[Rt-commit] r5741 - in Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc: Module/Install
audreyt at bestpractical.com
audreyt at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 9 07:25:21 EDT 2006
Author: audreyt
Date: Wed Aug 9 07:25:18 2006
New Revision: 5741
Added: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Module/Install/Include.pm Wed Aug 9 07:25:18 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#line 1
+package Module::Install::Include;
+use strict;
+use Module::Install::Base;
+use vars qw{$VERSION $ISCORE @ISA};
+ $VERSION = '0.63';
+ $ISCORE = 1;
+ @ISA = qw{Module::Install::Base};
+sub include {
+ shift()->admin->include(@_);
+sub include_deps {
+ shift()->admin->include_deps(@_);
+sub auto_include {
+ shift()->admin->auto_include(@_);
+sub auto_include_deps {
+ shift()->admin->auto_include_deps(@_);
+sub auto_include_dependent_dists {
+ shift()->admin->auto_include_dependent_dists(@_);
Added: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/Builder.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/Builder.pm Wed Aug 9 07:25:18 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+#line 1
+package Test::Builder;
+use 5.004;
+# $^C was only introduced in 5.005-ish. We do this to prevent
+# use of uninitialized value warnings in older perls.
+$^C ||= 0;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '0.32';
+$VERSION = eval $VERSION; # make the alpha version come out as a number
+# Make Test::Builder thread-safe for ithreads.
+ use Config;
+ # Load threads::shared when threads are turned on
+ if( $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useithreads} && $INC{'threads.pm'}) {
+ require threads::shared;
+ # Hack around YET ANOTHER threads::shared bug. It would
+ # occassionally forget the contents of the variable when sharing it.
+ # So we first copy the data, then share, then put our copy back.
+ *share = sub (\[$@%]) {
+ my $type = ref $_[0];
+ my $data;
+ if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ %$data = %{$_[0]};
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ @$data = @{$_[0]};
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ $$data = ${$_[0]};
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unknown type: ".$type;
+ }
+ $_[0] = &threads::shared::share($_[0]);
+ if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ %{$_[0]} = %$data;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ @{$_[0]} = @$data;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ ${$_[0]} = $$data;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unknown type: ".$type;
+ }
+ return $_[0];
+ };
+ }
+ # 5.8.0's threads::shared is busted when threads are off.
+ # We emulate it here.
+ else {
+ *share = sub { return $_[0] };
+ *lock = sub { 0 };
+ }
+#line 127
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
+sub new {
+ my($class) = shift;
+ $Test ||= $class->create;
+ return $Test;
+#line 149
+sub create {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->reset;
+ return $self;
+#line 168
+use vars qw($Level);
+sub reset {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # We leave this a global because it has to be localized and localizing
+ # hash keys is just asking for pain. Also, it was documented.
+ $Level = 1;
+ $self->{Test_Died} = 0;
+ $self->{Have_Plan} = 0;
+ $self->{No_Plan} = 0;
+ $self->{Original_Pid} = $$;
+ share($self->{Curr_Test});
+ $self->{Curr_Test} = 0;
+ $self->{Test_Results} = &share([]);
+ $self->{Exported_To} = undef;
+ $self->{Expected_Tests} = 0;
+ $self->{Skip_All} = 0;
+ $self->{Use_Nums} = 1;
+ $self->{No_Header} = 0;
+ $self->{No_Ending} = 0;
+ $self->_dup_stdhandles unless $^C;
+ return undef;
+#line 220
+sub exported_to {
+ my($self, $pack) = @_;
+ if( defined $pack ) {
+ $self->{Exported_To} = $pack;
+ }
+ return $self->{Exported_To};
+#line 242
+sub plan {
+ my($self, $cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ return unless $cmd;
+ if( $self->{Have_Plan} ) {
+ die sprintf "You tried to plan twice! Second plan at %s line %d\n",
+ ($self->caller)[1,2];
+ }
+ if( $cmd eq 'no_plan' ) {
+ $self->no_plan;
+ }
+ elsif( $cmd eq 'skip_all' ) {
+ return $self->skip_all($arg);
+ }
+ elsif( $cmd eq 'tests' ) {
+ if( $arg ) {
+ return $self->expected_tests($arg);
+ }
+ elsif( !defined $arg ) {
+ die "Got an undefined number of tests. Looks like you tried to ".
