[Rt-commit] r7647 - in rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL: .
jesse at bestpractical.com
jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 23 18:55:35 EDT 2007
Author: jesse
Date: Mon Apr 23 18:55:32 2007
New Revision: 7647
rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/ (props changed)
r55981 at pinglin: jesse | 2007-04-23 18:55:06 -0400
I Full tests for the constituency support
Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/014-custom-field-constituency.t
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/014-custom-field-constituency.t (original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/014-custom-field-constituency.t Mon Apr 23 18:55:32 2007
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 153;
+use Test::More tests => 182;
require "t/rtir-test.pl";
@@ -233,14 +233,115 @@
is( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_Constituency'), 'GOVNET', 'correct value' );
+my $eduhandler = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$eduhandler->Create(Name => 'eduhandler-'.$$, Privileged => 1);
+ok($eduhandler->id, "Created eduhandler");
+my $govhandler = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$govhandler->Create(Name => 'govhandler-'.$$, Privileged => 1);
+ok($govhandler->id, "Created govhandler");
+my $govqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$govqueue->LoadByCols(Name => 'Incident Reports - GOVNET');
+unless ($govqueue->id) {
+$govqueue->Create(Name => 'Incident Reports - GOVNET', CorrespondAddress => 'govnet at example.com');
+ok ($govqueue->id);
+my $eduqueue = RT::Queue->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$eduqueue->LoadByCols(Name => 'Incident Reports - EDUNET');
+unless ($eduqueue->id) {$eduqueue->Create(Name => 'Incident Reports - EDUNET', CorrespondAddress => 'edunet at example.com' )};
diag "Grant govhandler the right to see tickets in Incident Reports - GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ my ($val,$msg) = $govhandler->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ShowTicket', Object => $govqueue);
+ ok ($val,$msg);
+ ok($govqueue->HasRight(Principal => $govhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "Govhnadler can see govtix");
+ ok(!$govqueue->HasRight(Principal => $eduhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "eduhandler can not see gov tix");
diag "Grant eduhandler the right to see tickets in Incident Reports - EDUNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ my ($val,$msg) = $eduhandler->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'ShowTicket', Object => $eduqueue);
+ ok ($val,$msg);
+ ok($eduqueue->HasRight(Principal => $eduhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "For the eduqueue, eduhandler can see tix");
+ ok(!$eduqueue->HasRight(Principal => $govhandler, Right => 'ShowTicket'), "For the eduqueue, govhandler can not seetix");
diag "Create an incident report with a default constituency of EDUNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ my $val = 'EDUNET';
+ my $ir_id = create_ir(
+ $agent, { Subject => "test" }, { Constituency => $val }
+ );
+ ok( $ir_id, "created IR #$ir_id" );
+ display_ticket($agent, $ir_id);
+ $agent->content_like(qr/EDUNET/, "It was created by edunet");
diag "autoreply comes from the EDUNET queue address" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($RT::SystemUser);
+$ticket->AddWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'enduser at example.com');
+$ticket->Correspond(Content => 'Testing');
+my $txns = $ticket->Transactions;
+my $from;
+while (my $txn = $txns->Next) {
+ next unless ($txn->Type eq 'EmailRecord');
+ $from = $txn->Attachments->First->GetHeader('From');
+ last;
+ok($from =~ /edunet/, "The from address pciked up the edunet address");
diag "govhandler can't see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+my $ticket_as_gov = RT::Ticket->new($govhandler);
+is($ticket_as_gov->Subject,undef, "As the gov handler, I can not see the ticket");
diag "eduhandler can see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+my $ticket_as_edu = RT::Ticket->new($eduhandler);
+is($ticket_as_edu->Subject, 'test', "As the edu handler, I can see the ticket");
diag "move the incident report from EDUNET to GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ display_ticket($agent, $ir_id);
+ $agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Edit'}, "go to Edit page");
+ $agent->form_number(3);
+ ok(set_custom_field( $agent, Constituency => 'GOVNET' ), "fill value in the form");
+ $agent->click('SaveChanges');
+ is( $agent->status, 200, "Attempting to edit ticket #$ir_id" );
+ $agent->content_like( qr/GOVNET/, "value on the page" );
+ DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::FlushCache();
+ $RT::IR::ConstituencyCache->{$ir_id} = undef;
diag "govhandler can see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+$ticket_as_gov = RT::Ticket->new($govhandler);
+is($ticket_as_gov->Subject, 'test',"As the gov handler, I can see the ticket");
diag "eduhandler can't see the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+$ticket_as_edu = RT::Ticket->new($eduhandler);
+is($ticket_as_edu->Subject,undef , "As the edu handler, I can not see the ticket");
diag "govhandler replies to the incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+$ticket_as_gov->Correspond(Content => 'Testing 2');
diag "reply comes from the GOVNET queue address" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+my $txns = $ticket->Transactions;
+my $from;
+while (my $txn = $txns->Next) {
+ next unless ($txn->Type eq 'EmailRecord');
+ $from = $txn->Attachments->First->GetHeader('From');
+ok($from =~ /govnet/, "The from address pciked up the gov address");
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