[Rt-commit] r9094 - in rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL: docs
falcone at bestpractical.com
falcone at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 EDT 2007
Author: falcone
Date: Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 2007
New Revision: 9094
rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/ (props changed)
r24821 at ketch: falcone | 2007-09-19 17:13:15 -0400
* add placeholders to AdministrationTutorial
* add some intro text to Tutorial explaining Incidents/IRs etc
* change the index to use POD linking and rejigger contents
to start being grouped by the things that cover them.
* fix a few pod warnings and add a link to definitions
in Constituencies
Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/AdministrationTutorial.pod
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/AdministrationTutorial.pod (original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/AdministrationTutorial.pod Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 2007
@@ -1,9 +1,41 @@
+=head1 RTIR Administrative Tutorial
-=head2 Maintaining DB size, deleting entries
+=head2 Blocks Queue
+Discussed a little in Tutorial
+=head2 Custom Fields
+default values in Config
+We discuss IP in Tutorial
+=head2 Scrips
+RTIR specific scripts
+=head2 Templates
+RTIR specific templates
-During normal operation RT/RTIR don't delete data from the database.
-However, since RT 3.7 an extension has been integrated into RT that
-allow you to delete records in the DB. Its name is Shredder.
-You can find documentation for this extension in
-`perldoc lib/RT/Shredder.pm`.
+=head2 GnuPG Encryption
+Documented in RT L<RT::Crypt::GnuPG>
+GnuPG integration is now a feature of RT. Configuration
+can be done in your RT_SiteConfig.pm file and you can
+find extensive documentation by reading.
+=head2 Locking
+See the documentation for L<RT::Extension::TicketLocking>
+=head2 Aging
+See the documentation for L<RT::Extension::TicketAging>
+=head2 Maintaining DB size, deleting entries
+During normal operation RT/RTIR never deletes data from the database.
+Since RT 3.7 the RTx::Shredder extension has been integrated into
+RT. This extension can remove data such as Users or Tickets
+from the RT/RTIR system. You can find documentation for this
+extension in in L<RT::Shredder> by running `perldoc lib/RT/Shredder.pm`
Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Constituencies.pod
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Constituencies.pod (original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Constituencies.pod Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 2007
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
of handling several constituencies within the same instances of
-D.3.5.1. We MUST be able to define more than one constituency.
-D.3.5.2. We MUST be able to define Access Control Lists according to the constituency.
-D.3.5.3. We MUST preset the constituency according to mail traffic.
-D.3.5.4. RTIR MUST allow constituency inheritance of newly created tickets in any RTIR
-queue (incident report, incident, blocks, investigation)
+ D.3.5.1. We MUST be able to define more than one constituency.
+ D.3.5.2. We MUST be able to define Access Control Lists according to the constituency.
+ D.3.5.3. We MUST preset the constituency according to mail traffic.
+ D.3.5.4. RTIR MUST allow constituency inheritance of newly created tickets in any RTIR
+ queue (incident report, incident, blocks, investigation)
=head2 Definitions
@@ -99,13 +99,14 @@
An administrator can use the C<$_RTIR_Constituency_Propagation> config option to
choose RTIR's behaviour on constituency inheritance between linked tickets.
There are three algorithms at the moment: 'no', 'inherit' and 'reject'.
+These algorithms are defined in L</Changing the value>
=head3 Introduction
Before we start discussing algorithms in depth let's look at the primary ways of
setting and changing value of the 'Constituency' field:
+=over 4
=item Creating a new ticket without links.
@@ -147,9 +148,9 @@
This is the default algorithm. Any combinations are allowed. Users can link
tickets with different constituencies, changing the value of a ticket doesn't
-effect linked tickets. However, reasonable defaults are suggested. For example
-when user creates a new ticket from another one we select constituency of the
-latter ticket by default instead of using value from the config.
+affect linked tickets. However, reasonable defaults are suggested. For example
+when a user creates a new ticket from another one we select constituency of the
+latter ticket by default instead of using the default value from the config.
=head3 reject
Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Index.pod
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Index.pod (original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Index.pod Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 2007
@@ -1,81 +1,95 @@
-=head2 Create new IR via e-mail
+=head1 RTIR Documentation Index
-=item * Mailgate help: rt/bin/rt-mailgate --help
+RTIR's documentation can be found in POD form in the docs/
+subdirectory of your RTIR install. Some things may be documented
+with specific tools (such as rt-mailgate) or with RT's standard
+documentation. Other topics will be documented in
+the perl modules that comprise RTIR
-=head2 Create new IR via web-interface
+=head2 Email
+=head3 Create new IR via e-mail
+Mailgate help: rt/bin/rt-mailgate --help
-=head2 Reply from requestor on IR via e-mail
+=head3 Reply from requestor on IR via e-mail
-=head2 Reply IR via web-interface
+Mailgate help: rt/bin/rt-mailgate --help
-=head2 Comment IR via web-interface
+=head3 Encrypting Mail with GnuPG
-=head2 Merge IR
+See L<RT::Crypt::GnuPg> and L<AdministrationTutorial/GnuPG Encryption>
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Merging tickets')
+=head2 Creating
-=head2 Split IR
+These Actions work in the same manner as creating tickets in RT
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Splitting tickets')
+=over 4
-=head2 Reject IR
+=item Create new IR via web-interface
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Rejecting an IR')
+=item Create new Incident via web-interface
-=head3 Bulk Reject IR
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Rejecting an IR', subsection 'Rejecting many IRs at once (bulk reject)')
+=head3 Create new Incident from IR via 'Basics' section
+TODO: does this need further explanation or can it be lumped?
