[Rt-commit] r7144 - in rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS: lib/RT

clkao at bestpractical.com clkao at bestpractical.com
Mon Mar 5 08:11:59 EST 2007

Author: clkao
Date: Mon Mar  5 08:11:55 2007
New Revision: 7144


Move create_db and insert_schema in rt-setup-database into RT::Handle.

Modified: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/lib/RT/Handle.pm
--- rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/lib/RT/Handle.pm	(original)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/lib/RT/Handle.pm	Mon Mar  5 08:11:55 2007
@@ -137,6 +137,162 @@
+# dealing with intial data
+sub create_db {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $dbh  = shift || $self->dbh;
+    my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+    my $db_name = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseName');
+    print "Creating $db_type database $db_name.\n";
+    if ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH ENCODING='UNICODE'");
+        if ( $DBI::errstr ) {
+            $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name") || die $DBI::errstr;
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $db_type eq 'Informix' ) {
+        $ENV{'DB_LOCALE'} = 'en_us.utf8';
+        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH BUFFERED LOG");
+    }
+    else {
+        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name") or die $DBI::errstr;
+    }
+=head2 insert_acl
+sub insert_acl {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $dbh  = shift || $self->dbh;
+    my $base_path = (shift || $RT::EtcPath);
+    my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+    return if $db_type eq 'SQLite';
+    # XXX: this is polluting acl()
+    do $base_path ."/acl.". $db_type
+        || die "Couldn't find ACLs for ". $db_type .": " . $@;
+    my @acl = acl($dbh);
+    foreach my $statement (@acl) {
+#        print STDERR $statement if $args{'debug'};
+        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
+        unless ( $sth->execute ) {
+            die "Problem with statement:\n $statement\n" . $sth->errstr;
+        }
+    }
+    print "Done setting up database ACLs.\n";
+=head2 insert_schema
+sub insert_schema {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $dbh  = shift || $self->dbh;
+    my $base_path = (shift || $RT::EtcPath);
+    my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+    my $file = get_version_file( $base_path . "/schema." . $db_type );
+    unless ( $file ) {
+        die "Couldn't find schema file in '$base_path' dir";
+    }
+    unless ( -f $file || -r $file ) {
+        die "File '$file' doesn't exist or couldn't be read";
+    }
+    my (@schema);
+    print "Creating database schema.\n";
+    open my $fh_schema, "<$file";
+    my $has_local = 0;
+    open my $fh_schema_local, "<" . get_version_file( $RT::LocalEtcPath . "/schema." . $db_type )
+        and $has_local = 1;
+    my $statement = "";
+    foreach my $line ( <$fh_schema>, ($_ = ';;'), $has_local? <$fh_schema_local>: () ) {
+        $line =~ s/\#.*//g;
+        $line =~ s/--.*//g;
+        $statement .= $line;
+        if ( $line =~ /;(\s*)$/ ) {
+            $statement =~ s/;(\s*)$//g;
+            push @schema, $statement;
+            $statement = "";
+        }
+    }
+    close $fh_schema; close $fh_schema_local;
+    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+    my $is_local = 0; # local/etc/schema needs to be nonfatal.
+    $dbh->begin_work or die $dbh->errstr;
+    foreach my $statement (@schema) {
+        if ( $statement =~ /^\s*;$/ ) { $is_local = 1; next; }
+#        print "Executing SQL:\n$statement\n" if defined $args{'debug'};
+        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
+        unless ( $sth->execute or $is_local ) {
+            die "Problem with statement:\n$statement\n" . $sth->errstr;
+        }
+    }
+    $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+    print "Done setting up database schema.\n";
+=head1 get_version_file
+Takes base name of the file as argument, scans for <base name>-<version> named
+files and returns file name with closest version to the version of the RT DB.
+sub get_version_file {
+    my $base_name = shift;
+    require File::Glob;
+    my @files = File::Glob::bsd_glob("$base_name*");
+    return '' unless @files;
+    my %version = map { $_ =~ /\.\w+-([-\w\.]+)$/; ($1||0) => $_ } @files;
+    my $db_version = $RT::Handle->DatabaseVersion;
+    print "Server version $db_version\n";
+    my $version;
+    foreach ( reverse sort cmp_version keys %version ) {
+        if ( cmp_version( $db_version, $_ ) >= 0 ) {
+            $version = $_;
+            last;
+        }
+    }
+    return defined $version? $version{ $version } : undef;
+sub cmp_version($$) {
+    my ($a, $b) = (@_);
+    my @a = split /[^0-9]+/, $a;
+    my @b = split /[^0-9]+/, $b;
+    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++ ) {
+        return 1 unless defined $b[$i];
+        return $a[$i] <=> $b[$i] if $a[$i] <=> $b[$i];
+    }
+    return 0 if @a == @b;
+    return -1;
 eval "require RT::Handle_Vendor";
 die $@ if ($@ && $@ !~ qr{^Can't locate RT/Handle_Vendor.pm});
 eval "require RT::Handle_Local";