+ "say how many tests you plan to run but made a mistake.\n";
+ }
+ elsif( !$arg ) {
+ die "You said to run 0 tests! You've got to run something.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ require Carp;
+ my @args = grep { defined } ($cmd, $arg);
+ Carp::croak("plan() doesn't understand @args");
+ }
+ return 1;
+#line 289
+sub expected_tests {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($max) = @_;
+ if( @_ ) {
+ die "Number of tests must be a postive integer. You gave it '$max'.\n"
+ unless $max =~ /^\+?\d+$/ and $max > 0;
+ $self->{Expected_Tests} = $max;
+ $self->{Have_Plan} = 1;
+ $self->_print("1..$max\n") unless $self->no_header;
+ }
+ return $self->{Expected_Tests};
+#line 314
+sub no_plan {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{No_Plan} = 1;
+ $self->{Have_Plan} = 1;
+#line 329
+sub has_plan {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return($self->{Expected_Tests}) if $self->{Expected_Tests};
+ return('no_plan') if $self->{No_Plan};
+ return(undef);
+#line 347
+sub skip_all {
+ my($self, $reason) = @_;
+ my $out = "1..0";
+ $out .= " # Skip $reason" if $reason;
+ $out .= "\n";
+ $self->{Skip_All} = 1;
+ $self->_print($out) unless $self->no_header;
+ exit(0);
+#line 380
+sub ok {
+ my($self, $test, $name) = @_;
+ # $test might contain an object which we don't want to accidentally
+ # store, so we turn it into a boolean.
+ $test = $test ? 1 : 0;
+ unless( $self->{Have_Plan} ) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("You tried to run a test without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
+ }
+ lock $self->{Curr_Test};
+ $self->{Curr_Test}++;
+ # In case $name is a string overloaded object, force it to stringify.
+ $self->_unoverload_str(\$name);
+ $self->diag(<<ERR) if defined $name and $name =~ /^[\d\s]+$/;
+ You named your test '$name'. You shouldn't use numbers for your test names.
+ Very confusing.
+ my($pack, $file, $line) = $self->caller;
+ my $todo = $self->todo($pack);
+ $self->_unoverload_str(\$todo);
+ my $out;
+ my $result = &share({});
+ unless( $test ) {
+ $out .= "not ";
+ @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( ( $todo ? 1 : 0 ), 0 );
+ }
+ else {
+ @$result{ 'ok', 'actual_ok' } = ( 1, $test );
+ }
+ $out .= "ok";
+ $out .= " $self->{Curr_Test}" if $self->use_numbers;
+ if( defined $name ) {
+ $name =~ s|#|\\#|g; # # in a name can confuse Test::Harness.
+ $out .= " - $name";
+ $result->{name} = $name;
+ }
+ else {
+ $result->{name} = '';
+ }
+ if( $todo ) {
+ $out .= " # TODO $todo";
+ $result->{reason} = $todo;
+ $result->{type} = 'todo';
+ }
+ else {
+ $result->{reason} = '';
+ $result->{type} = '';
+ }
+ $self->{Test_Results}[$self->{Curr_Test}-1] = $result;
+ $out .= "\n";
+ $self->_print($out);
+ unless( $test ) {
+ my $msg = $todo ? "Failed (TODO)" : "Failed";
+ $self->_print_diag("\n") if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};
+ if( defined $name ) {
+ $self->diag(qq[ $msg test '$name'\n]);
+ $self->diag(qq[ in $file at line $line.\n]);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->diag(qq[ $msg test in $file at line $line.\n]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $test ? 1 : 0;
+sub _unoverload {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ local($@,$!);
+ eval { require overload } || return;
+ foreach my $thing (@_) {
+ eval {
+ if( _is_object($$thing) ) {
+ if( my $string_meth = overload::Method($$thing, $type) ) {
+ $$thing = $$thing->$string_meth();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+sub _is_object {
+ my $thing = shift;
+ return eval { ref $thing && $thing->isa('UNIVERSAL') } ? 1 : 0;
+sub _unoverload_str {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_unoverload(q[""], @_);
+sub _unoverload_num {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_unoverload('0+', @_);
+ for my $val (@_) {
+ next unless $self->_is_dualvar($$val);
+ $$val = $$val+0;
+ }
+# This is a hack to detect a dualvar such as $!
+sub _is_dualvar {
+ my($self, $val) = @_;
+ local $^W = 0;
+ my $numval = $val+0;
+ return 1 if $numval != 0 and $numval ne $val;
+#line 535
+sub is_eq {
+ my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $self->_unoverload_str(\$got, \$expect);
+ if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
+ # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+ my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
+ $self->ok($test, $name);
+ $self->_is_diag($got, 'eq', $expect) unless $test;
+ return $test;
+ }
+ return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'eq', $expect, $name);
+sub is_num {
+ my($self, $got, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $self->_unoverload_num(\$got, \$expect);
+ if( !defined $got || !defined $expect ) {
+ # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+ my $test = !defined $got && !defined $expect;
+ $self->ok($test, $name);
+ $self->_is_diag($got, '==', $expect) unless $test;
+ return $test;
