[Rt-commit] r11928 - in rt/branches/3.8-TESTING: etc/upgrade

ruz at bestpractical.com ruz at bestpractical.com
Mon Apr 28 19:59:23 EDT 2008

Author: ruz
Date: Mon Apr 28 19:59:23 2008
New Revision: 11928

   rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl   (contents, props changed)

* add etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl instead of static
  list of commands
* update docs

Modified: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/UPGRADING.mysql
--- rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/UPGRADING.mysql	(original)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/UPGRADING.mysql	Mon Apr 28 19:59:23 2008
@@ -6,17 +6,25 @@
 versions. If you're installing new RT then you can skip this file, but if
 you're upgrading then you MUST follow instructions below.
-1) Backup RT database
+1) Backup RT database. It's really good to test that you can restore from
+   this backup.
 2) Follow instructions in the README file to the step 7)
 3) Apply changes described in the seven step, but only up to version 3.8.0.
 4) Apply mysql 4.0->4.1 schema changes. RT tarball has script
-etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1 that contain SQL queries to upgrade schema of
+etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl that generates SQL queries to upgrade schema of
 the DB. Run it:
-  mysql -u root -p rt3 < etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1
+    perl etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl > sql.queries
+5) Check sanity of sql queries or consult with your DBA
+6) Apply queries. Note that this step can take a while. May require additional
+   space on your hard drive comparable with size of your tables.
+    mysql -u root -p rt3 < sql.queries
 NOTE that 'rt3' is the default name of the RT DB, change it in the command above
 if you're using different name.
@@ -25,5 +33,11 @@
 DB from backup you made at step 1) and send report to the
 rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com mailing list.
-5) Return to the step 7 from README and apply other upgrade scripts and follow
+7) Return to the step 7 from README and apply other upgrade scripts and follow
 other steps.
+8) Test everything. The most important parts you have to test:
+* binary attachments, like docs, pdfs, images and other
+* binary custom fields
+* everything that may contain not ascii characters

