[Rt-commit] r4052 - in Jifty-DBI/trunk: . lib/Jifty lib/Jifty/DBI

jesse at bestpractical.com jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 8 16:13:52 EST 2005

Author: jesse
Date: Tue Nov  8 16:13:51 2005
New Revision: 4052

   Jifty-DBI/trunk/   (props changed)
 r18571 at truegrounds:  jesse | 2005-11-08 15:11:52 -0500
 * docs shuffle

Modified: Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI.pm
--- Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI.pm	(original)
+++ Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI.pm	Tue Nov  8 16:13:51 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,203 @@
 package Jifty::DBI;
 our $VERSION = '0.02';
+=head1 NAME
+Jifty::DBI - An object-relational persistence framework
+Jifty::DBI deals with databases, so that you don't have to.
+=head2 What is it trying to do. 
+Jifty::DBI::Record abstracts the agony of writing the common and generally 
+simple SQL statements needed to serialize and De-serialize an object to the
+database.  In a traditional system, you would define various methods on 
+your object 'create', 'find', 'modify', and 'delete' being the most common. 
+In each method you would have a SQL statement like: 
+  select * from table where value='blah';
+If you wanted to control what data a user could modify, you would have to 
+do some special magic to make accessors do the right thing. Etc.  The 
+problem with this approach is that in a majority of the cases, the SQL is 
+incredibly simple and the code from one method/object to the next was 
+basically the same.  
+Enter, Jifty::DBI::Record. 
+With::Record, you can in the simple case, remove all of that code and 
+replace it by defining two methods and inheriting some code.  Its pretty 
+simple, and incredibly powerful.  For more complex cases, you can, gasp, 
+do more complicated things by overriding certain methods.  Lets stick with
+the simple case for now. 
+=head2 An Annotated Example
+The example code below makes the following assumptions: 
+=over 4
+=item *
+The database is 'postgres',
+=item *
+The host is 'reason',
+=item *
+The login name is 'mhat',
+=item *
+The database is called 'example', 
+=item *
+The table is called 'simple', 
+=item *
+The table looks like so: 
+      id     integer     not NULL,   primary_key(id),
+      foo    varchar(10),
+      bar    varchar(10)
+First, let's define our record class in a new module named "Simple.pm".
+  use warnings;
+  use strict;
+  package Simple::Schema;
+  use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
+  column foo => type is 'text';
+  column bar => type is 'text';
+  package Simple; 
+  use base qw(Jifty::DBI::Record);
+  # your custom code goes here.
+  1;
+Like all perl modules, this needs to end with a true value. 
+Now, on to the code that will actually *do* something with this object. 
+This code would be placed in your Perl script.
+  use Jifty::DBI::Handle;
+  use Simple;
+Use two packages, the first is where I get the DB handle from, the latter 
+is the object I just created. 
+  my $handle = Jifty::DBI::Handle->new();
+  $handle->Connect(
+      Driver   => 'Pg',
+      Database => 'test',
+      Host     => 'reason',
+      User     => 'mhat',
+      Password => ''
+  );
+Creates a new Jifty::DBI::Handle, and then connects to the database using 
+that handle.  Pretty straight forward, the password '' is what I use 
+when there is no password.  I could probably leave it blank, but I find 
+it to be more clear to define it.
+ my $s = Simple->new($handle);
+ $s->load_by_cols(id=>1); 
+=item load_by_cols
+Takes a hash of column =>value pairs and returns the *first* to match. 
+First is probably lossy across databases vendors. 
+=item load_from_hash
+Populates this record with data from a Jifty::DBI::Collection.  I'm 
+currently assuming that Jifty::DBI is what we use in 
+cases where we expect > 1 record.  More on this later.
+Now that we have a populated object, we should do something with it! ::Record
+automagically generates accessors and mutators for us, so all we need to do 
+is call the methods.  accessors are named C<column>(), and Mutators are named 
+C<set_field>($).  On to the example, just appending this to the code from 
+the last example.
+ print "ID  : ", $s->id(),  "\n";
+ print "Foo : ", $s->foo(), "\n";
+ print "Bar : ", $s->bar(), "\n";
+Thats all you have to to get the data, now to change the data!
+ $s->set_bar('NewBar');
+Pretty simple! Thats really all there is to it.  Set<Field>($) returns 
+a boolean and a string describing the problem.  Lets look at an example of
+what will happen if we try to set a 'Id' which we previously defined as 
+read only. 
+ my ($res, $str) = $s->set_id('2');
+ if (! $res) {
+   ## Print the error!
+   print "$str\n";
+ } 
+The output will be:
+  >> Immutable field
+Currently Set<Field> updates the data in the database as soon as you call
+it.  In the future I hope to extend ::Record to better support transactional
+operations, such that updates will only happen when "you" say so.
+Finally, adding a removing records from the database.  ::Record provides a 
+Create method which simply takes a hash of key=>value pairs.  The keys 
+exactly	map to database fields. 
+ ## Get a new record object.
+ $s1 = Simple->new($handle);
+ my ($id, $status_msg) = $s1->create(id  => 4,
+ 	           foo => 'Foooooo', 
+ 	           bar => 'Barrrrr');
+Poof! A new row in the database has been created!  Now lets delete the 
+ my $s2 = Simple->new($handle);
+ $s2->load_by_cols(id=>4);
+ $s2->delete();
+And it's gone. 
+For simple use, thats more or less all there is to it.  In the future, I hope to exapand 
+this HowTo to discuss using container classes,  overloading, and what 
+ever else I think of.