-=head2 Link IR with new Incident
+=head3 Create new block via web-interface
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking IRs to Incidents')
+L<Tutorial/'Creating a Block'>
-=head2 Link IR with existing Incident
+=head2 Managing Incident Responses
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking IRs to Incidents')
+=head3 Merge IR
-=head2 Resolve IR
+L<Tutorial/Merging Tickets>
-=head2 Reopen IR
+=head3 Split IR
-=head2 Create new Incident from IR via 'Basics' section
+L<Tutorial/'Splitting tickets'>
-=head2 Create new Incident via web-interface
+=head3 Reject IR
-=head2 Update Incident via e-mail
+L<Tutorial/'Rejecting an IR'>
-=head2 Comment Incident via web-interface
+=head3 Bulk Reject IR
-=head2 Reply Reporters Incident
+L<Tutorial/'Rejecting many IRs at once (bulk reject)'>
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Replying to an Incident', subsection 'Reply to Reporters')
-=head2 Reply All Incident
+=head3 Link IR with new Incident
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Replying to Incident', subsection 'Reply to All')
+L<Tutorial/'Linking IRs to Incidents'>
-=head2 Merge Incident
+=head3 Link IR with existing Incident
-=head2 Split Incident
+L<Tutorial/'Linking IRs to Incidents'>
+=head2 Reply Reporters Incident
+L<Tutorial/'Reply to Reporters'>
+=head2 Reply All Incident
+L<Tutorial/'Reply to All'>
=head2 Link Incident with new IR
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.')
+L<Tutorial/'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.'>
=head2 Link Incident with existing IR
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.')
+L<Tutorial/'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.'>
=head2 Link Incident with new Block
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.')
+L<Tutorial/'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.'>
=head2 Link Incident with existing Block
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Linking', subsection 'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.')
+L<Tutorial/'Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc.'>
=head2 Resolve Incident
@@ -83,53 +97,68 @@
=head2 Quick resolve Incident
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Resolution', subsection 'Quick Resolve')
+L<Tutorial/'Quick Resolve'>
=head2 Reopen Incident
=head2 Abandon Incident
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Abandoning incidents')
+L<Tutorial/'Abandoning incidents'>
=head3 Bulk Abandon Incidents
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Abandoning incidents', subsection 'Abandoning many incidents at once (bulk abandon)')
+L<Tutorial/'Abandoning incidents', subsection 'Abandoning many incidents at once (bulk abandon)'>
=head2 Launch Investigation
-=head2 Reply from correspondent on Investigation via e-mail
+=head2 Reply from correspondent on Blocks via e-mail
=head2 Correspond with Correspondent
-=head2 Comment on investigation via web-interface
+=head2 Comment Blocks via web-interface
-=head2 Merge Investigation
+=head2 Merge Blocks
-=head2 Split Investigation
+=head2 Split Blocks
-=head2 Resolve Investigation
+=head2 Remove Blocks
-=head2 Reopen Investigation
+=head2 Activate Blocks
-=head2 Steal Investigation
+=head2 Steal Blocks
-=head2 Create new block via web-interface
+=head2 Reply IR via web-interface
-=item * RTIR/docs/Tutorial.pod (Section 'Blocks', subsection 'Creating a Block')
+=head2 Comment IR via web-interface
-=head2 Reply from correspondent on Blocks via e-mail
+=head2 Reply from correspondent on Investigation via e-mail
=head2 Correspond with Correspondent
-=head2 Comment Blocks via web-interface
+=head2 Comment on investigation via web-interface
-=head2 Merge Blocks
+=head2 Resolve IR
-=head2 Split Blocks
+=head2 Reopen IR
-=head2 Remove Blocks
+=head2 Update Incident via e-mail
-=head2 Activate Blocks
+=head2 Comment Incident via web-interface
+=head2 Merge Investigation
+=head2 Split Investigation
+=head2 Resolve Investigation
+=head2 Reopen Investigation
+=head2 Steal Investigation
+=head2 Merge Incident
+=head2 Split Incident
-=head2 Steal Blocks
Modified: rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Tutorial.pod
--- rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Tutorial.pod (original)
+++ rtir/branches/2.3-EXPERIMENTAL/docs/Tutorial.pod Wed Sep 19 17:16:09 2007
@@ -1,5 +1,37 @@
=head1 RTIR Tutorial
+=head2 Incident Response Workflow
+RTIR automatically creates four RT queues for tracking incidents: Incident
+Reports, Incidents, Investigations and Blocks.
+=head3 Incident Reports
+Incident Reports where new reports appear. When a user sends email to the
+address you set up, RTIR automatically creates an Incident Report, and sets its
+due date according to your organization's SLA rules. New Incident Reports
+appear on the RTIR main page, ordered by due date.
+=head3 Incidents
+Once you've verified that a new incident report is valid, you can create a new
+Incident from it, or link the report to an existing incident. RTIR fills in
+relevant information from the Incident Report, so there's no need to
+cut-and-paste. If you receive multiple reports about the same issue, you can
+link all of these reports to the same parent Incident, to keep them together.
+=head3 Investigation
+From an existing incident, you can launch an Investigation to an outside party,
+asking them to look into and/or fix the problem. Once again, relevant
+information from the Incident is filled in when you create the new
+investigation, so there's no need to cut-and-paste.
+=head3 Blocks
+Blocks are used to track the blocks placed on the borders of the network. You
+can create them from an existing incident.
=head2 Operations with tickets
=head3 Merging tickets
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