[Rt-commit] r6724 - in rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL: .

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Tue Jan 9 15:55:08 EST 2007

Author: ruz
Date: Tue Jan  9 15:55:08 2007
New Revision: 6724

   rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/   (props changed)

 r4329 at cubic-pc:  cubic | 2007-01-09 22:02:29 +0300
 * interface for email signing, encryption, decrypting and virification with GnuPG

Added: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/lib/RT/Crypt/GnuPG.pm	Tue Jan  9 15:55:08 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+package RT::Crypt::GnuPG;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Handle;
+use GnuPG::Interface;
+# gnupg options supported by GnuPG::Interface
+# other otions should be handled via extra args params
+my %supported_opt = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+       always_trust
+       armor
+       batch
+       comment
+       compress_algo
+       default_key
+       encrypt_to
+       extra_args
+       force_v3_sigs
+       homedir
+       logger_fd
+       no_greeting
+       no_options
+       no_verbose
+       openpgp
+       options
+       passphrase_fd
+       quiet
+       recipients
+       rfc1991
+       status_fd
+       textmode
+       verbose
+=head2 SignEncrypt Entity => MIME::Entity, [ Encrypt => 1, Sign => 1, Passphrase => '' ]
+Sign and/or encrypt email message with GnuPG.
+sub SignEncrypt {
+    my %args = (
+        Entity => undef,
+        Encrypt => 1,
+        Sign => 1,
+        Passphrase => undef,
+        @_
+    );
+    my $entity = $args{'Entity'};
+    local @ENV{'LANG', 'LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+    my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+    my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPG');
+    $opt{'digest-algo'} ||= 'SHA1';
+    $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+        _PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+        armor => 1,
+        meta_interactive => 0,
+    );
+    my %res;
+    if ( $args{'Sign'} && !$args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+        # required by RFC3156(Ch. 5) and RFC1847(Ch. 2.1)
+        $entity->head->mime_attr('Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'quoted-printable');
+        my %handle;
+        my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+            stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle::CRLF),
+            stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+            stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+            logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+            status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+        );
+        $gnupg->passphrase( $args{'Passphrase'} );
+        eval {
+            local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+            my $pid = $gnupg->detach_sign( handles => $handles );
+            $entity->make_multipart( 'mixed', Force => 1 );
+            $entity->parts(0)->print( $handle{'input'} );
+            close $handle{'input'};
+            waitpid $pid, 0;
+        };
+        my @signature = readline $handle{'output'};
+        close $handle{'output'};
+        $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+        foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+            $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+            delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+            close $handle{$_};
+        }
+        $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+        $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+        $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+        if ( $@ || $? ) {
+            $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+            return (undef, \%res);
+        }
+        # setup RFC1847(Ch.2.1) requirements
+        my $protocol = 'application/pgp-signature';
+        $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/signed' );
+        $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => $protocol );
+        $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.micalg'   => 'pgp-'. lc $opt{'digest-algo'} );
+        $entity->attach(
+            Type        => $protocol,
+            Disposition => 'inline',
+            Data        => \@signature,
+            Encoding    => '7bit',
+        );
+    }
+    if ( $args{'Encrypt'} ) {
+        my %seen;
+        $gnupg->options->push_recipients( $_ )
+            foreach grep !$seen{ $_ }++, map $_->address,
+            map Mail::Address->parse( $entity->head->get( $_ ) ),
+            qw(To Cc Bcc);
+        my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_fn) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => '/tmp' );
+        binmode $tmp_fh, ':raw';
+        my %handle;
+        my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+            stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle),
+            stdout => $tmp_fh,
+            stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+            logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+            status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+        );
+        $handles->options( 'stdout'  )->{'direct'} = 1;
+        $gnupg->passphrase( $args{'Passphrase'} ) if $args{'Sign'};
+        eval {
+            local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+            my $pid = $args{'Sign'}?
