[Rt-commit] r4005 - in rtir/branches/1.9-EXPERIMENTAL: . html/RTIR/Report

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Mon Oct 31 10:51:51 EST 2005

Author: ruz
Date: Mon Oct 31 10:51:51 2005
New Revision: 4005

   rtir/branches/1.9-EXPERIMENTAL/   (props changed)
 r222 at cubic-pc:  cubic | 2005-10-31 18:50:54 +0300
  r200 at cubic-pc:  cubic | 2005-10-21 11:54:25 +0400
  * D.9.1.10. Some of the buttons SHOULD be at the top of the screen,
              not just the bottom: for instance, the 'Select All'
              button in 'Bulk Reject'.
  * loop refactored
  * fixed query string escaping
  * added FIXME block

Modified: rtir/branches/1.9-EXPERIMENTAL/html/RTIR/Report/BulkReject.html
--- rtir/branches/1.9-EXPERIMENTAL/html/RTIR/Report/BulkReject.html	(original)
+++ rtir/branches/1.9-EXPERIMENTAL/html/RTIR/Report/BulkReject.html	Mon Oct 31 10:51:51 2005
@@ -42,103 +42,102 @@
 <input type=hidden name=Status value=<%$Status%>>
 <input type=hidden name=BulkReject value="1">
+% if( $session{'tickets'}->Count ) {
+<a href="BulkReject.html?RTIRCheck=All">[Select All]</a>
+<a href="BulkReject.html?RTIRCheck=None">[Unselect All]</a>
+% }
 <& /RTIR/Search/Elements/ShowResults, 
-    Queue => $Queue,
     Query => $Query,
     QueryString => $QueryString, 
     BaseURL => $BaseURL,
     Format => $Format,
     RTIRCheck => $RTIRCheck,
-    &>
+% if( $session{'tickets'}->Count ) {
 <a href="BulkReject.html?RTIRCheck=All">[Select All]</a>
 <a href="BulkReject.html?RTIRCheck=None">[Unselect All]</a>
 <& /Elements/Submit, Name => "SubmitTicket", Caption => $SubmitCaption, Label => loc("Reject") &>
+% }
-$Format = $RT::RTIRSearchResultFormats->{'RejectReports'};
+$Format         ||= $RT::RTIRSearchResultFormats->{'RejectReports'};
 my $title         = loc("Reject Incident Reports");
 my $SubmitCaption = loc("Reject selected incident reports");
-    '/RTIR/Elements/Header',
-    Title   => $title,
-    Refresh => $session{'tickets_refresh_interval'}
+$m->comp( '/RTIR/Elements/Header',
+           Title   => $title,
+           Refresh => $session{'tickets_refresh_interval'},
+        );
 my ( @results );
 if ( $ARGS{'BulkReject'} ) {
+    my @tempresults;
     #Iterate through each ticket we've been handed
     while ( my $t = $session{'tickets'}->Next ) {
-        my @tempresults;
         $m->out('<!--  Processing <%$t->id%> -->');
-        next unless ( $ARGS{ "UpdateTicket" . $t->Id } );
-        my $State = $m->scomp(
-            "/RTIR/Elements/ShowRTIRField",
-            Ticket => $t,
-            Name   => 'State'
-        );
-        $State =~ s/\s+$//;
-        if ( $State eq 'new' ) {
+        next unless ( $ARGS{ "UpdateTicket". $t->Id } );
-            # If we don't own the thing we're linking to, change the owner
-            if (   $t->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id
-                && $t->OwnerObj->id != $RT::Nobody->id )
-            {
-                @tempresults =
-                  loc(
-                    "You may not reject tickets that belong to another user.");
-            }
-            else {
-                @tempresults = ();
-                if (   $t->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id
-                    && $t->OwnerObj->id == $RT::Nobody->id )
-                {
-                    $ARGS{'Action'} = 'Take';
-                    my $action = $ARGS{'Action'};
-                    push @tempresults, "Action: " . $ARGS{'Action'};
-                    my ( $res, $msg ) = $t->$action();
-                    push( @tempresults, $msg );
-                }
-                my ( $oldstate, $newstate );
-                $oldstate = $t->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_State');
-                push @tempresults,
-                  ProcessTicketBasics( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, TicketObj => $t );
-                $newstate = $t->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_State');
-                if ( $newstate ne $oldstate ) {
-                    push(
-                        @tempresults,
-                        loc(
-                            "State changed from [_1] to [_2]", $oldstate,
-                            $newstate
-                        )
-                    );
-                }
-            }
+        unless( $t->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_State') eq 'new' ) {
+            push @tempresults, [ $t->id, loc("Only new reports may be rejected.") ];
+            next;
-        else {
+        # If we don't own the thing we're linking to, change the owner
+        if (   $t->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id
+            && $t->OwnerObj->id != $RT::Nobody->id )
+        {
+            push @tempresults, [ 
+                $t->id, 
+                loc("You may not reject tickets that belong to another user.") 
+            ];
+            next;
+        }
+        if ( $t->OwnerObj->id != $session{'CurrentUser'}->id &&
+             $t->OwnerObj->id == $RT::Nobody->id ) {
+            my $action = $ARGS{'Action'} = 'Take';
+            push @tempresults, [ $t->id, loc("Action: ") . $ARGS{'Action'} ];
+            my ( $res, $msg ) = $t->$action();
+            push( @tempresults, $msg );
+        }
+        my $oldstate = $t->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_State');
+        push @tempresults,
+             map { [ $t->id, $_ ] }
+             ProcessTicketBasics( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, TicketObj => $t );
+        my $newstate = $t->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_State');
+        if ( $newstate ne $oldstate ) {
             push @tempresults,
-              loc(
-"Cannot reject Incident Report #[_1].  Only new reports may be rejected.",
-                $t->id
-              );
+                 [ $t->id, loc("State changed from [_1] to [_2]", $oldstate, $newstate ) ];
-        @tempresults =
-          map { loc( "Ticket [_1]: [_2]", $t->Id, $_ ) } @tempresults;
-        @results = ( @results, @tempresults );
+    push @results, map { loc( "Ticket [_1]: [_2]", $_->[0], $_->[1] ) }
+                   @tempresults;
+    # force redo search if we changed state
+    $session{'tickets'}->RedoSearch;
-# We can only reject new tickets, so set the states.
-my @states = ['new'];
+# FIXME: Doesn't work as expected with refined search.
+# also is not clear should it use Query from
+# /RTIR/Search/Results.html?Queue=Incident%20Reports or 
+# own? and can it be refined at all?
 if ( !$Query ) {
-    $Query =
-      $m->comp( '/RTIR/Elements/NewQuery', Queue => $Queue, states => @states );
+    # We can only reject new tickets, so set the states.
+    $Query = $m->comp(
+        '/RTIR/Elements/NewQuery',
+        Queue => $Queue,
+        states => ['new'],
+    );
 my $QueryString = $m->comp(
@@ -156,9 +155,12 @@
 $Query = "$BaseQuery AND ( $Query )";
-my $path =
+my $path = "RTIR/Search/Refine.html?$QueryString&";
+$path .= $m->comp( '/Elements/QueryString',
+                   ResultPage  => $BaseURL,
+                   current_tab => $current_tab,
+                   Queue       => $Queue,
+                 );

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