+ }
+ return $self->cmp_ok($got, '==', $expect, $name);
+sub _is_diag {
+ my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
+ foreach my $val (\$got, \$expect) {
+ if( defined $$val ) {
+ if( $type eq 'eq' ) {
+ # quote and force string context
+ $$val = "'$$val'"
+ }
+ else {
+ # force numeric context
+ $self->_unoverload_num($val);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $$val = 'undef';
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $expect);
+ got: %s
+ expected: %s
+#line 613
+sub isnt_eq {
+ my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
+ # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+ my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
+ $self->ok($test, $name);
+ $self->_cmp_diag($got, 'ne', $dont_expect) unless $test;
+ return $test;
+ }
+ return $self->cmp_ok($got, 'ne', $dont_expect, $name);
+sub isnt_num {
+ my($self, $got, $dont_expect, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ if( !defined $got || !defined $dont_expect ) {
+ # undef only matches undef and nothing else
+ my $test = defined $got || defined $dont_expect;
+ $self->ok($test, $name);
+ $self->_cmp_diag($got, '!=', $dont_expect) unless $test;
+ return $test;
+ }
+ return $self->cmp_ok($got, '!=', $dont_expect, $name);
+#line 665
+sub like {
+ my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '=~', $name);
+sub unlike {
+ my($self, $this, $regex, $name) = @_;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $self->_regex_ok($this, $regex, '!~', $name);
+#line 706
+sub maybe_regex {
+ my ($self, $regex) = @_;
+ my $usable_regex = undef;
+ return $usable_regex unless defined $regex;
+ my($re, $opts);
+ # Check for qr/foo/
+ if( ref $regex eq 'Regexp' ) {
+ $usable_regex = $regex;
+ }
+ # Check for '/foo/' or 'm,foo,'
+ elsif( ($re, $opts) = $regex =~ m{^ /(.*)/ (\w*) $ }sx or
+ (undef, $re, $opts) = $regex =~ m,^ m([^\w\s]) (.+) \1 (\w*) $,sx
+ )
+ {
+ $usable_regex = length $opts ? "(?$opts)$re" : $re;
+ }
+ return $usable_regex;
+sub _regex_ok {
+ my($self, $this, $regex, $cmp, $name) = @_;
+ my $ok = 0;
+ my $usable_regex = $self->maybe_regex($regex);
+ unless (defined $usable_regex) {
+ $ok = $self->ok( 0, $name );
+ $self->diag(" '$regex' doesn't look much like a regex to me.");
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ {
+ my $test;
+ my $code = $self->_caller_context;
+ local($@, $!);
+ # Yes, it has to look like this or 5.4.5 won't see the #line directive.
+ # Don't ask me, man, I just work here.
+ $test = eval "
+$code" . q{$test = $this =~ /$usable_regex/ ? 1 : 0};
+ $test = !$test if $cmp eq '!~';
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $ok = $self->ok( $test, $name );
+ }
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ $this = defined $this ? "'$this'" : 'undef';
+ my $match = $cmp eq '=~' ? "doesn't match" : "matches";
+ $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $this, $match, $regex);
+ %s
+ %13s '%s'
+ }
+ return $ok;
+#line 781
+my %numeric_cmps = map { ($_, 1) }
+ ("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=", "<=>");
+sub cmp_ok {
+ my($self, $got, $type, $expect, $name) = @_;
+ # Treat overloaded objects as numbers if we're asked to do a
+ # numeric comparison.
+ my $unoverload = $numeric_cmps{$type} ? '_unoverload_num'
+ : '_unoverload_str';
+ $self->$unoverload(\$got, \$expect);
+ my $test;
+ {
+ local($@,$!); # don't interfere with $@
+ # eval() sometimes resets $!
+ my $code = $self->_caller_context;
+ # Yes, it has to look like this or 5.4.5 won't see the #line directive.
+ # Don't ask me, man, I just work here.
+ $test = eval "
+$code" . "\$got $type \$expect;";
+ }
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ my $ok = $self->ok($test, $name);
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ if( $type =~ /^(eq|==)$/ ) {
+ $self->_is_diag($got, $type, $expect);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_cmp_diag($got, $type, $expect);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _cmp_diag {
+ my($self, $got, $type, $expect) = @_;
+ $got = defined $got ? "'$got'" : 'undef';
+ $expect = defined $expect ? "'$expect'" : 'undef';
+ return $self->diag(sprintf <<DIAGNOSTIC, $got, $type, $expect);
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+sub _caller_context {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($pack, $file, $line) = $self->caller(1);
+ my $code = '';
+ $code .= "#line $line $file\n" if defined $file and defined $line;
+ return $code;
+#line 860
+sub BAIL_OUT {
+ my($self, $reason) = @_;
+ $self->{Bailed_Out} = 1;
+ $self->_print("Bail out! $reason");
+ exit 255;
+#line 873
+#line 885
+sub skip {
+ my($self, $why) = @_;
+ $why ||= '';
+ $self->_unoverload_str(\$why);
+ unless( $self->{Have_Plan} ) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
+ }
+ lock($self->{Curr_Test});
+ $self->{Curr_Test}++;
+ $self->{Test_Results}[$self->{Curr_Test}-1] = &share({
+ 'ok' => 1,
+ actual_ok => 1,