+                $gnupg->sign_and_encrypt( handles => $handles ):
+                $gnupg->encrypt( handles => $handles );
+            $entity->make_multipart( 'mixed', Force => 1 );
+            $entity->parts(0)->print( $handle{'input'} );
+            close $handle{'input'};
+            waitpid $pid, 0;
+        };
+        $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+        foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+            $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+            delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+            close $handle{$_};
+        }
+        $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+        $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+        $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+        if ( $@ || $? ) {
+            $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+            return (undef, \%res);
+        }
+        my $protocol = 'application/pgp-encrypted';
+        $entity->parts([]);
+        $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/encrypted' );
+        $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' => $protocol );
+        $entity->attach(
+            Type        => $protocol,
+            Disposition => 'inline',
+            Data        => ['Version: 1',''],
+            Encoding    => '7bit',
+        );
+        $entity->attach(
+            Type        => 'application/octet-stream',
+            Disposition => 'inline',
+            Path        => $tmp_fn,
+            Filename    => '',
+            Encoding    => '7bit',
+        );
+        $entity->parts(-1)->bodyhandle->{'_dirty_hack_to_save_a_ref_tmp_fh'} = $tmp_fh;
+    }
+    return ($entity, \%res);
+sub FindProtectedParts {
+    my %args = ( Entity => undef, CheckBody => 1, @_ );
+    my $entity = $args{'Entity'};
+    # inline PGP block, only in singlepart
+    unless ( $entity->is_multipart ) {
+        my $io = $entity->open('r');
+        while ( defined($_ = $io->getline) ) {
+            next unless /-----BEGIN PGP (SIGNED )?MESSAGE-----/;
+            return {
+                Type   => ( $1? 'signed': 'encrypted' ),
+                Format => 'Inline',
+                Data   => $entity,
+            };
+        }
+        $io->close;
+        return ();
+    }
+    # RFC3156, multipart/{signed,encrypted}
+    if ( ( my $type = $entity->effective_type ) =~ /^multipart\/(?:encrypted|signed)$/ ) {
+        unless ( $entity->parts == 2 ) {
+            $RT::Logger->error( "Encrypted or signed entity must has two subparts. Skipped" );
+            return ();
+        }
+        my $protocol = $entity->head->mime_attr( 'Content-Type.protocol' );
+        unless ( $protocol ) {
+            $RT::Logger->error( "Entity is '$type', but has no protocol defined. Skipped" );
+            return ();
+        }
+        if ( $type eq 'multipart/encrypted' ) {
+            unless ( $protocol eq 'application/pgp-encrypted' ) {
+                $RT::Logger->info( "Skipping protocol '$protocol', only 'application/pgp-encrypted' is supported" );
+                return ();
+            }
+            return {
+                Type   => 'encrypted',
+                Format => 'RFC3156',
+                Top    => $entity,
+                Data   => $entity->parts(1),
+                Info   => $entity->parts(0),
+            };
+        } else {
+            unless ( $protocol eq 'application/pgp-signature' ) {
+                $RT::Logger->info( "Skipping protocol '$protocol', only 'application/pgp-signature' is supported" );
+                return ();
+            }
+            return {
+                Type      => 'signed',
+                Format    => 'RFC3156',
+                Top       => $entity,
+                Data      => $entity->parts(0),
+                Signature => $entity->parts(1),
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    # attachments signed with signature in another part
+    my @file_signatures =
+        grep $_->head->recommended_filename,
+        grep $_->effective_type eq 'application/pgp-signature',
+        $entity->parts;
+    my (@res, %skip);
+    foreach my $sig_part ( @file_signatures ) {
+        $skip{"$sig_part"}++;
+        my $sig_name = $sig_part->head->recommended_filename;
+        my ($file_name) = $sig_name =~ /^(.*?)(?:.sig)?$/;
+        my ($data_part) =
+            grep $file_name eq ($_->head->recommended_filename||''),
+            grep $_ ne $sig_part,
+            $entity->parts;
+        unless ( $data_part ) {
+            $RT::Logger->error("Found $sig_name attachment, but didn't find $file_name");
+            next;
+        }
+        $skip{"$data_part"}++;
