[Rt-commit] r2494 - in rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL: .
html/Elements/RT__Ticket html/Search html/Ticket/Elements
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Mar 22 12:13:50 EST 2005
Author: jesse
Date: Tue Mar 22 12:13:49 2005
New Revision: 2494
rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/ (props changed)
r9563 at hualien: jesse | 2005-03-23 01:12:39 +0800
Refactor bulk update to use more standard components
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap Tue Mar 22 12:13:49 2005
@@ -291,6 +291,12 @@
'_CLASS' => {
value => sub { return $_[1] % 2 ? 'oddline' : 'evenline' }
+ '_CHECKBOX' => {
+ attribute => 'checkbox',
+ title => loc('Update'),
+ align => 'right',
+ value => sub { return \('<input type=checkbox name="UpdateTicket'.$_[0]->id.'" CHECKED>') }
+ },
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Bulk.html
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Bulk.html (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Search/Bulk.html Tue Mar 22 12:13:49 2005
@@ -43,60 +43,38 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<& /Elements/Header, Title => loc("Bulk ticket update") &>
-<& /Elements/Tabs, Title => loc("Bulk ticket update") &>
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
+<& /Ticket/Elements/Tabs,
+ current_tab => "Search/Bulk.html",
+ Title => $title,
+ Format => $ARGS{'Format'}, # we don't want the locally modified one
+ Query => $Query,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order &>
<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
-<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Bulk.html" >
-<input type="hidden" name="Query" value="<%$ARGS{'Query'}%>">
-<TABLE WIDTH=100% border=0 cellpadding=3 CELLSPACING=0>
-%foreach my $col (@cols) {
-% my $colalias = $col;
-% $colalias =~ s/(Obj\-\>|)(Name|AsString)//;
-<TH><% loc($colalias) %> </TH>
-my $i;
-while (my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next) {
- $i++;
- if ($i % 2) {
- $bgcolor = "#dddddd";
- }
- else {
- $bgcolor = "#ffffff";
- }
- </%PERL>
-<TR bgcolor="<%$bgcolor%>">
-<TD><input type=checkbox name="UpdateTicket<%$Ticket->Id%>" CHECKED></TD>
-%foreach my $col (@cols) {
-% if ($col eq 'id') {
-<A HREF="<% $RT::WebPath%>/Ticket/Display.html?id=<%$Ticket->Id%>"><%$Ticket->Id()%></A>
-% }
-%else {
-<% eval "\$Ticket->$col()" %>
+<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Bulk.html" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+% foreach my $var qw(Query Format OrderBy Order Rows Page) {
+<input type="hidden" name="<%$var%>" value="<%$ARGS{$var}%>">
+<& /Elements/TicketList, Query => $Query,
+ Format => $Format,
+ Verbatim => 1,
+ AllowSorting => 1,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ Page => $Page,
+ Format => $Format,
+ BaseURL => $RT::WebPath."/Search/Bulk.html?"
+ &>
-<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => loc('Update selected tickets') &>
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update All'), CheckAll => 1, ClearAll => 1 &>
+<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => $title &>
@@ -168,18 +146,79 @@
<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
+<&|/Elements/TitleBox, title => loc('Edit Custom Fields'), color => "#336633"&>
+my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+$cfs->LimitToQueue($_) for keys %$seen_queues;
+% while (my $cf = $cfs->Next()) {
+freeform single
+ set value
+select single
+ set value
+freeform multiple
+ add values
+ delete values
+select multiple
+ add values
+ delete values
+ set value
+upload single
+ upload a file
+upload multiple
+ upload a file
+ upload a file
+ ???
+image single
+ upload an image
+image multiple
+ upload an image
+ upload an image
+ ???
+% if ($cf->Type eq 'Select') {
+<&|/l&>Add these values</&>:
+<&|/l&>Delete these values</&>:
+% }
+% }
<& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => loc('Edit Links'), color => "#336633"&>
<i><&|/l&>Enter tickets or URIs to link tickets to. Separate multiple entries with spaces.</&></i><br>
<& /Ticket/Elements/BulkLinks &>
<& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
-<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update All') &>
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update All'), CheckAll => 1, ClearAll => 1 &>
+my $title = loc("Update multiple tickets");
# Iterate through the ARGS hash and remove anything with a null value.
map ($ARGS{$_} =~ /^$/ && (delete $ARGS{$_}), keys %ARGS);
@@ -187,28 +226,30 @@
my ($bgcolor, @results);
my @cols = qw(id Status Priority Subject QueueObj->Name OwnerObj->Name RequestorAddresses DueAsString );
+$Format ||= $RT::DefaultSearchResultFormat;
+$Format =~ s/^'\s+/'___CHECKBOX__/;
my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+$Tickets->OrderBy(FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order);
+$Tickets->RowsPerPage($Rows) if ($Rows);
+$Tickets->GotoPage($Page-1); # SB uses page 0 as the first page
Abort(loc("No search to operate on.")) unless ($Tickets);
-my %allcfs;
-my %cfqnames;
-my %cfqs;
-my $count = 0;
-while (my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next) {
- my $cfq = $Ticket->QueueObj;
- my $cfqid = $cfq->Id;
- my $cfqn = $cfq->Name;
- unless ( exists $cfqs{$cfqid} ) {
- $cfqs{$cfqid} = 1;
- $count++;
- my $cfs = $cfq->TicketCustomFields;
- while (my $cf = $cfs->Next) {
- $allcfs{$cf->Id} = $cf;
- $cfqnames{$cf->Id} = $cfqn;
- }
+# build up a list of all custom fields for tickets that we're displaying, so
+# we can display sane edit widgets.
+my $fields = {};
+my $seen_queues = {};
+while (my $ticket = $Tickets->Next) {
+ next if $seen_queues->{$ticket->Queue}++;
+ my $custom_fields = $ticket->QueueObj->TicketCustomFields;
+ while (my $field = $custom_fields->Next) {
+ $fields->{$field->id} = $field;
@@ -276,3 +317,11 @@
$TxnCFs->LimitToGlobalOrObjectId(sort keys %queues);
+$Format => undef
+$Page => 1
+$Rows => undef
+$Order => 'ASC'
+$OrderBy => 'id'
+$Query => undef
Modified: rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Elements/Tabs
--- rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Elements/Tabs (original)
+++ rt/branches/QUEBEC-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Elements/Tabs Tue Mar 22 12:13:49 2005
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@
-my $args = "?" . $m->comp(
+my $args;
+$args= "?" . $m->comp(
Query => $ARGS{'Query'} || $session{'CurrentSearchHash'}->{'Query'},
Format => $ARGS{'Format'} || $session{'CurrentSearchHash'}->{'Format'},
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@
$tabs->{"h"} = { path => "Search/Edit.html$args",
title => loc('Advanced'),
separator => 1 };
-if (defined $session{'tickets'} and $session{'tickets'}->Count) {
+if ($args) {
$tabs->{"i"} = { path => "Search/Results.html$args",
title => loc('Show Results'),
separator => 1,
@@ -204,8 +205,15 @@
if ($current_tab =~ "Search/Results.html") {
$current_tab = "Search/Results.html$args";
+ $tabs->{"j"} = { path => "Search/Bulk.html$args",
+ title => loc('Bulk Update'),
+ };
+ if ($current_tab =~ "Search/Bulk.html") {
+ $current_tab = "Search/Bulk.html$args";
+ }
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