+ name => '',
+ type => 'skip',
+ reason => $why,
+ });
+ my $out = "ok";
+ $out .= " $self->{Curr_Test}" if $self->use_numbers;
+ $out .= " # skip";
+ $out .= " $why" if length $why;
+ $out .= "\n";
+ $self->_print($out);
+ return 1;
+#line 930
+sub todo_skip {
+ my($self, $why) = @_;
+ $why ||= '';
+ unless( $self->{Have_Plan} ) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("You tried to run tests without a plan! Gotta have a plan.");
+ }
+ lock($self->{Curr_Test});
+ $self->{Curr_Test}++;
+ $self->{Test_Results}[$self->{Curr_Test}-1] = &share({
+ 'ok' => 1,
+ actual_ok => 0,
+ name => '',
+ type => 'todo_skip',
+ reason => $why,
+ });
+ my $out = "not ok";
+ $out .= " $self->{Curr_Test}" if $self->use_numbers;
+ $out .= " # TODO & SKIP $why\n";
+ $self->_print($out);
+ return 1;
+#line 1001
+sub level {
+ my($self, $level) = @_;
+ if( defined $level ) {
+ $Level = $level;
+ }
+ return $Level;
+#line 1036
+sub use_numbers {
+ my($self, $use_nums) = @_;
+ if( defined $use_nums ) {
+ $self->{Use_Nums} = $use_nums;
+ }
+ return $self->{Use_Nums};
+#line 1070
+foreach my $attribute (qw(No_Header No_Ending No_Diag)) {
+ my $method = lc $attribute;
+ my $code = sub {
+ my($self, $no) = @_;
+ if( defined $no ) {
+ $self->{$attribute} = $no;
+ }
+ return $self->{$attribute};
+ };
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{__PACKAGE__.'::'.$method} = $code;
+#line 1124
+sub diag {
+ my($self, @msgs) = @_;
+ return if $self->no_diag;
+ return unless @msgs;
+ # Prevent printing headers when compiling (i.e. -c)
+ return if $^C;
+ # Smash args together like print does.
+ # Convert undef to 'undef' so its readable.
+ my $msg = join '', map { defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef' } @msgs;
+ # Escape each line with a #.
+ $msg =~ s/^/# /gm;
+ # Stick a newline on the end if it needs it.
+ $msg .= "\n" unless $msg =~ /\n\Z/;
+ local $Level = $Level + 1;
+ $self->_print_diag($msg);
+ return 0;
+#line 1161
+sub _print {
+ my($self, @msgs) = @_;
+ # Prevent printing headers when only compiling. Mostly for when
+ # tests are deparsed with B::Deparse
+ return if $^C;
+ my $msg = join '', @msgs;
+ local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
+ my $fh = $self->output;
+ # Escape each line after the first with a # so we don't
+ # confuse Test::Harness.
+ $msg =~ s/\n(.)/\n# $1/sg;
+ # Stick a newline on the end if it needs it.
+ $msg .= "\n" unless $msg =~ /\n\Z/;
+ print $fh $msg;
+#line 1192
+sub _print_diag {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
+ my $fh = $self->todo ? $self->todo_output : $self->failure_output;
+ print $fh @_;
+#line 1229
+sub output {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ if( defined $fh ) {
+ $self->{Out_FH} = _new_fh($fh);
+ }
+ return $self->{Out_FH};
+sub failure_output {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ if( defined $fh ) {
+ $self->{Fail_FH} = _new_fh($fh);
+ }
+ return $self->{Fail_FH};
+sub todo_output {
+ my($self, $fh) = @_;
+ if( defined $fh ) {
+ $self->{Todo_FH} = _new_fh($fh);
+ }
+ return $self->{Todo_FH};
+sub _new_fh {
+ my($file_or_fh) = shift;
+ my $fh;
+ if( _is_fh($file_or_fh) ) {
+ $fh = $file_or_fh;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fh = do { local *FH };
+ open $fh, ">$file_or_fh" or
+ die "Can't open test output log $file_or_fh: $!";
+ _autoflush($fh);
+ }
+ return $fh;
+sub _is_fh {
+ my $maybe_fh = shift;
+ return 0 unless defined $maybe_fh;
+ return 1 if ref \$maybe_fh eq 'GLOB'; # its a glob
+ return UNIVERSAL::isa($maybe_fh, 'GLOB') ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($maybe_fh, 'IO::Handle') ||
+ # 5.5.4's tied() and can() doesn't like getting undef
+ UNIVERSAL::can((tied($maybe_fh) || ''), 'TIEHANDLE');
+sub _autoflush {
+ my($fh) = shift;
+ my $old_fh = select $fh;
+ $| = 1;
+ select $old_fh;
+sub _dup_stdhandles {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_open_testhandles;
+ # Set everything to unbuffered else plain prints to STDOUT will
+ # come out in the wrong order from our own prints.
+ _autoflush(\*TESTOUT);
+ _autoflush(\*STDOUT);
+ _autoflush(\*TESTERR);
+ _autoflush(\*STDERR);
+ $self->output(\*TESTOUT);
+ $self->failure_output(\*TESTERR);
+ $self->todo_output(\*TESTOUT);
+my $Opened_Testhandles = 0;
+sub _open_testhandles {
+ return if $Opened_Testhandles;
+ # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
+ # test suites while still getting normal test output.
+ open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+ open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+ $Opened_Testhandles = 1;
+#line 1347
+sub current_test {
+ my($self, $num) = @_;
+ lock($self->{Curr_Test});
+ if( defined $num ) {
+ unless( $self->{Have_Plan} ) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("Can't change the current test number without a plan!");
+ }
+ $self->{Curr_Test} = $num;
+ # If the test counter is being pushed forward fill in the details.