+        push @res, {
+            Type      => 'signed',
+            Format    => 'Attachment',
+            Top       => $entity,
+            Data      => $data_part,
+            Signature => $sig_part,
+        };
+    }
+    push @res, FindProtectedParts( Entity => $_ )
+        foreach grep !$skip{"$_"}, $entity->parts;
+    return @res;
+=head2 VerifyDecrypt Entity => undef, [ Detach => 1, Passphrase => undef ]
+sub VerifyDecrypt {
+    my %args = ( Entity => undef, Detach => 1, @_ );
+    my @protected = FindProtectedParts( Entity => $args{'Entity'} );
+    my @res;
+    # XXX: detaching may brake nested signatures
+    foreach my $item( grep $_->{'Type'} eq 'signed', @protected ) {
+        if ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'RFC3156' ) {
+            push @res, { VerifyRFC3156( %$item ) };
+            if ( $args{'Detach'} ) {
+                $item->{'Top'}->parts( [ $item->{'Body'} ] );
+                $item->{'Top'}->make_singlepart;
+            }
+        } elsif ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'Inline' ) {
+            push @res, { VerifyInline( %$item ) };
+        } elsif ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'Attachment' ) {
+            push @res, { VerifyAttachment( %$item ) };
+            if ( $args{'Detach'} ) {
+                $item->{'Top'}->parts( [ grep "$_" ne $item->{'Signature'}, $item->{'Top'}->parts ] );
+                $item->{'Top'}->make_singlepart;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    foreach my $item( grep $_->{'Type'} eq 'encrypted', @protected ) {
+        if ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'RFC3156' ) {
+            push @res, { DecryptRFC3156( %$item ) };
+        } elsif ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'Inline' ) {
+#            push @res, { DecryptInline( %$item ) };
+        } elsif ( $item->{'Format'} eq 'Attachment' ) {
+#            push @res, { DecryptAttachment( %$item ) };
+#            if ( $args{'Detach'} ) {
+#                $item->{'Top'}->parts( [ grep "$_" ne $item->{'Signature'}, $item->{'Top'}->parts ] );
+#                $item->{'Top'}->make_singlepart;
+#            }
+        }
+    }
+    return @res[0];
+sub VerifyInline {
+    my %args = ( Data => undef, Top => undef, @_ );
+    my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+    my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPG');
+    $opt{'digest-algo'} ||= 'SHA1';
+    $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+        _PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+        meta_interactive => 0,
+    );
+    my %handle;
+    my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+        stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+        stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+        status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+    );
+    my %res;
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+        local @ENV{'LANG','LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+        my $pid = $gnupg->verify( handles => $handles );
+        $args{'Data'}->bodyhandle->print( $handle{'input'} );
+        close $handle{'input'};
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+    };
+    $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+    foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+        $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+        delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+        close $handle{$_};
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+    $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+    $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+    if ( $@ || $? ) {
+        $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+    }
+    return %res;
+sub VerifyAttachment {
+    my %args = ( Data => undef, Signature => undef, Top => undef, @_ );
+    my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+    my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPG');
+    $opt{'digest-algo'} ||= 'SHA1';
+    $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+        _PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+        meta_interactive => 0,
+    );
+    my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_fn) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => '/tmp' );
+    binmode $tmp_fh, ':raw';
+    $args{'Data'}->bodyhandle->print( $tmp_fh );
+    $tmp_fh->flush;
+    my %handle;
+    my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+        stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+        stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+        status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+    );