Added: rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl
--- (empty file)
+++ rt/branches/3.8-TESTING/etc/upgrade/schema.mysql-4.0-4.1.pl	Mon Apr 28 19:59:23 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DBI;
+unless (@ARGV) {
+    print STDERR "usage: $0 db_name db_user db_password\n";
+    exit 1;
+# pretty correct support of charsets has been introduced in mysql 4.1
+# as RT doesn't use it may result in issues:
+# 1) data corruptions when default charset of mysql server has data restrictions like utf8
+# 2) wrong ordering (collations)
+# we have to define correct types for all columns. RT uses UTF-8, ascii and binary.
+# * ascii is subset of many mysql's charsets except may be one or two rare where some ascii
+#   characters replaced with local
+# * for many charsets mysql allows us to store any octets sequences even when those are
+#   invalid for this particula set, for example we can store UTF-8 data in latin1
+#   column and fetch it as UTF-8, however sorting will be wrong
+# here is tricky algorithm to change column to desired charset:
+# * text to binary convertion is pretty straight forward except that text types
+#   have length definitions in terms of characters and in some cases we must
+#   use longer binary types to satisfy space requirements
+# * binary to text is much easier as we know that there is ascii or UTF-8 then
+#   we just make convertion, also 32 chars are long enough to store 32 bytes, so
+#   length changes is not required
+# * text to text convertion is trickier. no matter what is the current character set
+#   of the column we know that there is either ascii or UTF-8, so we can not use
+#   direct convertion, instead we do text to binary plus binary to text convertion
+#   instead
+# * as well we add charset definition for all tables and for the DB as well,
+#   so all new columns by default will be in UTF-8 charset
+my @tables = qw(
+    ACL
+    Attachments
+    Attributes
+    CustomFields
+    CustomFieldValues
+    GroupMembers
+    Groups
+    Links
+    ObjectCustomFields
+    ObjectCustomFieldValues
+    Principals
+    Queues
+    ScripActions
+    ScripConditions
+    Scrips
+    sessions
+    Templates
+    Tickets
+    Transactions
+    Users
+my %charset = (
+    ACL                      => {
+        RightName     => 'ascii',
+        ObjectType    => 'ascii',
+        PrincipalType => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Attachments              => {
+        MessageId  => 'ascii',
+        Subject  => 'utf8',
+        Filename  => 'utf8',
+        ContentType  => 'ascii',
+        ContentEncoding  => 'ascii',
+        Content  => 'binary',
+        Headers  => 'utf8',
+    },
+    Attributes               => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        Content  => 'binary',
+        ContentType  => 'ascii',
+        ObjectType  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    CustomFields             => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+        Pattern  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        LookupType => 'ascii',
+    },
+    CustomFieldValues        => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+    },
+    Groups                   => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        Domain  => 'ascii',
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Links                    => {
+        Base  => 'ascii',
+        Target  => 'ascii',
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    ObjectCustomFieldValues  => {
+        ObjectType  => 'ascii',
+        Content  => 'utf8',
+        LargeContent  => 'binary',
+        ContentType  => 'ascii',
+        ContentEncoding  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Principals               => {
+        PrincipalType  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Queues                   => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        CorrespondAddress  => 'ascii',
+        CommentAddress  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    ScripActions             => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        ExecModule  => 'ascii',
+        Argument  => 'binary',
+    },
+    ScripConditions          => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        ExecModule  => 'ascii',
+        Argument  => 'binary',
+        ApplicableTransTypes  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Scrips                   => {
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        ConditionRules  => 'utf8',
+        ActionRules  => 'utf8',
+        CustomIsApplicableCode  => 'utf8',
+        CustomPrepareCode  => 'utf8',
+        CustomCommitCode  => 'utf8',
+        Stage  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    sessions                 => {
+        id         => 'binary', # ascii?
+        a_session  => 'binary',
+    },
+    Templates                => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Description  => 'utf8',
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+        Language  => 'ascii',
+        Content  => 'utf8',
+    },
+    Tickets                  => {
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+        Subject  => 'utf8',
+        Status  => 'ascii',
+    },
+    Transactions             => {
+        ObjectType  => 'ascii',
+        Type  => 'ascii',
+        Field  => 'ascii',
+        OldValue  => 'utf8',
+        NewValue  => 'utf8',
+        ReferenceType  => 'ascii',
+        Data  => 'utf8',
+    },
+    Users                    => {
+        Name  => 'utf8',
+        Password  => 'binary',
+        Comments  => 'utf8',
+        Signature  => 'utf8',
+        EmailAddress  => 'ascii',
+        FreeformContactInfo  => 'utf8',
+        Organization  => 'utf8',
+        RealName  => 'utf8',
+        NickName  => 'utf8',
+        Lang  => 'ascii',
+        EmailEncoding  => 'ascii',
+        WebEncoding  => 'ascii',
+        ExternalContactInfoId  => 'utf8',
+        ContactInfoSystem  => 'utf8',
+        ExternalAuthId  => 'utf8',