+ my $test_results = $self->{Test_Results};
+ if( $num > @$test_results ) {
+ my $start = @$test_results ? @$test_results : 0;
+ for ($start..$num-1) {
+ $test_results->[$_] = &share({
+ 'ok' => 1,
+ actual_ok => undef,
+ reason => 'incrementing test number',
+ type => 'unknown',
+ name => undef
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ # If backward, wipe history. Its their funeral.
+ elsif( $num < @$test_results ) {
+ $#{$test_results} = $num - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{Curr_Test};
+#line 1393
+sub summary {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ return map { $_->{'ok'} } @{ $self->{Test_Results} };
+#line 1448
+sub details {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{ $self->{Test_Results} };
+#line 1473
+sub todo {
+ my($self, $pack) = @_;
+ $pack = $pack || $self->exported_to || $self->caller($Level);
+ return 0 unless $pack;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return defined ${$pack.'::TODO'} ? ${$pack.'::TODO'}
+ : 0;
+#line 1494
+sub caller {
+ my($self, $height) = @_;
+ $height ||= 0;
+ my @caller = CORE::caller($self->level + $height + 1);
+ return wantarray ? @caller : $caller[0];
+#line 1506
+#line 1520
+sub _sanity_check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ _whoa($self->{Curr_Test} < 0, 'Says here you ran a negative number of tests!');
+ _whoa(!$self->{Have_Plan} and $self->{Curr_Test},
+ 'Somehow your tests ran without a plan!');
+ _whoa($self->{Curr_Test} != @{ $self->{Test_Results} },
+ 'Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!');
+#line 1541
+sub _whoa {
+ my($check, $desc) = @_;
+ if( $check ) {
+ die <<WHOA;
+WHOA! $desc
+This should never happen! Please contact the author immediately!
+ }
+#line 1562
+sub _my_exit {
+ $? = $_[0];
+ return 1;
+#line 1575
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+ # We don't want to muck with death in an eval, but $^S isn't
+ # totally reliable. 5.005_03 and 5.6.1 both do the wrong thing
+ # with it. Instead, we use caller. This also means it runs under
+ # 5.004!
+ my $in_eval = 0;
+ for( my $stack = 1; my $sub = (CORE::caller($stack))[3]; $stack++ ) {
+ $in_eval = 1 if $sub =~ /^\(eval\)/;
+ }
+ $Test->{Test_Died} = 1 unless $in_eval;
+sub _ending {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_sanity_check();
+ # Don't bother with an ending if this is a forked copy. Only the parent
+ # should do the ending.
+ # Exit if plan() was never called. This is so "require Test::Simple"
+ # doesn't puke.
+ # Don't do an ending if we bailed out.
+ if( ($self->{Original_Pid} != $$) or
+ (!$self->{Have_Plan} && !$self->{Test_Died}) or
+ $self->{Bailed_Out}
+ )
+ {
+ _my_exit($?);
+ return;
+ }
+ # Figure out if we passed or failed and print helpful messages.
+ my $test_results = $self->{Test_Results};
+ if( @$test_results ) {
+ # The plan? We have no plan.
+ if( $self->{No_Plan} ) {
+ $self->_print("1..$self->{Curr_Test}\n") unless $self->no_header;
+ $self->{Expected_Tests} = $self->{Curr_Test};
+ }
+ # Auto-extended arrays and elements which aren't explicitly
+ # filled in with a shared reference will puke under 5.8.0
+ # ithreads. So we have to fill them in by hand. :(
+ my $empty_result = &share({});
+ for my $idx ( 0..$self->{Expected_Tests}-1 ) {
+ $test_results->[$idx] = $empty_result
+ unless defined $test_results->[$idx];
+ }
+ my $num_failed = grep !$_->{'ok'},
+ @{$test_results}[0..$self->{Curr_Test}-1];
+ my $num_extra = $self->{Curr_Test} - $self->{Expected_Tests};
+ if( $num_extra < 0 ) {
+ my $s = $self->{Expected_Tests} == 1 ? '' : 's';
+ $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you planned $self->{Expected_Tests} test$s but only ran $self->{Curr_Test}.
+ }
+ elsif( $num_extra > 0 ) {
+ my $s = $self->{Expected_Tests} == 1 ? '' : 's';
+ $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you planned $self->{Expected_Tests} test$s but ran $num_extra extra.
+ }
+ if ( $num_failed ) {
+ my $num_tests = $self->{Curr_Test};
+ my $s = $num_failed == 1 ? '' : 's';
+ my $qualifier = $num_extra == 0 ? '' : ' run';
+ $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like you failed $num_failed test$s of $num_tests$qualifier.
+ }
+ if( $self->{Test_Died} ) {
+ $self->diag(<<"FAIL");
+Looks like your test died just after $self->{Curr_Test}.
