[Rt-commit] r8272 - rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 24 21:08:30 EDT 2007

Author: ruz
Date: Tue Jul 24 21:08:30 2007
New Revision: 8272


* add more tests

Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t	(original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t	Tue Jul 24 21:08:30 2007
@@ -3,47 +3,56 @@
 use strict;
 use Test::WWW::Mechanize;
-use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+use Test::More tests => 24;
 require "t/rtir-test.pl";
+require RT::IR;
 my $agent = default_agent();
 my $ir = create_ir($agent, {Subject => 'IR for testing creation of a linked Investigation with no correspondents'});
+display_ticket($agent, $ir);
 # The following is adapted from create_incident_and_investigation() in t/rtir-test.pl. The reason
 # that function is not used here is that we want to check that the creation failed in the case
 # of an empty correspondents field, while the above function tests if the creation succeeded,
 # and thus will fail if we get the result we want, and succeed if we don't!
-display_ticket($agent, $ir);
-# Select the "New" link from the Display page
-$agent->follow_link_ok({text => "[New]"}, "Followed 'New (Incident)' link");
-# Fill out forms
-$agent->field('Subject', 'Incident for testing empty Investigation correspondent');
-$agent->field('InvestigationSubject', 'Investigation for testing empty Investigation correspondent');
+    $agent->follow_link_ok({text => "[New]"}, "Followed 'New (Incident)' link");
+    $agent->form_number(3);
+    $agent->field('Subject', 'Incident for testing empty Investigation correspondent');
+    $agent->field('InvestigationSubject', 'Investigation for testing empty Investigation correspondent');
+    $agent->click("CreateWithInvestigation");
-is ($agent->status, 200, "Attempting to create new incident and investigation linked to child $ir");
+    is ($agent->status, 200, "Attempting to create new incident and investigation linked to child $ir");
-$agent->content_like(qr{<ul class="action-results">\s*<li>You must enter a correspondent for the investigation</li>\s*</ul>}, "RT did not allow an empty correspondent field");
+    $agent->content_like(qr{<ul class="action-results">\s*<li>You must enter a correspondent for the investigation</li>\s*</ul>}, "RT did not allow an empty correspondent field");
 # Okay, enough funny business. Now for some straightforward tests, how it should work
+    my ($inc_id, $inv_id) = create_incident_and_investigation($agent, 
+        {Subject => 'Incident for testing Incident-and-investigation-from-IR creation',
+        InvestigationSubject => 'Investigation for testing Incident-and-Investigation-from-IR creation', 
+        InvestigationRequestors => 'foo at example.com'}, {Classification => 'Spam', IP => ''},
+        $ir
+    );
+    # regression test
+    $agent->content_unlike(qr{<li>Custom field (\d+) does not apply to this object</li>}, "Custom field allowed");
+    my $inc = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    $inc->Load( $inc_id );
+    ok $inc->id, 'loaded incident';
+    is $inc->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_Classification'), 'Spam', 'CF value is in place';
+    is $inc->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_IP'), '', 'CF value is in place';
+    my $inv = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    $inv->Load( $inv_id );
+    ok $inv->id, 'loaded investigation';
+    is $inv->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_Classification'), undef, 'no classification CF for Invs';
+    is $inv->FirstCustomFieldValue('_RTIR_IP'), '', 'IP is here';
-	{Subject => 'Incident for testing Incident-and-investigation-from-IR creation',
-	InvestigationSubject => 'Investigation for testing Incident-and-Investigation-from-IR creation', 
-	InvestigationRequestors => 'foo at example.com'}, {Classification => 'Spam'}, $ir);
-$agent->content_unlike(qr{<li>Custom field (\d+) does not apply to this object</li>}, "Custom field allowed");

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