Modified: Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI/Record.pm
--- Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI/Record.pm	(original)
+++ Jifty-DBI/trunk/lib/Jifty/DBI/Record.pm	Tue Nov  8 16:13:51 2005
@@ -30,199 +30,11 @@
 Jifty::DBI::Record encapuslates records and tables as part of the L<Jifty::DBI> 
 object-relational mapper.
-=head2 What is it trying to do. 
-Jifty::DBI::Record abstracts the agony of writing the common and generally 
-simple SQL statements needed to serialize and De-serialize an object to the
-database.  In a traditional system, you would define various methods on 
-your object 'create', 'find', 'modify', and 'delete' being the most common. 
-In each method you would have a SQL statement like: 
-  select * from table where value='blah';
-If you wanted to control what data a user could modify, you would have to 
-do some special magic to make accessors do the right thing. Etc.  The 
-problem with this approach is that in a majority of the cases, the SQL is 
-incredibly simple and the code from one method/object to the next was 
-basically the same.  
-Enter, Jifty::DBI::Record. 
-With::Record, you can in the simple case, remove all of that code and 
-replace it by defining two methods and inheriting some code.  Its pretty 
-simple, and incredibly powerful.  For more complex cases, you can, gasp, 
-do more complicated things by overriding certain methods.  Lets stick with
-the simple case for now. 
-=head2 An Annotated Example
-The example code below makes the following assumptions: 
-=over 4
-=item *
-The database is 'postgres',
-=item *
-The host is 'reason',
-=item *
-The login name is 'mhat',
-=item *
-The database is called 'example', 
-=item *
-The table is called 'simple', 
-=item *
-The table looks like so: 
-      id     integer     not NULL,   primary_key(id),
-      foo    varchar(10),
-      bar    varchar(10)
-First, let's define our record class in a new module named "Simple.pm".
-  use warnings;
-  use strict;
-  package Simple::Schema;
-  use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
-  column foo => type is 'text';
-  column bar => type is 'text';
-  package Simple; 
-  use base qw(Jifty::DBI::Record);
-  # your custom code goes here.
-  1;
-Like all perl modules, this needs to end with a true value. 
-Now, on to the code that will actually *do* something with this object. 
-This code would be placed in your Perl script.
-  use Jifty::DBI::Handle;
-  use Simple;
-Use two packages, the first is where I get the DB handle from, the latter 
-is the object I just created. 
-  my $handle = Jifty::DBI::Handle->new();
-  $handle->Connect(
-      Driver   => 'Pg',
-      Database => 'test',
-      Host     => 'reason',
-      User     => 'mhat',
-      Password => ''
-  );
-Creates a new Jifty::DBI::Handle, and then connects to the database using 
-that handle.  Pretty straight forward, the password '' is what I use 
-when there is no password.  I could probably leave it blank, but I find 
-it to be more clear to define it.
- my $s = Simple->new($handle);
- $s->load_by_cols(id=>1); 
-=item load_by_cols
-Takes a hash of column =>value pairs and returns the *first* to match. 
-First is probably lossy across databases vendors. 
-=item load_from_hash
-Populates this record with data from a Jifty::DBI::Collection.  I'm 
-currently assuming that Jifty::DBI is what we use in 
-cases where we expect > 1 record.  More on this later.
-Now that we have a populated object, we should do something with it! ::Record
-automagically generates accessors and mutators for us, so all we need to do 
-is call the methods.  accessors are named C<column>(), and Mutators are named 
-C<set_field>($).  On to the example, just appending this to the code from 
-the last example.
- print "ID  : ", $s->id(),  "\n";
- print "Foo : ", $s->foo(), "\n";
- print "Bar : ", $s->bar(), "\n";
-Thats all you have to to get the data, now to change the data!
- $s->set_bar('NewBar');
-Pretty simple! Thats really all there is to it.  Set<Field>($) returns 
-a boolean and a string describing the problem.  Lets look at an example of
-what will happen if we try to set a 'Id' which we previously defined as 
-read only. 
- my ($res, $str) = $s->set_id('2');
- if (! $res) {
-   ## Print the error!
-   print "$str\n";
- } 
-The output will be:
-  >> Immutable field
-Currently Set<Field> updates the data in the database as soon as you call
-it.  In the future I hope to extend ::Record to better support transactional
-operations, such that updates will only happen when "you" say so.
-Finally, adding a removing records from the database.  ::Record provides a 
-Create method which simply takes a hash of key=>value pairs.  The keys 
-exactly	map to database fields. 
- ## Get a new record object.
- $s1 = Simple->new($handle);
- my ($id, $status_msg) = $s1->create(id  => 4,
- 	           foo => 'Foooooo', 
- 	           bar => 'Barrrrr');
-Poof! A new row in the database has been created!  Now lets delete the 
- my $s2 = Simple->new($handle);
- $s2->load_by_cols(id=>4);
- $s2->delete();
-And it's gone. 
-For simple use, thats more or less all there is to it.  In the future, I hope to exapand 
-this HowTo to discuss using container classes,  overloading, and what 
-ever else I think of.
 =head1 METHODS
-=head2  new 
+=head2 new 
-Instantiate a new record object.
+Instantiate a new, empty record object.

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