+ _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
+ }
+ my $exit_code;
+ if( $num_failed ) {
+ $exit_code = $num_failed <= 254 ? $num_failed : 254;
+ }
+ elsif( $num_extra != 0 ) {
+ $exit_code = 255;
+ }
+ else {
+ $exit_code = 0;
+ }
+ _my_exit( $exit_code ) && return;
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->{Skip_All} ) {
+ _my_exit( 0 ) && return;
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->{Test_Died} ) {
+ $self->diag(<<'FAIL');
+Looks like your test died before it could output anything.
+ _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->diag("No tests run!\n");
+ _my_exit( 255 ) && return;
+ }
+END {
+ $Test->_ending if defined $Test and !$Test->no_ending;
+#line 1747
Added: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/Builder/Module.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/Builder/Module.pm Wed Aug 9 07:25:18 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#line 1
+package Test::Builder::Module;
+use Test::Builder;
+require Exporter;
+ at ISA = qw(Exporter);
+$VERSION = '0.03';
+use strict;
+# 5.004's Exporter doesn't have export_to_level.
+my $_export_to_level = sub {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $level = shift;
+ (undef) = shift; # redundant arg
+ my $callpkg = caller($level);
+ $pkg->export($callpkg, @_);
+#line 82
+sub import {
+ my($class) = shift;
+ my $test = $class->builder;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ $test->exported_to($caller);
+ $class->import_extra(\@_);
+ my(@imports) = $class->_strip_imports(\@_);
+ $test->plan(@_);
+ $class->$_export_to_level(1, $class, @imports);
+sub _strip_imports {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $list = shift;
+ my @imports = ();
+ my @other = ();
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while( $idx <= $#{$list} ) {
+ my $item = $list->[$idx];
+ if( defined $item and $item eq 'import' ) {
+ push @imports, @{$list->[$idx+1]};
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @other, $item;
+ }
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ @$list = @other;
+ return @imports;
+#line 144
+sub import_extra {}
+#line 175
+sub builder {
+ return Test::Builder->new;
Added: Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/More.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ Locale-Maketext-Lexicon/inc/Test/More.pm Wed Aug 9 07:25:18 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+#line 1
+package Test::More;
+use 5.004;
+use strict;
+# Can't use Carp because it might cause use_ok() to accidentally succeed
+# even though the module being used forgot to use Carp. Yes, this
+# actually happened.
+sub _carp {
+ my($file, $line) = (caller(1))[1,2];
+ warn @_, " at $file line $line\n";
+$VERSION = '0.62';
+$VERSION = eval $VERSION; # make the alpha version come out as a number
+use Test::Builder::Module;
+ at ISA = qw(Test::Builder::Module);
+ at EXPORT = qw(ok use_ok require_ok
+ is isnt like unlike is_deeply
+ cmp_ok
+ skip todo todo_skip
+ pass fail
+ eq_array eq_hash eq_set
+ plan
+ can_ok isa_ok
+ diag
+ );
+#line 157
+sub plan {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->plan(@_);
+# This implements "use Test::More 'no_diag'" but the behavior is
+# deprecated.
+sub import_extra {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $list = shift;
+ my @other = ();
+ my $idx = 0;
+ while( $idx <= $#{$list} ) {
+ my $item = $list->[$idx];
+ if( defined $item and $item eq 'no_diag' ) {
+ $class->builder->no_diag(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @other, $item;
+ }
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ @$list = @other;
+#line 257
+sub ok ($;$) {
+ my($test, $name) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->ok($test, $name);
+#line 324
+sub is ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->is_eq(@_);
+sub isnt ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->isnt_eq(@_);
+*isn't = \&isnt;
+#line 369
+sub like ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->like(@_);
+#line 385
+sub unlike ($$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->unlike(@_);
+#line 425
+sub cmp_ok($$$;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->cmp_ok(@_);
+#line 461
+sub can_ok ($@) {
+ my($proto, @methods) = @_;
+ my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( @methods ) {
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( 0, "$class->can(...)" );
+ $tb->diag(' can_ok() called with no methods');
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ my @nok = ();
+ foreach my $method (@methods) {
+ local($!, $@); # don't interfere with caller's $@
+ # eval sometimes resets $!
+ eval { $proto->can($method) } || push @nok, $method;
+ }
+ my $name;
+ $name = @methods == 1 ? "$class->can('$methods[0]')"
+ : "$class->can(...)";
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( !@nok, $name );
+ $tb->diag(map " $class->can('$_') failed\n", @nok);
+ return $ok;
+#line 519
+sub isa_ok ($$;$) {
+ my($object, $class, $obj_name) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $diag;
+ $obj_name = 'The object' unless defined $obj_name;
+ my $name = "$obj_name isa $class";
+ if( !defined $object ) {
+ $diag = "$obj_name isn't defined";
+ }
+ elsif( !ref $object ) {
+ $diag = "$obj_name isn't a reference";
+ }
+ else {
+ # We can't use UNIVERSAL::isa because we want to honor isa() overrides
+ local($@, $!); # eval sometimes resets $!