+    my %res;
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+        local @ENV{'LANG','LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+        my $pid = $gnupg->verify( handles => $handles, command_args => [ '-', $tmp_fn ] );
+        $args{'Signature'}->bodyhandle->print( $handle{'input'} );
+        close $handle{'input'};
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+    };
+    $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+    foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+        $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+        delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+        close $handle{$_};
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+    $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+    $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+    if ( $@ || $? ) {
+        $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+    }
+    return %res;
+sub VerifyRFC3156 {
+    my %args = ( Data => undef, Signature => undef, Top => undef, @_ );
+    my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+    my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPG');
+    $opt{'digest-algo'} ||= 'SHA1';
+    $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+        _PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+        meta_interactive => 0,
+    );
+    my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_fn) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => '/tmp' );
+    binmode $tmp_fh, ':raw:eol(CRLF?)';
+    $args{'Data'}->print( $tmp_fh );
+    $tmp_fh->flush;
+    my %handle;
+    my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+        stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        stdout => ($handle{'output'} = new IO::Handle),
+        stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+        status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+    );
+    my %res;
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+        local @ENV{'LANG','LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+        my $pid = $gnupg->verify( handles => $handles, command_args => [ '-', $tmp_fn ] );
+        $args{'Signature'}->bodyhandle->print( $handle{'input'} );
+        close $handle{'input'};
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+    };
+    $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+    foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+        $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+        delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+        close $handle{$_};
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+    $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+    $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+    if ( $@ || $? ) {
+        $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+    }
+    return %res;
+sub DecryptRFC3156 {
+    my %args = ( Data => undef, Info => undef, Top => undef, Passphrase => undef, @_ );
+    my $gnupg = new GnuPG::Interface;
+    my %opt = RT->Config->Get('GnuPG');
+    $opt{'digest-algo'} ||= 'SHA1';
+    $gnupg->options->hash_init(
+        _PrepareGnuPGOptions( %opt ),
+        meta_interactive => 0,
+    );
+    my ($tmp_fh, $tmp_fn) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => '/tmp' );
+    binmode $tmp_fh, ':raw';
+    my %handle;
+    my $handles = GnuPG::Handles->new(
+        stdin  => ($handle{'input'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        stdout => $tmp_fh,
+        stderr => ($handle{'error'}  = new IO::Handle),
+        logger => ($handle{'logger'} = new IO::Handle),
+        status => ($handle{'status'} = new IO::Handle),
+    );
+    $handles->options( 'stdout' )->{'direct'} = 1;
+    my %res;
+    eval {
+        local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
+        local @ENV{'LANG','LC_ALL'} = ('C', 'C');
+        $gnupg->passphrase( $args{'Passphrase'} );
+        my $pid = $gnupg->decrypt( handles => $handles );
+        $args{'Data'}->bodyhandle->print( $handle{'input'} );
+        close $handle{'input'};
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+    };
+    $res{'exit_code'} = $?;
+    foreach ( qw(error logger status) ) {
+        $res{$_} = do { local $/; readline $handle{$_} };
+        delete $res{$_} unless $res{$_} && $res{$_} =~ /\S/s;
+        close $handle{$_};
+    }
+    $RT::Logger->debug( $res{'status'} ) if $res{'status'};
+    $RT::Logger->warning( $res{'error'} ) if $res{'error'};
+    $RT::Logger->error( $res{'logger'} ) if $res{'logger'} && $?;
+    if ( $@ || $? ) {
+        $res{'message'} = $@? $@: "gpg exitted with error code ". ($? >> 8);
+        return (undef, \%res);
+    }
