[Rt-commit] r8297 - rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/t/web

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Thu Jul 26 10:40:59 EDT 2007

Author: ruz
Date: Thu Jul 26 10:40:55 2007
New Revision: 8297


* add web tests for 'select one value' CFs,
** in particular we test that values are case insensetive and
   things work just fine if we set value with different case using
** as well we should check that 0(zero) is valid value, these tests

Added: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/t/web/cf_select_one.t
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/t/web/cf_select_one.t	Thu Jul 26 10:40:55 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 33;
+use RT::Test;
+my ($baseurl, $m) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+ok $m->login, 'logged in as root';
+my $cf_name = 'test select one value';
+my $cfid;
+diag "Create a CF" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Configuration' );
+    $m->title_is(q/RT Administration/, 'admin screen');
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Custom Fields' );
+    $m->title_is(q/Select a Custom Field/, 'admin-cf screen');
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'New custom field' );
+    $m->submit_form(
+        form_name => "ModifyCustomField",
+        fields => {
+            Name          => $cf_name,
+            TypeComposite => 'Select-1',
+            LookupType    => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
+        },
+    );
+    $m->content_like( qr/Object created/, 'created CF sucessfully' );
+    $cfid = $m->form_name('ModifyCustomField')->value('id');
+    ok $cfid, "found id of the CF in the form, it's #$cfid";
+diag "add 'qwe', 'ASD' and '0' as values to the CF" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    foreach my $value(qw(qwe ASD 0)) {
+        $m->submit_form(
+            form_name => "ModifyCustomField",
+            fields => {
+                "CustomField-". $cfid ."-Value-new-Name" => $value,
+            },
+            button => 'Update',
+        );
+        $m->content_like( qr/Object created/, 'added a value to the CF' ); # or diag $m->content;
+    }
+my $queue = RT::Test->load_or_create_queue( Name => 'General' );
+ok $queue && $queue->id, 'loaded or created queue';
+diag "apply the CF to General queue" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Queues' );
+    $m->title_is(q/Admin queues/, 'admin-queues screen');
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'General' );
+    $m->title_is(q/Editing Configuration for queue General/, 'admin-queue: general');
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Ticket Custom Fields' );
+    $m->title_is(q/Edit Custom Fields for General/, 'admin-queue: general cfid');
+    $m->form_name('EditCustomFields');
+    $m->field( "Object-". $queue->id ."-CF-$cfid" => 1 );
+    $m->submit;
+    $m->content_like( qr/Object created/, 'TCF added to the queue' );
+my $tid;
+diag "create a ticket using API with 'asd'(not 'ASD') as value of the CF"
+    if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    my ($txnid, $msg);
+    ($tid, $txnid, $msg) = $ticket->Create(
+        Subject => 'test',
+        Queue => $queue->id,
+        "CustomField-$cfid" => 'asd',
+    );
+    ok $tid, "created ticket";
+    diag $msg if $msg && $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    # we use lc as we really don't care about case
+    # so if we later we'll add canonicalization of value
+    # test should work
+    is lc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $cf_name ),
+       'asd', 'assigned value of the CF';
+diag "check that values of the CF are case insensetive(asd vs. ASD)"
+    if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    ok $m->goto_ticket( $tid ), "opened ticket's page";
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Custom Fields' );
+    $m->title_like(qr/Modify ticket/i, 'modify ticket');
+    $m->content_like(qr/\Q$cf_name/, 'CF on the page');
+    my $value = $m->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-$cfid-Values");
+    is lc $value, 'asd', 'correct value is selected';
+    $m->submit;
+    $m->content_unlike(qr/\Q$cf_name\E.*?changed/mi, 'field is not changed');
+    $value = $m->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-$cfid-Values");
+    is lc $value, 'asd', 'the same value is still selected';
+    my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    $ticket->Load( $tid );
+    ok $ticket->id, 'loaded the ticket';
+    is lc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $cf_name ),
+       'asd', 'value is still the same';
+diag "check that 0 is ok value of the CF"
+    if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+    ok $m->goto_ticket( $tid ), "opened ticket's page";
+    $m->follow_link( text => 'Custom Fields' );
+    $m->title_like(qr/Modify ticket/i, 'modify ticket');
+    $m->content_like(qr/\Q$cf_name/, 'CF on the page');
+    my $value = $m->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-$cfid-Values");
+    is lc $value, 'asd', 'correct value is selected';
+    $m->select("Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-$cfid-Values" => 0 );
+    $m->submit;
+    $m->content_like(qr/\Q$cf_name\E.*?changed/mi, 'field is changed');
+    $m->content_unlike(qr/0 is no longer a value for custom field/mi, 'no bad message in results');
+    $value = $m->form_number(3)->value("Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-$cfid-Values");
+    is lc $value, '0', 'new value is selected';
+    my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $RT::SystemUser );
+    $ticket->Load( $tid );
+    ok $ticket->id, 'loaded the ticket';
+    is lc $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue( $cf_name ),
+       '0', 'API returns correct value';

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