[Rt-commit] r2539 - in HTTP-Server-Simple: . lib/HTTP/Server t

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 EST 2005

Author: jesse
Date: Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 2005
New Revision: 2539

   HTTP-Server-Simple/   (props changed)
 r10304 at hualien:  jesse | 2005-03-29 10:39:49 +0800
 New tests from hide

Modified: HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes
--- HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes	(original)
+++ HTTP-Server-Simple/Changes	Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+- New tests for HTTP::Server:Simple::CGI from hide.
 0.07 Sat Mar 26 14:25:38 CST 2005
 - PAUSE broke :/

Modified: HTTP-Server-Simple/MANIFEST
--- HTTP-Server-Simple/MANIFEST	(original)
+++ HTTP-Server-Simple/MANIFEST	Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 2005
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@

Modified: HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm
--- HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm	(original)
+++ HTTP-Server-Simple/lib/HTTP/Server/Simple.pm	Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 2005
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Socket;
 use Carp;
-our $VERSION = '0.07';
+our $VERSION = '0.08';
 =head1 NAME

Added: HTTP-Server-Simple/t/04cgi.t
--- (empty file)
+++ HTTP-Server-Simple/t/04cgi.t	Wed Mar 30 11:03:20 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Socket;
+use strict;
+use constant PORT => 13432;
+our %methods=(
+              url => 'url: http://localhost(?:\.localdomain)?:'.PORT,
+              path_info => 'path_info: /cgitest/path_info',
+              remote_host => 'remote_host: localhost',
+              server_name => 'server_name: localhost',
+              server_port => 'server_port: '.PORT,
+              server_software => 'server_software: HTTP::Server::Simple/\d+.\d+',
+              request_method => 'request_method: GET',
+            );
+our %envvars=(
+              SERVER_URL => 'SERVER_URL: http://localhost(?:\.localdomain)?:'.PORT.'/',
+              SERVER_PORT => 'SERVER_PORT: '.PORT,
+              REQUEST_URI => 'REQUEST_URI: /cgitest/REQUEST_URI',
+              SERVER_NAME => 'SERVER_NAME: localhost',
+              SERVER_SOFTWARE => 'SERVER_SOFTWARE: HTTP::Server::Simple/\d+.\d+',
+              REMOTE_HOST => 'REMOTE_HOST: localhost',
+              REMOTE_ADDR => 'REMOTE_ADDR:',
+              QUERY_STRING => 'QUERY_STRING: ',
+              PATH_INFO => 'PATH_INFO: /cgitest/PATH_INFO',
+            );
+  my $server=CGIServer->new(PORT);
+  is($server->port(),PORT,'Constructor set port correctly');
+  select(undef,undef,undef,0.2); # wait a sec
+  my $pid=$server->background;
+  like($pid,qr/^-?\d+$/,'pid is numeric');
+  select(undef,undef,undef,0.2); # wait a sec
+  like(fetch("GET / HTTP/1.1",""),qr(NOFILE),'no file');
+  foreach my $method (keys(%methods)) {
+    like(
+          fetch("GET /cgitest/$method HTTP/1.1",""),
+          qr($methods{$method}),
+          "method - $method"
+        );
+    select(undef,undef,undef,0.2); # wait a sec
+  }
+  foreach my $envvar (keys(%envvars)) {
+    like(
+          fetch("GET /cgitest/$envvar HTTP/1.1",""),
+          qr($envvars{$envvar}),
+          "Environment - $envvar"
+        );
+    select(undef,undef,undef,0.2); # wait a sec
+  }
+  is(kill(9,$pid),1,'Signaled 1 process successfully');
+  wait or die "counldn't wait for sub-process completion";
+sub fetch {
+    my @response;
+    my $alarm = 0;
+    my $stage = "init";
+    my %messages =
+	( "init" => "inner contemplation",
+	  "lookup" => ("lookup of `localhost' - may be caused by a "
+		       ."missing hosts entry or broken resolver"),
+	  "sockaddr" => "call to sockaddr_in() - ?",
+	  "proto" => ("call to getprotobyname() - may be caused by "
+		      ."bizarre NSS configurations"),
+	  "socket" => "socket creation",
+	  "connect" => ("connect() - may be caused by a missing or "
+			."broken loopback interface, or firewalling"),
+	  "send" => "network send()",
+	  "recv" => "collection of response",
+	  "close" => "closing socket"
+	);
+    $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
+	@response = "timed out during $messages{$stage}";
+	$alarm = 1;
+    };
+    my ($iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $message);
+    $message = join "", map { "$_\015\012" } @_;
+    my %states =
+	( 'init'     => sub { "lookup"; },
+	  "lookup"   => sub { ($iaddr = inet_aton("localhost"))
+				  && "sockaddr"			    },
+	  "sockaddr" => sub { ($paddr = sockaddr_in(PORT, $iaddr))
+				  && "proto"			    },
+	  "proto"    => sub { ($proto = getprotobyname('tcp'))
+				  && "socket"			    },
+	  "socket"   => sub { socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)
+				  && "connect"			    },
+	  "connect"  => sub { connect(SOCK, $paddr) && "send"	    },
+	  "send"     => sub { (send SOCK, $message, 0) && "recv"    },
+	  "recv"     => sub {
+	      my $line;
+	      while (!$alarm and defined($line = <SOCK>)) {
+		  push @response, $line;
+	      }
+	      ($alarm ? undef : "close");
+	  },
+	  "close"    => sub { close SOCK; "done"; },
+	);
+    # this entire cycle should finish way before this timer expires
+    alarm(5);
+    my $next;
+    $stage = $next
+	while (!$alarm && $stage ne "done"
+	       && ($next = $states{$stage}->()));
+    warn "early exit from `$stage' stage; $!" unless $next;
+    # bank on the test testing for something in the response.
+    return join "", @response;
+  package CGIServer;
+  use base qw(HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI);
+  use Env;
+  use Data::Dumper;
+  sub handle_request {
+    my $self=shift;
+    my $cgi=shift;
+    my $file=(split('/',$cgi->path_info))[-1]||'NOFILE';
+    $file=~s/\s+//g;
+    $file||='NOFILE';
+    print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";    # probably OK by now
+    print "Content-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: ";
+    my $response;
+    if($methods{$file}) {
+      $response="$file: ".$cgi->$file;
+    } elsif($envvars{$file}) {
+      $response="$file: $ENV{$file}";
+    } else {
+      $response=$file;
+    }
+    print length($response), "\r\n\r\n", $response;
+  }

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