+    seek $tmp_fh, 0, 0;
+    my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
+    my $decrypted = $parser->parse( $tmp_fh );
+    $args{'Top'}->parts( [] );
+    $args{'Top'}->add_part( $decrypted );
+    $args{'Top'}->make_singlepart;
+    return %res;
+my %inv_recp_reason = (
+    0 => "No specific reason given",
+    1 => "Not Found",
+    2 => "Ambigious specification",
+    3 => "Wrong key usage",
+    4 => "Key revoked",
+    5 => "Key expired",
+    6 => "No CRL known",
+    7 => "CRL too old",
+    8 => "Policy mismatch",
+    9 => "Not a secret key",
+    10 => "Key not trusted",
+my %nodata_what = (
+    1 => "No armored data",
+    2 => "Expected a packet, but did not found one",
+    3 => "Invalid packet found",
+    4 => "Signature expected, but not found",
+my %simple_keyword = (
+    NO_RECP => {
+        Operation => 'RecipientsCheck',
+        Status    => 'ERROR',
+        Message   => 'No recipients are usable',
+    },
+    UNEXPECTED => {
+        Operation => 'Data',
+        Status    => 'ERROR',
+        Message   => 'Unexpected data has been encountered',
+    },
+    BADARMOR => {
+        Operation => 'Data',
+        Status    => 'ERROR',
+        Message   => 'The ASCII armor is corrupted',
+    },
+my %parse_keyword = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+    ENC_TO
+my %ignore_keyword = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
+sub ParseStatus {
+    my $status = shift;
+    return () unless $status;
+    my @status;
+    while ( $status =~ /\[GNUPG:\]\s*(.*?)(?=\[GNUPG:\]|\z)/igms ) {
+        push @status, $1; $status[-1] =~ s/\s+/ /g; $status[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
+    }
+    $status = join "\n", @status;
+    study $status;
+    my @res;
+    my (%user_hint, $latest_user_main_key);
+    for( my $i = 0; $i < @status; $i++ ) {
+        my $line = $status[$i];
+        my ($keyword, $args) = ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/s);
+        if ( $simple_keyword{ $keyword } ) {
+            push @res, $simple_keyword{ $keyword };
+            next;
+        }
+        unless ( $parse_keyword{ $keyword } ) {
+            $RT::Logger->warning("Skipped $keyword") unless $ignore_keyword{ $keyword };
+            next;
+        }
+        if ( $keyword eq 'USERID_HINT' ) {
+            my %tmp = _ParseUserHint($status, $line);
+            $latest_user_main_key = $tmp{'MainKey'};
+            if ( $user_hint{ $tmp{'MainKey'} } ) {
+                while ( my ($k, $v) = each %tmp ) {
+                    $user_hint{ $tmp{'MainKey'} }->{$k} = $v;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $user_hint{ $tmp{'MainKey'} } = \%tmp;
+            }
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'BAD_PASSPHRASE' || $keyword eq 'GOOD_PASSPHRASE' ) {
+            my $key_id = $args;
+            my %res = (
+                Operation => 'PassphraseCheck',
+                Keyword   => $keyword,
+                Status    => $keyword eq 'BAD_PASSPHRASE'? 'BAD' : 'DONE',
+                Key       => $key_id,
+            );
+            $res{'Status'} = 'MISSING' if $status[ $i - 1 ] =~ /^MISSING_PASSPHRASE/;
+            foreach my $line ( reverse @status[ 0 .. $i-1 ] ) {
+                next unless $line =~ /^NEED_PASSPHRASE\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
+                next if $key_id && $2 ne $key_id;
+                @res{'MainKey', 'Key', 'KeyType'} = ($1, $2, $3);
+                last;
+            }
+            $res{'Message'} = ucfirst( lc $res{'Status'} ) .' passphrase';
+            $res{'User'} = ( $user_hint{ $res{'MainKey'} } ||= {} ) if $res{'MainKey'};
+            if ( exists $res{'User'}->{'EmailAddress'} ) {
+                $res{'Message'} .= ' for address '. $res{'User'}->{'EmailAddress'};
+            } else {
+                $res{'Message'} .= ' for key '. $key_id;
+            }
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'END_ENCRYPTION' ) {
+            my %res = (
+                Operation => 'Encrypt',
+                Status    => 'DONE',
+            );
+            foreach my $line ( reverse @status[ 0 .. $i-1 ] ) {
+                next unless $line =~ /^BEGIN_ENCRYPTION\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
+                @res{'MdcMethod', 'SymAlgo'} = ($1, $2);
+                last;
+            }
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'ENC_TO' ) {
+            my ($main_key_id, $alg_id) = split /\s+/, $args;
+            my %res = (
+                Keyword   => 'ENC_TO',
+                Operation => 'Encoded',
+                MainKey   => $main_key_id,
+                Algorithm => $alg_id,
+            );
+            $user_hint{ $main_key_id } ||= {};