+ my $rslt = eval { $object->isa($class) };
+ if( $@ ) {
+ if( $@ =~ /^Can't call method "isa" on unblessed reference/ ) {
+ if( !UNIVERSAL::isa($object, $class) ) {
+ my $ref = ref $object;
+ $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
+ }
+ } else {
+ die <<WHOA;
+WHOA! I tried to call ->isa on your object and got some weird error.
+This should never happen. Please contact the author immediately.
+Here's the error.
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( !$rslt ) {
+ my $ref = ref $object;
+ $diag = "$obj_name isn't a '$class' it's a '$ref'";
+ }
+ }
+ my $ok;
+ if( $diag ) {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 0, $name );
+ $tb->diag(" $diag\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = $tb->ok( 1, $name );
+ }
+ return $ok;
+#line 589
+sub pass (;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->ok(1, @_);
+sub fail (;$) {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->ok(0, @_);
+#line 650
+sub use_ok ($;@) {
+ my($module, @imports) = @_;
+ @imports = () unless @imports;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my($pack,$filename,$line) = caller;
+ local($@,$!); # eval sometimes interferes with $!
+ if( @imports == 1 and $imports[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
+ # probably a version check. Perl needs to see the bare number
+ # for it to work with non-Exporter based modules.
+ eval <<USE;
+package $pack;
+use $module $imports[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ eval <<USE;
+package $pack;
+use $module \@imports;
+ }
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( !$@, "use $module;" );
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ chomp $@;
+ $@ =~ s{^BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at .*$}
+ {BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at $filename line $line.}m;
+ $tb->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+ Tried to use '$module'.
+ Error: $@
+ }
+ return $ok;
+#line 699
+sub require_ok ($) {
+ my($module) = shift;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $pack = caller;
+ # Try to deterine if we've been given a module name or file.
+ # Module names must be barewords, files not.
+ $module = qq['$module'] unless _is_module_name($module);
+ local($!, $@); # eval sometimes interferes with $!
+ eval <<REQUIRE;
+package $pack;
+require $module;
+ my $ok = $tb->ok( !$@, "require $module;" );
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ chomp $@;
+ $tb->diag(<<DIAGNOSTIC);
+ Tried to require '$module'.
+ Error: $@
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _is_module_name {
+ my $module = shift;
+ # Module names start with a letter.
+ # End with an alphanumeric.
+ # The rest is an alphanumeric or ::
+ $module =~ s/\b::\b//g;
+ $module =~ /^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/;
+#line 775
+use vars qw(@Data_Stack %Refs_Seen);
+my $DNE = bless [], 'Does::Not::Exist';
+sub is_deeply {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( @_ == 2 or @_ == 3 ) {
+ my $msg = <<WARNING;
+is_deeply() takes two or three args, you gave %d.
+This usually means you passed an array or hash instead
+of a reference to it
+ chop $msg; # clip off newline so carp() will put in line/file
+ _carp sprintf $msg, scalar @_;
+ return $tb->ok(0);
+ }
+ my($this, $that, $name) = @_;
+ $tb->_unoverload_str(\$that, \$this);
+ my $ok;
+ if( !ref $this and !ref $that ) { # neither is a reference
+ $ok = $tb->is_eq($this, $that, $name);
+ }
+ elsif( !ref $this xor !ref $that ) { # one's a reference, one isn't
+ $ok = $tb->ok(0, $name);
+ $tb->diag( _format_stack({ vals => [ $this, $that ] }) );
+ }
+ else { # both references
+ local @Data_Stack = ();
+ if( _deep_check($this, $that) ) {
+ $ok = $tb->ok(1, $name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $ok = $tb->ok(0, $name);
+ $tb->diag(_format_stack(@Data_Stack));
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _format_stack {
+ my(@Stack) = @_;
+ my $var = '$FOO';
+ my $did_arrow = 0;
+ foreach my $entry (@Stack) {
+ my $type = $entry->{type} || '';
+ my $idx = $entry->{'idx'};
+ if( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+ $var .= "{$idx}";
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $var .= "->" unless $did_arrow++;
+ $var .= "[$idx]";
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
+ $var = "\${$var}";
+ }
+ }
+ my @vals = @{$Stack[-1]{vals}}[0,1];
+ my @vars = ();
+ ($vars[0] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/ \$got/;
+ ($vars[1] = $var) =~ s/\$FOO/\$expected/;
+ my $out = "Structures begin differing at:\n";
+ foreach my $idx (0..$#vals) {
+ my $val = $vals[$idx];
+ $vals[$idx] = !defined $val ? 'undef' :
+ $val eq $DNE ? "Does not exist" :
+ ref $val ? "$val" :
+ "'$val'";
+ }
+ $out .= "$vars[0] = $vals[0]\n";
+ $out .= "$vars[1] = $vals[1]\n";
+ $out =~ s/^/ /msg;
+ return $out;
+sub _type {
+ my $thing = shift;
+ return '' if !ref $thing;
+ for my $type (qw(ARRAY HASH REF SCALAR GLOB CODE Regexp)) {
+ return $type if UNIVERSAL::isa($thing, $type);
+ }
+ return '';
+#line 915
+sub diag {
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->diag(@_);
+#line 984
+sub skip {
+ my($why, $how_many) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( defined $how_many ) {
+ # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
+ _carp "skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+ unless $tb->has_plan eq 'no_plan';
+ $how_many = 1;
+ }
+ for( 1..$how_many ) {
+ $tb->skip($why);
+ }
+ local $^W = 0;
+ last SKIP;
+#line 1066
+sub todo_skip {
+ my($why, $how_many) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ unless( defined $how_many ) {
+ # $how_many can only be avoided when no_plan is in use.
