[Rt-commit] r9027 - rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket
ruz at bestpractical.com
ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 12 18:30:56 EDT 2007
Author: ruz
Date: Wed Sep 12 18:30:56 2007
New Revision: 9027
* add selector on Create
Modified: rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Create.html
--- rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Create.html (original)
+++ rt/branches/3.7-EXPERIMENTAL/html/Ticket/Create.html Wed Sep 12 18:30:56 2007
@@ -57,6 +57,32 @@
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="id" value="new" />
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'FormStart', ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+% if ( @gnupg_keys_issues ) {
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('GnuPG issues') &>
+<% loc("You are going to encrypt outgoing email messages, but there is a problem(s) with recipients' public keys. You have to figure out problems with keys, disable sending a message to some recipients or disable encryption.") %>
+% foreach my $issue ( @gnupg_keys_issues ) {
+% if ( $issue->{'User'} ) {
+User <a href="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/Admin/Users/Modify.html?id=<% $issue->{'User'}->id %>"><&/Elements/ShowUser, User => $issue->{'User'} &></a> has a problem.
+% } else {
+There is a problem with key(s) for address <% $issue->{'EmailAddress'} %>, but there is no user in the DB for this address.
+% }
+<% $issue->{'Message'} %>
+<br />
+Select a key you want to use for encryption:
+<& /Elements/SelectKey,
+ Name => 'UseKey-'. $issue->{'EmailAddress'},
+ EmailAddress => $issue->{'EmailAddress'},
+ Default => ( $issue->{'User'}? $issue->{'User'}->PreferredKey : undef ),
+% }
+% }
<div id="Ticket-Create-basics">
<a name="basics"></a>
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Create a new ticket") &>
@@ -312,16 +338,34 @@
delete $session{'Attachments'};
+my $checks_failure = 0;
+my @gnupg_keys_issues;
+if ( !exists $ARGS{'AddMoreAttach'} && ($ARGS{'id'}||'') eq 'new' && $ARGS{'Encrypt'} ) {
+ my @recipients = $m->comp(
+ '/Ticket/Elements/PreviewScrips:GetRecipientsOnCreate',
+ );
+ RT::Crypt::GnuPG::UseKeyForEncryption(
+ map { (/^UseKey-(.*)$/)[0] => $ARGS{ $_ } }
+ grep $ARGS{$_} && /^UseKey-/,
+ keys %ARGS
+ );
+ my $status;
+ ($status, @gnupg_keys_issues) = RT::Crypt::GnuPG::CheckRecipients( @recipients );
+ $checks_failure = 1 unless $status;
-# }}}
if ((!exists $ARGS{'AddMoreAttach'}) and (defined($ARGS{'id'}) and $ARGS{'id'} eq 'new')) { # new ticket?
- if ($ValidCFs) {
+ if ( $ValidCFs && !$checks_failure ) {
$m->comp('Display.html', %ARGS);
$RT::Logger->crit("After display call; error is $@");
- else {
+ elsif ( !$ValidCFs ) {
# Invalid CFs
while (my $CF = $CFs->Next) {
my $msg = $m->notes('InvalidField-' . $CF->Id) or next;
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