+            $res{'User'} = $user_hint{ $main_key_id };
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'GOODSIG' ) {
+            my %res = (
+                Operation  => 'Verify',
+                Status     => 'DONE',
+                Message    => 'The signature is good',
+            );
+            @res{qw(Key UserString)} = split /\s+/, $args, 2;
+            foreach my $line ( @status[ $i .. $#status ] ) {
+                next unless $line =~ /^TRUST_(\S+)/;
+                $res{'Trust'} = ($1);
+                last;
+            }
+            foreach my $line ( @status[ $i .. $#status ] ) {
+                next unless $line =~ /^VALIDSIG\s+(.*)/;
+                @res{ qw(Fingerprint CreationDate Timestamp ExpireTimestamp Version Reserved PubkeyAlgo HashAlgo Class PKFingerprint Other) } = split /\s+/, $1, 11;
+                last;
+            }
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'BADSIG' ) {
+            my %res = (
+                Operation  => 'Verify',
+                Status     => 'BAD',
+                Message    => 'The signature has not been verified okay',
+            );
+            @res{qw(Key UserString)} = split /\s+/, $args, 2;
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'ERRSIG' ) {
+            my %res = (
+                Operation => 'Verify',
+                Message   => 'Not possible to check the signature',
+                Status    => 'ERROR',
+            );
+            @res{qw(Key PubkeyAlgo HashAlgo Class Timestamp ReasonCode Other)}
+                = split /\s+/, $args, 7;
+            my %rc = ( 4 => 'unknown algorithm', 9 => 'missing public key' );
+            $res{'Reason'} = $rc{ $res{'ReasonCode'} } || 'not specified';
+            $res{'Message'} .= ", the reasion is ". $res{'ReasonCode'};
+            push @res, \%res;
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'SIG_CREATED' ) {
+            # SIG_CREATED <type> <pubkey algo> <hash algo> <class> <timestamp> <key fpr>
+            my @props = split /\s+/, $args;
+            push @res, {
+                Operation      => 'Sign',
+                Status         => 'DONE',
+                Message        => "Signed message",
+                Type           => $props[0],
+                PubKeyAlgo     => $props[1],
+                HashKeyAlgo    => $props[2],
+                Class          => $props[3],
+                Timestamp      => $props[4],
+                KeyFingerprint => $props[5],
+                User           => $user_hint{ $latest_user_main_key },
+            };
+            $res[-1]->{Message} .= ' by '. $user_hint{ $latest_user_main_key }->{'EmailAddress'}
+                if $user_hint{ $latest_user_main_key };
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'INV_RECP' ) {
+            my ($rcode, $recipient) = split /\s+/, $args, 2;
+            my $reason = $inv_recp_reason{$rcode} || 'Unknown';
+            push @res, {
+                Operation => 'RecipientsCheck',
+                Keyword => 'INV_RECP',
+                Message => "Recipient '$recipient' is unusable, the reason is '$reason'",
+                RequestedRecipient => $recipient,
+                Reason => $reason,
+            };
+        }
+        elsif ( $keyword eq 'NODATA' ) {
+            my $what = $nodata_what{ (split /\s+/, $args)[0] } || 'Unknown';
+            push @res, {
+                Operation => 'Data',
+                Keyword => 'NODATA',
+                Message => "No data has been found. The reason is '$what'",
+                What    => $what,
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    return @res;
+sub _ParseUserHint {
+    my ($status, $hint) = (@_);
+    my ($main_key_id, $user_str) = ($hint =~ /^USERID_HINT\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/);
+    return () unless $main_key_id;
+    return (
+        MainKey      => $main_key_id,
+        String       => $user_str,
+        EmailAddress => (map $_->address, Mail::Address->parse( $user_str ))[0],
+    );
+sub _PrepareGnuPGOptions {
+    my %opt = @_;
+    my %res = map { lc $_ => $opt{ $_ } } grep $supported_opt{ lc $_ }, keys %opt;
+    $res{'extra_args'} ||= [];
+    foreach my $o ( grep !$supported_opt{ lc $_ }, keys %opt ) {
+        push @{ $res{'extra_args'} }, '--'. lc $o;
+        push @{ $res{'extra_args'} }, $opt{ $o }
+            if defined $opt{ $o };
+    }
+    return %res;
+# helper package to avoid using temp file
+package IO::Handle::CRLF;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw(IO::Handle);
+sub print {
+    my ($self, @args) = (@_);
+    s/\r*\n/\x0D\x0A/g foreach @args;
+    return $self->SUPER::print( @args );

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