
+ return ( \$self->SUPER::_Init(\@_) );
+^head2 NewItem
+Returns an empty new $RecordClassName item
+sub NewItem {
+ my \$self = shift;
+ return($RecordClassName->new(\$self->CurrentUser));
+ my $RecordClassHeader = $Attribution . "
+^head1 NAME
+^head1 SYNOPSIS
+^head1 METHODS
+package $RecordClassName;
+use $RecordBaseclass;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %requirements ) {
+ $RecordClassHeader .= $requirements{$key} . "\n";
+ }
+ $RecordClassHeader .= <<".";
+use vars qw( \@ISA );
+\@ISA= qw( $RecordBaseclass );
+sub _Init {
+my \$self = shift;
+ my $RecordClass = $LicenseBlock . $RecordClassHeader . $self->_pod(<<".") . $self->_magic_import($RecordClassName);
+^head2 Create PARAMHASH
+Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the database:
+sub _CoreAccessible {
+ {
+ print "About to make $RecordClassPath, $CollectionClassPath\n";
+ `mkdir -p $path`;
+ open( RECORD, ">$RecordClassPath" );
+ print RECORD $RecordClass;
+ close(RECORD);
+ open( COL, ">$CollectionClassPath" );
+ print COL $CollectionClass;
+ close(COL);
+ }
+sub _magic_import {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ #if (exists \$warnings::{unimport}) {
+ # no warnings qw(redefine);
+ my $path = $class;
+ $path =~ s#::#/#gi;
+ my $content = $self->_pod(<<".");
+ eval \"require ${class}_Overlay\";
+ if (\$@ && \$@ !~ qr{^Can't locate ${path}_Overlay.pm}) {
+ die \$@;
+ };
+ eval \"require ${class}_Vendor\";
+ if (\$@ && \$@ !~ qr{^Can't locate ${path}_Vendor.pm}) {
+ die \$@;
+ };
+ eval \"require ${class}_Local\";
+ if (\$@ && \$@ !~ qr{^Can't locate ${path}_Local.pm}) {
+ die \$@;
+ };
+^head1 SEE ALSO
+This class allows \"overlay\" methods to be placed
+into the following files _Overlay is for a System overlay by the original author,
+_Vendor is for 3rd-party vendor add-ons, while _Local is for site-local customizations.
+These overlay files can contain new subs or subs to replace existing subs in this module.
+If you'll be working with perl 5.6.0 or greater, each of these files should begin with the line
+ no warnings qw(redefine);
+so that perl does not kick and scream when you redefine a subroutine or variable in your overlay.
+${class}_Overlay, ${class}_Vendor, ${class}_Local
+ return $content;
+sub _pod {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^\^/=/mg;
+ return $text;
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/Win32.pm"
+package Module::Install::Win32;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+$VERSION = '0.02';
+use strict;
+# determine if the user needs nmake, and download it if needed
+sub check_nmake {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->load('can_run');
+ $self->load('get_file');
+ require Config;
+ return unless (
+ $Config::Config{make} and
+ $Config::Config{make} =~ /^nmake\b/i and
+ $^O eq 'MSWin32' and
+ !$self->can_run('nmake')
+ );
+ print "The required 'nmake' executable not found, fetching it...\n";
+ require File::Basename;
+ my $rv = $self->get_file(
+ url => 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc15/Patch/1.52/W95/EN-US/Nmake15.exe',
+ ftp_url => 'ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/Nmake15.exe',
+ local_dir => File::Basename::dirname($^X),
+ size => 51928,
+ run => 'Nmake15.exe /o > nul',
+ check_for => 'Nmake.exe',
+ remove => 1,
+ );
+ if (!$rv) {
+ die << '.';
+Since you are using Microsoft Windows, you will need the 'nmake' utility
+before installation. It's available at:
+ http://download.microsoft.com/download/vc15/Patch/1.52/W95/EN-US/Nmake15.exe
+ or
+ ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/Nmake15.exe
+Please download the file manually, save it to a directory in %PATH% (e.g.
+C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\), then launch the MS-DOS command line shell, "cd" to
+that directory, and run "Nmake15.exe" from there; that will create the
+'nmake.exe' file needed by this module.
+You may then resume the installation process described in README.