+ _carp "todo_skip() needs to know \$how_many tests are in the block"
+ unless $tb->has_plan eq 'no_plan';
+ $how_many = 1;
+ }
+ for( 1..$how_many ) {
+ $tb->todo_skip($why);
+ }
+ local $^W = 0;
+ last TODO;
+#line 1119
+sub BAIL_OUT {
+ my $reason = shift;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ $tb->BAIL_OUT($reason);
+#line 1158
+sub eq_array {
+ local @Data_Stack;
+ _deep_check(@_);
+sub _eq_array {
+ my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+ if( grep !_type($_) eq 'ARRAY', $a1, $a2 ) {
+ warn "eq_array passed a non-array ref";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $max = $#$a1 > $#$a2 ? $#$a1 : $#$a2;
+ for (0..$max) {
+ my $e1 = $_ > $#$a1 ? $DNE : $a1->[$_];
+ my $e2 = $_ > $#$a2 ? $DNE : $a2->[$_];
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'ARRAY', idx => $_, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = _deep_check($e1,$e2);
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ last unless $ok;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _deep_check {
+ my($e1, $e2) = @_;
+ my $tb = Test::More->builder;
+ my $ok = 0;
+ # Effectively turn %Refs_Seen into a stack. This avoids picking up
+ # the same referenced used twice (such as [\$a, \$a]) to be considered
+ # circular.
+ local %Refs_Seen = %Refs_Seen;
+ {
+ # Quiet uninitialized value warnings when comparing undefs.
+ local $^W = 0;
+ $tb->_unoverload_str(\$e1, \$e2);
+ # Either they're both references or both not.
+ my $same_ref = !(!ref $e1 xor !ref $e2);
+ my $not_ref = (!ref $e1 and !ref $e2);
+ if( defined $e1 xor defined $e2 ) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $e1 == $DNE xor $e2 == $DNE ) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $same_ref and ($e1 eq $e2) ) {
+ $ok = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $not_ref ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => '', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ if( $Refs_Seen{$e1} ) {
+ return $Refs_Seen{$e1} eq $e2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $Refs_Seen{$e1} = "$e2";
+ }
+ my $type = _type($e1);
+ $type = 'DIFFERENT' unless _type($e2) eq $type;
+ if( $type eq 'DIFFERENT' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $ok = _eq_array($e1, $e2);
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'HASH' ) {
+ $ok = _eq_hash($e1, $e2);
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'REF' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ }
+ elsif( $type eq 'SCALAR' ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'REF', vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = _deep_check($$e1, $$e2);
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ }
+ elsif( $type ) {
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => $type, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ _whoa(1, "No type in _deep_check");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ok;
+sub _whoa {
+ my($check, $desc) = @_;
+ if( $check ) {
+ die <<WHOA;
+WHOA! $desc
+This should never happen! Please contact the author immediately!
+ }
+#line 1289
+sub eq_hash {
+ local @Data_Stack;
+ return _deep_check(@_);
+sub _eq_hash {
+ my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+ if( grep !_type($_) eq 'HASH', $a1, $a2 ) {
+ warn "eq_hash passed a non-hash ref";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1 if $a1 eq $a2;
+ my $ok = 1;
+ my $bigger = keys %$a1 > keys %$a2 ? $a1 : $a2;
+ foreach my $k (keys %$bigger) {
+ my $e1 = exists $a1->{$k} ? $a1->{$k} : $DNE;
+ my $e2 = exists $a2->{$k} ? $a2->{$k} : $DNE;
+ push @Data_Stack, { type => 'HASH', idx => $k, vals => [$e1, $e2] };
+ $ok = _deep_check($e1, $e2);
+ pop @Data_Stack if $ok;
+ last unless $ok;
+ }
+ return $ok;
+#line 1346
+sub eq_set {
+ my($a1, $a2) = @_;
+ return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
+ # There's faster ways to do this, but this is easiest.
+ local $^W = 0;
+ # It really doesn't matter how we sort them, as long as both arrays are
+ # sorted with the same algorithm.
+ #
+ # Ensure that references are not accidentally treated the same as a
+ # string containing the reference.
+ #
+ # Have to inline the sort routine due to a threading/sort bug.
+ # See [rt.cpan.org 6782]
+ #
+ # I don't know how references would be sorted so we just don't sort
+ # them. This means eq_set doesn't really work with refs.
+ return eq_array(
+ [grep(ref, @$a1), sort( grep(!ref, @$a1) )],
+ [grep(ref, @$a2), sort( grep(!ref, @$a2) )],
+ );
+#line 1534
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