Modified: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/sbin/rt-setup-database.in
--- rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/sbin/rt-setup-database.in	(original)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL-TUNIS/sbin/rt-setup-database.in	Mon Mar  5 08:11:55 2007
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     $dbh = get_system_dbh();
     print "Now creating a database for RT.\n";
     if ( $db_type ne 'Oracle' || $args{'dba'} ne $db_user ) {
-        create_db();
+        RT::Handle->create_db($dbh);
     } else {
         print "...skipped as ".$args{'dba'} ." is not " . $db_user ." or we're working with Oracle.\n";
@@ -120,10 +120,11 @@
             $dbh = get_rt_dbh( $args{'dba'}, $args{'dba-password'} );
+    RT->ConnectToDatabase;
     print "Now populating database schema.\n";
-    insert_schema();
+    $RT::Handle->insert_schema($dbh);
     print "Now inserting database ACLs\n";
-    insert_acl() unless $db_type eq 'Oracle';
+    $RT::Handle->insert_acl($dbh) unless $db_type eq 'Oracle';
     print "Now inserting RT core system objects\n";
     print "Now inserting RT data\n";
@@ -145,36 +146,13 @@
 elsif ( $args{'action'} eq 'schema' ) {
     $dbh = get_rt_dbh( $args{'dba'}, $args{'dba-password'} );
-    insert_schema($args{'datadir'});
+    $RT::Handle->insert_schema($dbh, $args{'datadir'});
 else {
     print STDERR "$0 called with an invalid --action parameter\n";
-sub create_db {
-    print "Creating $db_type database $db_name.\n";
-    if ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
-        return;
-    }
-    elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
-        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH ENCODING='UNICODE'");
-        if ( $DBI::errstr ) {
-            $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name") || die $DBI::errstr;
-        }
-    }
-    elsif ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
-        insert_acl();
-    }
-    elsif ( $db_type eq 'Informix' ) {
-        $ENV{'DB_LOCALE'} = 'en_us.utf8';
-        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name WITH BUFFERED LOG");
-    }
-    else {
-        $dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE $db_name") or die $DBI::errstr;
-    }
 sub drop_db {
     if ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
         print <<END;
@@ -200,7 +178,7 @@
     print "Dropping ". $db_type ." database ". $db_name .".\n";
     if ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
-        unlink $db_name or warn $!;
+        unlink $RT::VarPath.'/'.$db_name or warn $!;
     $dbh->do("DROP DATABASE ". $db_name) or warn $DBI::errstr;
@@ -208,78 +186,6 @@
-sub insert_acl {
-    my $base_path = (shift || $RT::EtcPath);
-    my $db_type = $db_type;
-    if ( $db_type eq 'SQLite' ) {
-        return;
-    } else {
-        do $base_path ."/acl.". $db_type
-            || die "Couldn't find ACLs for ". $db_type .": " . $@;
-    }
-    my @acl = acl($dbh);
-    foreach my $statement (@acl) {
-        print STDERR $statement if $args{'debug'};
-        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
-        unless ( $sth->execute ) {
-            die "Problem with statement:\n $statement\n" . $sth->errstr;
-        }
-    }
-    print "Done setting up database ACLs.\n";
-sub insert_schema {
-    my $base_path = (shift || $RT::EtcPath);
-    my $file = get_version_file( $base_path . "/schema." . $db_type );
-    unless ( $file ) {
-        die "Couldn't find schema file in '$base_path' dir";
-    }
-    unless ( -f $file || -r $file ) {
-        die "File '$file' doesn't exist or couldn't be read";
-    }
-    my (@schema);
-    print "Creating database schema.\n";
-    open my $fh_schema, "<$file";
-    my $has_local = 0;
-    open my $fh_schema_local, "<" . get_version_file( $RT::LocalEtcPath . "/schema." . $db_type )
-        and $has_local = 1;
-    my $statement = "";
-    foreach my $line ( <$fh_schema>, ($_ = ';;'), $has_local? <$fh_schema_local>: () ) {
-        $line =~ s/\#.*//g;
-        $line =~ s/--.*//g;
-        $statement .= $line;
-        if ( $line =~ /;(\s*)$/ ) {
-            $statement =~ s/;(\s*)$//g;
-            push @schema, $statement;
-            $statement = "";
-        }
-    }
-    close $fh_schema; close $fh_schema_local;
-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
-    my $is_local = 0; # local/etc/schema needs to be nonfatal.
-    $dbh->begin_work or die $dbh->errstr;
-    foreach my $statement (@schema) {
-        if ( $statement =~ /^\s*;$/ ) { $is_local = 1; next; }
-        print "Executing SQL:\n$statement\n" if defined $args{'debug'};
-        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
-        unless ( $sth->execute or $is_local ) {
-            die "Problem with statement:\n$statement\n" . $sth->errstr;
-        }
-    }
-    $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
-    print "Done setting up database schema.\n";
 sub insert_initial_data {
@@ -796,46 +702,6 @@
     return $rt_handle;
-=head1 get_version_file
-Takes base name of the file as argument, scans for <base name>-<version> named
-files and returns file name with closest version to the version of the RT DB.
-sub get_version_file {
-    my $base_name = shift;
-    require File::Glob;
-    my @files = File::Glob::bsd_glob("$base_name*");
-    return '' unless @files;
-    my %version = map { $_ =~ /\.\w+-([-\w\.]+)$/; ($1||0) => $_ } @files;
-    my $db_version = get_rt_handle_as_dba()->DatabaseVersion;
-    print "Server version $db_version\n";
-    my $version;
-    foreach ( reverse sort cmp_version keys %version ) {
-        if ( cmp_version( $db_version, $_ ) >= 0 ) {
-            $version = $_;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    return defined $version? $version{ $version } : undef;
-sub cmp_version($$) {
-    my ($a, $b) = (@_);
-    my @a = split /[^0-9]+/, $a;
-    my @b = split /[^0-9]+/, $b;
-    for ( my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++ ) {
-        return 1 unless defined $b[$i];
-        return $a[$i] <=> $b[$i] if $a[$i] <=> $b[$i];
-    }
-    return 0 if @a == @b;
-    return -1;
 =head2 ACLEquivGroupId
 Given a userid, return that user's acl equivalence group

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