+        AuthSystem  => 'utf8',
+        Gecos  => 'utf8',
+        HomePhone  => 'utf8',
+        WorkPhone  => 'utf8',
+        MobilePhone  => 'utf8',
+        PagerPhone  => 'utf8',
+        Address1  => 'utf8',
+        Address2  => 'utf8',
+        City  => 'utf8',
+        State  => 'utf8',
+        Zip  => 'utf8',
+        Country  => 'utf8',
+        Timezone  => 'ascii',
+        PGPKey  => 'binary',
+    },
+my %max_type_length = (
+    char       => int 1<<8,
+    varchar    => int 1<<8,
+    tinytext   => int 1<<8,
+    mediumtext => int 1<<16,
+    text       => int 1<<24,
+    longtext   => int 1<<32,
+my @sql_commands;
+my ($db_name, $db_user, $db_pass) = (shift, shift, shift);
+my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db_name", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1 });
+push @sql_commands, qq{ALTER DATABASE $db_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8};
+convert_table($_) foreach @tables;
+print join "\n", @sql_commands, "";
+exit 0;
+sub convert_table {
+    my $table = shift;
+    push @sql_commands, qq{ALTER TABLE $table DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8};
+    my $sth = $dbh->column_info( undef, $db_name, $table, undef );
+    $sth->execute;
+    while ( my $info = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
+        convert_column(%$info);
+    }
+sub convert_column {
+    my %info = @_;
+    my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
+    my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
+    my $type = $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
+    return unless $type =~ /(CHAR|TEXT|BLOB|BINARY)$/i;
+    my $required_charset = $charset{$table}{$column};
+    unless ( $required_charset ) {
+        print STDERR join(".", @info{'TABLE_SCHEM', 'TABLE_NAME', 'COLUMN_NAME'})
+            ." has type $type however mapping is missing.\n";
+        return;
+    }
+    my $collation = column_info($table, $column)->{'collation'};
+    my $current_charset = $collation? (split /_/, $collation)[0]: 'binary';
+    return if $required_charset eq $current_charset;
+    if ( $required_charset eq 'binary' ) {
+        push @sql_commands, char_to_binary(%info);
+    }
+    elsif ( $current_charset eq 'binary' ) {
+        push @sql_commands, binary_to_char( $required_charset, %info);
+    } else {
+        push @sql_commands, char_to_char( $required_charset, %info);
+    }
+sub char_to_binary {
+    my %info = @_;
+    my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
+    my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
+    my $new_type = calc_suitable_binary_type(%info);
+    return "ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY $column ". $new_type ." ". build_column_definition(%info);
+sub binary_to_char {
+    my ($charset, %info) = @_;
+    my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
+    my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
+    my $new_type = lc $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
+    if ( $new_type =~ /binary/ ) {
+        $new_type =~ s/binary/char/;
+        $new_type .= '('. $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} .')';
+    } else {
+        $new_type =~ s/blob/text/;
+    }
+    return "ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY $column ". uc($new_type)
+        ." CHARACTER SET ". $charset
+        ." ". build_column_definition(%info);
+sub char_to_char {
+    my ($charset, %info) = @_;
+    my $table = $info{'TABLE_NAME'};
+    my $column = $info{'COLUMN_NAME'};
+    my $new_type = $info{'mysql_type_name'};
+    return char_to_binary(%info),
+        "ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY $column ". uc($new_type)
+            ." CHARACTER SET ". $charset
+            ." ". build_column_definition(%info);
+sub calc_suitable_binary_type {
+    my %info = @_;
+    my $type = lc $info{'TYPE_NAME'};
+    return 'LONGBLOB' if $type eq 'longtext';
+    my $current_max_byte_length = column_byte_length(@info{qw(TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME)}) || 0;
+    if ( $max_type_length{ $type } > $current_max_byte_length ) {
+        if ( $type eq 'varchar' || $type eq 'char' ) {
+            my $new_type = $type;
+            $new_type =~ s/char/binary/;
+            $new_type .= $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} >= $current_max_byte_length
+                ? '('. $info{'COLUMN_SIZE'} .')'
+                : '('. $current_max_byte_length .')';
+            return uc $new_type;
+        } else {
+            my $new_type = $type;
+            $new_type =~ s/text/blob/;
+            return uc $new_type;
+        }
+    } else {
+        my $new_type;
+        foreach ( sort { $max_type_length{$a} <=> $max_type_length{$b} } keys %max_type_length ) {
+            next if $max_type_length{ $_ } <= $current_max_byte_length;
+            $new_type = $_; last;
+        }
+        $new_type =~ s/text/blob/;
+        return uc $new_type;
+    }
+sub build_column_definition {
+    my %info = @_;
+    my $res = '';
+    $res .= 'NOT ' unless $info{'NULLABLE'};
+    $res .= 'NULL';
+    my $default = column_info(@info{qw(TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME)})->{default};
+    if ( defined $default ) {
+        $default = $dbh->quote($default);
+    } else {
+        $default = 'NULL';
+    }
+    $res .= ' DEFAULT '. $default;
+    $res .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT' if $info{'mysql_is_auto_increment'};
+    return $res;
+sub column_byte_length {
+    my ($table, $column) = @_;
+    return $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT MAX(LENGTH(". $dbh->quote($column) .")) FROM $table")->[0];
+sub column_info {
+    my ($table, $column) = @_;
+    # XXX: DBD::mysql doesn't provide this info, may be will do in 4.0007 if I'll write a patch
+    local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
+    return $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM $table LIKE " . $dbh->quote($column));

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