+ }
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#line 1 "inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm - /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm"
+package Module::Install::WriteAll;
+use Module::Install::Base; @ISA = qw(Module::Install::Base);
+sub WriteAll {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ meta => 1,
+ sign => 0,
+ inline => 0,
+ check_nmake => 1,
+ @_
+ );
+ $self->sign(1) if $args{sign};
+ $self->Meta->write if $args{meta};
+ $self->admin->WriteAll(%args) if $self->is_admin;
+ if ($0 =~ /Build.PL$/i) {
+ $self->Build->write;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->check_nmake if $args{check_nmake};
+ $self->makemaker_args( PL_FILES => {} )
+ unless $self->makemaker_args->{'PL_FILES'};
+ if ($args{inline}) {
+ $self->Inline->write;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->Makefile->write;
+ }
+ }
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/lib/RT/Action/AddQueueAdminCcs.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/lib/RT/Action/AddQueueAdminCcs.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+=head1 NAME
+ RT::Action::AddQueueAdminCcs
+AddQueuAdminCcs is a ScripAction which should be called for OnQueueChange
+actions. When a ticket is moved to a new queue, it adds the old queue's
+AdminCcs as AdminCcs on the ticket.
+Note that as currently implemented the action *only* works on queue change
+transactions, because it uses the transaction object instead of the ticket
+object and relies on the "old object" in the transaction being a queue. Also,
+if the scrip is added to a single queue individually instead of all queues
+globally, it will only run when tickets are moved *into* the queue (although
+it will correctly add the old queue's AdminCcs to the ticket). This is because
+RT (as of 3.4.2) apparently only runs the new queue's scrips when a ticket is
+The module simply gets the old queue from the transaction object and adds
+each principal (user or group) to the ticket's AdminCc watcher list
+iteratively. RT's watcher-addition code takes care of preventing duplicate
+principals from being added to the ticket.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+package RT::Action::AddQueueAdminCcs;
+use base qw/RT::Action::Generic/;
+# add the queue's AdminCcs to the ticket's AdminCcs
+sub Commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # get the AdminCc group of the ticket's old queue
+ my $queue_adminccs;
+ if ( $self->TransactionObj->Field eq 'Queue' ) {
+ my $queue = new RT::Queue( $RT::SystemUser );
+ $queue->Load( $self->TransactionObj->OldValue );
+ $queue_adminccs = $queue->AdminCc;
+ }
+ else {
+ $RT::Logger->critical("This transaction doesn't involve a queue. Are you sure you don't want the OnQueueChange condition?");
+ return 0; #false
+ }
+ # step through the members (users and groups) and add them to the ticket --
+ # RT will take care of preventing duplicates.
+ my $member_iterator = $queue_adminccs->MembersObj;
+ while ( my $member = $member_iterator->Next ) {
+ my $principal = $member->MemberObj;
+ $self->TicketObj->AddWatcher(Type => 'AdminCc', PrincipalId => $principal->id);
+ }
+ return 1;
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/lib/RT/Extension/AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/lib/RT/Extension/AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange.pm Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package RT::Extension::AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
Added: RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/t/01-require.t
--- (empty file)
+++ RT-Extension-AddAdminCcsOnQueueChange/t/01-require.t Wed Jun 15 15:29:08 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use strict;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+#use Test::More tests => 2;
+# make sure the modules are installed
+my ($id, $message);
+# create queues
+my $watched_queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message) = $watched_queue->Create( Name=>'Watched' );
+ok($id, "Queue created? $message");
+my $unwatched_queue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message) = $unwatched_queue->Create( Name=>'Unwatched' );
+ok($id, "Queue created? $message");
+# handles a single watcher?
+($id, $message) = $watched->queue->AddWatchers( Type => 'AdminCc',
+ Email => 'watcher1\@example.com'
+ );
+ok($id, "Added watcher1? $message");
+# doesn't add watchers on creation of ticket
+my $ticket1 = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+($id, $message) = $ticket1->Create( Queue => 'general',
+ Requestor => 'requestor\@example.com',
+ Subject => 'AutoAddAdminCcs test 1',
+ AdminCc => ''
+ );
+ok($id, "Created ticket 1? $message");
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